Leurre Juste | Capsule Aventure Chasse et Pêche | Doré au Drop Shot
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Channel: Leurre Juste
Views: 17,664
Rating: 4.8832116 out of 5
Keywords: touladi, sepaq, panoptix, downrigger, fish, fishing, tvshow, pourvoirie, aventure, expedition, canada, quebec, peche, technique, daniel, robitaille, leurre, conseil, gros, grosse, tv, tele, episode, emission, jig, cuillere, fil, troll, rigger, northern, monster, tips, trick, astuce, north, trout, truite, mouchetée, truite mouchetée, walleye, lac, lake, river, pike, brochet, bass, réserve, faunique, maskinongé, berkley, fenwick, garmin, williams, toyota, princecraft, ecotone, sportchief, abugarcia, livescope, nord, dore, poisson, grandsducs
Id: Ho34WqTXNTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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