Let's Learn English! Topic: Water! 🌊🚰 - Lesson Only - Free English Class!

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well hello everyone hello and welcome to this english lesson about water now you might think water is a very simple topic and maybe you know all the words associated with water but i was surprised when i was putting this lesson together how many words there were and how many phrases how many english phrases i can teach you when we go over these words in fact just this morning i was thinking of more words and even brent from american english with this guy used the phrase tap water or the term tap water which i don't have in my slides i have city water i think but there are many things to talk about in this english lesson when it comes to water so we will get started as soon as possible as you know water is one of the most important things in life air water food some of the things that keep us healthy some of the things that keep us alive on this planet earth so let's uh let's get started in just a moment so water is called h2o this is the scientific name i guess that you would give water water is a molecule water is a liquid and there's a lot of different ways to describe it h2o stands for hydrogen and oxygen there's actually two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom that form a bond and you get a molecule that's called h2o and if you have enough of those molecules you can see water and water is of course found all over the planet in a lot of different forms and we'll talk about a lot of those this morning this is not a science lesson so if i get some of the science wrong please remember this is an english lesson i'll try my best to explain things correctly but if you want to make a scientific point in the comments below certainly do that and i will read it and i will learn more about the scientific aspect of water but this is an english lesson so let's talk about water there are basically two kinds of water found on our planet there is salt water which has a high amount of salt in it and there is fresh water which is usually fairly clear and clean it's not always drinkable sometimes you need to treat the water first but it definitely is water that you can use if you need to have a drink after treating it or boiling it or something else but salt water is generally found in the ocean we have the atlantic ocean the pacific ocean there are a lot of large oceans in the world and oceans have salt water so when you go to the beach and if you are on a beach that's on the atlantic ocean or the pacific ocean or another ocean you are swimming in salt water you can kind of taste it if you get a little bit of salt water in your mouth that it has some salt in it in the rest of the world there are things like lakes and ponds and rivers and i'll talk about all of those that have fresh water water that has a low salt content it might have other minerals and other impurities in it impurities are things that make water not safe to drink but definitely we have salt water and we have fresh water canada in particular has many many freshwater lakes we are a country of lakes as well as parts of the northern united states there are many many lakes in north america as well as in europe and russia and many other countries in the world there are many many bodies of fresh water so again this will be a lot more than just a vocabulary lesson if you listen to all of the words i just used i'm regularly using terms and phrases to talk about water that aren't in the slides that aren't in the 50 slides so this will be a very rich lesson it will be very dense and full of information bodies of water are things like lakes and rivers and streams generally when i think of body of water though i think of like a lake or an ocean or the sea but let's move on we have what's called potable water also referred to as drinking water so um a lot of times you'll see trucks on the road in canada and they're delivering water and they'll actually stay on the back potable water that means that the water that's in the truck is safe to drink and so i'm not sure why we have this term why it's potable the more informal and more common term is to simply say drinking water so when you go on a trip you bring some drinking water with you okay so this is water that is safe to drink um in order to get drinking water or potable water most of the time you will have a water treatment plant close to you now i know it depends on what part of the world you live in in some parts of the world you can just drink water without treating it in canada generally all of our water is treated that means they take water from a lake or stream or river and it goes through a process to purify the water so even though i live out in the country we drink water that has been treated we go to our local town and we fill up water jugs and we only drink water that is from the water treatment plant now there's two kinds of water treatment plants there is a water treatment plant that creates drinking water or potable water but there's also what's called a waste water treatment plant which treats the waste water that comes out of our houses so quite a bit of a difference there a water treatment plant creates drinking water a water a waste water treatment plant treats all of your sewage and everything that comes out of your house hopefully that makes sense but that is how in canada we definitely have water and this is true for a lot of countries in the world but i am aware that there is a vast difference in the world right now sometimes people say what if you had three wishes what would your three wishes be and i think one wish that i would have uh would be this that everyone in the world had safe drinking water if we could have a planet where everyone in the world had safe drinking water i just think it would make me happy and i think it would be a better planet so that is something that i definitely support um let me see here so water comes to us in some different forms when we have precipitation precipitation is any type of water that falls out of the sky when i look at the weather report the weather report for today says possibility of precipitation 30 so it might rain later today so rain is one form of precipitation and when we get rain then literally water falls out of the sky i think we're all familiar with what rain is rain is one form of precipitation another form of precipitation this is actually from two days ago another form of precipitation is snow and i'm not going to go over all of the details not i'm not going to go over all the different kinds of precipitation but we have rain we have snow we have hail we have sleet we have freezing rain there are many different types of precipitation but the main two at least in canada are rain and snow you could also sometimes get water from a spring on our farm there's actually a spot where the ground is always a little bit wet because water naturally comes out of the ground so we have in some places in canada natural springs a spring is just a place where water comes out of the ground and springs are common around the world many countries have natural springs so uh and because we're in north america and we're kind of silly we often put spring water in bottles and then people buy the spring water so i know that might sound silly to some of you but north america and other parts of the world are a little bit crazy sometimes when the sun shines or when you heat water up it will turn from a liquid into a vapor and it will evaporate so evaporation is when water turns into a vapor it turns into what we call steam and it goes back into the atmosphere so precipitation is when water comes down from the sky evaporation is when water goes back into a vapor form and goes back up into the sky so water has a freezing point the freezing point of water is where water turns from a liquid to a solid and we have ice the freezing point for water is zero degrees celsius or 32 degrees fahrenheit i hope i got that right we don't use fahrenheit very much in canada by the way so when the temperature goes below zero water will turn from a liquid into a solid and we will get ice you're familiar with ice if you live in a northern country or if you live in a very southern country but if you live closer to the equator you might not have ever seen ice outside but you've probably seen well probably not icicles but i added this because i think icicles are cool when water drips and then when it slowly goes below zero when it goes below the freezing point then we slowly get little icicles um but you've probably seen ice cubes so the the most common form of water in its solid form would be ice cubes so that comes about when we go below the freezing point of water there's also a boiling point the boiling point of water the boiling point of water is 100 degrees celsius or 212 degrees fahrenheit now i do have to add here even though it's not a science lesson those temperatures i believe are at sea level okay sea level is like the level of the ocean so when you go higher or lower on the planet the boiling point changes and the freezing point changes slightly which i think can affect baking i think the uh baking can be affected by your altitude anyways you have a boiling point where water boils often on the stove you will have a pot of water and you will boil the water when you want to have a cup of tea you will boil the water you will put the kettle on or you will boil some water for tea and when something boils we get steam so steam is the third form of water water can be ice which is a solid it can be in its liquid form which we just call water or it can be a vapor which we call steam okay i think vapor is the right word there's probably another word for it but remember i said this wasn't a science lesson it's just a lesson about water so we have three forms of water which we see quite a bit let's go over some of the ways we see water in the world so a puddle is a very small amount of water on the ground after it rains okay so here when it rains if we get enough rain my driveway will have puddles in it there will be puddles on the side of the road on some roads if it's a dirt road or gravel road the road itself will have puddles so a puddle is just a small i was going to say body of water it's not really called a body of water because that's used to talk about bigger things but it's a small amount of water that forms in a little part of the earth and it's usually there after it rains for a day or two and then it either evaporates or it soaks into the ground or both a little bit of both probably a ditch is something that is man-made the term man-made means something that people have created a ditch is something that people make in order to move water from one place to another okay so along the sides of the roads in canada and in the united states there are ditches so they actually create little waterways that can take the water away from that area in my field i have a ditch so that water will drain out of the field so a ditch is a man-made um i was going to say a ditch is a man-made ditch a ditch is something that's made by humans to move water from one place to another we also have what's called a canal so a ditch doesn't always have water in it it usually has water in it after it rains and then the ditch you can see water flowing down the ditch a canal though is something that is man-made as well and it's a place that usually has water all the time and a canal often is made to get ships from one place to another so here where i live we have what's called the welland canal and it goes from lake erie to lake ontario so it is a waterway that was created by humans in order to get large ships from one end uh of from one lake to another so a canal if you go to holland you'll see many many canals in some of their cities the dutch are really good at digging canals so we also have small flowing things like creeks streams and brooks now the most common word of these three is probably stream so just so you know these are all smaller than a river okay um i live on what's called it's the welland river but it's also called chippewa creek so it's big enough to be a river but it has two names but generally if something is smaller we call it a creek a stream or brook i think a creek is technically smaller than a stream but these words are kind of used however people felt like using them so you can't say like every stream is bigger than every creak in the world because that's simply not true and probably the most common of these words would be the word stream let me see here and then as i mentioned a river is just a really big stream we have many rivers in canada as well and i know in other parts of the world there are many rivers but of the types of water that flow um rivers and streams are two of the most common um sometimes along a river or along a stream you might have a waterfall i live close to niagara falls one of the biggest waterfalls in the world not height wise but in terms of its total length so a waterfall is a place where a river or stream goes over the edge over a precipice and then goes to a lower part waterfalls are beautiful they sound beautiful they look beautiful they are amazing to look at um and then i mentioned the word flow so we talked about brooks and rivers and streams and creeks um and ditches these are all um you know things that have water that's flowing when water flows that means it's moving the river i live on the water flows past my house okay so flow is when you see water move from one place to another a puddle does not flow okay a puddle is just some water on the ground but a river will flow um i should have added puddle as the first one in this series but a pond is kind of a large piece of water that doesn't flow okay so on our farm we have a small pond some people have a small pond in their backyard they'll have a goldfish pond or they'll have a fish pond so a pond can be quite small and a pond can be fairly large it's definitely smaller though than a lake okay so i don't know exactly when a pond becomes a lake but a pond is a small body of water a non-flowing body of water it might have a stream that comes in one end and it might have a little stream that goes out the other but in general the water doesn't really move that much and a pond will usually have a fish in it a lot of people have fish in their pond a lake is a large body of fresh water by the way a pond is considered fresh water a river is fresh water a brook a stream these are all fresh water in canada we have many many lakes and they are very very beautiful it's one of the things that the northern united states and most of canada is simply filled with lakes there is a lot of fresh water in the northern us and in most of canada and most of it is in our lakes in fact um yeah i think where is a thousand lakes is that in northern michigan i can't remember where some of these places are where's the land of a thousand links we should ask brent that geography question for brent um brent says i need to make it over to niagara falls one day that'd be a good place to meet actually because it would be a shorter drive for me um we also have the sea and we have the ocean so generally the sea and the ocean the sea can be salt water it can be fresh water it depends on what sea you are talking about the black sea and caspian sea or maybe we're talking about the bering sea so the bering sea is saltwater close to alaska whereas the caspian sea and the black sea are fresh water i should double check i'm checking i'm fact checking now it says here the caspian sea oh my can't find it fresh water the caspian sea is not fresh water it's salty water diluted by the inflow of fresh water okay so i was wrong the caspian sea is saltwater um we should make sure let's check the black sea now let's see um is the black sea no it's it is salt water but less salty than the ocean so there is a bit of a difference there ah there we go and then let's see yeah so don't quote me on this again this isn't a science lesson but generally a sea is smaller than the ocean um the ocean is usually the word ocean is usually the word we use to talk about the atlantic ocean the pacific ocean um the indian ocean we use the word sea to talk about things like the south china sea um or the bering sea so um yeah you're gonna have to do a little bit of your own research on the difference here but generally in my mind an ocean is much bigger than the sea but they can be very similar in fact seas can be part of the ocean right definitely let's talk about things i know about waves are things that you can find in a lake you can find in the sea you can find in the ocean waves are just large amounts of water that come to the shore and sometimes if they're big enough they will kind of curl over one of the most popular water sports of course is to go surfing so surfing is a popular water sport and we'll talk a little more about water sports in a bit sometimes there will be white caps so sometimes there's waves and they don't quite curl okay and we would just call them waves but sometimes when they curl you can see the water gets kind of foamy at the top and kind of white and we call those white caps sometimes on the lake when we go to the lake the wind will be blowing really hard and it will make waves and the waves will have white caps in a river sometimes a river or stream will flow over a lot of rocks and it will cause what we call rapids the river i live on does not have any rapids it's it's not it doesn't go over any rocky areas but there are many rivers that have rapids in other parts of canada and sometimes people go white water rafting so they'll actually go down the rapids in a raft it's supposed to be a fun activity i've never done it and sometimes people will go kayaking when there are rapids so we talked about a flood or flooding a flood is when a river lake or stream overflows its banks or when it simply rains so much that the water starts to accumulate where there's normally no water you can see in this picture the street is flooded there is a flood in this city normally i would think there is no water on the street but either it has rained so much that the water has accumulated or it has rained so much that the river or lake or ocean has kind of come into the city and we would call that a flood um we have what's called a marsh and a swamp there's a slight difference between the two a marsh is usually a large grassy area that has a lot of water as well i live close to several marshes if i go south from my house there's an area where there is just a lot of marsh land there are many many marshes so a marsh is a place where there's just lots of small pools of water the ground is usually very very wet and it's usually filled with grasses that like growing in wet ground so there are a lot of marshes a swamp is very similar except a swamp usually has trees as well if i go to the north there is a forest and in the middle of the forest there's a big swamp so it means that there's just water everywhere there's mud everywhere there's little pools of water but there's also trees growing so a marsh and a swamp they're both very similar the only real difference is that a marsh usually doesn't have trees it's just a very very wet area or and a swamp usually does have trees we actually also call these wetlands right now in canada we're trying to preserve our wetlands wetlands are just areas that are constantly wet there's usually just water everywhere and in wetlands you'll find marshes and swamps let's talk about the house and speaking of water i'm going to have a sip so in our house we have a tap or faucet as i mentioned at our house we do not drink our tap water we don't drink water straight from the faucet because the water that we have that comes out of our tap is from our cistern which is just rain water that has been collected but in most towns and cities in north america in the u.s and canada we have what's called safe drinking water that comes right out of our taps okay i think the technical term is faucet but i hardly ever use the word faucet we just call it the tap the kitchen tap might say the kitchen faucet sometimes and usually the faucet or tap is above a sink so that when you get water the extra water goes in the sink you would use the sink to do dishes you would use the sink to wash your hands etc and at the bottom of the sink is a drain sometimes you plug the drain so that you can fill the sink and when you're done the water will go down the drain and it usually goes into the city sewer system if you live in the city for me it actually goes into a septic tank so i treat we treat our own waste water here we have a septic system which is very common out in the country um so as i mentioned i have a cistern it doesn't look like this but under my garage there is an 8 000 gallon cistern i can hold 32 000 liters of water in my cistern and all of the rainwater from the house goes in that cistern so it is a large tank made out of concrete and a cistern can be any size a cistern is simply a place to store water usually rain water but we also sometimes buy water sometimes it doesn't rain for weeks on end and we have to buy a load of water so a truck comes and drops off water and puts it in our cistern some people still have a well there are two kinds of wells though in the world there is this style of well which is a dug well that means someone dug a hole deep into the ground and there's water at the bottom of the well some people in canada my neighbors have a well but they have a drilled well that means they drilled a small hole into the ground and then they put a water pump at the bottom of the hole so wells are very common still in canada i don't have a well because the water the well water in my area has a really funny smell to it it smells a little bit like rotten eggs it's kind of a weird smell so we just get our drinking water from town and so there's a number of different ways to refer to water if you live in a town or city some people call it city water some people call it tap water some people call it drinking water but generally if you live in a town in canada or in the united states you will probably have a water tower somewhere if you are in a larger city you probably don't have a water tower there's probably a different way to distribute it but as you drive across canada as you drive across the united states it's very common to see a water tower so they put all of the drinking water up into the tower and then there's a big pipe that comes down that distributes water to all of the people that live there and i've used the word pipe a few times a pipe is a solid pipe can't use pipe to describe pipe a pipe is a solid piece of metal it's usually made out of steel or stainless steel sometimes copper and it's used to move water from one location to another the thing is a pipe is not it's solid it doesn't bend a hose on the other hand is another way to move water it has you know a hole through the middle but a hose is pliable or you can bend it um so my house has water pipes it has hot water pipes and cold water pipes because we also have a hot water heater in our basement and we have a number of hoses outside that we use if we need to move water outside sometimes though there's a leak we had a leak in a pipe in the barn last summer and water shot all over the place a leak is a small hole in a pipe you can see here this pipe definitely has a leak it has a hole in it and water is coming out of the hole it's not nice when you have a leak because sometimes your house can get flooded that has never happened to us but sometimes if a pipe bursts or if a pipe springs a leak by the way that's how we say it we usually say it springs a leak oh the hose has sprung a leak that pipe is springing that pipe has sprung a leak sorry i'm using the past tense but um if you drive across a hose too many times sometimes it will spring a leak but yeah that's how we refer to it a small hole in a pipe or a hose in order to move water we use a pump um a pump is anything large or small that runs on electricity or gasoline or diesel or petrol or natural gas it's a device it's a small machine that will move water from one in somewhere one place to another so usually it has a hose or pipe connected to it as i mentioned some people in my area have a well and they put a pump at the bottom of the well and it will move the water up through a hose or pipe so that people can use it and then there are water sports so water sports are any sport that's done on in or around water so surfing jet skiing water skiing all of those things are considered water sports because canada has so many lakes water sports are very very popular someone asked me earlier what my favorite water sport was and i said water skiing i have to say though it's been a long time since i've gone water skiing but water sports very very popular in fact most people well not most people many people i know own a boat just a small boat i live on a river and i don't have a boat i should really get one someday um when you when you go in water or when someone sprays water on you you get wet okay so this person is wet i don't know why he's in the river but he's he looks happy so maybe he's just in the river to cool off but he is definitely wet his shirt is now wet um a couple last things here when farmers water their crops we say that they are irrigating so later this summer i'm going to irrigate my field while i'm going to irrigate the flowers we don't actually irrigate our larger crops but when you irrigate it means you put water on plants so they will grow it's also called irrigation so the verb is to irrigate the noun is irrigation um wait irrigation do you have we are going to do some irrigation do you have irrigation equipment interesting use it a couple ways um and some people have a pool when i was a kid we had a pool we don't have a pool anymore a pool is a nice little uh place to jump in and cool off on a hot summer day um for some reason when i was a kid my dad really liked having a pool so he built his own pool but eventually it didn't hold water it sprung a leak and so we got rid of it and sometimes in different places people will create what's called a dam they will build a dam to hold back water you can see in this picture that the dam is holding the water back on the one side and usually a dam is created so that you can generate power a lot of times a dam will have a hydroelectric power plant attached to it not all of them do but definitely a dam is a common site in the northern part of the province of quebec where they generate a lot of power using a dam with a hydroelectric power plant
Channel: Learn English with Bob the Canadian
Views: 101,131
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Keywords: learn english, learning english, learn english with subtitles, bob the canadian, yt:cc=on, english lesson, english video with subtitles, english subtitles, english class, english class about water, english lesson about water
Id: 33tQpnCPHXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 24sec (2004 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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