Let's talk about LEGION

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[Music] [Music] hahaha [Laughter] let us pay homage to our new kings [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah hello everybody my name is mike pamela i'm honestly i'm tired of dying production because we have used it so many times on our youtube intro but welcome to our show is the first show um i'm title is let's talk about it so we'll be talking about films we'll be reviewing films um from the monsanton faith ministry and the film we're going to be reviewing is legion and i'm here with my folder and my questions which actually is the sheet of paper blank sheet of paper it's another script just i have to do it look like a true talk person i'm going to be having some tips from truth talkers to help us with this to make the show better because it's the first show but i'm here with my wonderful cast and amazing people i'm sure you can recognize them from the legion movie so i'm going to allow you to introduce yourself so starting from the same ladies go first also ladies first hi everyone my name is mudupilovatsubalu i play the role of ife english then i'm to all over charles at about i played the role of msaki and i'm joshua mike bamberley i played the role of fred a legion yes so um you forgive us this is our first show you of course you will see different um mistakes and mistakes here and there but still it's part of the process part of the growth so we're not talking about legion again my first question is yeah i don't have time for this area it's straight to the point what um was your what do you think when you read the script what was your concept was your what how did you feel when you read the script how did you feel so starting from start to play okay so um legion was my first um major movie i wanted to ask that that was your first time yes stage production before yes so many i've actually been in so many state dramas but legion was my first time on screen okay and it was kind of a bit challenging for me it was really really challenging for me yeah so getting the script i was very surprised i was very surprised that i was coming from mozart yes i wasn't expecting it i was very very surprised when i got a call from the um production manager and he told me that my name came up i was wow i didn't even know what to do where i was i wanted to really shout but i couldn't shout where i was i just yeah so i'm reading the script he actually blessed me he actually blessed me so well they were sorry let me trip you in there okay i don't say that god is amazing now you've never texted me before on instagram yeah you've never said anything like i just said that before like i want to i want to act i want to act i want to act i've done it like no i haven't but i went to mcdonald's the first time i would see you was the first day on set well that's the biggest thing so knows that the point is god has a way of breaking our people from even the fact that you are not known just be faithful doing your thing someone recommended your name and i didn't know you and i was like okay let's just let's get out so you don't know who is watching you when you will be recommended that's the point i'm trying to make yeah like you are just doing your thing somewhere in the secret and god just recommended you so pick up sorry for distracting okay this is the unusual talk show it's fine yeah so um reading the script there was a particular part of the script that really really struck according to me blessed me this court scene where the father of fred said made a statement afraid about him how that if god is leading you to the prison it means he's waiting for you to that really blessed me like so much how that god can really like show care and show love to you oh that you are not alone even in the prison right so he actually really really blessed me yes nice then brother i remember before the shooting of legion that's why i called you like two times i called it the first time he's taking me i went to call someone else i was like bro to the way the way the way then again i called you i was not told i was trying to call so i called you again mistakenly the second time what was going through your mind then the third time you got the script well someone was worked that role but he couldn't unfortunately so a day to the shoot a day to people and that was when we called you for that role were you scared apparently um you called me three times three times thank you yeah three times mistakenly now so what's going through your mind i was wrong for this project well it's it's just um i i knew that there might be so many to lose on your phone yes actually that's what happened silver at the same time calling someone mistakenly three times and i could pick that something is cooking up and it's right right and i remember that i you know my best friend is my wife so i i told her i said but i said that you know so but that's faithful that when you called me i wasn't thinking maybe it was going to be a mistake i thought as i know the first time when i called it the first time i said it's brought to you this time around it's not a mistake so i i wasn't thinking that way anyways so i as usual i was excited secondly uh most of the time like that when i get things like that either from mosaic or anywhere i give god the glory for us anyways because i know that there are many other people who could have fitted into those rules perfectly more than i do forgot to upload it in the heart of the producers or whoever i see it was a privilege right an opportunity my opportunity to save again no in that capacity so i always tell you those things so much yeah so um for joshua my backstory is joshua's rule now after when i was writing leisure it was so powerful i loved that character so much that i told myself i'm acting this room so i've prepared myself i've been like yes mentally yes i'm afraid i'm afraid i'm afraid then all of a sudden he got to the scene where i was doing the same i was reading the script again after when i finished writing then it got to the point where there is a deliverance and the court's name he was giving me the same vibe of abattoir i would act against someone that went to courts and i was like god am i going to take this role actually then god said no you're not going to take in israel then who is taking this role and the first person that came to my mind was joshua and immediately he came to my mind i was like no no no no god i reject her well because um over time you know one time you used to refuse to you as jay and george seriously commit this series he's been doing amazing people have been blessed by that too but the seriousness of fresh will i didn't want the comic part of you to influence that role in any way you know so um i'm saying my side of the story because you see come up with this side of the story so what the idea was that i was supposed to ask for and he was supposed to direct and you are telling someone like i like i know what you're doing but it's okay what is that boy when you when you talked about the movie titular john in august i mean around july then you said also joshua because i'll be acting you'll be directed and so kind of first it was like sort of compensation for what exactly i was loving the idea i mean because last time that i kind of directed apart from first i was ignition yeah then about the first season so just like upgrade that okay yes so all the time i like jumping around or said you say he's what let's do this legislate so i was i was really loving the idea but and then i hadn't read the scripts yeah so like a week to the time or less than a week yeah so it got to a point where i just knew this is not your role it's not everything you fall in love with that you act as a writer sometimes you know when god is telling you give it another person god i'm preparing someone else to act this better so i just knew god is preparing someone else to take that rope better so i just had to sacrifice that when i say god i'm going to direct and i called you that i said you are going to act major role he said okay yeah you're like oh yeah so you're going to ask me for my shooting next week yeah i'm pretending like i did here yeah so yeah of course we're directing this yeah like this was appreciated no no i mean i'm like oh okay all right had come to me to be like ah joshua we don't see you in front of the camera what's going on i'm like we are doing a lot behind the camera so so i have gotten used to hearing that and that means it was there when they were saying all that so at the point it was beginning to bother me that i hope i'm not trapping myself in this giant bubble such that they can't see me in any other character you know so when them set up their things i was like thank god this is the bursting of the bubble testimony so i came to the house and i said we're acting maybe we actually spread in this room and your reaction was on the first reaction i couldn't keep it again i couldn't hide my excitement i'm going to let you down i'm going to when you read the script and um what was going through your mind yeah because i hadn't even read the script yet all i knew were the things that were going to be involved in the movie said oh there will be there's going to be a possession of these i don't know even possessing they're like oh they're going to be realms you know so just try any identical piece that'll make it nice so i didn't have any until i read script i read the script in one city and then i got to be i was most excited that it went into being nervous this is a serious thing yeah it's a lot you'll be a young guy he'll be a mad person and you know i was like all these things he's going to unpossess like oh wow and from that moment i started getting nervous started praying ah this one is not just a regular character so i was nervous but i was like it's a picture of being nervous i'm surprised let me change your voice what's up with that why did you answer them so what happened was on the first or the first day of the first shot and then i was that was when we were shooting the phone coursing so when i started talking and then my voice was sounding so normal and i said like i said something like this please don't work do something to your voice yeah but and it's true because i hate myself trying to sound like a young boy but with this voice because for summer hey yeah i think it wasn't balanced at all yeah that was what's cool about that and you know it was challenging because god really helped you to be honest sometimes we have done the whole take like we have done you all take the earth knockout then go back and the reason is because the voice yeah forgot about the voice we have to go back again shoot you know but thank god for his grace even even after we finish shooting our way and we're done editing that's something there's some shots that i had my my voice i had to record the idiots voice again and play something when i look at you yes i see a young man that wants to make it at all course ah yes ma'am a young man that wants to be rich now now man now now you when you act like that yahoo the way you were acting was i see you was suspicious you know people yeah that's mistakes to young boys before he came ready you came back you got to a point i was like this is not to life thank god for the anointing is that any characteristic do you do anything on usual any research apparently when when i read through the script and i saw that i'll be taking such a rule for a while now i've lost touch with those guys though we see them we see them around sorry you know i still remember a few things even though i had to you know sit down and try and recollect you know how they behave how they how they talk you know they are kind of these being overconfident sometimes you know yes rude ruthless and all that just you know looking at people are safe they are nothing because they already have money so let's putting all that together and then of course by the end of the holy spirit because getting a scripture i don't know i think i've said it somewhere else and then i get a script like that they i first go back to god i pray a lot right on scripts that's the truth that's my own secret preparations anyways so i believe that the holy spirit also helped me yes that's that's good there's a scene that's to do it um you and joshua that fight that fight scenario without saying very interesting scene you know i i'm not telling you he's punching where please punch your breath this is not punched now you're punching the head you're punching the air punching where you know well you know the because i think we have several things to that thing before we're able to get it so first let's talk about the expense of that dude a friend of mine said this guy watches ufc that's choking i'm using the legs black and white television will remember okay i remember that every saturday night is always wrestling myself i might see your brother with so much love wrestling so much that you know my own character's name most times is wario and then you know is it that my brother plays orc organ or he plays the warrior or even undertaker and all of them like that it's not about wrestling now because it's been a very long time it was when those era went these android giants so this is kind of just the united states is but the beauty of it is the life of a german minister is a beautiful life you get to minister to different kinds of people we started the tales on the street minister to area boys minister to yahoo boys that's the word administration of the world the world administration of angular minister but the good thing about the word administration is that even from their life if god can use that the display things they do they are characters god can use that as an inspiration for a drama administration to reach other people out there because i told myself you definitely have people you have ministered to probably you have the old boys that you've talked to or people you've seen somewhere that you have so the language minister is a very very flexible life very very interesting life and that's that's why our calling is very very very very unique you know we get we can see someone on the streets we preach with the person they are good god probably god will be preparing you to ask that person's life in a drama to reach out to a very wide very wide audience you know so but now you guys are meeting yourself for the first time was he was that the first time you guys meeting or said or you guys knew i said that's that okay and you brought to me is that if this is the first time would that be the first time legion was that the first time you've seen yourself on set to an accident have you met him before then not one of them because you guys played the brother perfect yes um because we made it at russia sets but we never had any all right so let's talk about uh the message that stood out for you in the movie because i know one thing you learn can be learning for for the audience out there for people that they will learn something from this what what stood out for you in the film what parts let's start from brought to you what did you learn from that what caught your attention remember you came to me and told me that the job is a different female zone so what stood out for you as a learning message well so many things so many things but let me just speak this one now i remember that there was a time i was having challenges with my lines i want to talk about that that parenthesis because that we had to they had to bring when i was talking with um fred i wasn't looking at him i was looking at no um that that scene was very challenging number one for me number two was that at that point i was a bit black what's in does that do when after realizing that he has cubes so he's looking straight i was looking straight um yeah because um everything everything somehow want to i am centered around that particular scene for me hearing me saying things like i've done my part it's not time for you to do yours and he kept on reminding me that he's your sister you know i kind of relate with it because due to the kind of ministry that will assign drama i'm more into you know evangelism and all those things like so we we tend to meet them and i know if our last story that was near that of ninja yes he stays at that lla if i mention people online might know what i'm talking about and you know the reality of the assignment of the devil was more um how they put it now was was more clearer that he came to steal to kill and to destroy that's right and that there's nothing he gives a man that when he's coming back it gives you if he gives you one one plot of land is coming back for it 10 acres and that's how the devil operates you know i was seeing the reality of everything and right that thing was so much for me because i i think i was telling you that that that scene it was a safe i don't know i don't know how to explain it anyways that was why i wasn't picking those lines i was trying i knew that there was a force that was something so i had to pray through from inside because i knew that we were hitting we're hitting at the gate of the enemy we're taking the battle to their gates that's right so i see it more the spiritual warfare so the time that i'll be closing my eyes so many things were happening so i had to but i could not talk on set i could not tell anybody so that's that's for me one of the greatest lessons that the devil does not just give you anything it comes back that's right and because of course at the end of the day exactly lost his life and his sister also you know what would be the gain for their parents yeah so man all in one day yes only all in one day so so lee john is real he's he's so it's so really it's what is happening right what's your take on blessing that's great good one brought to you by okay for me um picking on um if his life entirely if he was this morally upright person she was cool she was nice she was someone you could relate with but there was something missing something that could have saved her saved her life she didn't have a relationship with god now imagine the the beautiful person she was with that spirituality very perfectly minister saved lives but she wasn't spiritual she didn't have a relationship with god so so my own lesson would be that there is nothing your niceness can fit into that space of god there is a vacuum in man only god can feel so you can just because you have a good heart then you always get bad things no jesus has to be in the equation to complete it so that was a very huge lesson for me the show for you there are so many lessons in the movie but the one that felt a bit unusual to me was the scene of titty and fred because there are a lot of us i said this in the radio interview that there are a lot of us who are in relationships and we are driven to do things and we feel oh this is the effect of the true love that we have the point where she wanted to go and see fred in a friend's house our own mind would think she she's fighting for love you'll fight for the one you love go for it go forward that was very it was it was very useful for me that this is actually the case of a lot of people who are in relationship and they feel oh this is this is what my heart is telling me and i'm going to go for it but don't listen to your heart listen to what god is saying if god is speaking to your parents but i listen to them because they they they are seen from a birthday from a different perspective you are probably there are many things that you don't know can be the scale in the eyes you know and yeah i mean you saw the gun the eyes cleared then she said she was actually i was actually yeah you know so that's what i i saw do you think i don't just get into a relationship you don't just be with people because your heart is filled definitely yeah this is it's what it is i'm feeling this for this person it's strong it's passionate you know going in because this is direction god is leading you right and if you are in a relationship and you know that so many signals are pointing towards the stream you have so many red flags so many signals don't don't say your heart is telling you this on that this is what god is saying this is all going to say through your parents through your spirituality and go for it okay please say i quickly want to also say this that i saw the place of being an intercessor right [Music] let's assume that um titties weren't praying for her since i needed to it wouldn't be that way at all at all so i wonder what would happen to you know ladies who doesn't have parents who intercede for them true always maybe pastors or whatever you know do not take to the minister of intercession no no that's so they thoroughly minister to me that even as as a father you have to stand in your place as a watcher you know over the family yes yes and i know because your ministry is supposed to your family they are speaking in that line too there are times when children will grow up and then they want to leave the house so we might say there isn't there's very little we can do to hold them down but when they are still young speaking of the lesson of fred and his father fred of course when we was because of some things happening family but there was a seed that we planted when he was young and that seed um it it spoke when it was time for it to speak i mean the father was talking to me in the dining and he says do you remember your scripture and it says with scripture what did we did we do any bible study when i was living on that you know he would have just been looking but he said that thing and immediately the boy responded even though he was already into the internet he still decided [Music] that thing actually it touched something in his heart you know and i feel like i mean if there was nothing from the dad's side and you and he maybe survived the whole thing and he went to jail the dad cannot go and tell him he's just waiting for you there he can't he can probably give it back what are you talking about you know but there was something in his heart already that's you know yeah yeah sorry i want to add something speaking of intercession yeah um i think i told you this while i was watching during religion with my family and then i want something my mom said about intercession how that the experience of freight was more terrible like than everyone's own because that space of that place of um intercession was not there for him he didn't have a mother who could intercede for him the waste and his mother stood up and then interceded for her so the place of intersection cannot be like overemphasized cannot be ruled out it's very very easy even for one as a person i'm a product of intercession because one could have gone that line right that's the truth well um i was a church boy but a point i was in and out of you know church who might be born again for like three months and then the whole year we are gone and our parent they don't know what we're doing that's the truth and let's talk about that because it happens a lot in church you know especially you know i passed those kids you know where everything looks like because you've seen you probably because you've seen the altar in the room you've seen the ups and downs of your parents you've seen everything about parents then there's nothing like that it's the pastor the pastor are preaching outside to the audience now the audience will feel the gravity of what the pastor is saying but most speaking students they feel like we know that he's my dad so they don't take the essence of what the pastors are saying so they get to indulge in a lot of things what was your testimony like how did god save you because i know you definitely died that was the story before the glory that's definitely what you've passed through all right great at um while i was growing up you know like i'm like i said earlier we're in an arrow being born again i was a chatbot as an instrumentalist and um we know all the christians language let me put it that way we know all the you know all the gymnastics everything and the scriptures and all that even though i thank god for all those experiences then because we were able to memorize all these children class thing then i don't know what was what helped when bro but where i was when was that my mom at the point i was stubborn there's no brother stubborn do you understand so um i knew that my mom never stopped praying she did not right she did not i mean i i can say this anyway she didn't stop praying now i'm using myself as a as an example and as an example not until november 20 2013 when i had an encounter i've been having encounters but you know the cares of life and so many other things you know but that's fateful day november 20th 2013 i had an encounter i knew that this could be as a result of you know prayer has been raised you know for me now the encounter wasn't that somebody preached or something i was just in my room in my house and then i saw just briefly in the evening i saw my life i saw where god wanted to take me to and then i saw where i would be if i don't follow that line and i remember that because i keep telling people it's not this is not the first platform that okay because most times then i even preach i use myself as an example for people i remember that i went into the night i mean into late i mean maybe around 2 a.m or whatever i was sleeping since that time around 7 00 p.m till that time and then i released everything and i was on a heart piece and i was able to sleep right and that was the beginning of the transformation praise god so i'm saying that some parents might pray a bit and because they are not seeing the result they might really need yeah but for the case of titties i said the result was almost immediate but there are so many and then i i also would quickly say this because of reviews anyways that i was putting something together is it my diary in my back here yeah it was a confession of a young boy it was somehow relating to libya other side putting it together because he told me everything so i started writing it down everything one of the things that he told me was that that they they hunt for um for girls in the church yes he said he said that the words outside the ones that you know that google girls are not that they don't really that they just use them you know to just pass them but the people that they really wants the the the people that they're really after wow are the church girls they the ones that are not putting on hearing them he said i would be surprised that if he tells me what so many of them even in school fellowships and all that they are doing that behind the back that they are nowhere near until they won't even wear trousers but they know how they come and service that and do one man of things you know but he was telling me that the reasons why they do that is because most of the google girls are empty but this ones are fresh wow and that it is it is a empties they are they even have associations you know yes and they tend to aside from using those girls you know so i'm as well and all that they tend to also they are on he said did i notice that there is this there is an increasing many of you know that the house that have been an ordinary abuser it's not getting that this one is offroad or whatever this one is something else i don't know if i can talk on here that way but the ones that are doing right now something else they are they also evangelizing preaching their own gospel yes by recruiting all these universe all those teenagers young teens recruiting those guys you almost they start mentoring them so in fact that confession is so much i i was putting this together he said if i can write it i should please right now as you probably should in fact if i should put if i want to put this there you put his name you know understand because he was so broken you know and all that when he reached out to me to tell me two starting point from what you just said that is power intercession like what we do is power is a part of parental intercession that made us not because for every pastor's child there is a big destiny a huge destiny in fact the mantle of god what god expects from that child that is going to far supersede the greater than the parents i imagine the anointing of the parents like my imagine double of that noise not a child's life and satan is afraid of that anointing because he knows that when that child makes it without anointing that level of anointing it's going to be explosive and he's angry he's scared of that explosion so there is no person's child that won't go through attack yes sir there's no possible i'm good there's no minister's child i don't go through one form of temptation if you see a musician is quiet gentle and always also be praying for that guy because you don't know what that guy is passing through he's passing through something he may not be violent but it could be his heart is that that might be attached like something you know his moralities that are something that's always an attack but that's where the parents standing and you know praying for them interceding i know my parents will always see those um prayer mom miss devotion my prayer my mom's devotion oh jesus my mom is devotional answer i can take i mean sometimes because sometimes he gets to one hour sometimes one day dusha was rushing out somewhere and they made me ask meeting at this time that for saying that alone that i've been meeting at this time that's another devotional taking time you don't know you're supposed to be in god's place every morning before you go out from eating you are taking god that's another 45 minutes of preaching on why you should take time in god's presence so many times because of that no matter how hurry you are to get out of the house just just be scratching yourself don't say anything because if you say anything that would go to another two hours of me so reward my parents may explain my mom every morning devotion every morning preaching prayers upon prayers around prayers we could have missed it too it's the grace of god that keeps us standing now and there are so many people who have missed my prayer for everyone out there you know who are going through challenges with their moral life especially pastors children who have messed up in several ways that the lord will pick you up in the mighty name of jesus just like brother encounter jesus christ my prayer for you out there is that you will encounter jesus because truth is just future in christ there is sweetness in jesus so you need to personally encounter jesus and so for some personal students they are banking on the spirituality and the religion of their appearance instead of having the understanding of god for themselves and that is where the message comes in because if you don't know god for yourself the enemy will attack that knowledge and so you won't be able to stand you'll be able to stand against the devil and say it is written because you don't have another revelation of what is written so that is why it's very important to have a depth of god you know for yourself you should have been asked about what you learned yeah so for me as the right time i've been blessed to see these angles different angles from you guys from bottom from duper from joshua amazing angles because it was is one thing if everyone are inspired by the holy spirit right in one direction you may break in this direction but you don't know the spillovers of that direction so it switches to different audience they get to see things from another angle that giving you yourself are nothing for me so what happened was for me this is the last thing for me now was after writing the scripts religion i released that shot there was something i didn't even look into causation so after the movie was released people are like ah how come life imprisonment what did he do now did you have that criticism too yes they sent you that message yes they're afraid just you self defense now self defense self defense so i got to the point i got worried that man you got somebody actually attacked me the guy writer calm down now he's just safe defense you know that kind of comments then i go away that god did i like the right thing what is wrong and god said i went to i went to i was really worried and god just told me that there is nothing good that was a mistake it's intentional what i'm trying to pass across by making it life imprisonment is a metaphoric and the glorical illustration that means that there's some sins that you commit that they go with you for life but if you encounter me even in that life imprisonment i will take glory in it because fred had life imprisonment right he encountered he was thrown into prison but even in that prison god was waiting for him today so there are some mess that's why we have to be very careful because there are some mess-ups that you have some mistakes that you commit that will go with you for life that the scars will be there for like will god forgive you just forgiving you completely as if we study he has restored you completely but there are some scars that will be there for life so that life imprisonment actually means that look that thing will go with threat for life but even in that i will glorify myself through his life you know so that's the lesson they take home blessing for me you said a lot of things and do you who has do you have final words the other question for you joshua when i thought to cut your hair why are you hanging with me i said josh i'm telling your mother you cut your hair you said no i'm not gonna roof i don't know what david was trying to do he was trying to scare me dude i'm ready [Music] shooting i always rap child so the first level i thought this is just i literally truly talked about myself like during like i thought what am i doing i mean if i trim it low right i don't really like it director will be happy then what was the sign of sacrificing the whole thing how's that all that i was going for i said clearly things are he was like so there was someone like uh i kind of felt good yeah funny enough i felt good after cutting that you should add that okay because how many questions you would ask yourself is that you can't sacrifice your hair for for god's work is your hair more important than god's work is your looks more important than god that people have skinned their hair so you know i want to be a drama minister how do i tell people what can you sacrifice for god sorry well you know so i go to him and damn his daughter before she did not recognize me she heard my voice she was coming so my face i was thinking would be like yes that we are she didn't like it but as it kept growing and i was thinking of it now she likes yeah so uh let's talk about the final words to the people out there what you want to tell them so starting from latest first of course okay so my final what would be that um your relationship with god knowing god for yourself is very very essential very very like all said knowing god for yourself is very essential you can't bank on your parents spirituality you can bank on your pastors words alone you have to know god for yourself it's very essential it can be ruled out that's that's a major lesson for me that's what i want to do thank you thank you all right mine is that the mark of the true general are the number of scars his body bears so no matter how bad it it must have been before or mata whatever you are doing this restoration park and still can be glorified so that's just my word that is my word the fact that you have so many scars or something that um god is not being glorified exactly so don't let because the devil can use you can there is deceptive and uses that to destroy a lot of people and bring down bring down their hope that look without this cause nothing can come out of your life something we can still come out of your life you know prepare as long as you surrender it completely to jesus just like expected fred has reached the end just give everything up to jesus and those guys can also be point it can be a pointer to where god wants you to you know to serve him yeah because yeah it's like isis says that your mess can be a message to thousands of exercises there's a scripture coming to mind this part of romance ether says god causes all things to work together so god can turn that situation around and you can use that situation right to still bless people right right great great joshua i mean yes say say something yes uh for for me uh apart from the movie itself the whole experience i've learned a lot from this whole experience how god can bring out something from what seems to be a very using the experience of this movie making this movie we we did this all this in two weeks two and a half weeks in five days and if if someone had said this at the time you said we are releasing this thing um august 11 or something yeah i mean i was just i didn't want to discourage you because of what happened pay me i don't want to be like damn let's be realistic it takes this number of time to to shoot okay fine six seven days i'll be post production does not take just one you know i but i don't want to say all that i need to keep your feet up when we now get to that point i'll be like actually was it possible what but i just felt okay damn he said okay let's keep going so after shooting then we had like two three four days um i called meals to the uk music i wanted to do this together we had uh two helps on ground uh francis and festus and then when we now started the post-production of monday tuesday it was all back-to-back monday i now i saw speed um i saw usual speed that's right and i know this is not the norm right it is not what is it it's not enough that it takes one year doesn't work i saw grace of god in everything and on the last day when we were to drop it again i now saw i saw the devil trying to hold back trying to hold back i was like god this coming baby all over again you know yeah we just told people have to follow notice now after all the publicity of religion who turn into fun no no no not again i saw speed i saw grace i saw that god can if god wants to use anything at any point time at any deadline if god wants to achieve that thing through you god can do it right but our mouth our faith determines a lot and our faith determines a lot so i just give god glory for this experience and also for the opportunity to be able to act you know of course but the opportunity to be able to act is what i'm also grateful for because a few weeks before the time i did coming did you see yourself coming live did you use yourself tonight i mean so it's like every every country meals evil now okay my word the second sound producer for the movie legion i'm sure you didn't see it coming i was gonna call it that let's do this song together boom we're hearing afro beats in legion movies so i mean all those so many people in this movie are surprised at what would have been to achieve so that's my testimony and my lesson the whole experience yeah it takes it takes uh more than one person to um give back to a vision for legion of course thank you for the cast and the crew almost especially thank god for the people behind the camera i'm talking i've tried to mention some of their names i hope i remember all of them which is difficult but okay let's start from um to bermuda as the director as the camera one bro probably as the camera sue um java i depot you as a sound man and he did amazing stuff he's looking at me now but he did amazing sound um thomasi um i'm boba d somewhere as a set designer those guys are amazing um of course our bigger one has evangelist studio as a production manager then his wife in fact let's update his wife testimony we didn't want to use things there was supposed to tint my hair with the actual die but i had administrations the day after shooting so she was like let's dye your hair cause you you go you really start with brown hair yeah so she used i don't know what she foundation and then she wrote down she is one of the most creative and they give her talk time was said because everybody i'm always on her neck always watching she's i think she's the only female crew that we had apart from the wealthy i think she's only from your crew so she's like the only lady amongst men and she's so amazing you know once again we have on set let's try and remember and blessed are the lights yeah so amazing people so it takes more than one person you know to make make a vision that's why it's good to have a team of believers who believe in your vision and we'll see the possibility of faith because if it's up we are going to listen through 22 weeks and people you are working with and they don't see the faith that you have that's going to be an issue so you need to work with people believers who have the same faith with you who can push the vision with you and wherever they are god will bless them in jesus name so if people have given their final words and um we have come to the end of this wonderful show let's talk about legion probably the next show will be let's talk about baby at the jury season five that will be coming out on december or another next zion film but it's been amazing talking to you guys you guys are amazing you've made this less stressful for me you've made this stress less stress for me i swear for that apart from disheartening you know what you've made is less stressful thank you so much for your time for the people behind the camera i say thank you audience to you next time it might not be next week but next time god bless you take care of yourself bye [Music] you
Channel: Damilola Mike-Bamiloye
Views: 29,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Y3KChv25PHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 19sec (3079 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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