Let's Talk About Estradiol

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this is a great question and thanks for asking and you're a vagina coach that's pretty intriguing so the human body makes three types of estrogen estradiol which is created in the ovaries estrone which is created from the peripheral conversion of testosterone to estrogen in our fat cells and estriol which is created in pregnancy a lot of the compounded bioidenticals will use a combination of these three where the fda approved medications will only use estradiol as their body identical hormone there's no study to prove that taking a pregnancy hormone or a fat conversion hormone is any safer or more effective than the others they're also a lot more expensive than the traditional fda prescriptions so i don't use them you ask if it's my belief i don't use my personal beliefs to prescribe medication i use data facts and science
Channel: Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Views: 101,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: estradiol, obgyn, q&a, the galveston diet, women's health, perimenopause, menopause, supplements, medication
Id: -yBzLkCznIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 45sec (45 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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