Let's Learn English! Topic: The Kitchen 🍽️🍳 (Lesson Only)

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well hello and welcome to this english lesson where we're going to talk about the kitchen and we're going to talk about all kinds of things that you would find in the kitchen i hope that you enjoy this lesson the kitchen is one of my favorite places in the house because i really like food i like making food as well but i do like the kitchen because i like snacks i like supper time i like dinner time i like lunch i just like eating i also exercise quite a bit because when you like to eat you do need to walk quite a bit and you do need to work out to offset the food you eat i know that it will seem like i'm teaching a lot of really simple vocabulary but with each word that i teach you i will try to add a few phrases and i'll talk about how i use that word in regular everyday speech so i'm going to start by teaching you three verbs that we use when we're in the kitchen sometimes we bake in the kitchen sometimes we cook in the kitchen and sometimes we make things in the kitchen let me back up when we bake we're usually talking about things like bread or cookies or pies so i could say today i'm going to bake bread today i'm going to bake a pie tomorrow i'm going to bake muffins usually when we are baking we are putting things in the oven so the oven is the appliance where you open the door you put something in and you close it but usually when we bake we're talking about things that we make out of flour i do need to add as well this is a very north american english lesson the english that i am teaching you today about the kitchen will also reflect that these are things that we do in canada and the united states so this i know around the world there are different ways to prepare food this lesson is very much a north american english lesson so we bake bread we bake pies we bake cakes those are all really yummy things by the way one moment i forgot my glasses and i'm already having trouble reading stuff um we also cook in the kitchen so when you cook things generally you cook things on the stove top so again the oven is where you put things in the stove top is where you put pots and pans and frying pans and you cook things so generally we cook foods that we will be eating for our meals so you would cook spaghetti you would cook hamburgers you would cook hot dogs you would cook a meal you would say that tonight who's cooking tonight is jen cooking or is bob cooking so cooking refers to the general practice of preparing meals if it's a meal where you need to heat it up if you don't need to heat up the meal you're not cooking it but if you're confused about whether to use bake or cook here's the simpler way to refer to things we often just use the verb make when we're talking about food so if you think about all of the food items i've already mentioned i could say oh i might make bread today i might make cupcakes today i might make hamburgers today i might make hot dogs today i'm thinking that tonight i might make spaghetti so if you don't know whether to use bake or cook the simple way out is to just use the verb to make so often we make supper jen and i take turns making supper actually i think i've mentioned this before in the summer when jen is busy on the flower farm i make supper most of the time we can also use dinner in the winter jen makes supper more than i do because i'm a little busier than her so if you're not sure whether to use bake or cook just use make the place in the kitchen where you prepare a lot of things is called the counter or the countertop so you can see the surface here that is the area where you prepare food okay so it's not where you cook food it's where you prepare food in order to cook it we are often preparing food on our countertop in order to get it ready to cook so when i make cupcakes i first get all the ingredients out and i use the countertop to prepare the food for the oven the oven again just to review is the appliance that heats to a certain temperature often when you are cooking actually all the time when you are baking or cooking using the oven you will preheat the oven to a certain temperature interestingly enough all of our recipes in canada are still in fahrenheit because we love the united states and we do a lot of things the same as them when you use the oven to bake something you will preheat the oven it'll say preheat the oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit so you will preheat the oven then you will prepare the food that you want to bake and then you will put it in the oven i should mention you don't just bake in the oven you can also roast things in the oven so when you're preparing meats you often use the word roast you know i'm going to roast some chicken in the oven i'm going to roast a roast in the oven and i think we would even say cook what i think i would cook chicken in the oven just use the verb make it's a lot easier we also have the stove or the stove top so the stove top or stove is the place where you cook things just let me do one thing here folks i forgot to open something up before i started the lesson there we go now i can keep track of where i am so the stove does not need to be preheated too much you just get a pot or pan you put it on the stove and you start to cook we also have what's called a microwave so i remember as a kid when i was about 10 years old we bought a microwave it was a brand new thing in the world we had never seen it before my dad and mom came home from the store and said we bought a microwave and i said what is a microwave and then we spent about a month i remember as a child learning how to heat different things up in the microwave or how to cook different things in the microwave probably the coolest thing for me was that you could microwave an egg i don't do that anymore because i don't like the taste of a microwaved egg by the way you need to poke the yolk with a fork before you try that i usually fry my eggs in a frying pan but yes a microwave is interesting you put food in you punch in the amount of time you want to cook it and you hit start and then it beeps when it is done so generally we use our microwave to thaw things out or to cook some things some small things but usually we use our stove or oven when we are making food let's see here we also on our counter by the way i'm talking about appliances right now that are on your counter on our counter we have a toaster we often put bread in the toaster we put the toaster down and we wait for the toaster to pop up when the toaster pops up you decide if the bread is brown enough or if it is toasted enough if it's not you put the toaster down again sometimes if you put the toaster down too many times the toast will burn sorry i have a little bit of a little tickle in my throat but let's talk about the toaster from the beginning again you get two slices of bread you put it in the toaster this is a two-slice toaster you can also buy a four-slice toaster we have a four-sliced toaster because there's lots of people in the family you put the toast down or you put the toaster down you can use either phrase and then you wait after a certain amount of time it pops up and you kind of look oh that toast isn't as brown as i would like it or that toast isn't as toasted as i would like it and you put it down again there's also a dial where you can set how long the toaster toasts the toast you want me to say that sentence again you can set how long the toaster toasts the toast before it pops up we also on our counter and on many counters in north america you will find a coffee maker now the coffee maker has changed over the last few years many years ago we had an older style most people now have this style which is a single cup coffee maker i think you could call it like an instabrew or ours is from a company called keurig and many people just call it a keurig now but it is a coffee maker that makes one cup of coffee this is the style of coffee maker that i have in my kitchen it's very very handy because i'm the only one that drinks coffee and i only drink one cup so it's nice to be able to just make one cup of coffee let's see where i am here we also have a kettle we do drink tea in our family and sometimes we will boil water in the kettle let me go back to the coffee maker though the coffee maker takes pods you put a pod in the coffee maker it is a small amount of coffee that's pre-packaged you put it in the coffee maker you close the lid and you select how much coffee you want depending on the size of your mug i actually don't use pods though i have a reusable filter that makes exactly one cup of coffee so we also have a kettle sometimes we put the kettle on that means that you put water in the kettle and you start the kettle and then people can wait until sometimes they whistle our kettle does not whistle when it's done it automatically turns off you hear a little click and then you know the water has boiled and you can make some tea but definitely we have a kettle as well we also on the counter have a knife block so uh in many north american kitchens you will have a block of wood with lots of little holes in it and then different size knives for cutting different things so we have a knife block in our kitchen as well it has different knives for cutting different kinds of food and it also has what are called steak knives along the bottom which is a small knife for eating different meats and we have a pair of scissors in our knife block the most common thing for people in our house to say about the knife block is where are the scissors who used the scissors last did somebody forget to put the scissors back in the knife block so that is probably the most popular pair of scissors in our house and it often goes missing in the kitchen as well you will have cupboards so cupboards or cabinets we usually call them cupboards but cupboards are the things with doors that you can open and that is where you store your food as well as all your cutlery or utensils or plates and cups and bowls so your dishware so cupboards are just small cabinets that you have in your kitchen and it is a great place to store all of the things that you own so when we are done doing the dishes we put all the dishes away in the cupboards when we come home from the grocery store we put all the groceries away in the cupboards as well so we have cupboards where we keep um all our pots and pans and plates and bowls and mugs and we have other cupboards where we keep most of our food the food that doesn't need to go in the fridge let's see here um [Music] let's see here um oh evgeny has become a member of the channel thank you so much evgeny for becoming a member that is awesome of you thank you so much for doing that um there are also drawers in the kitchen so we have kitchen drawers by the way we do call them kitchen cupboards and we do call them kitchen drawers sometimes so when someone says do you know where this item is i can't think of an example someone might say oh check in the kitchen drawer beside the utensils so we refer to it as the kitchen drawer but a drawer is something that you pull out you can open a drawer to look for certain things and we do have a special kind of drawer called a utensil drawer so a utensil drawer is a drawer where we store three things in particular our forks spoons and knives you notice i'm going fairly quickly because a lot of this i think is review for you so i'll try to slow down a little bit but in our utensil drawer it might also be called the cutlery drawer we call it the utensil drawer here in canada i'm curious to see what brent calls it in america whether they call it a utensil drawer but in that drawer we keep primarily the forks that we would use when eating a meal the spoons that we would use when eating a meal and the knives we would use this knife by the way is called a butter knife a butter knife is a knife that is not really sharp it's made more for spreading things on food than it is for cutting food so it's usually called a butter knife we have larger spoons which we call serving spoons so if i'm serving food and if people need to get food from a serving bowl they would use a serving spoon so if i had a big bowl of potatoes in a serving bowl there would be a big serving spoon in it a serving a normal spoon is this big a serving spoon is this big so you can scoop up the food that you want when you eat you generally eat using a plate hey tamer thank you so much for the super chat that is awesome of you thank you very much a plate is what you use to eat you might also use a bowl so a plate is used for things like vegetables and meat and rice or noodles a bowl is generally used when you eat soup or when you eat stew so or cereal people eat a lot of cereal as well in a bowl so they'll have a bowl of soup a bowl of cereal or a bowl of stew one of those you might be wondering the difference between a glass and a mug i didn't add cup on here this is a glass because it's made of glass if this was made of plastic i would call it a cup so i have a glass of water here if it was made of plastic i would say i have a cup of water when i drink my coffee in the morning i drink it from a mug a mug almost always has a handle on the side so how much coffee do i drink every day i have one mug of coffee every day and that's it and i drink decaf coffee all the time always decaf uh a ladle is what you use when you have something like soup and we generally talk about scooping okay so you would use a ladle to scoop out soup and put it in a bowl you could say if i said how much soup would you like you could say one or two scoops or you could say all have one or two ladle fulls okay but a ladle is something that you use usually for a more liquid food like a soup or a stew to scoop it out um i'm just reading juno saying bob the canadian you are such an amazing man i really like your english lessons anyway let me head to the question have you ever cooked bhurani in your kitchen no i have not cooked food from very many places in the world so um spatula so here is an interesting one i actually call this an egg flipper which is not the real name so sometimes in your kitchen you will call something by a name that your family sometimes calls it i grew up calling this a flipper or an egg flipper but it's really called a spatula this is something you use when you're making something usually in a frying pan that you need to flip okay so you use a spatula to flip an egg if you were cooking a hamburger patty you would use a spatula to flip the patty a spatula is used to flip things that you are frying in a frying pan this though is also a spatula so this spatula is used to clean out a bowl when you're baking and when you dump the ingredients out of the bowl sometimes you use a spatula to clean the bowl out so this is a spatula this is a spatula they have the same name but they're kind of two different things uh let's see here this is called a whisk sometimes you need to whisk things in a bowl sometimes when you are making something you will put some milk and some eggs and a few other things in a bowl and then you whisk it so a whisk is used to whisk so it has the same name as the action that it does okay so when you whisk something you put it in a bowl and then you you go like this really fast and you whisk it um sometimes when you are making something you need to stir it and you would then use a wooden spoon we have a number of wooden spoons in our kitchen so let's say you're making something that needs to be flipped you would then use a spatula if you are cooking something on the stove that needs to be stirred you would use a wooden spoon so we use a wooden spoon when we're cooking let's say we chop up some vegetables and we have some vegetables and meat in a frying pan we would use a wooden spoon to stir it maybe we're making soup if we were making soup and we needed to stir it while it was cooking we would use a wooden spoon so wooden spoons are very popular when you are cooking or making food in the kitchen when you need to stir the food we definitely have a can opener um i think this can opener is owned by almost everyone in north america this exact can opener there are many different kinds of can openers of course but this is i think the most popular style of can opener in the entire country of canada so you use a can opener when you have a can of food and when you need to take the lid off so you you put the can opener on and you turn the can opener until it goes all the way around the can and then you take the lid off you have to be very careful you don't want to accidentally cut yourself on the lid and then you dump the food out of the can and then you rinse the can off in the sink and you recycle the can and the lid so a can opener is used to open a can of food that you want to heat up or that you want to cook and eat let me just check where i am a rolling pin so this is a fun one when i make pizza i actually make pizza dough in the bread machine i'll talk about that a bit more later but eventually i take the dough out on the counter and then i put some flour on the counter and i use a rolling pin to roll the dough flat a rolling pin is very very handy if you are making a pie when you are making the pie crust you also use a rolling pin to make it very very flat we definitely have a rolling pin you actually saw the rolling pin in the thumbnail for this video i'm pretty sure we also have a mixer so a mixer has two beaters that you attach to it and when you turn it on they spin together a mixer is actually kind of like a whisk often when we are baking something or when we are preparing something to bake it we put the ingredients in a mixing bowl and then we use a mixer to mix it so we mix the ingredients in the mixing bowl with a mixer hopefully that made some sense it has a very distinct sound you plug the mixer into the wall and then you turn it on and you set the speed and then you mix things up on something that my kids like to do if i use a mixer if we use a mixer to make cookies or anything that has a sweet dough my kids like to lick the beater afterwards so if we make icing or frosting for a cake using the mixer one of the kids wants to lick all of the icing off when we are done so that's a very common thing to do when you are baking bread machine so this was a relatively new appliance about 20 or 30 years ago we bought our bread machine for very little money and you put all the ingredients in it and you push a few buttons and then four hours later you have bread now we actually don't use our bread machine just to make bread we also use our bread machine to make pizza dough so we'll put the ingredients in for pizza dough usually some oil some flour some salt some yeast very simple dough and we'll let the bread machine make the dough and before it cooks it we take it out and we roll it and flatten it we let it rise we flatten it and then we bake pizza or make pizza with it so bread machine very handy appliance to have in the house someone earlier mentioned the blender a blender is something that you use to liquefy things so when you put a bunch of fruit in a blender and then you turn the blender on it chops them so fine that it becomes a liquid we use our blender to make what's called a smoothie a smoothie is something where you put some water some spinach some peaches some strawberries some bananas and it blends it together and it turns it into something you can drink it's very very good we also have something called a food processor now we don't own a food processor but a food processor oh there's two pronunciations food processor food processor oh interesting i didn't even know that by the way apparently you can say food processor or food processor i i didn't even it's fun to teach these lessons because i realized how english is kind of fun and weird anyways a food processor is used to chop up food you can chop food up with a knife but if you have a food processor you can use it to chop up your food we also have probably three or four cutting boards in our house we don't cut our food on the counter we don't take food out and put it on the counter top and cut it up or chop it up we always use a cutting board because it's just better you have to handle food properly because you don't want to get people sick so we always cut our food on a cutting board or a chopping block they are somewhat the same thing a cutting board is maybe a little bit smaller we of course have a fridge or a refrigerator in north america most fridges have a cold part on the bottom that is about 3 degrees celsius and then they have a freezer on the top that is below zero degrees celsius so this is where you keep milk and fruits and vegetables and things that need to be cold the freezer is where you keep things that need to be frozen so we often when we make a meal that's too big we will often freeze the rest of the meal so that it lasts a long time and then we'll eat it later so a fridge has two parts it has a cold part on the bottom that's called the fridge and then the top part is called the freezer again fridge is short for the english word refrigerator i think most of you knew that though we do not have a dishwasher a dishwasher is a large appliance that you can put all your dishes in and then it will wash them for you we do our dishes by hand okay so we do our dishes in the sink when you talk about doing dishes that's how you say it you say after the meal we do the dishes you can say wash the dishes um i think we use both we wash the dishes after the meal we do the dishes but someone will wash some and then they will rinse and someone will dry the dishes we we had a dishwasher a long time ago but when you have a lot of people in your house sometimes it's actually faster to do the dishes by hand because we have so many dishes they wouldn't all fit in the dishwasher um we of course do our dishes in the sink so there are usually two sinks in a kitchen sink does that make sense in a north american home there's usually a faucet or tap and there's there are two sides to the sink so it just allows you a little more flexibility when you are using your sink and of course the sink has a faucet and there is a tap for hot water and there is a tap for cold water and then usually i don't know if you can see it there's like a little thing on the edge that you can take out and you can shoot water on your dishes i don't know the official name for it at all let's see here um co wu is asking if people use rubber gloves in the kitchen we don't see a woo but many people do use rubber gloves in the kitchen for sure when they're doing dishes when you fry something like an egg you use a frying pan when you cook something like soup you use a pot so the only real difference between a frying pan and a pot is that a frying pan is not very tall it's a very shallow pan and it's used for frying things like maybe you're going to cook some vegetables you're going to fry some vegetables you're going to fry an egg etc a pot on the other hand is used for making something like soup or if you are going to boil something maybe you're going to boil potatoes like in this picture you would use a pot to boil your potatoes so pots and pans that's something you hear often in the sometimes when people get married they'll say if people say what do you want as a gift they'll say oh we don't have any pots and pans maybe you could buy us some pots and pans and kids when they are young like to play with pots and pans pots make really good drums and pot lids make really good symbols do you know what symbols are it's like you can tell i'm not very musical um so kids love playing with pots and pans when they are kids kids like playing with pots and pans with their kids that was a redundant english sentence yes um yes kids definitely like playing with pots and pans in our kitchen we have a spice rack this is a very common thing to see in a north american kitchen and probably in kitchens around the world on a spice rack you will have small jars of the most common types of spices that you would use so often when i am cooking something or when i am making something if it if the recipe calls for a certain spice i will go to the spice rack and get it and i will put some that spice on uh in the amount that it is that is needed there is definitely a kitchen timer in most kitchens jen and i have slightly different methods of cooking when i cook something or when i make food i almost always set a timer jen kind of cooks more by taste and how things look and she's just better at sensing when something is done for me if the recipe says to bake it for 20 minutes i bake it for 20 minutes i set the timer when the timer goes off i take the food out um jen is a little more like well it could stay in for another minute or two and generally her food tastes better than mine so i think she's just better at that aspect of it rod says my younger son makes a drum set out of pots and pans at home pretty quiet yeah pots and pans when used as drums are very very loud for sure um we have oven mitts when you take something out of the oven it's very very hot so before you do that you will put on oven mitts oven mitts are protective mittens that you use when you're taking hot things out of the oven so we definitely have more than one pair of oven mitts they're very handy i'm always worried i'm going to forget to put the oven mitts on once we had a pair of oven mitts with a small hole in it and i burned myself a little bit that was not good in the kitchen you will probably have a grater so if you have cheese or carrots and you want to grate it so when you grate something you rub it against the grater and it makes it into small pieces a lot of times we will grate cheese before we put it on a pizza or we will grate carrots or other things if we want to chop them really small so in a kitchen you will definitely have a grater earlier i mentioned a few times that when you're making something in the kitchen you will often use a mixing bowl a mixing bowl is just a giant bowl okay so a mixing bowl is a really big bowl that you use you put all the ingredients in the bowl and then you either stir them with a wooden spoon maybe like this person you whisk it with a whisk but a mixing bowl is used to mix ingredients before you bake them or cook them whatever the recipe is calling for by the way that's how you talk about a recipe when a recipe it lists what you need you say that's what the recipe calls for let me see here we have cookie sheets so there's different kinds of pans one of the most popular ones in our house is called a cookie sheet a cookie sheet is a flat piece of metal that you use when you make cookies so we have three different cookie sheets in our kitchen when we make cookies we have cookies in the oven we have cookies on a cookie sheet ready to go in the oven and we usually have cookies on the third cookie sheet that just came out of the oven fresh cookies are super super yummy we also have a colander in the kitchen a colander is a pan with holes so when you need to drain something like noodles if you've boiled noodles in a pan or a pot you would pour them into the colander in the sink and then it would help you drain the water we also have what's called a strainer which is similar you can see a colander is its own pot whereas a strainer is something you use with a pot it's kind of hard to explain but i think you get my point with a strainer you can actually lift things out of boiling water as well and then uh the last two things you have measuring spoons and you have well looks like i lost one of my slides there is supposed to be a slide for measuring cup so i'll just talk about measuring spoons are very very small and on the measuring spoon it says the amount so it will say something like one teaspoon or one tablespoon or it might say 15 milli milliliters or 30 milliliters so there's two systems of measurement and i'm not sure why measuring cups didn't show up in our recipes it'll sometimes call for three or four cups of flowers flowers flower don't say flowers three or four cups of flour okay so you will get your measuring cup you will get the one that says one cup on it and you will get the number of cups of flour that you need
Channel: Learn English with Bob the Canadian
Views: 238,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn english, learning english, learn english with subtitles, bob the canadian, yt:cc=on, english lesson, english video with subtitles, english subtitles, english kitchen vocabulary, english lesson kitchen
Id: kRCbSdpscYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 45sec (1965 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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