Let's talk about ADHD

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hi we want to be - and we're gonna tell you a bit about it hey dude she stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder know that anyone can have ADHD even adults about 1 in 20 children have ADHD which is more than one in every class so many new family may even have it - if you have ADHD you might feel like you have a lot more energy than others find it hard to pay attention get distracted easily find a hard to sit still or not sure how to interrupt of us lots of people feel like this sometimes this gets in the way of doin important things like in school with home and some chips this kind sometimes get them into trouble more than others not everyone with ADHD has the same difficulties ADHD can appear in different ways at different times for different people that's why sometimes hard to tell who has it some people may also have difficulties with reading spelling or being clumsy so may have difficulties communicating with people who have big emotions some of us like feeling more worried sad or angry scientists our founder the brains of people with ADHD can work in a special way including parts of the brain that's helped with things like attention stop in and wake them before doing things and organizing thoughts or actions for me ADHD feels like you were watching TV listening to music and talking to someone all at the same time it's really hard to know what to pay attention to a special doctor can tell if you have ADHD they will speak to you your family and your teachers to find out more about you and think very carefully before decided if somebody has ADHD or not they will also talk about the type of help you might need knowing that you have ADHD can help you and others understand you better you might need help with things that you find hard and that's okay it's important to find out what these are and talk to your family teacher or doctor about it there are some things that you might be able to do to help yourself with support of your family and teachers for example taking breaks or having a chart of what you need to do can help some people even well trying to get a good night's sleep and getting regular exercise is important to some children with ADHD you've Madison to help with their difficulties and some do not everything nothing works all the time suspense to find things that suit you and that you enjoy too scientists don't know what exactly causes a to yet but they know that it's complicated the lots of different things acting together including genes but your instruction manuals and our bodies I helped make us who we are and the environment which are the different things that happen to us in our lives although it's tummy hard sometimes there are some good things about ADHD it doesn't stop people from achieving their dreams and being successful lots of famous people like some athletes and actors have ADHD too in fact ADHD helps me have amazing ideas and one of the funniest kids in school I have lots more energy than others I have fun and everything I do I can think of more questions to ask teachers than any other person in my class ADHD is just one part of who you are and it's okay to have ADHD find out more about ADHD by going to NC n h dot info for slash ADHD
Channel: NCMH (National Centre for Mental Health)
Views: 454,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adhd, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, cardiff, adhd research
Id: YeamHE6Kank
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 12sec (252 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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