Let's play some Alan Wake || Alan Wake Part 1

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all right going to play some Alan WG um I played a little bit of it like maybe like a couple hours 3 hours but um I didn't play the second one I know it just won a couple things on Year's game of the wards and I never I never played these games before so I was really curious about them so I thought I'd like share my reaction everything so thing cuz I don't have a second monitor my phone is my only thing to see the chat all right Stephen King once wrote that nightmares exist outside of logic and there's little fun to be had in explanations they're antithetical to the Poetry of fear here in a horror story the victim keeps asking why but there can be no explanation and there shouldn't be one the unanswered mystery is what stays with us the longest and is what we'll remember in the end my name is Alan Wake I'm a [Music] writer I mean from what I've seen I've always had a vivid imagination but this dream unsettled me it was wild and dark and weird even by my standards so yes all right it began with a dream what's whatever following a typical nightmare pattern I was late desperately trying to reach my destination a lighthouse for some urgent reason I couldn't remember I've been driving too fast down a coastal road to get there [ __ ] I'd seen The Hitchhiker too late he was dead I was convinced they'd put me in jail and I would never see Alice again suddenly his body was gone episode one I was in shock from the crash I could hardly see Weir feet Buy yeah likeed I mean from what I've seen the game looks pretty good and everything supposed to like messed up it's supposed to [ __ ] head bit I had to go to the lighthouse I knew there was something important waiting for me there yeah I only played part [ __ ] you don't even recognize me do you Ryder no I don't think you're God you think you can just make up stuff play with people's lives and K think it heads to the drama you're in this story now and I'll make you suffer away joke it would be a single readable sentence in your books if it wasn't for your editor you'll never publish another one of your shitty stories cuz I'm going to kill you it's not like your stories are any good not like they my stories are adequate at best you're a lousy Rider Cheap Thrills and pretentious [ __ ] it's all you're good for just look at me look get your work you missed your deadline yes I did damn you can't stop me yeah again do the attack oh I have to forward right no there we go yeah the dodging system is I realized that the hitchhiker was a character from the story I've been working on how does it feel to die by the hands of your own creation away the light was save me lighthous God damn it this way this way on oh hey run away run away hurry I'm trying Mr we it's me play Ste remember Qui remember it's no time to lose okay oh no oh [ __ ] stop no die no no d f that I was trapped there was no way out yeah these TVs are weird they're very trippy like the Twilight Zone or something the cabin was a death trap I had to get out okay n not that way which door is it I don't remember ow follow the light okay whatever you say mysterious voice you are hurt you should go into the light you are only safe there go towards the light they basically well done I have something important to tell you it goes like this for he did not know that beyond the lake he called home lies a deeper darker ocean green where waves are both Wilder and more Serene to its ports I've beam to its ports I've beam do you understand no follow my light he I entered your dream to teach you the darkness is dangerous it's sleeping now when it feels you coming it will wake up there's no time I can only show you the most important thing The Hitchhiker has been taken over by the dark presence you can't hurt him now the darkness protects him from all harm only light can drive the darkness away and make him vulnerable again here take the light yeah the combat like turn your flashlight toward him and burn the darkness away there we go you did it now the darkness no longer protects him but it's still inside controlling him he can't be saved he's still a threat he is still your enemy here take the gun yeah you die it's easier to aim too good you've done well remember what I've taught you that is all I will give you back your dream now hey in the nightmare a terrible dark Darkness was taking over the world the lighthouse was the last safe place on Earth you made me this way and now can kill you yeah very cool this is it wait not so fast gotcha yeah are LIF savers there you're dead just like me ooh nice interesting yeah that's going to be important later hard to tell your turn I can keep this up forever [ __ ] all right let's go go go go go Jesus going for your life Alan oh stamina is not that good almost there go go go go almost there almost got it [Music] he's here Jesus Alan Wake up Alan Alan sh baby just another nightmare everything's fine you dozed off right anything more than dozed off would be news for everyone cheer up handsome we're here [Music] uh bright [Music] balls [Music] [Music] let's act like we're on vacation go stand next to that old gentleman there I want a shot of you with a town in the background sure I'll even give you a title for the shot a city boy moments before he got eaten by a bear hi hello there you picked a good time to visit our town deerfest is just two weeks away deerfest huh did you hear that honey you have a lovely wife if you don't mind me saying I'm Pat M by the way nice to meet you yeah I'm Alan way I won't pretend I don't recognize a famous writer such as yourself Mr wake than a pleasure I'm an Avid Reader myself I hope this isn't too presumptuous of me but I'm the night host at the local radio station any chance I could get an interview look Mr Maine I'm on vacation in fact I'd appreciate it if we could keep my being here just between the two of us I'm sure you understand fair enough you can trust me to be discreet not a hard man to track down if you change your mind though I hope you two have a lovely holiday try this nonsense [ __ ] very nice how that I got a couple of really good ones made a friend that's cute right yeah hey besteller how's my favorite Rider are you there yet bar yeah we just got here are the locals giving you trouble just say the word and I'll hop on a plane and come make sure that you're left alone Al no we're fine great great just want to make sure you can relax and recharge so how is the place has it gotten your creative juices flowing Barry we're just settling in okay Al I'll call back later to make sure you're doing okay and you call me if there's a problem okay okay just looking out for you buddy talk to you later I love you too Barry you know he's going to be calling you every five minutes Barry is Barry I can always turn off the phone what did I tell you text message from Barry he says hi to you too Alan we're here come on let's get back to the car I was going to talk to this guy bu damn yies damn yuppies all right get in the car we need to stop at the local Diner to get the cabin key from the landlord a Mr Carl Stucky he's waiting for us I'll go fill her up while you get the key I'll pick you up here in say 15 minutes sure sure sounds good to me Alan thank you for coming here with me I love you too go on I'll promise to bve I've forgotten there were still places like this towns where everybody knew everybody Welcome to the O dear Diner hi I was wondering if you could help me I'm looking for Mr wake Alan Wake oh God I am your biggest fan I know people say that all the time glad to hear that r r I'm looking for Mr Stucky Carl looks like Max P of course Mr wake he must have gone to visit the restroom he'll be back in a moment I can't believe it I've got all your books I got the cut out from the bookstore when they took it out of the window like Max and you keep it here well okay good for you I wasn't ready to leave I needed to find Carl Stucky to get the key to the cabin try the coffee just don't blame me when you fall in love cuz it'll break your heart when you have to leave Rusty here is no longer human nothing but black coffee under a thin layer of skin yeah that makes two of us do me a favor sunny I could really use a tune right now coconut number six in the Jukebox I'd do it myself but both of my legs have gone to sleep bad circulation yeah are you serious coconut again you disgust me call yourself a rocker unbelievable it does that get stuck yeah you need to give it a good solid ro oh okay you put the lime in the coconut drink them both up now that's what I'm talking about yes this is it I've died and gone to hell don't go in there young man you can hurt yourself in the dark I think I can handle it ma'am I didn't want to wait I wanted to find Stucky to get the key and get out as soon as possible the waitress was giving me a headache overaker fans always did uh Carl Mr Stucky hello Mr Stucky Carl couldn't make it unfortunately he was taken ill oh but I have the key for you and instructions on how to get to the lake okay I wish you a good stay in my cabin I'll come by later to check how you've settled in and to meet your wife I insist please thanks don't cauldron lake is a special place very inspiring you got lucky this time young man you can hurt yourself in the dark yeah this really ought to be fixed and then I must even that sounds better than your singing are you all right spended damn Heria it swells up like a balloon if I lift it than spended spended it's been a long time good to see you hey the Andersons they're uh local musicians we're waiting for Dr Hartman to come pick them up they wandered off from his clinic at The Cauldron Lake Lodge oh bye Mr wake hi yeah I hear you mission accomplished the key and the directions my hero I got some flashlights just in case cool hey wait Mrs wake you're you're kid pleas what that Diner was a real nut housee je it's driving the car can you believe this place this would make a wonderful setting for a book we're supposed to be on vacation Alice I'll figure it out when we get back home okay okay we can talk about this later P here on kbf I didn't want to talk about it I wanted to bury my head Sand's another one of my favorites to go with it once upon a time I was a successful riter but that was a long time ago I hadn't been able to write a word in 2 years not since my last book and now the weather it's going to be a clear night folks big city might want to look up every once in a while see those Stars winking down at you it gets pretty dark out here but they'll light your way [Music] actually a nice cab wow it's gorgeous Alan it's something all right yeah don't worry honey I'll get you inside safe and sound before it gets dark and I've got the flashlight I know I'm okay Alice had a phobia the fear of Darkness I wanted to make sure we were inside with the lights on Before Sunset afid of the dark okay oh hurry up got an old Generator had been connected to the power cable and I only played the beginning I kind of know where Stu was the lights are on honey I'll up AIT and start settling in okay I'll look around a bit sure thing have fun it was a beautiful place really is I told myself I could rest here sleep here and forget about my work I thought we could be happy here and Alice oh Alice where are thou what is this the island had once been the site for a love story maybe it would be that again Alice honey Alan I'm upstairs I have a surprise for you o what could it be hi well hello there I'm not the surprise it's steady go take a look okay surprise Alice what is this hyper I guess I have a small confession to make I thought maybe you could WR here that a change of scenery would get you past but I can't write anymore everyone hey hey hey just hear me out there's a local doctor Dr Hartman I read a book of his he has a private Clinic here he specializes in helping artists so now you want to get me committed no it's not like that that's not Alan Alan [ __ ] don't just don't I don't want to hear it God damn it Alice God damn it I knew she wouldn't follow me in the dark I needed some time alone to think things through damn it Alice Alice oh crap here we go Alice the cabin had gone dark all the lights were out not good Alan Alan where are you I know I was angry with you 5 minutes ago but now I'm not [ __ ] what the hell help me I'm coming Alice Alan no Alice Alice oh no jump keep going wake up [Music] Alice wait up in the crashed car felt like I had woken from one Nightmare and entered another I couldn't remember how I got there all I knew was that something terrible had happened to Alice the phone was dead I'd have to find help on [Music] foot among Alice's things was a book The Creator's dilemma I Dr em Hartman seeing the book brought back my fight with Alice I didn't like it and I didn't like the guy's smug face on the cover either Alice the gas station was my best bet they'd have a phone I could use it looked like a long hike through the forest to get there damn a I hope you have insurance reach the gas stage hello right oh that's bright hello someone [Music] there the loose sheets of paper were pages from a manuscript entitled departure that was the name I planned to use for the next novel I had never gotten started I was named the author I hadn't written it I couldn't remember writing it in the scene on the page the hero was attacked by an axe murderer in the woods at night yeah yeah what are these departure by alen wake the man turned to face me his face was covered in Shadows it was hard to make him out in the darkness of the forest that surrounded us but the axe he lifted was plain to see it glistened with the blood of his victim he grinned madly the Shadows were alive distorting his features it was a scene from a nightmare but I was awake the taken stood before me it was impossible to focus on it as if it stood in a blind spot caused by a brain tumor and eye disease it was bleeding Shadows like ink underwater like a cloud of blood from a shark bite I was terrified I squeezed the flashlight like my life depended on it willing it to stop coming any closer suddenly something gave and the light seemed to shine brighter at first I kept finding the pages as if by accident the book I couldn't remember was either a terrible and true prophecy or an Act of Creation that had Rewritten the world I began to hunt the Pages feverishly for they held the answer to the mystery with it I could save myself with it I could save Alice I stepped into the gas station's garage it was dark and quiet the place was a mess it looked like someone trashed the place or that there had been some kind of fight light spilled into the room through an open door at the back and I made my way toward it without any warning I was blinded by a bright light an Old Port able TV on the Shelf had come alive by itself impossibly I could see myself on the screen talking like a madman the cabin on cauldron Lake she asked the sheriff looked at me suspiciously the early morning light flooded through the office windows I would probably never have gotten out of the woods alive without her help but I couldn't tell her the truth of what I'd faced the previous night she'd think I was lying or crazy she'd lock me up and she wouldn't help me find Alice Stucky spat on the garage floor and tried to shake the cobwebs from his head ever since the couple never showed to pick up the keys things had been fuzzy something a feeling caught his attention Stucky looked up and stared as his brain tried in vain to process the horror before him he stumbled back knocking over a can of oil a black pool spread across the floor while he struggled for a brief moment then let go as the UN relenting Darkness engulfed him all right anybody there please I've been in an accident it's true think I fell asleep at the wheel or something the lights up ahead were a good sign maybe I wouldn't have to hike all the way down to the gas station to find a phone balance balance anybody there please I've been in an accident hello not that way hey hey you fail there's been an accident I need help deposit I need to premium cabins for rent in fightful oh hell Carl Stucky please to meet you nonre reservation deposit required fair and square and square car oh left cage to arrive you lose [ __ ] run run run run run I had to figure a way out of this any second now and Stucky would be knocking on the door with his ax like Nicholson in The Shining America's ass better eat during your Rec trying walking it's the latest thing in sheriff station hello a bastard oh no uh-oh all right let's go there were more of them my head pounded never fired a gun outside a shoting r and now I just K someone or something there were no bodies they just disappeared if I was dreaming it felt real enough to make me sick Eerie hand painted graffiti was revealed by my flashlight someone had hidden the chest of supplies near it oh so floron is like hidden level cool oh the Dark Forest was the last place I wanted to go but I had no choice I had to get to the gas station it's rabid season that doesn't even make any sense Rose knew she had been gushing but right now she didn't care as far as she was concerned her brief meeting with Alan Wake was literally the high point of her life she watched as he got in the car with his wife she was pretty confident at ease with wake not like rose they were perfect for each other she'd have given anything to be called their friend hey ow what [Music] hell what the hell was that I thought exactly when I saw the river below something uncoiled itself inside my head I realized that I'd have to find a way across I didn't even want to look at the water I like there the page Barry wheeler was bouncing off the walls he jumped on a plane after his calls were ignored by both Al and Alice for several days it could mean that they were both on a second honeymoon but Barry didn't buy it Al had been way too unstable for that not sleeping messed up Barry had years of experience dealing with alen wake and he couldn't ignore it something was wrong one more that's where I go I want something Stucky was still out there in the dark stalking me yep [ __ ] can't block gunshots oh great B I'm ow what did I what do I the staircase was broken I had to make my way up some other way there was no power there was bound to be a generator somewhere at the logging site there's one ow Got Something There It Is shotgun I heard them before I saw them swooping down from the sky and screeching as they came I spun around just as the cloud was upon me for an instant I stared into aund dead eyes black pearls glittering in the darkness I raised the flashlight and the Swarm exploded like fireworks feathers burned turned into Ash I couldn't hear my scream above theirs with all this forestry equipment around there had to be something I could use to reach the top start start start damn you I got a shoty let's get there go go yes just make the [Music] path yes I failed that so many times okay back on well I was just outside for a breath of fresh air and what a night I I know most of you are probably in your beds by now but if you're still up and around take a moment step outside for a spell and breathe in deep the weather is Absolut abolutely still the sky is Crystal Clear it's like the forest is quietly breathing along with you as you listeners know I'm I'm a night owl and it's on nights like this I wish I wasn't cooped up in the studio makes an old man like me wish I could just roam wild but here I am and who' keep you company all night long if I weren't yeah it looks like I'm not the only one staying up late caller you're on the air hey Pat it's Mor hello what are you up to well I was just taking Toby on his hi Charlotte I'm doing all right how about you the reason I called is that Toby heard something rustling in the undergrowth and took off after it and I couldn't find him probably a rabbit sure Toby loves rabbits well sure anyway I figured that you know if anyone runs into Toby they could grab him my number's on his collar and Toby's a friendly dog Toby loves people usually he comes back but we were pretty far from home and it sounds like he went pretty wild there great dog but he's just too dumb for his own good well moris it's out there now hope Toby comes home soon yeah thanks Pat you have a good night now yeah I think this game's good so far only played a couple hours we have here speak of manuscript oh are those manuscripts over had yeah whatever the gas station was closer now it's light welcoming in the darkness Paul makes the best dogs in the state Ellie burer is the best with no C monster dog I think it'll be easier with a shotgun fam dog is where are you oh there he is stay back stay back yeah yeah it can get scary sometimes but not too bad I mean I watch a whole lot of horror movies so not too bad for me at least ah yes the mate I will bask in the light yeah I don't really play fortnite all that much I mean I I see the updates about it and everything but I don't really play it never T salad though a man like me needs a hello boys oh I can use the flare gun there we go oh thank you appreciate it okay what do we got batteries or shot shells yes yeah I really like Stephen King so I and it did have some similarities from what I've seen to it so I checked it out and everything thing oh really I haven't played American Nightmare yet this science it bestows immortality on those who Advance it to elevate all of mankind Newton Einstein San Prince is among men but the price for such a legacy is steep indeed in night Springs tonight's episode a Quantum suicide if our lives are already written it would take a courageous man to change the script having called a press conference Dr barklay culvin is about to demonstrate that very courage ladies and gentlemen of the press I am Dr Barkley kvin and I'm glad so many of you could join me here at the morock Institute tonight I'm going to give a practical demonstration of the many worlds interpretation as you can see this is a loaded nine mm pistol it shall be part of a thought experiment and now a real experiment known as a Quantum suicide did he say suicide is that a real gun he's kidding right please please stay calm there is no risk observe what occurs when I place the weapon against my own forehead now you might think this round is merely a dud not so observe the flower pot and yet I myself self cannot be harmed with this gun with each pull of the trigger two new realities Branch off one in which the weapon didn't fire and one where it did with my machine here I have ensured that this reality is always the former I have bestowed upon myself Quantum immortality under no circumstances can this gun kill me so wait wait wait what you're saying is that every time you pull the trigger in another reality you die yes yes of course but that's completely trivial there's an infinite number of things that could happen at any moment and they always do happen somewhere the point is this one thing did not happen here oh you're you're insane cvin insane server insane hey was this thing supposed to be plugged in I hold on it you fools yeah thanks I appreciate it quantum immortality poor poor Dr culvin filled by his own hubris or the ignorance of the masses perhaps he should have left the crate unopened the decaying atom unobserved curiosity often kills the cat in night Springs night Springs God okay all the ammo get your is not as simple and as you might it can be dangerous it requires patience oh no man I wish I had the flare gun right now droing tools bounce isn't easy and get away from me there we go forgot all right destroy then car use 100 batteries cool yeah get out of here all right I'm going to need a shotgun where are you [ __ ] there we go yeah you dead how do you like that stucky's body vanished leaving behind only a lifetime of nightmares to come assuming I'd reach the lights of the gas station alive okay think we can't yep we're at the gas station I recognized the parade float I had seen in bright Falls when I first arrived with Alice wait he didn't arrive wa or did we no I don't think so at the beginning after the insanity I had just experienced in the darkness the lights of the gas station felt comforting at least for a moment the samean world reasserted itself I don't think we we going aride this the boat the deer Fest had been two weeks away when we arrived if the day count on the banner was right I was missing a whole week between the night we got here and now [ __ ] yeah you missed all the garage was a mess it looked like someone had trashed the place or that there'd been some kind of fight T all right I'll keep writing outside there's only Darkness outside the cabin outside the story there's only Darkness I can feel her presence in the dark just now I could smell her perfume in the room I'll reach her I'll fix it I'll bring her back the story will come true if I stop she's lost I don't believe this it'd been me on the TV talking crazy was I losing my mind I don't know I don't know man your guess is good as mine 68 annual September 15 18am contest and surprise children bucktooth Charlie afternoons in Montgomery the mystics amazing fantasmagoria right sheriff station oh thank God an actual person oh thank God Sheriff sherff Sarah breaker you are I'm Alan Wake but listen I was in a car crash my wife Alice she's missing calm down Mr wake we were staying in a cabin on the island on cauldron Lake there's no Island on cauldron Lake not since the big eruption in the 70s please I can take you there okay you look like you've taken a pretty bad knock to the Head yeah I did what are you okay listen we'll figure this out please get in the car we'll swing by the lake and then we'll go to the station okay Mr wake have you seen Stucky the guy who owns this place I realiz I couldn't tell her what had happened in the forest she wouldn't have S she wouldn't have helped me with [Music] Alice [Music] [Music] Cy col clown they call the sand tiptoes to my room every night it's a title though aink Stardust whisper that's really right I close my eyes then I away into the m magic night I Sly sa previously on Allan Wake yeah skip that [Music] too honey I'm home back here sweetie how was it worst weather I've ever seen you should put some coffee on it'll warm you up oh sure put some CFE on cfee machine there it is W damn coffee's on great thanks I'll need it if I'm going to finish this by tomorrow oh hey I just finished those cover mockups they're on your desk tell me what you think no kidding I didn't think you'd get them done this quickly on occasion I can perform all sorts of Miracles my dear oh really well you seem to think so last night well didn't know we were talking dirty I don't know what that's supposed to mean but these look really good oh sure until Barry gets his hands on them which by the way will my dead body the last time was the last time oh and speaking of Barry he called hold on Alice I want to see if this go somewhere I'm right here I'm on it honey please hurry par thing yep I really don't like this Alan please hurry on aou okay Alice I'll turn the lights on Alan please yeah I know I hear you it's in the hallway I hear you in the hallway honey it's a power outage I I've got the flashlight okay hi you okay I'm sorry it's okay I just it just really spooked me don't worry we'll just break out the candles I know it's stupid but it's just especially when I'm not prepared for it you know it gets to me I love you tell me a story writer okay I used to have these nightmares when I was a kid the dark really spooked me too when it got really bad my mom gave me this old light switch she called it the clicker the clicker huh yeah if I ever got scared of the dark I could just flip the switch and a magic light would scare the monsters away oh sure here it is Alan maybe it'll help you too yeah nice story writer boy you made that up right now didn't you no no seriously I love you even if you are a liar thanks for this liar [Music] present day right fa how do you feel Mr Wick any nausea disorientation anything like that I'm F Mr Wick how are you feeling actually now that think about it you might be traumatized my head's fine I had to lie about my headache and memory loss he'd send me to a hospital for tests I couldn't leave without Alice very well um I don't think you have a concussion but you've obviously been through quite a shock you should take it easy for a couple of days yeah thanks well then Mr wake we're done here if the pain gets any worse or you experience any other symptoms you should come see me I'll let you get on with it then Sarah Sheriff breaker is waiting for you she's very good at her job I'm sure she can locate your wife in no time doc Nelson was the image of a small town doctor Sheriff breaker had called him to the station to take a look at the cut in my head I'm sorry you had to cut your morning fishing short for this doc oh she's a beauty ain't she not the biggest I ever caught if you can believe that coming from an old fisherman like me but she's right up there now she's a largemouth bass which is what you're after if you prefer a lure now if you want either trout or salmon on the other hand then it's fly fishing for you um you a fishing man Mr wake oh doesn't really matter I suppose but it can be very relaxing out there you can't get me off the water this time year closest thing to Heaven I'll take your word for it DOC nice right okay all right let's go out here oh yeah this lady thank you for testing the lights Miss Weaver everything seems to be fine I don't have the luxury of being complacent Deputy Grant the B will need changing soon you can't change them in the dark I'll be sure to take care of it Miss Weaver have a nice day now very good I'll come back later on to remind you just in case Mr wake the sheriff is waiting for you in her office down the corridor oh okay that was Cynthia Weaver I guess you can call her the town eccentric she used to be the editor of the local newspaper but she's focused on um little other things these days she'd fit right in where I come from as you can see she's a little obsessed with maintaining the light bulbs of the whole town refuses to step on Shadows things like that back in her day she wrote about all sorts of weird things in the paper has a colorful history of course what small town hasn't does she know about the Shadow People something yeah it's Mulligan here I'm at stucky's gas station with thoron there's no sign of him or might know about this is thoron look we've located the bra float it's here that's some good news right Stucky was supposed to be driving it at the rehearsals today over give me that Mulligan here looks like someone really thrashed the garage over okay Roger that guys looking fory Jane's out Stucky he's dead oh oh that I have the sheriff wants to see you in her office Mr wake okay wait read what oh uh seen this 627 contest that's an actual number you call or I don't know come in Mr wake your phone's on the desk the battery was dead it's charged now thank you have you started looking for my wife yet my men are already on it now can you tell me what happened I'm not sure I can't remember we were arguing I walked out of the cabin the cabin on cauldron Lake how did you end up at stucky's gas station I wanted to tell her what had happened last night but I couldn't she'd lock me up excuse me I need to take this hello Alice please help me Alice stop talking to the law you'll do exactly what I say if you ever want to see your wife again [ __ ] who is this go to the back lot there's a hole in the fence on the left look inside the junker I left a little something there to convince you we're all on the same page here after you ditch the cops you're going to meet me in elderwood National Park there's a spot called lovers Peak midnight hey don't do nothing stupid pal we're watching you Mr wake can I help you with anything I need to get some air the sheriff said I could go out back of course Mr wake you can get there through the cell Corridor just don't mind Walter in there he's one of our regulars I thought he qu dring for good you turn the light the lights on the deputy thank you man thank you hey you're all right you're a good guy don't let anybody tell you different the early morning light hurt my eyes and made my heada ache the man on the phone had said go through the fence on the left oh that fence yeah I see it hold on I'm trying to look for manuscripts manuscripts manuscripts is this oh radio the caller had told me to find a hole in the fence behind the police station there was something for me in an abandoned car s just one more item before I go it's been a busy night with the sheriff's department we've had a few broken windows and kick I don't have this one aging Mr wake the kidnapper fired his gun one last time and the shadow vanished into the darkness it had come from see nothing to it wake the thought of Alice In His Hands was revolting we stood on the wooden platform of lover speak the waterfall on the mountain behind us the lights of the radi Mas blinking red in the Heights above I fought with the urge to take a swing force myself to speak let's cut the act now where's my wife Alice's driver's license had been placed on the front seat the caller meant business Barry ow ow thank God where the hell have you been I've been trying to reach you for a week you and Alice I've been worried sick I flew out yesterday I'm here here in bright Falls Barry listen to me I'm at the sheriff station come and get me I can't talk now ow what the hell is going I had to get the sheriff to let me go I needed to get to elderwood National Park to meet Alice's kidnappers [Music] [ __ ] A riter is a light that reveals the world of his story from Darkness shapes it from nothingness the way a sculptor carves a statue from a block of granite if I stop the world I'm making dies Darkness will reclaim it it's a long hard journey into the the dark Alice's life is at stake but I can't think about that or I'll lose it the dread lingers at the edge of perception I'll push on anything is possible here I'll write the story I'll save her [ __ ] marous Sarah I just wanted to settle all the damage the Anderson Brothers might have inadvertent ly caused on their recent and regrettable little outing they are not accountable for their actions of course I can assure you that my staff has been reprimanded Tor and Odin never caused any trouble to anyone when they were still living at their Farm indeed all we can do is to slow down the progress of their dementia are you feeling any better Mr wake I'd like to leave am I free to go well we still need to talk about am I under arrest no of course not but I need to know where you'll be staying so I can get in touch with you i' avoid the motel The Majestic is known for its roaches the cabins at elderwood are pretty nice though that sounds perfect I'm Dr Emil Hartman I'd like to invite you to stay at cauldron Lake Lodge did you talk to my wife I had the pleasure of discussing your situation with her on several occasions did you set something up with her I invited her here my Clinic is a place where oh hey oh my take it easy there's some resentment there hey nobody move get your hands off of my client who are you I'm Barry wheeler his agent if you have business with Mr wake you talk to me you Yol won't know what hit you once I sick my lawyers on your asses no harm done Sarah I'm all right I don't want to press charges Mr wake my offer still stands get me out of here okay what the hell was that about Al we don't need a replay of that thing with the paparazzi I thought they were going to lock you up paparazzi paparazzi are vultures I had to talk to someone I told Barry everything he thought I was certifiable but when he heard about the manuscript I had him the fact that I'd written something even if I couldn't remember it was enough for him he smelled money and he believed that Alice had been kidnapped anything beyond that was another story I had a midnight appointment with the kidnapper in a place called lovers Peak somewhere in elderwood National Park the plan was to rent a cabin I don't like it Al I don't like any of it it's not good in fact it's the absolute opposite of good Mr wake Barry you found him Rose oh wow I was just thinking about you too great I was just bringing Rusty some coffee he's on the balcony me looking after Max poor thing I really need to go great to see you again Mr wake later who's Max what an airhead jeez Mr takes a swing at everybody this is not her fault she's a very nice girl and more importantly a fan she even has a fan site dedicated to you and she was very helpful when I was looking for you seriously Al what you were saying in the car just listen to yourself what you shot a guy and his body just disappeared what was the last time you slept are you high have you been drinking NOP no look Barry I'm missing a week and someone's got Alice everything understand what it sounds like when you say stuff like that don't get me wrong it's a good story could be a bestseller but when you start confusing Fiction with reality you're buying yourself a ticket to the the funny farm wait here that's locked that's locked here easy there boy I'm almost done hey Rusty right you run cabins oh Mr wake I shake your hand but mine are kind of full here actually I'm sorry about this would you mind grabbing the registration form from the desk it's just across from buck tooth Charlie oh okay sure what happened crazy poachers Max here got his foot caught in a trap they're illegal to use here hell you're not supposed to hunt within the park at all but that doesn't stop some low lives well at least Max is going to be okay he got lucky Max is still groggy from the shot I gave him I'd rather not leave him alone just yet the forms on the desk across from the mammoth skeleton all right seriously Al you can't just go and meet a kidnapper those situations always end up in disaster you got to talk to the cops she's my wife and it's my call can we talk about this later no this whole thing it listen you hit your head I mean jeez Al come on you got to understand how crazy all this sounds if you're trying to pull a joke on me freak me out it's working let's have a laugh on Barry well you had me go they're real funny Al you can quit it now I think this is the form you wanted and here are the keys okay you're all set Mr wake glad to have you staying here thanks can you tell me how to get to lover Peak oh it's at the end of the nature trail just follow the paths you'll get to it eventually it's an easy walk nice spot too if you have any trouble finding it just keep your eyes on the radio Mast it's right below that oh and hey if you take a walk in the woods watch your steps so you don't end up like Max I guess I'm a little worried appreci we got a bunch of campers out there we haven't heard from it's not like these people are on a schedule but with the traps well you know I just don't want any trouble right thanks yeah I I think I need to edit the messages or something I was thinking of doing an overlay so it's not like completely in the way believe that you shot a dude who went poof Into Thin Air a guy who was bulletproof until you pointed a flashlight at him you hear that from people who end up spending time in padded rooms strapped to their beds wearing white shirts with two long Tangled up sleeves and eating a healthy diet of pills Al you make cruel jokes about people who believe that kind of stuff you're the skeptic you gave me an hourlong lecture on Homeopathy last month what was it if there's no proof it's pure [ __ ] period guess the laughs on me then Al come on I think it is I mean okay okay maybe something weird happened to you okay well thanks for the heartfelt vote of confidence all I'm saying is you got to throw me a bone here bestseller what would you think if it was me there's no way you should be going out at midnight with a gun no one asked you to come here Barry either work with me on this or go straight back to New York your choice that's just crazy talk Al Al Al we should go to the sheriff or call the FBI damry kill her this is not a goddamn debate Barry I'm going to lovers Peak he said to come alone okay okay then I understand you're my best friend and I'm worried that you're not right in the head tell me what to do to help and I'll do it you stay here and if I'm not back by Morning Call the cavalry that's you just be careful with the natives Al these yals are dangerous everybody hates a tourist or it'll be delivering all over again bless you oh this place is trying to kill me I'll bet there's mold in here spores poison ivy God knows what this is so not worth a 15% commission there definitely dust lock the door when I leave yeah y you go ahead and do what you have to do I'll be fine alone but fine in a cabin straight from a horror movie I mean it's a horror game so you're not far off real funny Al real funny thank you I'll just sit here in the dark till you come back or until I get eaten by a grw very is funny okay wait here Al I'll hold down the fort IDE every step of the way good idea the door now oh scist I knew I should have gone to the cops this wasn't the smartest thing I'd ever done but I was still angry with Barry for trying to talk me out of it these people had called me right in the sheriff's station the cops wouldn't scare them and they had Alice yeah Jesus welcome back to the show folks as promised our very own Dr Nelson has just parked his rear end in the studio doc what's your dear Fest plan like my plan you'll make it sound a lot more organized than I ever seem to manage no plan really just taking the atmosphere I'm getting a little too rickety to do much more than that you know oh tell me about it no sack race for us older gentlemen huh yes exactly bat but I'm going to check out the parade of course and I'll be one of the pie cont has judges too well that takes a different kind of constitution oh yeah it's my kind of exercise now Doc seriously you're in pretty good shape though you're the outdoors type I I know for a fact you're an avid fisherman that's right matter of fact just caught a heck of a largemouth bass early this morning but you're not taking part in the fishing contest no no not this year see Pat I'm just not that competitive anymore now I just like to take my time and enjoy the piece of it it's no fun if I need to worry about what I'm catching you know yeah considering your track record the participants are probably pretty happy you feel that way well Pat that's kind of you to say is there any there how did it how could you even do that can't even reach it man here we go oh hello Bo sh Jesus crime and punishment the cancer and cure of civilization what but some crimes are impossible to punish especially in night [Music] Springs tonight's episode The Man in the m he's inside agent he's a weird one so you're confessing to killing that guy huh why it coming yeah but why would you do that I mean you're a nice guy normal took a kid to a soccer game so how come at the game you pick a guy and quoting from the arresting officer's report here assault the victim head area repeatedly with the weapon of choice being a pair of bare fists wow that sentence really flows huh maybe you're not the literary type okay so you mess him up but why who was that guy we couldn't ID him why would a guy like you do him like that I didn't like his face well you must have hated you to down there I mean there's no way to tell what he looked like no idea on him either that must be different diffult but then we ran the fingerprints got a match your prince identical huh how about that your son said you were wearing a white shirt when you took him to the game but the white shirt is on the dead guy it's plenty red now you won't get away with this do you really think that's in any way relevant to me I had plenty of time to talk to my boy before the cops arrived you know he won't stop screaming am I right you think he's ever going to be okay I left my mark believe me you you bastard what you going to shoot me what's the point I'm going to prison you got me I I don't understand any of this and you never will God don't worry maybe you'll see me again agent maybe in the mirror weird here ooh I got this one rose knew that Rusty was in love with her and she liked him too she liked him a lot he taught her to dance and life had certainly taught her the value of a man who was gentle he treated her well made her smile made her feel good but Rusty wasn't the prince of her dreams and that tended to underline the unbearable truth she was no closer to that Hollywood magic than he was got that one on the vision left me weak this was no head [Music] injury damn Rusty no com please help me hurry anybody help me Rusty where are you help me can you hear me yes I hear you I'm coming please help back here I'm back here oh Jesus Mr wake oh hell it happened just the way it was on that page I found G true it knew so dark it'll come back for me you must the lights in the office I have the key okay Rusty hang on I'll be right back whatever did this couldn't be far Rusty had found a page from the manuscript it would help me understand what had happened revolver good boy the only way to make sure that Rusty was safe was to get the power running and the lights back on hey um oh battery that was too late someone had destroyed the C Breer there was no way to get the lights back on chusty rusty rusty while cover [Music] Darkness need hunting lies oh crap there we go oh man not Rusty something had torn a mammo sized hole in the wall please don't feed the [Music] animals wait where's it fishing where's the dog for those visitors who purchase a Park fishing license Rusty no oh he's right there damn it at all times Rusty Rusty no never two bears and wolves never approach any other closer than 25 y pets must be le all times never leave your pet unattended it is against the WW to remove anys or historical artifacts from the part this includes even rocks you the river or even simple berries would you stay still thank you God where's the dog the dog go oh I didn't even notice that oh no you [ __ ] look what you did look what you did look what you dead that's well good what what the hell was that I saw from the window I saw I saw something forget about it Barry it's just me going crazy oh jeez oh jeez you're not crazy I wish you were crazy but you're not crazy ow be careful stay in the cabin don't open the door for anyone I mean it lovers beat batteries save the batteries lovers Peak was at the far end of the nature trail oh that what the flare is tell me there's a flare it's close or what oh hell yeah give me that shotgun the end batteries oh yeah you do get flares towards the end great yeah try it try it batteries right okay things are getting a little bit spooky oh I remember this area I don't think so you are not getting the better of me yeah no you're you're you're not killing me a bunch of times this time nope there we go ammo oh what is this have that one oh you killing the electricity oh I see hey guys how's it going hey back stay back there we go the clutch is real oh light beautiful light damn it okay oh over here agent Nightingale didn't want to be in bright Falls these little communities revolted him and he didn't like the trees or the coffee he now knew that impossible Horrors lurked behind the storefronts in Smiles he desperately wanted to turn the car around and just drive until he passed out or ran out of Road and booze Dam but he had a job to do he had a rider to catch at any cost Buton better man what the hell oh just perfect ow [Applause] and come on we got to get moving more of them coming up that flashlights kid stuff the flares will keep the bastards away okay you can see them too hell of course I see them come on we got to move why because that's the way the story goes yeah but let's move I lost my gun back there oh I've got a gun just keep that light steady on him it took a moment but then I recognized him he'd been on the ferry when I first arrived here with Alice he knew my name oh we were headed in the direction of lovers was on the there was no way this was a coincidence he was the kidnapper come on wake you better keep up hear that it's them that's what I got for you [ __ ] got reload monster stop freeding me that's right that's right you must keep coming more come on there we go lovers Peak right up these stairs wake use the flares from the emergency box to hold them off while I get these boards off okay give me the gun yeah no can do Lake why not are you kidding give me the gun no time for back talk hold them off damn it okay hey guys get some light on those bastards that'll keep them off us damn just a little longer I almost got it okay it's over over to losing I'm moving it get in the light oh you feeling better now wake all cozy and safe shut up better get ready they'll be hon us soon yes only got two left oh good on the box this is it wake The Last Stand there's more flares here get ready we fight them as long as they keep coming give me the goddamn gun they're coming that's not how this goes get with the program wake no all right here they [Music] are stop moving nice uh-oh watch out monster he a cake wake stop fighting me that boy just have a flashlight left got you boy that's right that's there we go must be coming see nothing to it let's cut the act now where's my wife I knew you were going to say that I read it all before you're a of a writer congratulations you're going to bring about something glorious and terrible once we get you some uh proper editorial control what the hell are you talking about where's Alice I want the entire manuscript or she's going to suffer bad you touch her all [ __ ] you're going to give me the manuscript or you'll be sorry no I'm not come back here I swear I'll kill you if you heard Alice do you hear me come back here he had Alice and he wanted the manuscript because he thought it held some magical power but I had no manuscript to give him I had to get back to Barry and figure out my next move [ __ ] I just wasted one Rusty had warned me about these traps it hurt like hell I was stuck I should watch out for those better stay on path lot of these bullets Perfect Right looks like it Sarah didn't care about the legal threats wake's agent had made she let wake go without argument because there was something about him she couldn't quite put her finger on something that reminded her of her father she didn't think wake would hurt his wife then she thought about the way he waited into Hartman that hair trigger rage flaring up without warning this way oh hello yeah I don't think so not get me that easily what up what the hell ser okay let's go Hill a [ __ ] there we go my ammo heal a little bit that manuscript real quick hunting rifle all kinds of stuff oh great okay another one worth it oh what's up guys all right okay uh I just got to get through this area uh water h here oh wait there we go there all the fles hey oh man ow suck oh ladder of course take it be aware of widowmakers Darkness where is face the undertaken the revolver nice any script no I see a Manus scripted there Shadow stirred and the wind picked up as I ran through the forest I felt the dark presence turning its Gaz gazed toward me then the Moonlight was blotted out by Dark Shadows that raced violently across the ground moving too swiftly to be natural Darkness gathered between the trees and melt again to reveal the taken no natural path had brought them here lucky I Came Upon This no no no super no [ __ ] your movement give me that what all the revolver ammo is occupation oh great chainsaw man there we go made it Barry ow the porch is covered with birds they've got all Hitchcock on me [ __ ] stay out of sight I'm on my way don't open the door what am I crazy stay hidden I'll be there soon just make sure you keep the lights on I still had to reach Barry at the cabin but at least I was out of the woods yes that is true I'd have to get the car from the lock garage it would get me back to Berry faster and the headlight for a welcome bonus yes the FBI agent's command froze me in place I considered surrender it was all falling apart anyway I could give in but someone else deal with it but it felt all wrong called Instinct his posture the way he held the gun he was no friend shots ringing in my ears I leaped for the hole in the fence and stumbled into the darkness Beyond got e a story is not a machine that does what you tell it a story is a beast with a life of its own you can create it shape it but as the story grows it starts wanting things of its own change one thing and you set off a chain reaction of events that spreads through the whole thing the characters have to be true to themselves the events need to follow a logic that fits the story a single flaw and the magic is gone the story dies Alice dies sh you can oh perfect [ __ ] all right get the car all right let see this clunky ass driving [ __ ] f and he oh yeah I'm going to need these the flare gun was probably the best weapon I could imagine against the dark things I was facing ow thought I had the regular gun not the flare gun Dam it there we go okay your turn oh thank you what was the kidnapper oh you son of a [ __ ] where's my wife enough horse Play Wake you deliver the manuscript and you can have your woman back simple as that I don't listen listen I'm going to need time to finish it I still need to write the ending I need a week it's not done I need a week two days the old bright Falls coal mine is nearby you can find it easy city boy the main building there at noon you bring the manuscript you'll get your wife if not well get me yes yes I I get you Barry had talked about birds over the phone that is Anthony Hopkins style oh thank you ow ow I am so glad you're here a couple of them got in here before I blocked the chimney this isn't normal these birds are weird just great the flock or thought I say A Murder of Pros oh what the hell yeah make go awaye I did godamn horrible situation is that I'm not allergic to birds oh what's this piss off Dam it [Applause] yeah yeah Barry you can open the door now they're gone hey Al I'm I'm sorry for thinking you were having a psychotic episode man it's fine I sent Barry to the town to ask around about a man fitting the kidnappers to description he'd go through the archives of local paper perhaps he could learn something anything about the island in the cabin that had disappeared the man wanted a manuscript yeah I had to try to write him one to get Alice back think handed oh for me the supernatural had always been nothing but a metaphor for the human psyche a tool to use in writing fiction now it was happening for real and I couldn't put a single word on paper that sucks this is a very bad time to have whe speaking this is rose rose I found Mr wake's Pages oh you sweet brilliant girl you Mr wake come get them I live in the trailer park outside the town we'll be there in less than an hour see you soon sounds weird have a great day hope you come back soon welcome to the old Diner good girl that's [Music] creepy [Music] come herey am you something I need to get my bearings I'm and the Shadows [Music] keep good [Music] soundtrack inside my previously on Alan Wake Alice has been Ked how the hell did she get her hands on the manuscript anyway I don't know she's resourceful I told you you were too hard on her listen I found out all sorts of interesting stuff while I was digging around yeah Mr wake it's Sheriff breaker we have an FBI agent here agent Nale FBI he's anxious to see you you'd better come to the station okay I'll be right over sh let's make this quick huh help you folks name's Randolph I'm the manager we're looking for Rose works as a waitress down at the diner Rose sure nice girl who wants to know I'm Alan Wake the writer huh I heard on the radio you were visiting well I'll show you her trailer that Rose she's a nice girl always pays her rent on time as I was saying Al I found all all sorts of weird stuff from the local newspapers Archives this place is crazy disappearances mysterious deaths urban legends come true and get this most of this stuff takes place around cauldron Lake well you ain't wrong mister the Indians thought the lake was a doorway to the underworld I'm the God-fearing type myself I I don't hold with that sort of thing yeah okay anyway there was an island there owned by a guy called Thomas Zayn now some of the articles I found about him make him out to be a famous writer but I ran a bunch of searches couldn't find a single thing he wrote Zayn was heavily into diving so much so that the place came to be called divver aisle but the volcano under the lake erupted in 1970 and zann went down with the island oh [ __ ] interesting it gets better a local girl Barbara Jagger drowned in cauldron Lake just a week earlier they were lovers sure Jagger's a local spook St the scratching hag comes for you in the dark um those signatures anyway I'm just getting to the best part all of the articles about this stuff were written by by Cynthia Weaver I asked around and she's that crazy bag lady you met oh what the lamp lady she can be a little loopy but she's not homeless or anything yeah anyway she knew both Jagger and zann before they both died and she had some kind of a breakdown that kind of makes sense I she about the Shadow People well mister this here's Rose's trailer okay you mind me asking what you want with her we're just here to talk to her pal hello Rose welcome to to oh dear Mr wake oh yeah I'm so glad you're here my manuscript oh oh yes yes please come in hey this is really good rose yes my manuscript I really need it I understand I know what you need amuse to inspire you oh for Barry she doesn't have anything yeah uh yeah oh what's no not the coffee what that's not good rose how could you it's coming for you hiding in my barber's skin I'm too weak to stop it you must turn the lights on I promised I'd come visit you and your lovely wife you must finish what you started I insist should you must turn the lights on turn the light on back to work boy where are we now I felt nauseous hung over only anger kept me going I can't tell reality from dream anymore but it seems I have an imaginary Editor to help me she's an old woman in a funeral dress I call her Barbara Jager she's very strict I'm writing faster and faster my manuscript is being heavily revised the edits are getting very aggressive and each day there's less of me and more of her I hate it but I know she's right she promises me I can save Alice this way she knows more of this than I know the complex incantation I'm attempting about this place she's worked with another writer under similar circumstances Thomas Zayn the genre of the story seems to to be shifting it's turning into a horror story I'm getting close I can feel it Rose took a day for me I had less than 12 hours left to meet the kidnapper all I could do was get Barry into the car work something out once I got on the road Barry was out of it he was way too heavy to carry uh you're right I deserve more money I'm so handsome welcome to the O dear Diner what can I get you today coffee I couldn't work up much hate for Rose something had used her to get to me and left its Mark first refill Us free Milk and Sugar on the counter there would you like to hear today's specials my gun and flashlight were gone I'd have to find a way to get Barry into the car as Mr Randolph like rose that little smile smile she had how she was still sweet when life had tried so hard to make her bitter it wasn't any of his business what she did in her trailer but those strangers the rider and his smart ass sidekick looked like trouble and they'd been in there for hours way past their normal bedtime he reached for the phone and called the sheriff station oh [ __ ] quickly as possible there was no time to waste hey I just stepped outside to catch a breath of fresh air and let me tell you the weather's getting heavy nights like this make me especially glad I'm here talking to you and not home in bed once once the weather takes a turn like this I can't sleep at all it's all tangled bed sheets and dark thoughts punctuated by the occasional plunge into Nightmare is it just me well perhaps it is but I hope I can make the night a little bit easier to get through caller you're on kbf FM hey P it's Walt Snider what's on your mind Walt well I ain't the way you are but well uh I can't sleep either you know uh I just been staring out of the window here trying to make sense of it all but I ain't been drinking either you know I just well yeah sound like a man with a problem W yeah yeah uh I had a uh you know uh argument with Danny you know Danny and uh I got in trouble with the law you know and um I'm just well I heard something like that wall yeah well you know he's uh you know Daddy's my best friend and uh it let me out him fail today and now I'm just alone here at the window you know waiting man and there's something in the ear tonight man I was just outside looking up at the sky above our broadcast tower thinking the same thing what are you waiting for Walt I I don't know you know something's going to happen you know I gotta I gotta I think I better go well maybe no thanks Pat well good luck to you Walt hang in there let's take a little break folks this weather's really something else huh yeah okay oh hey manager oh you're going to get it now oh man but I didn't do anything this is Agent Nightingale FBI get him up Hemingway you're under arrest you move a muscle I'll unload right next God damn face stay right where you are slain buet time what what I I'm standing right here you goddamn Maniac I hated to leave Barry behind but there was no way I'd miss my appointment with the kidnapper give it up Mr W come on make it easy get don't let him get away move it move it move it let him get away okay running from the cops was not on my to-do list today that's what we're doing stop running free no okay men keep your eyes he's going to try to make it through here go oh damn ah [ __ ] run run Allan run run like your life depends on it he's gone come on guys we need to head him [Music] off for decades the darkness that wore Barber Jagger's skin slept fitfully in the dark place that was its home and prison it was hungry and in pain it dreamed of its nights of Glory when the poet's writing had called it from the depths and given it a brief terrible Taste of power and Freedom the rock stars had sded from the deep sleep the poet had sunk it back to in the end when it sensed the riter on the ferry it opened its eyes [ __ ] holy [ __ ] what the hell search Thea this way no not this way here [Music] [ __ ] Shadow People this horror was everywhere I went circling me the cops didn't stand a chance they were after a rider not a monster oh great just book it just run God Alan you need to exercise oh [ __ ] Jesus Miss uh this is James Mulligan thoron come in over thoron here Jes we got both wheeler and Rose in custody they didn't put up a fight or anything hey what you come on sit down and give me that Jane poan here over uh go go ahead Mulligan over uh we got wheeler and Rose here Wheeler's drunk or hopped up on something speaking of which that fed had a pretty distinctive whip of Oda Scotch about him you know what I mean over uh I don't have anything on that Deputy Mulligan over well whatever anyway Rose is just being plain weird here you better get docking and take a look at both over gotcha you better get them here quickly the uh F's going to want to interview wheeler over oh yeah bet he does looks like they have a lot in common I'll get out I could see the lights of the radio station in the distance this way I imagine that the broadcast tower in the distance was part of the local radio station yeah Maine seemed like a decent guy perhaps he could give me directions to the coal mine okay not going that way was clung to the gate the darkness that was after me was trying to stop me destroy the gate get through without a fight how do I destroy the gate oh there was no power did the search light okay give it power there we go just got to aim it the old Generator cogged out damn it I'd have to see if I could fix it and try again there we go the use of Lights in this game is interesting reached when do I get a gun I don't save without a gun finally [Applause] flashlight huh that's one thing it took me a moment to recognize the flash flang they were an ideal weapon for my situation interesting te over team one this is Sheriff report over okay my silent nice h okay my flashbangs and here's another call you're on kbfm with Pat M it's Milt peab buddy Pat what's on your mind Milt well I live near the trailer park Pat and there's a big Ruckus going on over there well that's just up the road from me too what's going on do you know I don't know but there's a bunch of police cars there lots of sirens a helicopter buzzing around and I think I heard some gunshots gunshots yes sir like from a pistol so can you find out what's going on cuz it's just next door and they're popping off guns there they're still shooting no it was maybe 10 15 minutes ago it sounds serious Pat I'm telling you it don't sound like no party I'm certainly going to give the station a call Milt okay you'll hear it here as soon as I hear from them okay [Music] thanks just get to that radio station oh perfect nice go four taken with a single flashbang this flashbangs are amazing oh what's up can I get a weapon please here [Music] [Applause] ow what did that do oh just no one in the dark walk in light yeah leav to that's the thing oh more cops great I love that oh time to run ow R damn it I was almost there too see it all right one left one [Music] left it's unlocked thank you I hope M could me a car to get to the coal mine catch your breath Alan he's right there do you know that I what do you expect the sheriff should be helping us normal citizens instead of wasting resources on those people well let the try sort themselves out I'm sorry but my granddaddy settled in St balls in 1911 well thank you very much for that uh compassionate Viewpoint Lura oh here's a little surprise the famous writer Alan Wake just walked in folks I'm going to see if I can talk it into an interview was the guy come on in Mr wake hi oh I'm so glad you could find a time to do this Mr wake [ __ ] record Al nowhere to run now Dan Brown you back away from me don't hurt it whoa whoa whoa everyone calm down Put the gun down we're all friends here right pull your jets night and Gale we got him the hell what the hell's the matter with you there's a civilian in there freaking crazy get I'm not get that car you hear you he me H I had fallen off so many Cliffs it was ridiculous that's what you get for naming a book the sudden stop it was probably good I hadn't had the chance to tell Maine where I was going I'd have to lose the cops and find my own way to the mine Nightingale stared through the broken Studio window into the dark woods he turned around started to walk out but Maine grabbed his arm young man you almost shot not me you don't shoot off rounds at people like that what's the matter with you Nightingale shook his arm free marched out his cheeks burned with rage and humiliation there's get a weapon a gun thank you back you bastards Jesus oh hey guys there was no no sensible reason for the power company work lights to be here it was almost as if they'd been left for someone like me to use well what do you now y yeah does heal oh but they go out don't they yeah shot [ __ ] that shotgun e buuck shot mother oh man damn it as I was saying all right you mother you Undead [ __ ] nice ow damn it okay well this is going to take this yes I [Music] know [Music] on there we go okay I need to all right should be good there miss uh yep Sarah trusted her gut and her gut said agent Nightingale was an [ __ ] he felt wrong and it wasn't just the smell of stale booze it was in the way he flashed his badge pulled rank the look in his eyes when he wanted answers where was alen wake what was this about an accident where was his wife and most importantly why did she let wake go he wouldn't answer a questions Federal Business was all he'd say ow [ __ ] it's a train checkpoint oh yeah the batteries baby hello the most stubborn man I've ever met Alice Alice Alice Alan Alan I'm so afraid keeps me in the dark please help me [ __ ] I look at you Alan and it's not you something else looking out from behind your eyes guys Alice I'm here I'm so alone here it's all going to go to hell you need to be careful cooperate the connection had been terrible but that wasn't the only thing that hadn't been right with the call she sounded wrong somehow but she had called me hey they're in order wrenched itself loose from the Bridge's steel framework wrapped in darkness it floated in midair twitching for a moment I didn't understand what I was looking at the heavy object lurched at me with impossible Force I threw myself out of the way but just barely when I turned my flashlight on it it shook in a dark rage before it flew at me again oh I could see a Railway Bridge up ahead and a warehouse of some sort on the opposite Shore I hoped I could find a car from there hopefully police don't shoot at you first that's unsettling this really the darkness that was pursuing me was growing stronger and it was taking over everything in it ow AG I slammed the door shut right in his smug face he pleaded for me to open the door true to form the [ __ ] actually thought I would obey I had no sympathy left no guilt either not for him I took a moment to savor the scream I bet I had a smile on my face it was all that I had time for the dark presence was inside the lodge with me Jesus as a teenager just starting to get interested in writing Stephen King had been a source of inspiration to me oh I bet I thought about all the inanimate objects that had come to life in his books No One Is Safe in a good horror story certainly not the protagonist that's what makes them fun this was anything but the darkness could possess anything and it was getting closer ooh heavy duty hell yeah okay um going have to end it here this was interesting so far this game really [ __ ] with your head I'll say that sure and think so if you didn't see the whole stream I'll be uploading it on my YouTube channel it should be in the description and if you want to follow me for updates my Twitter and threads and Instagram should be also in the description everything and I'll be streaming tomorrow I'll be streaming Fallout Fallout so stay tuned for that and I'll see you guys later
Channel: Jacob D.
Views: 13
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, twitchstreamer, youtuber, alanwake
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 57sec (10917 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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