LETS SAVE THE CAPYBARA! πŸ›Ÿ | Cutest Animals | Leo the Wildlife Ranger | Kids Cartoons

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[Music] guys [Music] look oh no the snake no no no no no no no it's going to eat our friend I can't [Music] watch a diam guinea pig it's trapped hang in there we'll get this off you in no time just a little bit more and you're free a it's a friendly giant guinea pig it is friendly but what is it really well let's find out I've just sent you its photo Katie can you check it out let's see oh it's a c Bar happy baras are the largest rodents in the world they're closely related to guinea pigs Cy baras are social animals and are frequently seen hanging out with other animals no wonder it's so friendly they're also semiaquatic which means that they live both on land and in water they tend to spend a lot of time near rivers or lakes well we better get back to patrolling the forest for fires bye cppy Bara bye buddy bye-bye see you later oh hello again I think it likes you po really oh can you come along with us Leo please please pretty please sure po we could drop it off at a river along the way yay come on buddy time to go swimming it doesn't want to go H we just need to give it a reason to oh oh I know I know a ball what's the ball for it's for the Capi if I throw the ball into the river maybe it'll jump into it to chase after the ball I guess we could give it a shot come on buddy get that ball hero huh huh R Rock hello Junior Rangers what are you doing in the river Ranger Rocky oh I've been removing fishing wires animals could really hurt themselves by getting tangled up in these oh hello there caparas are strong swimmers their toes are partially webbed for paddling their small eyes nose and ears are located high on their heads so they can easy easily keep their faces above water this helps the capibara stay alert smoke uhoh it's a forest fire oh no everyone stay calm I'll put out the fire hang tight Junior Rangers be careful Ranger Rocky we have to get the animals across the river to safety let's get all of them into platypus one sounds like a blend good idea huh where's the cppy bar oh there it [Music] is there's more smoke now we better hurry everyone in oh we'll come back for you later promise Junior Rangers to the rescue platypus 1 activate and away we [Music] go guys look look us helping us awesome thanks buddy oh no fast Leo the smoke is almost at the river okay hang on wo let's get the rest of the animals okay Roger back a are you here to help us again guys there's something stay in the water what is it it looks like a snake oh no it's trapped in fishing wire hero let's use our Grabbers to untangle the wire Kitty Take the Wheel got it jetpack [Music] activate almost it's stuck look the cppy B is here to help huh but shouldn't the cppy bar be afraid of the snake it's biting Through the Wire yay thereare well snake thanks buddy you saved it guys [Music] look oh no the snake no no no no no no no it's going to eat our friend I can't watch it's okay Koo [Music] look it looks like the cidara has made a new friend a we made it now let's get these animals out of platypus one Roger that Roger [Music] that off you go bye [Music] run little tortoises run faster guys look the smoke is almost gone Ranger Rocky must have put the fire out oh Ranger Rocky are you all right I sure am Leo all clear the fire is out good job Junior Rangers yay we did it good job Ranger Rocky what's that smell and I don't mean the flowers Katie it's coming from over there PE you we're definitely getting closer it's hero stay hero good boy when was the last time hero had a bath I think it was H um oops I don't remember come on hero it's bath time hero come back you need a bath oh hi Junior Ranger Kai what's new hi Leo I'm updating my smell collection I've been collecting different smells of animals and plants to use as smell bombs wow sounds awesome it is I'd like to add the smell of a red pant hand up to my collection we'd be glad to help cool beans thanks Leo Ranger out Ranger out Hero's bath will have to wait Katie Kai needs our help to find red pandas for his smell collection red pandas I'm sure the computer will give us more information red panda here it is even though they're called red pandas they don't look anything like pandas well both pandas share similar names and eat lots of bamboo they're not closely related to each other does it say where we can find them red pandas can be found in the Eastern Himalayan forests they spend most of their time in trees I'll tell Kai about what we found hi Leo did you guys find anything we sure did Red Pandas can be found in the Trees of the Eastern Himalayan forest and they eat bamboo so we'll have to search for a forest with lots of them great I'll narrow down the search and send you a location Ranger out Ranger out hi hi hi guys this is the perfect spot to begin our search there's bamboo everywhere ew what's that smell uh hero hasn't had a bath in a while well it's a very strong smell I've never smelled anything like it speaking of smells we should really begin our search for the red pandas of course red pandas but what now which way should we go do you guys hear that is that a red panda Ranger Rocky hello Junior Rangers what are you doing here we're helping Kai look for red panda so he can collect their smell but we don't know where to start like skunks red pandas release a strong smell to drive others away when they are afraid I believe that's the stink Kai is looking for red pandas also use their smell to mark their territories they leave a smell behind to inform others that the area belongs to them good idea hero we can trace a red panda by the smell it leaves behind I'll use my smell detection Vision to find the red pandas the smell detection Vision detects the chemicals present in different animal smells right now it's searching for the red pandas got it over there guys bye Ranger Rocky the smell is strongest here it's a red panda Co beans time to get it stink it's headed this way [Music] oh man it's your new smell bomb and earthworm I already have that one I just want the red panda stink what if we tried getting closer to it jetpack activate hey wait for me hover boots activate it's just sleeping how can we get it to release its stink Ranger Rocky did mention that the red pandas released their strong smell when they're afraid hero it's not right to frighten the red panda like that but do you smell that it worked that's the smell I'm looking for be careful Kai yes the red panda stink has been successfully added to my collection ah stay away there's nothing for you in my backpack oh no Katie is in trouble what are those animals up to no worries the red panda stink would Ward them off one red panda smell bomb coming right up what's going on Kai where's the smell bomb it's not shooting I don't understand there's nothing wrong with my smell bomb I'll take that hang tight Katie and hold your breath yay we did it mission accomplished hero hero is this thing loud enough hero there you are Leo I could hear you all the way across the garden really oops sorry Katie huh what do you I forgive you oh hi Junior Ranger Kai what's up Leo I really need your help I lost patches calm down Kai who's patches patches is my sister's B rabbit I brought patches to Rabbit Island to play Rabbit Island yeah it's an Island full of rabbits full of rabbits that sounds fun it was fun until I lost patches I can't find find her anywhere don't worry Kai the junior Wildlife Rangers are here to help we'll be right over thanks guys see you on Rabbit Island Ranger out Rabbit Island is a small island just off the coast of Japan there are hundreds of rabbits on the island and it is a popular tourist destination how did so many rabbits end up on one small island it is said that all the rabbits came from a small group of rabbits it's brought there by some children oh no it also says that cats and dogs are not allowed on the island oh dogs are not allowed sorry hero you can't come with us this time look at all the rabbits I'm in heaven they're so cute can I take you home hi guys thanks for hopping by anytime Kai my sister is going to be so mad if I don't find Patches do you have a picture of her I sure do here I see patches is a white rabbit with black patches around her eyes but patches is special there's a patch of fur that's shaped like a heart near her tail H there are loads of white rabbits with black patches here it's going to be difficult to spot a heart I was hoping hero could help sniff her out hero you're not supposed to be here a I can't say no to that I guess you really want to join us I don't know Leo dogs are not allowed please we need Hero's help fine but you'll have to be on your best behavior hero and you'll have to wear a disguise guys how about some rabbit ears awesome here hero do you smell patches anywhere wait for us [Music] hero uh I think hero is a little [Music] distracted no hero stay it's no wonder dogs are not allowed on the island how are we going going to look for patches now we can simply use my x-ray vision to see what's happening underground great idea what do you see Kai I see lots of rabbits let's find some food to lure the rabbits out or we can use a carrot smell bomb it's going to smell like carrots everywhere the rabbits are going to love it one carrot smell bomb coming right up [Music] it's working but we're back to square one with all the rabbits around it's impossible to find Patches H does patches respond to anything special well oh oh patch just falls asleep when my sister sings her a bedtime lullabi so if someone sings a lullab and a rabbit falls asleep we'll know that's patches but how are we going to sing to all the rabbits on the island with this of course great idea Leo we should be able to spot a sleeping rabbit from here ready Kai patches patches go to sleep no more carots time to sleep huh something's wrong none of the rabbits are falling asleep let me try patches patches go to sleep no more carrots time to sleep nope no sleeping rabbit either are we doing something wrong what if it has to be a girl's voice me all right for patches patches patches go to sleep no more carrots time to sleep the rabbits are running away was my singing that bad look there's a rabbit [Music] asleep White Rabbit black patches around his eyes a heart-shaped patch near his tail patches it's her it's really her we found patches yes and it's all thanks to you Katie that was some awesome ranger work thanks Leo and just in time it's my sister calling to check on Pates can we keep today's Mission a secret oh is that you Junior Ranger po what's up hola Leo what took you so long you're never going to believe what I found there's a monkey climbing down a tree really slowly and it's green but there's no such thing as a slow green monkey so I thought I'd better call Leo for help because there must be something wrong wrong with it um just give me a minute po oh and I took a photo of it I'm sending it to you right now um thanks po but so what should I do Leo do you think it's sick sorry poo but I can't look at your photo right now I'll get back to you once I'm done okay oh okay H what is this it's SII the green stuff is SII what was that it's okay I know what to do now thanks Leo huh wait po don't worry monkey pedo and Pico will make it all better H who was that Leo it was PO he found a really slow green monkey H I don't think that's a monkey but there's only one way to be sure to the tree house let's see it's not a monkey it's a three-to sloth sloths spend most of their lives hanging upside down from trees they only come down once a week when they have to use the bathroom once a week yep slots move very slowly to help them save energy in fact a sloth slow lifestyle allows algae to grow on its fur causing its coat to turn green the green fur helps it camouflage itself in the trees and hide from its Predators so a green sloth is a safe sloth I better tell po ol Leo hey po guess what that's not a monkey you found that's a sloth a sloth that's right and there's nothing wrong with it sloths mov slowly and its green fur is a useful camouflage uhoh what do you mean uh-oh I cleaned off the algae uhoh it's squeaky clean what do we do what do we do don't worry paale we'll be right over to fix this Ranger out hi guys wow it's really slow it'll be way safer up in the trees but it's going to take forever we've got to help it gr faster but how do we make it grow f faster why crawl when you can fly huh a flying sloth wow cool the equipment we brought sure came in handy ready Leo got it now let's fly this sloth back to its home yes it's working slowly now steady huh what's going on that's not supposed to happen oh no the sloth I can't control it it's not responding incoming watch out wow is this because you dropped the remote hand it over maybe I can fix it here you go Katie I'm really sorry it's flying away we'll go after it jetpack activate the buttons seem fine what if I replace the batteries um I want to help too aha gaty can I borrow your jetpack for a second sure pale jetpack activate w Wait what oh no PO stop do you even know how to use it hang in there I can do this I can do this a I can't do this Leo help H ta [Music] uh-oh hero you get the sloth I'll get [Music] po po po po thanks Leo what were you doing with Katie's jetpack I just wanted to help did you find the sloth hero over there it's the sloth it's swimming it's pretty fast I thought sloths were slow I wouldn't be so sure about that sloths have a trick or two of their sleeves Rocky sloths can swim three times faster than they move on land and they're great underwater too they can hold their breath for up to 40 minutes H what happened to the green algae on its fur it was all my fault I washed the algae off this sloth it wasn't your fault well you tried no I'm the worst Junior Ranger ever I'm B at everything except plants I know everything about plants wait a minute aren't algae plants they're like plants they need sunlight water carbon dioxide and some nutrients to grow I know everything about algae then growing algae is right up your alley po let's grow algae on its fur yes of course I can help give it a try poo I'm sure you can do it thanks Ranger Rocky see you around Junior Rangers by bye Ranger Rocky all right po do your thing we did it the sloth is green again let's make sure he gets home [Music] safe anytime now mission accomplished hold it hold it Oh Ranger Leo speaking hero oops sorry about that hi Junior Ranger po what's up olol Leo look at my llama huh okay it's not exactly mine I'm taking care of my cousin's pet Lama spits but I don't know anything about llamas ooh llamas don't worry poo we're here to help did someone say llamas hey Katie poo wants to learn more about llamas he's helping to care for one I've just sent you its photo a it's adorable I can't wait to find out more about it come on up Leo the computer is ready to go right behind you Katie just leave it to us po I'll call you in a bit Ranger out let's see there it is the Llama llamas are herbivores that means they eat only plants after a llama choose its food it swallows it then brings the food back up to its mouth and choose it more before it swallows it again llamas are strong they can endure harsh conditions like extreme temperatures and they need little water llamas are pack out animals animals that help humans transport Goods however if the load is too heavy these stubborn animals May refuse to move and lie down on the ground that must be po right on time hey po Leo help huh what's wrong I tried to write speeds and now I can't get down where are you going spits stop wao ah he's not stopping Leo what do I do it's dangerous oh no hang in there po we'll be right over ranger out I got his location awesome work Katie let's go stop hey how do we stop a llama by adding more weight on its back hero I need you to land on spits wao they're not heavy enough Leo we need you got it w it's not working Katie we all going to stop right there huh Ro hello Junior Rangers is everything all right you saved us why is everyone riding a llama I was trying to take spits to see my favorite flowers I'm helping my cousin to take care of him and we were trying to stop spits because he went out of control he couldn't get down careful now thanks Ranger Rocky you're welcome he's one cute llama spit is so not cute I was wrong humans and llamas can never be friends he doesn't listen he's dangerous and his bits e yuck don't be so quick to judge poo llamas are usually quiet and gentle they only spit when they're feeling threatened or irritated and it's mostly directed at other llamas humans and llamas can certainly be friends in fact llamas are a huge help to us not only do they transport Goods they also guard farm animals like sheep their dried poop can also be used as fuel or fertilizer have you tried to be friend him poo well not really I did talk about it but then I got carried away literally I'm sorry I said that speeds not again cheer up PO just leave it to us we'll help you befriend Spitz ah friendships are beautiful that sounds like a wonderful idea Junior Rangers see you around bye Byer Rocky huh po I think Spitz is hungry of course food P loves it when I feed him his favorite berries I just have to feed speeds his favorite food what's your favorite food speeds tacos cupcakes pancakes spits is a nerb of War peo he eats plants plants I have plants in my bag here's spits oh no not again not the face not the face he's eating it speit is eating my plant he accepted my gift we're friends now congratulations po do you want some more oh no this is impossible I'm all out of plans no spits come back calm down poo I think spits like to eat that plant all we have to do is find more of it let's split up and search of course wait for me speeds we're going to be best bodies after all did you guys find it nope neither did I over here guys I found it po it's dangerous get away from there but I'm so close just a bit more got it w po huh speeds you saved me Po are you all right I sure am speed saved me oh huh I guess he just wanted to save the blend h a you did it po you're friends now yay now let's go see my favorite flowers together hit subscribe and click the like icon
Channel: Leo the Wildlife Ranger - Official Channel
Views: 29,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leo, leo the wildlife ranger, animal behavior, animal kingdom, animals, animal cartoon, education, wildlife, zoology, nature, edutainment, preschool, cartoon, habitat, living things, organisms, learning, kindergarten, explore, animal crossing, animal planet, animal facts, for kids, for children, animal videos, junior ranger, explorer, animation, songs, rangers, behavior, compilation, fun, episodes, furry, cute, funny, panda, tanuki, capybara
Id: B1U9CSpww6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 1sec (1861 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2024
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