Lets Play Monster Truck Mini Race

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welcome to Damian B sace what are we doing today making M mini M [Music] [Applause] episodes see those mini monster trucks right here let me dump them going to dump them look at this B Digger oh my goodness look at your monster truck mini collection that's awesome dude which was your favorite one M who Megalodon Megalodon yeah W let's check him out who he looks vicious dude you might be right that one's awesome uh I think I like H I think I like what's this one Sparkle smash Sparkle smash I think I like that one looks different man that one looks awesome Sparkle smash what yeah Sparkle smash that's name yeah his name Sparkle smash smash smash Sparkle smash I like that one let's check out all your monster trucks starting with megon and then monster mud and then grave diggers you have four grave diggers right I got one two three four got got one two got one two three four four five four four grav diggers four grave diggers that's awesome and then they got one two three Maxis how many Maxis one two three oh and how many toal lo I got one two three max three too Loos and three of these monster M these three Max and to Loos and [Music] baby all right what what you going to do with them play with them play with them how are we going to play with them we're going to race with them race Let's Race who who color do you want to be I will be started off with this oh this isn't a grap Digger this is son of a grap digger someon old baby son of a grap dier so let's start off his son of a grap dier I choose this guy who do you choose Lon megon yeah megon set go whoa whoa who got further nobody uh-oh looks like son of a Gra they her one on this round boy and thenon neodon lost all over here man the winner of the first round was son of a great me all right who's next we got dorco versus Sparkle smash all right ready set at the same time yeah at the same time Ready Set Go whoa Sparkle Smash and next up to locoo oh my goodness to Loco won this round Loco to Loco yeah boy all right who's next next up is Max versus Grave Digger Ready Set Go oh no he fell off the wrap oh and Grave Digger is a winner on this one Grave Digger wins yeah boy I win Grave Digger won this round dude dude I win yeah you won maxy just fell yes all righty now who's up next me we got two Hot Wheels we got this spray Hot Wheels truck versus this green black po I don't know their Nam do you know their name no okay Gray Hot Wheels truck versus black I I know those way I I bom and then this one called pirate VA bomber versus Skeleton Crew skeleton cre skeleton grou versus V8 bomber let's go ready set go a man you you lose whoa I Skeleton Crew is the winner I am and who do we have next we have the 30y year anniversary Gravedigger versus abysmal got this cool octopus on this monster truck yeah all right ready I'm going to be bismo abysmo yeah you be B okay ready set go wa oh my goodness Brave Digger stop right here and the winner is abysmal with the best record abysmal all the way over here man I abysmal abysmal for the win I am the abysmal for the win I am so far these are our winners of bismo next to Skeleton Crew then Gravedigger son of a Gravedigger and Thor Loco and here comes our final race yellow maxd versus monster Mud Monster mud yellow maxd versus monster all you ready yeah grab your Racers the last match until we start going to our semifinals Ready set go oh that's a tie but monster mut takes the lead monster mut took the lead who win monster we need two more races so we got a make this a quarterfinal right dude so let's get two more Racers actually actually let's do a three-way race for our semifinals so this is a three race whoa a three race that's insane the three Racers okay so this three-way race is between abysmal Skeleton Crew and monster mud all right you're ready I'll let you know when Ready set go whoa and the winner is abysmal abysmal took the race monster mut was close but he got stopped by the water hose and then where's ah then Skeleton Crew ooh this was a good race for sure so the winner of this three-way race is abysmo abysmo is taking the lead son of a Gravedigger and the black Doro Loco all right you ready yeah okay I'll let you know when three two 1 go whoa and the winner of this that's Gravedigger that's son of a Gravedigger right there and the winner is black tooro Loco I am Loco black to Loco I am black Loco now our Championship race abysmal versus to Loco to Loco who do you think is going to win nobody nobody yeah I didn't them yeah who's the winner who do you think is going to win abysmo or dor loo abismo abysmo I go for abysmal to all right ready set go go whoa hey we were right the winner of this monster truck mini competition is bis a bis oh my God a bismal weide that will one monst R all right now for the fun of it abysmal gets to do a free ride Ready Set Go whoa the I and the champion of champions I can do this s the champions of Champions is abysmal Yeah Boy abysmal awesome that's the end of the championship it's right that way this waa that's the end of the championship did you like racing did you like the races yeah yeah did you think did you know abysmo was going to win yeah yeah he's a good racer all right tell him bye guys bye guys see you on the next Damon on Bena awesome bye bye bye bye
Channel: Damian's Adventures
Views: 20,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monster truck minis, monster truck mini race, damians adventures, damian's adventures, damians awesome adventures, damian adventures mini monster truck races, monster truck for kids, kids races, monster truck mini races
Id: 6lWj-dNB0no
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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