Let's Sign It | Common ASL Phrases Vol. 2 | Jack Hartmann

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Let's Sign it Let's Sign It, it's fun to do Let's Sign it It can help you too Let's Sign it Let's learn how Let's Sign it We'll show you now Ready, let's learn These are the words Where's the bathroom? And this is how you sign it Where's the bathroom? These are the words I feel happy. And this is how you sign it I feel happy. These are the words  Let's be friends. And this is how you sign it Let's be friends. This is the word Welcome And this is how you sign it Welcome   Let's Sign It, it's fun to do Let's Sign it It can help you too Let's Sign it Let's learn how Let's Sign it We'll show you now These are the words Good day And this is how you sign it Good day These are the words Good night. And this is how you sign it Good night. This is the word Yes. And this is how you sign it Yes. These are the words Let's play. And this is how you sign it Let's play. Let's Sign It, it's fun to do  Let's Sign it It can help you too Let's Sign it Let's learn how Let's Sign it We'll show you now
Channel: Jack Hartmann Kids Music Channel
Views: 91,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's Sign It, Jack hartmann sighn language, Let's sign it Jack Hartmann, american sign language, asl, jack hartmann sign language, asl lesson, common asl signs, asl phrases, learn american sign language, asl for beginners, learn asl, asl for kids, asl lessons, asl songs, asl basics, american sign language for kids, sign language, learn sign language, asl signs, american sign language for beginners, asl beginner, Let's Sign it volume 2
Id: M7eCQxAerAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 44sec (164 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 14 2022
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