Let's Learn Nuxt and Strapi

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okay i think we are live it takes a couple of seconds i'm gonna change the scene is it yes ah yes we're live yes hello hello hello we are live um so welcome everyone uh this is basically i'm going to learn how to use strappy for the first time because i've never used it so i hope you're also going to learn how to use strappy i've just spent the last 15 minutes trying to figure out how to do all the screen sharing how to do all this tech stuff it's like oh my god can life not just be simple that would be so much easier so um so basically yeah if you're in the chat and you have any questions make sure you ask them we will do our best to answer them if you're also in the chat just kind of like give you some emojis or hellos or whatever because you know that makes me feel like i'm not just talking to myself because sometimes that's a bit kind of strange so yeah just you know ask away say hello hey randy nice to see you daniel we've got oh blockchain and we have sassy so welcome and everyone else that's watching so we are ready to go live i have here daniel with me who's going to tell me all um about strappy so let me introduce daniel one second i go here we go daniel tell me a little bit there we go hey everyone hey so that is a really good question i do demo at strappy i am a dj and i love writing and yeah i create these funny web experiences that i keep to myself that i should probably share that's pretty much me okay and um like we've heard to learn about strappy right um i don't know if you know me but i use nook's content i'm a big fan of mixed content that means i put all my content in markdown files in my github repo and i just use visual studio code and i press skip push and it just goes all into my website and i'm happy so why would i want to use something like stravie well i think it's tech's most famous answer it depends um and like with with like the git based headless cms like next content it's really cool because that's just you managing stuff for yourself but as you want to sort of scale and add more um be it you know users to your headless cms you want to use something like strappy because it gives you like that really nice interface we have this admin ui which i'm guessing you'd be showing today i think that's a really good feature and a bunch of other stuff baked into something like strappy so you can handle end users and authenticate who's using and accessing your data you have stuff like sso you have raw based access control so it's as you scale and you have more people and you want to collaborate and like get a better content editing experience because like markdown is very developer-centric now everyone uses that so if you want something that's a little more friendly but also appeals to the developer then strappy is a really good alternative so is it totally alternative to wordpress would you say yeah that's a so wordpress started as like the traditional cms is definitely a lot of inspiration in terms of what's what makes them as big as they are like wordpress had like a database behind it and then you have um strappy having the same although being headless and now you see wordpress going at this some some way so it's also evolving um so there's definitely some similarities and inspiration and we're trying to not make the same sort of mistakes people had with something like wordpress where sort of um what's the word locked into that interface and yeah with super super free open source so it's up to you cool and there's a good question here because we're not going to be working with typescript today because i do not know how to use high school so but does jeffy support thai script not yet out of the box no but it's definitely something that the um the team's thinking of there's a lot of stuff that we want to uh put into the product so typescript isn't necessarily something that we'll be doing in like the near future probably sometime in 2022 who knows don't quote me on that okay it's coming soon in the future typescript is going to be the future i know what you know getting there okay add it to the list of stuff i need to learn yeah oh there's more questions coming in we haven't even started yeah maybe maybe do any work from you right let me try this one i don't even know what it says i'll just throw it in how easy is it to customize strappy if i need some business logic to run specific needs it's co-based there are three questions in one right so i think the first question we're going to take a minute we could but um that's more intermediate level stuff so we'll i'll start with saying yes you can customize it and add like business logic and it is based on koa you are right um blockchain of hey mitchell in the chat okay cool so i think um hey chomicho is one of my followers he's everywhere um so good to see you here um we have some other cool people in the chat we have lucy we've got randy we've got jb we've got an elven there's so many names i can pronounce wrong so i do apologize uh oh my microphone is so far away you see thank you is that better thank you absulven i forgot to like actually turn my microphone around i was too busy figuring out how to build scenes and stuff like that oh my god i'm such a pro at this like seriously one day i'll get it all right no there's no finding noise getting it right i know i know i'm a learner right go easy on me i'm a learner lifelong learner save you let's do this right so i'm gonna um change uh my screen and my scene or my scene and screens and all this so now we are oh and i'm just it's in the wrong screen why are we doing that that's the wrong one seriously what are we looking for here vs code yeah it decided to share the wrong screen which is very annoying yeah technology can be like that and i'm like why did you do that so i'm gonna have to like unlock it so i've got it i've got to now change the scene again let me figure this out and i'll do this i'll get it so i'm going to press play and you're going to see a blank screen that's that's so enticing great and now i have to add it looks nice i know you think this was easy we set this up and you saw it worked and then it decided yeah actually just gonna you know choose a different screen for whatever reason and if i press this oh yeah look at that oh that's it so literally it chooses the screen based on the last thing i touch wow that is crazy that's interesting okay i'm not going to touch that other screen over there okay [Laughter] um okay so right we're ready to get started with strappy i have literally um just did a crate next up so i've literally just got a very basic nook stop that literally says strappy that has fire's like oh my god this is doing weird things i'm gonna have to re reshare i'm gonna have to tell it to do something show current application ah okay that is a very nice theme by the way i'm not a regular on your channel um actually this is all sarah drastner so yeah it's very cool i think it's midnight something or an owl or something oh i think so sounds about right so we're having tech problems here of showing the screen maybe i'll just we'll just work in the code and i'll figure it out in a minute and because we're sharing this screen so let's just worry about that when i have to change screens it's all going to go weird and messy and it's going to be a nightmare so i'm sorry um i need to like play with this application more and tell it to do what i want it to do but we'll get there okay so what do i need to do to start up with strappy yeah we need to get into a terminal okay i can do that i can do that control and yeah and i'll just do another one right because i've got this open okay so night owl is the name of the theme thank you okay right i'm in strappy yeah so yes so we can use yarn yarn is my favorite so let's use all right great so we do yarn create strappy app similar format to um yarn great knocks tab and then yeah strappy app yeah there we go and then we have to give our oh not yet we have to give it a name i'm too fast so now it's gonna go say error okay so if you don't give a name you get an error that's good at least you get an error okay so let's do that again yeah we'll give it a name what are we calling it line also what note version are you using what node version am i using oh i'm using so we have to use i should be using a good version i should be using something good like it should be 15 right it's good enough oh yeah do you think we can change that oh you want me to change note versions live seriously you're seriously like testing my capabilities here how does somebody have nvm i have nvm yeah talk me through it what do i do okay so nvm use 14.0 zero let's just go with fourteen point zero point zero but i have to put node or just use views fourteen just yeah use fourteen points yeah just like that yeah oh so we have to install it okay oh my god why is why is 15 not work i like 15. i like high numbers so we have some dependencies that don't work on 15 yet so yeah okay it wouldn't um yeah that's good to know well well that's installing there can strategy be used in place of basic crud up interfaces um let me move that up with several input outputs or is it meant to be used more complex cms rational data yeah it actually can be used with um a as a crowd application or like api sort of back end i might have a video that i just filmed that i'll be putting out on the stripy channel for doing crowd operations with strappy and on different endpoints so we could probably do that today okay no hardcore stuff you've already set me off changing note versions like seriously um okay i've got 14. woohoo look at that that's cool nice all right so back to our command yarn create strappy app and then let's name our app api or backend whatever you feel like we'll call it actually i like this um uh thanks to randy for this beautiful name i'm gonna use this stream next [Music] okay so this is installing everything i'm guessing yes and now we get to choose what type of installation we want if you choose custom which you shouldn't by the way okay not today not today at least if you choose custom then you get to get to pick uh different databases that we support so stuff like um sqlite or postgres mongodb and we'll go with quickstart which sets up like a sqlite database for you so we don't have to install anything or make any other you know configurations i like that so super quick super easy okay yeah then it will um warnings from npm like it always does and you get all worried and you think oh my god it's warning and it's like don't worry nobody reads them right nobody does that but yeah everything should be fine this might take a while okay maybe let's see i don't know it depends on how quick you are i hope are you running an m1 no i wish i had an m1 i i did restart the um t2 chip on my mac because it was like so loud and so noisy and i restarted this morning but now it's all loud again but i've also figured out that when i go for lunch the sun is shining right on my mac and i come back and it's actually being toasted by the sun so i've learned to bring the blinds down before i go for lunch because that's i think that's going to help in the future smart yeah no one wants a super hot laptop so there is like a like we're setting this up here what's the difference between this and the next module do we have a next module don't we for strappy is that not the same or it's different yeah so it's different so the next module helps us like interface data between strappy and nox so it's not it has like the same paradigms as most modules you'd use for um different cms's like um similar i haven't used that content in a while but i think it should be sort of similar yeah so we could use the next module or we could use um like fetch or um you know okay the normal graphql interface okay so like oh oh that's just done something weird i just decided it wanted to show you the next module okay yeah so what happens is usually after that like the installation is done you'll be taken to a screen where you create your first admin user so that's probably what was happening a browser tab was about to open i guess yeah streaming setup yeah it literally opened a browser and then um and then my whole window and it decided it's going to share the window over on this side this time why is this why is this doing this um super rude strappy i don't know if it's strappy or this program that i'm using to change okay so let's um i need to click i think once i click away from something it decides it wants to be there so if i share this now i'm back in one place i just need to stop clicking um yep so this is this is done this is um in like watch mode so we can see every single request we make in in like this sort of trail and the next step is to go into our browser so let's um intentionally do that let's see if it works this time which screen is this application gonna share now okay let's have a look let's have a look no it shares why are you sharing two screens why does it do that that's weird i need to fix this first so i need to change to show primary display i've got it i figured out everyone i rock woohoo look at that i rule the world i've learned how to share my screen live okay let's do this right okay so what am i looking at what do you want me to what do you want me to open yep so we need to oh you just closed the tab but we need to go to local i just closed the tab no that was the docs that was yes oh okay thirteen thirty seven low cos thirteen thirty seven slash admin yeah admin didn't get in oh yeah okay now we need to create our first admin user so now you want my credit card details oh my god and you're so such a qd number i don't even have one of them i i'm illegal did you not know that oh okay it's probably not something we should say i'm already messing i pay all my taxes uh okay so now you all know my email address um yeah and password you want me to put in any password what do we do let's put strucks but there's um so maybe strucks zero four or something struck with some numbers in there yeah otherwise it goes crazy does it uh what is today today is the what date is is it 19 let's do 19 21. yeah today's the 19th let's just yeah 1921 because that's weird if we were in 1921 we wouldn't be doing this i hope that's the same one okay okay keep me updated no i don't want to be updated no thanks oh my god i have to do it oh my god you're making me up oh you're gonna send me emails no good emails nice emails okay password must contain at least one uppercase oh of course you must you should like say this when i'm like entering it come on fix these okay now we'll pass that on to the team and um we'll save it for the crack just you know okay so i'm in woohoo you're in congratulations that was not too bad welcome on board thank you yeah we need a couple um couple uh commands and uh we're in strappy so now what you want to do is you've got to create like a content type so what type of data do you want your strappy app to have or present that's those are sort of the questions that we have to think about now like what type of app do we want to build with next so i'll i'll throw that to the chat and to you okay what are we gonna what are we gonna use what are we gonna do today anyone i've got a couple of people in here phil just said that he recommends not to use the quick start if you don't plan to use um sqlite database um yeah okay that is very right and he also says that this strappy next module is really useful for his needs right now so that's good to know because that was something we built or who built it i don't know who built it but um yeah you you did it we built it we you didn't build it we built it the next team brought it yeah the next team did and the strappy team don't use it lovely um no we do oh that's good okay so yeah what are we going to do is a very good question okay i think um let's see what's fun let's build a i'm very basic i like music and i like food so okay food and music yeah let's let's do like a a restaurant catalog type thing okay i think that's cool that would be fun so so you just click create your first content type so so just well while i'm doing that and pressing that button this question um what's what is strappy ah yes in uh the simplest term strap is a headless cms open source node.js space uh so yeah we're really getting into what that does and what that means for us and we're walking through that so hopefully that's enough for you to catch up and join us on this journey yeah and you'll see as we go along you'll see exactly what it does so i'm gonna gonna create a collection uh collection what would you call a collection a collection is a collection yeah so it's it's a bunch of related items okay if i would put it that way so you what would you call a collection type so in a menu would say we can name this menu actually because we would have starters and uh price and you know different different items like that so it's going to create the ideas yeah all that's automatic then continue and then now we have a bunch of fields that we can pick up from okay what do we want the menu to be so menus like have a bunch of items so now let's like sort of zero down into a single item on a menu right okay what what so we have like a meal so meal name i guess so click the text field and let's have like a meal name should we have chicken curry so we're not there yet oh my gosh i just wanted to get the chicken curry i'm hungry did you not just have lunch i did actually yeah but i'm always hungry i like food it's my mood every dude okay so what are we doing here sorry i'm jumping the gun yeah yeah don't worry so let's let's name this um new name like name meal name yeah let's do a meal name oh okay i'm defining the type right okay yes sketchy no space image no space dashes or no or just like like like yeah that's that's like the best okay yeah then we'll add another field okay oh it disappears uh yeah but it will be back door okay um and now so okay so we have in a menu we have like the meal name we have like ingredients i guess if it's a super fatsy restaurant so let's click text again and have ingredients and then we want this to be long text so you need to click long text okay now we want another field okay click add another can we have it we need a price i guess can we can we do and we do um because i'm celiac so i always have to look at it so can we put like gluten-free yes or no yes so you can say yeah let's do that okay uh now we have a price right which is a number yeah yeah that's a number okay price now we choose the format first oh because you've got different types of numbers i just saw the button and i wanted to just click the button i know the buttons are very nice cookable okay what do i want i want a decimal let's do decimals okay and add another name yeah i think we need do we want to have an image we should have an image we'll add one and we'll see what happens okay um so we just call this image yep let's call this yeah image single media yeah single media we're not going to go into carousels or anything like that yet no so do we want another field i don't know do we i don't think i need anything else i mean yeah i think we're good this is a good structure to start out with okay cool so done finished oh my god we can open it we can open a restaurant now [Laughter] or an e restaurant type thing like what is what is out there deliveroo so now we need to save this but now you can sort of see this like really cool structure of how your entries will look everything will have a meal name ingredients like boolean for gluten free a price and image at the top right we need to save it's always good to save an error occurred why did an error occur oh okay so you should check your logs and this is where they become really useful so in my in my here yep oh everything's good everything looks good so just restart i mean refresh your uh tab i don't know i said that okay so things just go wrong when you live stream that's just what happens right yeah we did not appease the democrats okay okay so now top left you notice something new it says menus left left is that way yeah left is that way even further left now oh there's a lot of menus going on in this it's like three menus right yeah the main one okay this one here okay yeah so now we can start to add chicken curry so add new menus to adding new menus in the menus menu yep okay i like this i should do it nicely shouldn't i yeah let's see when we chicken curry chicken and curry all right and rice i mean you gotta have rice chicken curry right we chose some onions in there i like onions yeah okay and it's gonna be gluten free because if not i won't be happy and it's gonna be 10 euros or 10 whatever currency you're in and um and now we should have to add an image i don't know if you have random images of chicken curry in your i will find one like this one looks looks pretty good let's go with that one how do we just steal it from google uh save image as and downloads chicken curry looks good and then it should just drag and drop on my right like that i like it when it works that's cool yep so finish and now we have chicken curry that was easy so now yep pretty pretty pretty so now now you have to save this okay well someone said we should add coconut milk to our oh we so shall we do that yeah that'll be tasty thanks phil let's put that in the question oh my god i still want to eat that it looks delicious it looks so delicious okay right what do we do now yes so right now our like the content is in its draft state because we have this draft and publish system because not every time you put you know make edits you want them to be published and you want everyone to see it so we have to actually publish this okay so click the big blue button published i got the green tick yeah and now um yeah now we can use our api and get data from strappy if we want do we want to do that yeah i really just thought we were going to like change the text of strappy to be like something and this is like so much cooler because we're going to show like you know chicken curry in the next stop yeah okay so what we need to do now is uh yes but before we do that more strappy stuff oh gosh okay so go to settings settings yes and under user and permissions plugin there's rules user permissions roles yes okay and now so this is sort of a section where we manage our end users and how people access this data so like how we how our next application get this data from strappy um we could have it authenticated or we can have it public authenticated is um this is like a jwt token yeah and we don't want to do that so let's let's go to publix just click public yep and then we sort of have this granularity into what operations we can have with this content so you see menu right you have the menus section and depending on what we tick we we could show them able to oh yeah only okay okay okay we don't want them to be able to delete our chicken curry right no so we don't take that we don't want them to be able to create meals okay so what do we want them to be able to find and find one meal you know what's the difference between fine and find one so find is everything every single entry in your on your endpoint and find one is a single item so you like filter that by the id so if i want to get specifically chicken curry in my query i'll be able to do that if that's not ticked i will not okay and what does count do count is like how many entries do you have so if you um if you look at the right part of the screen under advanced settings when you click one of those boxes it shows you what you have access to so if you click count it shows you the method using like the rest api and the endpoint okay do we want count yeah let's leave it i guess okay delete create an update i get that basic basic database cred things let's find that that i get but i hadn't seen before okay cool yes so all we have to do is save now this is telling strappy that okay this role meaning our end user can access this type of data and we don't if you want we can actually make a request no no we don't but you could if you wanted okay yeah so in your in your browser if you go to localhost 1337 slash menus we get back oh my chicken curry did i spell that oh no yeah you forgot the http whatnot oh my gosh yep i'm just gonna copy this it's easier and get rid of that let's get rid of that okay i've got no extension here that normally makes my json prettier because i'm in a different user setting but normally i would have so we can kind of just see what's coming back from the api so that's cool so that's yeah that's super cool so another super cool thing about strappy is you know how we named our collection type menus every collection type gets its own endpoint and the rest api okay so you create another one you're also changing like i've got different image sizes here yeah so you do some optimization on images also so you get different types of different sizes for your images and you can put whatever type of image you want i like it that's cool yeah the media library is really hmm cool okay you have to be interested yes and that that's something that's super cool like you can create yes that is very correct without touching a single line of code and you can run all your card operations um just by visually changing up stuff in your admin ui so that's that's pretty cool okay cool okay cool and miguel says we couldn't see um the uh advanced settings because our heads in the way which are very right so if we move up up here you'll be able to see that there that when we created this count here then it comes up here menus count so that's all that was so that's cool let's put us back in the corner cool thank you for letting us know okay uh what are we doing now we've got uh we got our database up and running we haven't done any work back-end-wise and we've got a back-end stuff set up i love this i have power yeah it's super cool yeah so now now we can put this data in our next app okay let's do it i'm ready yes oh we have a question what type of yeah i like that um what type of applications can we build with strappy well i've seen people build a lot and almost everything i've seen people do stuff with unity build games build ar and vr stuff people build um like sports analytics websites people build crowd applications sas applications people build like web apps so stuff like um what's a really good example of a web app i've seen people have like financial applications using strappy i've seen people have like e-commerce applications with strappy i think the fact that you just have that back end and then you can do whatever you want with it in your front end is super cool we actually see people build real-time applications we actually use it in nooks for a lot of our internal tools for our applications like we use strappy a lot yeah yeah oh yes you you built view telescope right i think that's a public thing that you built with strappy if you don't know what that is let me show you what that is that's built with strappy i didn't build it but the team built it telescope yeah that one there so this is a way of uh seeing i'm not interested in signing up now i've already signed up somewhere else and this is an interesting way of seeing websites made with next view et cetera and you can like explore it and you can kind of add your website and then you can see in here and you can type in next and you can see what framework people are using and plugins etc but yes this whole website is built i think it tells you down here it's built with strappy yep so that's a good example of using strappy nice nice catch daniel you're on the ball here's another question here um is there a graphql plugin yes there is a graphql plugin we can install that if you want oh my goodness rescue things i do love craftswear yes um are we going to complicate things too much or are we is it going to be like easy i like easy yeah it's super easy we can literally just press the button let's do it i like it press button and do it let's do it what do we need to do oh so back into strappy the admin ui then let's go to marketplace oh the market let's go to the market to get the chicken yes so we have a couple plugins we have graphql we have the documentation one so on graphql just click download didn't and read the documentation which you should click and you should read right yeah we can we can have a look at that does anyone ever click that button i have no idea i hope beautiful documentation that people like me and daniel spent a lot of time working on and nobody ever reads but it's all here read the documentation yes just make me feel better the restart takes longer than expected yeah this this would be fine you should check your um so what happens is when we click that button yeah you should check your terminal when we click that button it installs the plug-in and then um it restarts the server so yeah that's probably why okay well it's looking okay isn't it i mean installing okay let's let's just use the cli so we can we can install plugins with the cli also which is pretty pretty cool so you can stop your server if you want or we can yeah let's stop it just so that we don't do anything else okay let's do it and we need to change directories and go into structs that's what we called our strappy application right okay so here we'll use yarn strappy install graphql graphql as in just like this all small yep just like that well bomb you are not found why is your not found you made me change my nvm version oh let's use npx then i think i need to reinstall if i change the node version with nvm i've got to install yarn again isn't that right oh yeah that is true yeah i don't know if this will work oh good i don't necessarily always use it if not we can nvm rdr and i think it's nbmrd i can't remember the command but it's something like that um yeah complication of our lives oh that's quick that's super quick really um maybe end picture good yeah yeah and i love npx it's just that yeah i'm so used to using yarn i know your fingers just like yarn don't they they just automatically like yeah it's it's a very nice word to spell out i think while that's happening yeah micho has a difficult question there a financial application how can you add functionality like tax calculations i don't know how you can even answer it um i think most of that would be handled in your front end when i say like financial applications i mean like apps where people do payments like i don't know what's like a popular app so in zambia we have zazu and stuff like that and it's like paypal kind of thing right yeah like paypal cash app and people have like applications like that built with okay interesting and this is another one next yes and strappy for e-commerce web applications do you know of this yeah very much yes i do know of many i just can't mention them ah secret so they've been working with all these you know for reasons yeah they're like um some brands that you would not even think of use strappy as the base of their very big ecommerce applications which is nice to see very cool very cool yeah amita wants to know are you from his country micho owns a country nice to meet you i didn't know you owned a country good job [Laughter] what country is that mitchell [Laughter] okay well mitchell answers that let's um let's get going what do we do now okay so we need to restart our server yarn develop oh we can't have yarn nvm add yarn mdm add yarn i don't know if it's yarn or install oh gosh dude that was too much it's just oh that's probably why ah that makes sense so we didn't yeah version you are not found we can use npx yeah let's just use mpx i've gotta we if you missed the start of it we basically changed my node version live so i was on a different node version of yarn and everything installed and we've re-installed all that and put a new node version on and it's like taking all all stuff out so that's what's happening here so michoa is from zambia so daniel are you from zambia yes i am so you are from michoa's country nice yes it is in a michael's country um okay so we're doing npx mpx develop um yep so if you have problems with you're on develop not found did i spell develop wrong so i should say npx strategy developer oh i didn't just drop npx or anything and yeah speaking of countries there's someone from cuba here we've got cuba we've got nepal we've got zambia uh i'm here in mallorca in spain so we've got a very international mix of people here if anyone else is from another country just chill in the chat i'm looking at the chat all the time so i can see it so that's cool um okay so we have we're good yes we have that running so we can go back into our strappy admin ui yep and we should probably refresh okay yep so it says graphql already installed so new tab if we go to strappy uh sorry localhost 1337 slash graphql then we have uh our graphql endpoint our graphql playground sorry didn't i like this i love this we got friends we've got india nice oh nice okay um so we can okay type out queries let's let's try like a query right do i have to type do you not give me like check boxes and stuff no no you make me work exactly so query that would be super cool yeah query and then we open like the kerdi brackets and then we have menus so yeah menus and then curly brackets again and then inside menus we can pick what fields we want so we want id and wait typing chicken curry i did i just wanted chicken curry he said what do you want i want chicken curry [Laughter] yeah so ied ingredients uh gluten free and what else do we have names yeah so for image we need to specify so you need to do like curly brackets after image yeah so inside image like we can get the url yep okay cool and we can press play and make the request zoom on the editor on this here let me zoom in oh yeah okay sorry guys um yeah so this is basically just writing out the query we're basically getting all those fields that i typed in that strappy interface i'm basically putting it in here so i can query that to get that back that's basically all we're doing here and the url the image is because the image gives you more than one thing so you have to request what you want from the image right the url in this case yeah okay and press play play i love pressing play on this and it gives me everything i want i love it it's cool this is my data so i can see that i get my chicken curry and i get my cherry gluten free is true i've got my image i've got my meal name my idea of one so i can see that that data is correct if that data is wrong then we made a mistake here or we forgot to put something if we're missing something yes yeah so now i like to use the apollo to use like because if we use next uh the strappy module then we don't use graphql it's it's like a huge setup thing so can can we use graphql yeah what are you asking me to do yeah so let's let's install the apollo yeah like if not we have to create a plugin which we can do but it's to be too much it follows a massive library you see i i'm the same as you i don't like using apollo unless i have to um do we have them it's not a nooks module is it it is it's js slash apollo yep so um yeah i i normally use i normally create a plugin i have a blog post on a bunny wants to read that up but in the meantime um this is what we're gonna use yeah it's not going to let me use yarn is it no npx to the rescue yeah okay let's just do npx i don't know if npx works with save because i don't normally use npx same let's um we'll try it out see what happens should be mpx add no npx install yes no npx add no oh okay so it executes packages i don't think it adds them because we're using save do we have npm yeah now i'm mixing package now i'm missing mixing um yeah yeah let me just see um let me just quickly check this might be quickly easier nvm add yarn because it's actually just really simple to do this um using nvm yarn in the npm in no it's not nvm why does not give me what i want yeah but we don't use npm because npm is i'm using nvm um where's the nvm docks mdm nvm oh yeah cause this is their docks they don't even have dogs just like it's just like a readme i remember now okay what about npx 08 npm install node nvm ls remote now it should just it should just this is what i want with yarn right yes and then we'll be able to install yarn oh yeah uh someone pointed out are we in our what fold are we in are we instructs we're just in next oh okay great when when uh okay oh another photo great but we don't have yarn we have no access to yarn anymore you killed my yarn and for some reason i can't go on do we change back to 12 and install our package and then change back to oh my god okay i'm not going to figure out how to install yarn let's just do let's just do an npm um let's just do npm what was what would you did you asked me to uh apollo client yeah okay so this is what you shouldn't do you shouldn't mix your package um versions because um it's going to like cry and it's going to say like oh you've got two you've got a package log and a yarn log and you should never do that so never do that um just choose one because it's going to come up here but um yeah we're having nvm nvm does scoped global packages yeah so someone else understands nvm just let me know how does nba why is nvm npm install global yarn is that all i have to do really seriously yeah daddy i'm gonna do that i want to see is that is that true let me just because this is alert this is a lesson you're going to learn if you're not using nvm it's a great tool but if you change your note versions it kills everything and kicks you out of everything but what it does it does let you use global installations without having to put like pseudo commands and things like that thank you you rock and bus sylvan i hope you said your name wrong you rock rocky see he rocks he's rocky at his name and everything okay that's cool we have now we have yarn lock and we have a package lock um it doesn't matter won't worry about that cool yes thank you and thank you derek i know you're trying to help there as well okay we have yarn installed um so we also have the other install so it's all good it's all good this is like becoming a back end um cli tool terminal terminal sessions oh my god okay on nvm and yarn what am i doing now so now okay we're installing the apollo command so if it's working i don't know if it's working is yarn working now yeah your arm should be working uh i don't need save i think i can still just use i can just use you should install um what's it called graphql and graphql tag also oh that's true let me get rid of the package lock so we don't have oh yes derek is um derek is the solutions engineer at strappy so yeah okay to help out if necessary thank you yeah we needed help we needed help with nvm that's like so strappy's problem you know okay so that's installing that which is kind of already installed npm so it should have we should we didn't probably didn't even need to do that um but as you're saying we need to we need to add this yep so we need graphql tag and graphql let me just open another one and show it in there and and graphql i guess i always like to read the docs when i'm live coding and i kind of go hmm that's graphql tag i've already done that where's graphql why is it not telling me to do that but anyway let's just okay so we should have in our package um jason we should have jason yeah we should have apollo and we have graphql and graphql tag so we've got those in there yes that's good stuff okay so now we can go into our you said this was going to be easy daniel you said this was going to be easy nvm blame yarn right you want me to add the module right so yeah so just that so this is in our next config we have to close all these off we have to okay i don't want typescript language features thank you very much um we always have to add these into um config otherwise next doesn't know that it exists so just make sure you do that and the ducks tell you what to do if you read the docs it's very helpful so yeah and i need to add you can copy the apollo section also yeah so we can and then we'll just change our end point to the strappy endpoint okay so localhost one three three seven yep slash graphql oh yes of course okay i think it's complaining about a comma is it okay it's done oh yeah i have like in formatting it just does it it'll be fine oh awesome okay so now yeah we can start to make requests in our page so we go to pages index.view and in our script section we first have to like initialize a an empty array to receive our menu items so we can use them in our page so data function yeah and then um let's name this message menus menus yeah and then let's let's let's keep this as an empty area okay yeah and then let's go into oh wait no not this not the curly ones the oh right sorry sorry sorry sorry yeah and then um yeah below this after the data function we need to have like an apollo section so define apollo and then let's check the docs how does this work so open that up and then we define oh yeah so we define menus that's our um our keyword that's what we're getting from strappy so menu so just type menu and then this is like a key value and then open an array and then we'll have our query say that again so now we have to open um the curly brackets okay just quickly and then now we have our query we need to define our query as okay scale it from the playground no so we can copy it actually from the playground very very right um i have too many things open where is my playground here we go so i just want to copy this do we not have to wrap it in in graphql curly braces first yes we do so let's let's get gql on the top of the script section before we before we get in any anything so import gql from graphql tag okay yep and now so we just before we paste it just type query and then um the yep and then now wrap it in those l yep and that look at that see that just magically like made that all beautiful there was a really nice i love that what is that um yeah um what the data is from viewer v data and correct this is the correct answer let me just answer that uh it snippets from sarah drostner that is very correct so seriously has created some great um it's an extension you can install in your vs code and then you can do really cool things like just saying uh v data and you can see like it's just gonna give you data and i press just like the tab and it gives me all that data and there's loads of other things and i just added some nook stuff as well in there so if you read the docs i'll but you'll see like you can add the axios request the fetch requests etcetera just by like typing two things so check the docs for that but it's yeah sarah drastic created that so very worth while installing that's so cool i did not know about that yes okay yeah so i think this should work you think it should work right well we have it in the script tag now we're going to put in the template right can we just electro menu or something um we just wait what i didn't um so can we just do something like this i just get rid of that those links and let's just put a can we do a dollar data we should be able to do dollar menus rather oh i kill i killed everything oh my god um because of yarn right yarn yarn dev yep so we can put because what the way apollo client works is the empty array we initialized so it has the same name as the um you know the value menu oh we have to name them the same thing actually so in okay the same thing so all we have to do is interpolate menu and we'll get like the whole response apollo cache in memory oh we have to install that because i think we put it in the config okay so let's it's weird the docs didn't ask us to do that but mentioned it in the snippet well at least they tell us at least they kind of say so yeah when you get these errors and warnings normally it's for a good reason and normally actually it's not going to break your computer by installing these things so actually do what they tell you in the terminal um because it will help save your life okay so that's obviously the next loading screen so it's loading so that's great sign and we should have let's see if this works the way i want it to work let me take that off the screen we don't need that comment there anymore and we should have we should have our data right now you're probably going whoa what happened there why did i get that so with view this is a view thing not a next thing if you think if you put dollar data you will return everything that is in here whether it's the graphql thing and all other things so if i added something else in here you'll get that something else as well so that's just something to know if you ever want to know what is in your data just you can just use dollar data and it just comes out like this right so um it's getting a queries of menu which is like coming obviously and it's got nothing in there so it's not um but yeah it's a it's a way of seeing what's in there right so we want to see what's inside our menu which i think is nothing according to this like yeah so it was right empty okay so is it because let's change menu to menus yeah i was going to say and even in our data function yeah because this is sometimes quite confusing there we go we have chicken curry and you know we can make it sorry i get very excited and we can make it chicken curry is very pretty because this just um makes it a bit kind of nicer to read in case you're ever like you know playing with data uh just use the pre-tags and it will just kind of like make it more visible but yes is that a next thing or like an html thing prius html thing on the dollar data's if you think this is not next this is just html did you not know that did i am i teaching you something today daniel you are teaching me so much um this is a good thing so why was our menu why does this menu have to be the same as this i think it's quite interesting i think it makes that relation between your response um when we get that response it yeah these these values have to be the same i remember reading the docs and it's just really it said name name your um your property the same as the root object of your query so the root for us was menus and that's what we had to name our our array empty rna okay so that's pretty cool we have um we have everything we want and we can literally then just you know uh obviously it's an array so we would have more than one in there so technically now we can just like you know do a i don't know uh like a div and and use a v4 yeah before so i'm using vf and i'm just going to press boom and look at that look at that isn't that beautiful did you see that yeah this is this is code snippets right um so i'm gonna put menu in menus you could leave it as item and items um we do have an id so i can literally do menu id and then i can put menu uh dot uh do what do we call a meal name meal name right let's just see if we've got the meal name we have chicken curry right i should put this underneath it so like people can see it a bit better right because this is like you know just just for this just helps you when you're when you're developing that you can kind of see this is what i'm getting back and this is what i have access to i don't know what you would use daniel um i mean yeah you can use this you can see it right there but i don't know sometimes i like to see it on the screen right um so we could probably um i just i'm just looking at you can yeah i'm just looking at that question there um equivalent solution to view apollo for next i don't know if you apollo have support i like so much this tool the apollo is great it really is great it's just full-on and it's quite big so um yeah i have a blog post on what i wrote i wrote a um i wrote a plugin basically um and i just used that instead um but you can check that out and it might work it might not work but it's just i don't know if it works for edit like writing and stuff but definitely for getting data it's for simple things it works but for more complex things apollo is good so now we can literally just um like we could just like do a h1 right and throw in that in there and then like put a part no we need to put a well our ingredients is kind of like really bad because we didn't really do that very well did we we just put it you know yeah it should have been a description we didn't necessarily format it yeah yeah so uh and we want to do um we can change it by the way can we actually go into strappy and um change the name uh what are we doing a we'll just put a paragraph of um um and what else is we're gonna see what we're gonna get back and now we have do i have a v image no yes okay image source equals menu dot what do we call it image image dot url dot url i'll make sure because dynamic we need to put the binding of here and we can actually put the out of the menu.name okay and what else do we have in there ingredients image that's it we don't need to print out the id and that should be beautiful it should be beautiful it should be beautiful wait for it wait for away for it fingers crossed and it is not beautiful where's my image why isn't it beautiful oh so we might have to wait just let's just check the url of the image we might have to append uh the strappy let's get rid of the preview right because we don't need that anymore oh wait wait wait wait we do i just want to see how the url looks okay so the url is uh yeah so it's just upload so we need to append um localhost 1337. okay yeah so yeah it would be easier if we had like an infant but anyway whatever yeah we we should have done that oh well what is it one three through seven yep slab yeah we don't need to add the slash i guess because the yeah that should be good yes we have chicken curry it's a bit big it's a massive chicken chicken i don't know whether we want that fake chicken curry i think it's enough to feed the whole stream we have like 32 people that is the biggest chicken curry i've seen in my life can we make that smaller um like to get that thumbnail image did you say that like you said strappy just image stuff how do we do that so we can use preview url okay uh change the qu from uh so instead of url we can have preview url okay i need to check the i need to check the docs also yeah so we need to change that in our query also under uh in the image thing the bigger the better the bigger chicken curry yeah but it's just the it was oh no no that's not it's not um preview url like that oh no no it is we just haven't uh put it in our graphics oh we haven't put in the query of course like you know you don't know if you don't ask for it it's like when you go to it's like when you go to a restaurant if you don't ask for it they're not just going to come and bring it to your table right exactly so yeah capital u didn't tinted where's my chicken curry really weird so let's see how it looks um if you could scroll down let me see how the thing looks oh here yeah sorry the return preview no no did we not set this up we didn't set it up in the let's check out the playground and see what we can play with so the thing i like about the playground is that is a very good point we can look at the docks no no also so so getting null in next is perfectly normal because it's not on the playground yeah and people are not seeing that they are seeing that yeah you've seen that yeah show us down a little bit cool um okay so what do we need to do we need to go into our dashboard no no let's look at the docks in the playground so far right yeah and let's look for image maybe we can do some tweaking there so menu image yeah let's see so we get width and height and when we have preview real it should be a string should be should be there yeah yeah okay so how do we set it up that's this is this is weird never had it did we find a blog live on live coding we have a strappy bug in the query yeah so let's go ahead in the query it is lowercase someone says um you mean that i said no in the query because it's in the query it is here it's probably oh that's it's uppercase no it's here it's fine it's fine that's okay no um yeah okay what do we do go in a local host admin let me just go over here so by the way there's documentation you could read and we could read that um or we could just play around and figure it out so yeah i'm actually looking at the docs right now hi debbie hey strappy said hello to me i like that that's so nice you're very polite okay i'm in here you can go to a media library go to our media library i don't think okay media library sorry yeah okay so we can click on that and maybe edit it let's see let's see what we can do with this [Music] not a lot add all text we can add a caption and this is just going to give me my alt text automatically i like that yeah but it's nothing there's no preview image like option that is so weird because we had so many options on the rest endpoint yeah and it showed it like as it was installing and i mean what about here um so we can get width yeah we don't have a thumbnail no no so we can get width of the original image and the height also but that's still pretty huge i guess yeah i mean we could just like see assess it and whatever and just mess it but that's not really the um yeah still getting a massive image we do have the next image module coming out very soon and we'll be able to just do that and then we won't have to worry about strappy not having like the image set up properly with preview url and we'll be able to actually just you know change those those and we could use cloudant as well but you know never mind yes that's another thing we could use so we have a cloudtonary plugin for images also oh that's cool if if that's something you want to use you can host your images on cloudtenary and get them into to strap you and use all that cloudinary magic or you can wait till about next week next week or the week after when the next image module is out and you'll be able to actually just do this live in your next image tag um yeah maybe maybe we can do that next time i i need to do some proper research on why this preview url isn't working in the graphql plugin yeah okay never mind we have we now have um width and height so that's coming back in and [Music] mikhail said it looks like stroganoff in brazil well okay i'm quite happy with stroganoff too uh phil says using format's thumbnail in image do you have a format should we do the on the playground let's try it out oh okay i i don't think so i'm getting that no graphql error must have a yeah no that that was a good suggestion but i mean there is a formula let's see what formats has it doesn't have anything yeah it doesn't let me have anything it's got formats and if i press play it's just going to give me errors because the format doesn't have anything yes now i have something to play around with next week oh my gosh strappy i broke strappy it only took us an hour 30 acres this is a great question lucy um the next image module is not is technically already out it's technically already out because you can go and you can install it you can use it but there are some breaking changes coming so if you are using it in production then be aware of that um we're improving it even further and there's a lot of work being done to make sure it's absolutely perfect and fantastic and performance etc so it is almost ready but you can use it you can play around with it but you know uh phil says it's weird indeed so we just encountered something that's very weird and for some reason it's not working uh control in space the editor shows suggestions i don't remember michael says okay let's just move away from that because it's not really that important we can have a massive chicken curry at the end of the day um so with our width and height yeah can we do like at the end can we do like at the end of the url or what are we doing here with the width and height we can only use it in yeah as a property of the tag so you can sort of like bind them to the tag the way we did alt text okay no we're doing what are we getting back from it i'm confused what are we getting back from this width how does it know what width i want so it's the original width of the image okay why do we want the original yeah might be smaller or maybe oh what are use cases where you'd want the original i'm so totally typing wrong by the way i know that i'm just i'm trying to think at the same time my head is not um doing so we're not getting that image oh yeah will well we need to change it to url so we still we've got our massive and let's just inspect that to see what we got back from this so we've got our image we've got our alt it didn't really give me anything in that um in that area yeah i mean obviously i can just you know put 20 here or something on like oh my god i can't type 200 no so i can obviously just do something like that right i mean that's a simple solution just go to your css change your image width change it put a max width you know we could be we could just do a max width of 400 pixels for example um 200 pixels right so we can do that easily and and and that makes it easy to do but we were just trying to be complicated weren't we and on fcy yeah yeah and it got the best of us yeah like the simple things always get us but that's cool so while we're here and i'm just gonna like quickly do this we'll worry about the image thing another day and i'll just like literally just put um not that debbie that debbie image and just put max with 200 pixels right and then we're not going to like you know kill the everything and i want to take away the preview because we don't need that anymore of the data right so now i've got my my chicken curry i think that's pretty cool i think right now we should add one more meal and have it just magically appear on the page because i think that would be just cool right yeah let's do that so we need to go into the admin um yes we added into menus well i'm going to do this i'm going to do this i'm going to see if i can do this right this is my first time using strappy so let's see if i can remember everything we're going to add a new menu we're going to call it uh what's your favorite meal daniel i love tuna sandwiches so let's go with a tuna sauce sandwich that's not a meal it's a sandwich it's um oh my god it's a snack there's bread yeah there's there's mayo mayo yes there's mustard and yeah i think that's it it's definitely not gluten free so this off so there's no sharing with debbie sorry i'm having chicken curry you can have your tuna menu sandwich uh how much how much diet fiber five yeah let's say five okay so now we've got to find a tuna mayo tuna sandwich nice delicious tuna sandwich what do you reckon this one that yes that's perfect okay um save image ass my downloads are going to be like very strange what's going on back into here drag and drop it in there all of you are still watching there's loads you're still watching thank you for uh bearing with us on all this um add more assets no we don't want to add more assets upload one asset to the library yes wow look at me look at me finish i have learned how to use strappy it only took an hour what do we do an hour and 17 minutes to learn how to use strappy install yarn with nvm change my note version use graphql that's not bad going so this is now ready to go i can press save and now i should be able to go to the graphql playground and press play no and and i should be able to see all my all my stuff no why not because you did not publish it's still in ah man i forgot one thing oh you see i would have been going mad saying stupid strappy doesn't work nine out of ten publish why don't you put like a like i don't know a kind of like a published you know like a toggle a toggle switch like something that just reminds you hey do you want to publish hey you know like a little kind of a little guy running across me you know that would be fun okay image format has no subfields says phil that makes sense right so in my playground i should have a tuna sandwich um i have a tuna sandwich so that is good and then it should just appear automatically on the website let's have a refresh yes and there we go we have i mean the chicken curry obviously wins i obviously obviously wins my formatting on my styling is absolutely terrible um that's not the aim of the thing here uh hello miss pusa vlog from the philippines and um and yeah we have tuna and chicken chicken and tuna that's very interesting delicious delicious so that's really cool that wasn't um it wasn't very difficult at all and i can kind of see i can kind of see the use cases i can kind of see why you'd want to use this yeah what use cases are you thinking of well like i mean i love doing my blog posts in um in nook's content module because it's like loads of mdm files and that makes sense to me as a developer just to just write mdm but like you know for adding my youtube videos or for like adding images of things i've done you know um like lists of things like would be my would be a good use case for strappy i think does that make sense yeah yeah that that is very true and we're just touching the base here there's so much to learn yeah so much to learn let's give it two months and then we can do another you know intermediate strappy intermediate i do have one question though like you know we have gluten free on or off is that always like on or off or is it something like um do i always get on or off or do i get like something else it's just on or off you always get on off i've i've been i've been wanting to change this because it doesn't make sense does it on or off because like okay here i get back true or false so obviously then you can do your vf gluten free you know show so i can um i can just so get rid of this i think i can put it here i think i can put it in a v4 i can't remember the if menu dot gluten free yep [Music] i think it has to be in in the in the upper one so i should be able to do this and just wrap it in this and and then i should only get chicken curry look at that you see right so that's how you can play with your boolean value because you don't want to be printing out true here but you want to like you know say i only want gluten free so i'm not going to get that so that's how you can kind of play with your boolean values just in case you were wondering but let's let's make daniel happy and give him some some tuna yes please show me right so that's been really cool i i i i really like it i'm gonna like forget to publish all the time i'm gonna like forget that button i'm going to go mine and then i'm going to remember you saying no debbie it's not on the playground yet you can't play with it cool and we can edit it the draft and publish thing you can you can turn it off on certain things so if you don't want to have to click publish and you just want to like you know press save and have it published automatically yeah i'd want that i'm that kind of person that would be me that would definitely be me i just want to save and it's live okay cool um is there anything else you want to say showcase do before we before we wrap it up um that's um that's a good amount for um ada i think this is probably a really good um you know overview of different stuff strappy has the plugins the permissions the api types of requests the fields content modeling there's a couple things we can do with components and um there's the customization part which we would probably not even have enough time to get into but yeah this is this is good where where do we find this this endpoint that we're going to change in the future because it's not going to be running off my local host so is this like my um where is this where where do i get this endpoint from in the future for a real product so wherever you yeah so we can only change the port when you when you change to production um your port number stays the same and then your endpoint is always slash graphql if you go to your is it stocks trucks yeah so if you go to in your structs folder oh you want me to open here yeah and then we go into uh it should be a config so a config folder up there up there yeah yep config and then if we look at server okay yeah so we can change up our host and our port and then um this is just for local but if you deploy something then it's really just your endpoint to wherever you deployed if you deploy it to hiroku and have like strappy at debbie.com admin you'd go to the admin panel if you have like slash graphql you'd access the graphql endpoint if you have like slash whatever menus then you'd access the menus endpoints that's how it would work so this is mostly just like local server stuff but i don't have to do this in here i do this in the admin right like when i when i go and say we say this in heroku right now um so when i put this in heroku and then we have this this nice url which i need to then tell next go to this end point which is hiroko debbie strappy whatever um i don't need to do anything in the admin right it just works yep as you you have to give it permissions right in heroku yes yeah yeah okay and i can choose to put this on any kind of node hosting right any kind of heroku or yeah it's mostly not necessarily node hosting because there's production environments usually recommended to have something like a postgres database or like mongodb or mysql which is more suited for production environments because the sqlite database is literally just like a db file which isn't the best thing if you want to have like large-scale applications but yeah um you'd probably have to have like a postgres something so node.js wouldn't wouldn't wouldn't like kick it because you'd have to have something to have to host the database also and manage the database so stuff like hiroku um render digital ocean aws that would be super cool but there's like a bunch of one-click buttons to to get it up and running so you don't have to worry about that and then this this um this structs folder just lives in our um in our data in our workspace just for local host stuff right this this is like yeah just for local host stuff this is just so that we can build things locally um and then obviously play around with our end file to say we wanted to get it from localhost or one to get it from our actual api et cetera correct yeah and then we can just deploy our generator static site throw it up to netlify not play any money and then we've got like you know one on a static site reading from the data of our strapping yeah um i actually have strappy deployed on hiroko for free herself that's a really good alternative okay i do have another question because i have worked with hasura so it's a kind of a little bit of a competition not competition but you know competitor to strappy are there web hooks or are there kind of a way that in this admin i can actually you know unsave um send a huck to deploy to nullify so that i don't have to regenerate you go to settings okay yeah yeah there is if you go to settings there's the workbook section nice okay this is very important this is like the most important thing okay it really is so you can have you know yeah it is very important i actually use that for my static sites i i build a lot of my static sites for that so if you go down you have like a bunch of events that you can subscribe to for uh your web hook so if it's media or entries in collection types based off stuff that happens like it will trigger your web hook which is pretty cool okay okay cool we won't go into that but basically yes this is what you set up so that when i press translations sorry i just saw a question in the chat about translation oh okay let me throw that in there i see it so really important question right now we we have a plug-in in development for internationalization which is i18n and that will be out end of end of this quarter i think nice which no no sorry end of uh so about june we should have that out and you'd be able to manage different languages and locales with that plugin so it's it's coming and you'll find it in the media library in the library here and the media in there yeah in the marketplace okay yes it will disappear cool out of thin air okay um if anyone else has any other questions this is your last chance to ask them and um and we've done oh my god we've done an hour and a half but i don't care because like we've done quite a lot i think i'm gonna i'm gonna put this scene on so it's me you look at us me and you yes i mean we learned how to share screens live change screens do so much but no it's actually very very vm yeah like oh my god we always have like this is live coding this is what happens when you go live things go wrong um but it's it's been um it's been really cool i have to say i was i was quite surprised because it's actually quite easy to use strappy and i i was afraid to use it for so long so i was like oh my god it's so difficult i can't do it it's back end api and it just like oh and your head goes and i think like i don't know i think it's just easy so yeah anyone who wants to create something just for fun and throw data in there and like you saw how we were able to create menus and create a restaurant application in a matter of time um so that's pretty powerful and graphql like yeah which is like in seconds we just threw graphql in there so yeah that was really cool yeah i'm happy this um worked out and you liked it yes i'm very impressed i'm very very very impressed so um this is a this is a great chance for you daniel to tell us what's going to happen in april do you want to do that oh yes april will be a very special time we're going to have our first um use-up conference called strappyconf and we will be announcing the speakers very soon i've got some really exciting speakers and we're going to have a bunch of cool workshops and we're going to have some really interesting strappy announcements also happening there so you should check out strappyconf it should be strappy.io slash strappyconf and it's virtual single day free you should definitely attend you would love it i like i like when you say free um yeah let me just see if i can find it here strappy conf or conference strappycon so let's see if i can get a link for you yeah i don't seem to find it strappy conference oh it's trappy okay let me just what can i say daniel really trying to promote you here trying to like you know okay strappy dot io slash strappy dash conf dash oh it's a dash who puts dashes in there 2021 oh okay i don't know if your youtube will let me send no it's okay i i have on am i still getting a photo for what you can you putting it in the chat for everyone yeah i shared it in the chat that should be that's probably which part did i notice i just got strappy dash conf slash 2021 2021 oh no it's the wrong one that's so weird it doesn't work did we break strappy is it is it down should we just google strappy conference oh my god i just found it i'm gonna let me change scenes so i used google oh that's just me when i want there we go uh i just googled it and it came up so um what is the url because it's hidden here it's a strappy conf 2021 i don't know why it didn't work when i was using it but yes that one is there it's free you can just register it's april 22nd 9am pt time whatever time that is i have absolutely no idea so don't ask me but throw it into your calendar and i'll figure it out for you um if you still want to submit a talk you can right so if you're a strappy expert out there and you want to um share what you've built or what you've learned with strappy then throw that in you can do a 30 minute talk or 10 minute talk and if not come and come to the conference and learn more about strappy i think it's going to be um yeah it's going to be pretty cool so absolutely yeah okay you should pay me for that now just promote it yeah just just email me the invoice no that's that's for the hour and a half of of time that you you took the patience that you had to have to do this so um yeah i think that's all from us so i'm gonna um i'll leave you backstage and we'll drink beers and uh i'm gonna say bye in the chat so thank you everyone for watching um really really great loads of interaction and i hope i answered all your questions if not reach out to me or to daniel on twitter and like you know harass him about anything else strappy wise and if you have any other issues and harass me for anything nooks wise and we'll see you um on the next live coding session so thank you everyone yep
Channel: Debbie O'Brien
Views: 5,578
Rating: 4.9205298 out of 5
Keywords: nuxt, strapi, cms, content, nuxt js
Id: Rj1qYm5zctE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 50sec (5570 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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