LETTUCE - Halloween LIVE SET @ New Mountain AVL - Asheville, NC - 10/31/17
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Barry2theB
Views: 48,361
Rating: 4.8864775 out of 5
Keywords: Funk, James Brown, JB funk, Make it Funky, The Time, Lettucefunk, Lettuce funk, Funky Music, Funk music, stranger thingd, jam band, live for live music, Live music, asheville, Barry2theB, Lettuce Elevate, Lettuce 2018, Lettuce - Elevate, Everybody wants to rule the world, Lettuce Trapzoid, Lettuce Funk 2019
Id: zfGIaehVHC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 16sec (6016 seconds)
Published: Thu May 24 2018
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