Let's Review the Wyrmwood Modular Gaming Table

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yo i'm doing a review of uh wormwood gaming's modular gaming table uh so before i get into the details uh i was sent this for free uh it's a complimentary table so i just wanted to make sure you guys knew that this is the medium wenge the wood is winging and the table itself is 2100 this magnetic dining topper which i'll get into in a second is 18.75 or well 1 875 and then there's a felt play mat inside you'll see uh or a felt play surface that's about 25 bucks and then there are six cup holders uh and they're each 120 so just right off the bat that's how much it costs so it's not cheap but i'm gonna go into what makes this nice so first off you know just looking at it uh it's a good size um i don't know the dimension of hand do you no okay so dimensions wise it's about 44 inches by 72 inches so it's a good size it's a rough estimate obviously these chairs are not with it these are just our old dining room chairs um but yeah let's just uh go into it so this is a six piece magnetic topper which is useful because you know for me uh one thing that was an issue with my previous table uh which was just our dining room table was that whenever we had to get food or whatever uh we couldn't eat if the board game was so sweet to go like awkwardly stand in the kitchen and eat um with this you can take it off pretty easily now one thing uh they actually are all supposed to fit in very nicely together they did send me a wrong piece uh if you can as you can see here these magnets are um not exactly correct so this was supposed to be uh an outward sort of indent and instead of an inward indent otherwise they slide in together uh but they did tell me that they were gonna send an uh replacement so that's good but yeah um these are not super heavy either pretty easy to take off so one thing i wanted to make sure of with the topper is that uh like a friend of mine has a gaming table but his table it's all one piece so it's super heavy super cumbersome to get off and so oftentimes he just leaves it off but i wanted to make sure that this could easily you know get on get off you know you know my wife uses it for work you know or we use it to eat because it can be a nice it's a nice dining room table on its own and i play games pretty regularly so i wanted to you know on and off easy and it's really easy actually and if you look here you can kind of zoom in on that there are magnets uh so it just varies oh on the on the panels yeah so it just very nicely slides in like that uh and they all have magnets uh like that and if i had the right piece it would all fit into a nice piece together but yeah so not only is it nice easy to remove but it's easy to slide together and make sure they just fit in right together and marie you built the table while i was out yes and uh how was the process like first off the delivery of it comes in a lot of boxes so it's right it comes like it's you know flat packed and then you have to build it um okay so yes i built the whole thing uh by myself when someone was out because i am impatient um and i wanted it built because i wanted to have a table um so i from start to finish including like unboxing everything it took less than two hours for me by myself to do it um one person doing it so that's pretty good so you build it like any other heavy furniture you kind of build it upside down or on its side and then i needed him basically to flip it over so that i didn't like risk like breaking it or injuring myself two-person job to lift i would say if you're gonna build it and you have two people use two people but i it is not difficult to build the instructions are very clear um it comes with everything you need the only thing you need is a drill for the end to basically drill in the bottom part of the table where the the felt goes on you have to drill that in so it was it was pretty easy to build so this is the felt uh you have to put this in yourself you just kind of stuff it in but it looks nice it was easy to put in it comes in different colors i actually wanted blue but uh well we have a blue one we have a blue one but uh we amree wanted the gray one i was like okay that's fine um i will be honest though uh i used a was it like a polyprene mat you basically used a giant playmat yeah i used a giant playmat before and i actually kind of prefer that feel over felt with that said though it looks nice it's not bad like i think with a board game it actually doesn't matter at all with card games i kind of prefer the maths feel but it's still good and it look it also it looks nice um compared to let's say a mat so that's one of my small things i'm like i like the felt but i mean with that said i can always just bring in the mat anytime if i really missed it but this is good um these cup holders uh this is the large size uh you can take them out like that and these also have magnets and what's nice is you can put them anywhere not only on the inside but also on the outside as well so that's great i love that yeah they had other modular stuff but honestly this was the only thing i really needed i might get some of the other ones at some point but they're really nice i do really like the ease of you know wherever they can go anywhere uh we had to use coasters before so this is very convenient um so yeah we have that uh the wood itself is really nice quality uh like i said you know when you put the cover on it just looks like a really good dining room table so that that's nice i do think the topper is worth it if you're going to use this for any sort of food at all or as a surface because the ease of that topper is super nice i think another benefit of the topper is if you're playing some kind of long form game and you like want to leave the pieces out but necessarily not have your cat or whatever like destroy it so i think people use it for that too oh we're gonna test it with the king's game and then of course what's nice is that you're not gonna lose pieces so i can roll dice wow they won't fall off the table um it is really nice rolling the dice making sure that uh things don't fall um even the other night you know i saw a card slide here and i was like oh well that's perfect it keeps everything inside the table uh and is also very satisfying to roll dice in as well i'm very happy with it size wise it's great wood quality is really nice as a practicality like for you know someone who plays games very often uh the sort of conveniences of cup holders keeping stuff in you know putting the topper on for food uh and and also you can have like half the table be topper if you want like if you're like a smaller game and you could have like stuff on the surface and the convenience of it it's uh it's really nice so i think like i said however it is expensive so you have to think about you know how often are you gaming and how much are you willing to pay for something that is really high quality even uh if they hadn't sent me one i we were planning to save up and get one i'm planning to buy one anyway uh i would buy this table at the price it was at good quality very sturdy very very nice looking and the conveniences are pretty pretty stellar and really even after a couple plays i'm like wow i i'm really a big fan of this so thank you uh wormwood for sending this i am very pleased with it and yeah i hope this review was insightful for those of you who are wondering if you want to invest in something like this if you're a hardcore uh gamer uh like me uh and you have some extra income that you're willing to invest in a nicer space for your games i think this one's a very good choice [Music]
Channel: ProZD
Views: 1,188,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nl-DNuD9KSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2022
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