Let's go see a MOVIE - Stardew Valley [21]

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day one of fall year two yes finally wear the hat again it's so nice to wear this hat it's so comfy okay oh penny's birthday today we have poppies for her okay let's grab a coffee ah another morning okay that's all busy maybe we should make another row of casks [Music] oh yeah she wants us to come to dinner we can do that oh yeah this is all the mail that we checked oh yeah the dark side crafting recipe and pierre being open oh thank you pierre what is that dark sign [Music] bat wings and bone fragments oh what's displayed oh we can make this oh can we put these like around the house and in the around my farm to like make more light at night instead of torches that might be cute um let's see well at least i have some corn i'll leave that so it can just grow oh yeah we needed to some of my walls were crumbling so i need to redo that need to get some hardwood fencing again damn this is all still cooking ah the best music [Music] enter jody's house with a large mouthpass at 7pm i think i have one i'll check in a bit um okay a lot of fruit [Music] oh yeah this is water now there's literally nothing i need to water here anymore except for my cactus [Music] um what should i do definitely more star fruit if i can um how many do i want nice definitely this one but maybe maybe like six more nice three more one ah come on and what do i do here should i do more ancient fruit or it's not ancient fruit sweet gem berries i do have five more here [Music] two perfect now let's get four of these oh i actually think i still had some in the house let me check hey penelope i think i put it in here oh just one but i remembered um a largemouth bass i have one [Music] i'll bring that for tonight two more please two more please two more please just be two please yes how do i do it every time rng magic [Music] okay that's for later i can sell those yeah i'll keep two in the box i have twelve whoa we're gonna get so much wine uh what should i make jelly of [Music] what what happens if i put a hop in there pickle top pickles do you think that's worth it well it works [Music] hi everyone oh what's this wood doing here [Music] penelope i think i got everyone up there [Music] best music did i have any wool no we're all up to date is the audio muted no it's not everything is a-okay oh yeah we need to fix this [Music] one tree is ready hopefully the rest will follow suit soon let me grab some wood uh wait i'll do the chickens first but let me grab some okay that can all grow there oh did i get that bunny i did okay [Music] there we go everyone's happy two three four five six [Music] nice nice nice [Music] can we change the greenhouse too now we could what should we change it to maybe grandpa's theme no that's too sad makes me sad can't do it um i think i put my hardwood fencing in here okay that should be enough maple um peach jelly truffles fruit okay oh i thought it was raining but it's the wind the sound of the wind the sound of the wind [Music] you gotta go you don't last long enough i'm sorry but you're not worth it there we go i'm so bad at this that looks about right isn't it yeah well that's fixed that's not too bad i like it looks cute i like it grow grow please grow faster those trees are taking such a long time man it's monday should we go to robin oh it's already four though um i'll go to piers instead and buy some he closes at five oh yeah really and what time was the food 7 p.m okay what time does willy close oh why am i here excuse me [Music] why am i doing this i found his porn why am i in there his corn stash [Laughter] how did you find that [Music] quick give it to me yeah why am i in here snooping in his bedroom [Music] what is going on i'll just forget you were snooping yeah why am i snooping what am i doing hey kitchen titties i have to find a new hiding spot [Music] okay what do we want so okay wait let's do the math so the whole field outside is 10 by 10 isn't it yeah it's 10 by ten with fours no two sprinklers right now in it uh i want two more sprinklers i was gonna just plant like a hundred things and just be done flowers are the honey oh yeah is that the fairy ones yeah fairy seeds um artichoke what should i get oh yeah i definitely wanted sunflowers uh maybe i'll do 10 actually oh i did too many the yams oh yeah um cranberries we still have bok choy i could do a little bit of i don't know why i still have some eggplant still of corn why not i think that's good it's so quiet in this shop found some wild mushrooms over the weekend keep your nose to the ground you'll find yourself you'll find some mushrooms yourself i'm sure of it um what time does wheelie close 5 p.m okay i'm not gonna make that we'll go by him tomorrow ideally i don't wanna plant anything outside of these oh yeah let's do the flowers first actually wait can't i do five rows now yeah did i buy one too little oh no oh no the hole is back i'll just have to buy another one tomorrow [Music] [Laughter] oh no crisis okay we'll do three by three for these and then just one random one there that'll be nice that's it that's all i bought perfect oh no i have five more i bought way too many um okay oh it's 7 40. oh i need to go i'll water it later i almost forgot about the dinner which house was it again on the left i hope i make it oh i missed it [Laughter] oh well that was the house right uh jody kent and sam jody yeah oops oh well rip i think you can still go tomorrow maybe the quest is still there so that would be nice yeah maybe it doesn't expire actually because it's one of the male ones they don't expire right i mean it's kind of on them honestly asking a farmer to come by on the first day of a new season they don't understand how busy we are we'll see we'll try again oh look at that oh i want more kegs okay um no wait let's do these small stacks first there oh i need more oh um that's good right i think that's it ancient now we're now we're cooking now we're making the good okay cranberry strawberry orange truffle um i think that's good i'll save that for seeds oh i have quite a lot i should remember that i have those oh the grass well i'm sort of organized now i just have one corn on me for some reason trooper thanks for the prime sub bathroom thanks for your prime sub thank you thank you you know what i'm just gonna sell this coffee whatever i think i'm done we fix the fencing on the on our little orchard all the wine production is up and running i want to make some kegs or casks i always want to make kegs but i can't i need to wait for the resin wood and hardwood wait so if i want to make say i want to make was it 11 was it rows of 11. one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven say i wanna make one more row of eleven so that's 11 hardwood and 220 what 220 would i think ah rip um 11 oh we'll chop down some trees tomorrow okay so tomorrow it's penny's birthday we need to go by robin if it's the right day and willie and the dinner at seven four things that's how i always try and remember if more the quantity of things i need to do rather than what i need to do strawberry wine baby 5k nice okay i missed the dinner yeah tuesday is aerobics rob okay it's tuesday yes okay so that takes care of that so then it's really a poppy for penny i forgot where i put them though do you guys remember them the temp box maybe yes okay let's give her this one um [Music] let's see oh this is looking good and it's all watered and everything nice ah that's so nice that it's automated wood wood wood i wanna chop some wood make some casks ronan thanks for the gifted subs thank you out of my way i have trees to chop two one [Music] that should be enough yes yes yes yes oh here we go [Music] oh yeah we need to buy another fairy seat okay why did i decide to try out a beach farm that one seems hard honestly i saw that i was like hell no i'm not gonna do that hell yeah perfect beautiful let me grab some cheese see if i have 11 cheese on me i sure do god damn oh wait one more he [Laughter] there okay that's good i like that i like the look of that anything else done no that's fine where's my cat oh there it is i love you never enough cheese cheese heals the soul it does for me i love cheese [Music] okay that's that hi guys oh new cake do you see that um let's see there we go more cheese joins the family too i'm getting so good at this now everything's getting automated i'm getting quicker and quicker do i have enough wood on me still no two let's drop down another tree so we can make a keg i like that tree there i'm gonna leave that one you know what i think if i get seeds i should just plant them immediately so that this forest corner just keeps going i think um but there are a ton of seeds already here though so for now i think it's good i could put some here okay [Music] let me sell some there i'm selling that because too much okay [Music] oh i should check for out the wood i put the wood away didn't i no i didn't did i forget when was is penny's birthday today or yesterday oh today okay okay the days are blur already um [Music] do i have what i need yes one more and then we have the back row full okay let's go into town while it's still early oh ancient drum a new artifact oh god i'm so stiff today um where is penny ah pumpkins can i make a witch hat for my character everyone has a unique and interesting perspective whether they believe it or not do you think don't you think so although some people have opinions that i just can't respect she says something good and then immediately it's like well except for this rock rejuvenation oh is that emily uh crystals to channel the right energies [Music] anything for emily [Music] penny might be in the library isn't that hurt tutoring vincent and jas day they're a handful but it's nice to make a difference in someone's life you remembered my birthday thank you this is great oh that's it miss penny says i have to read this book before i can go play you look so distraught you can play with my dolls if you want to just make sure to brush their hair when you're done it's been said that a pirate ship full of plundered gold shipwrecked here a long time ago anna thanks for the two months nice i was hoping for that a drum block thanks awesome let's go bye willy [Music] is emily my end game she might very well be but i'm taking my time i want to see all the i want to see more of people's events first [Applause] so can i just go in oh a little boat oh i can travel i can buy ticket there i sad sight isn't she [Applause] she was my father's boat served him well for over 50 years but now she can barely stay afloat i'd repair myself but i don't have the right materials miss aye 200 pieces of heartwood to patch the hull okay but we'll also need to get a ticket machine back up and the radium anchor repaired iridium if i could get my hands on the right materials and repair the old girl well then i could take you to the fern islands volcanic islands full of strange parrots they say no i i thought you would miss i'll leave this door unlocked for you you can come drop off the materials whenever you like okay so this machine could be repaired with five battery packs 200 hardwood five iridium bars okay that's not impossible i don't have a gift for you okay we can do that definitely nice to have something to work towards let me just check the beach [Music] maybe get some things together oh bubbles oh back to normal fish huh wait what was the legendary oh sardine nice what was the legendary again that i want to get in this season where is it [Music] it was a pretty easy one i think [Music] the angler fish [Music] the top right of town the river mouth oh the bubbles are gone north of joja on the bridge okay let me see [Music] north [Music] i've never been here [Music] here this [Music] my horse is a pirate hat yeah okay let's give it a shot leave for dinner at six okay let's try a couple then let's try it so this is good [Music] bum [Music] yeah the casserole is still here so ruby topaz emerald jaden amethyst i think i have all of those [Music] maru scared me because she came up in like the corner of the screen i thought there was like a spider or something on my desk ah regular fish oh it's six damn it i guess i'll try another time the season is still young oh no oh there's jodie i'm beating her to her own house quick try check the trash i'm here hey gubers please come in [Music] i said it's so casually i was like oh i'm glad you came goobers and you brought fish wonderful do you think they were waiting yesterday and i was just like no she's not here i guess she was too busy um there we go [Music] sam could you come in here and help clean the fish [Music] yes ma'am just throw it on the floor this looks wonderful and it smells so fresh got it like last year thanks so much for doing this can't cut a fish too but he eats about a whole fish to himself [Music] it's like a year old fish [Laughter] mmm that crispy bath was delicious the breading was to die for i almost feel like part of the family now oh that's nice that was it there she is coming home exercise is important for staying healthy i always make sure to set aside some time for it girl you and me both as a parent i don't have much time to devote to myself so i try and make every minute count did they like the dinner this looks so nice oh gus is 10. nice evelyn so close george so close abigail close um where is kent jodie for sam for kent five well what do you know fish the fish aged well like a wear like a rare wine you should plant the mahogany trees again out of my way i'm trying to think though i need the tree fertilizer but i think i can make that this time i might just go to the quarry again and plant like a whole thing again um see what i need tree fertilizer fiber and stone i have been stocking up a little bit um how many mahogany seeds do i have 20. so 17 that's good enough 9pm we can make it i'm gonna do it oh yes okay maybe i won't make it because i have a lot to do here okay well that's paying off right away that's nice perfect hell yeah that's going to be awesome and we're 50. we're already a quarter there quarter of the way oh i think actually let's see if i can sell some stuff i caught a couple fish the sardines was it the sardines that was we're good for the oh i actually don't think i need it anymore for the fishing dish of the sea yeah but i already have all the hardest legendary in my possession oh the lava eel is hard to catch right right right so it's sardines not anchovy anchovies can sell okay thank you okay that was a successful day i'm happy with that day it was good during the night penelope gave birth to a baby pig yay another pig oh yeah yeah what's it gonna be peggy oh peggy peggy 18. [Laughter] yay peggy nice nice nice okay oh a trophy yay okay i'll put some of this away this is for dish of the sea oh we do have a seafoam pudding nice okay so common mushroom a plum a hazelnut and a blackberry hazelnut and mushrooms i think i have yeah hazelnuts mushrooms um i only have one blackberry though and i think i have wild plums too there goobers i ordered too much fertilizer oh thanks [Music] my stuff is already growing though oh did you see that my um oh my fish just jumped caviar i did it my first caviar maybe i should eat it to celebrate cured grove a sturgeon fish considered to be a luxurious delicacy yeah maybe i should eat it myself to celebrate like you know you eat your own harvest to celebrate it okay all done how much is it worth to sell stored you will need it oh is it for a quest maybe i'll store it oh not that one it looks the same but not the same thing are you happy so they just multiply now it's weird how's my new peggy doing oh little baby okay oh yeah oh my god now with the cows i have three cows now so i have more milk oh dear production is going up oh put the cloth away okay that can still have another one okay we need to go to pierre's today because i want to fill up that one oops that one um fairy seed spot how many can it make six one two three four five six there now there were some here that i hadn't checked in on yet okay i think that was it gotta get that heartwood not the cheese not the cheese um is that it i don't know what to do with this block should i just hide it in here weird okay it's not gonna stay there forever because it's gonna be in the way eventually but sweet beet there okay that's good now let's sell the produce this one this one not that one this one this one this one okay good i'm off to the fairies the mill yeah i should maybe try and put some of the rice i could put the rice in as well as well right and wheat and beets i wish i could spend more time outside but there's so much work to do i started wearing rubber gloves to keep my hands soft the older you get the more work you have to do to stay healthy that is true speaking as an older lady [Music] um is there anything else in town i need to do maybe go buy robin what should i what should i order from robin maybe just another silo two silos a shed and two pawns to go five things um what do i need again for a silo 100 stone 10 clay and five bars oh i don't think i can do that now oh the bars are ready actually because i have one 10 clay [Music] and 100 stone those sounds thank you [Music] okay i will plant the poppy and then when i come back it's probably ready [Music] oh i said poppy but it's not poppy [Music] oh much better okay emily's quest and then something in the mail wait emily's oh yeah i already forgot about emily but we still have quite a lot of time with her it should be fine okay five bars 100 stone 10 clay let's go i think i haven't pet my cat yet today farm buildings i also want to move this one just a little bit i think i had it there on my on my own plan let me see yes exactly there okay um silo go down to the left um so ideally i wanted to put it here but i don't think i can put it here but then it's blocking a lot i think that'll work oh look at that 10-10 iridium thanks robin okay create two more furnaces so i have five yeah that makes sense i should do that because a lot of things need five bars the rule of five in stardu apparently can't fit huh there you go that cat [Laughter] was there anything else i wanted to do today we could do um the quest for okay ruby topaz can can you guys write this so i can just check as i grab them ruby topaz emerald jade and amethyst ruby topaz amethyst emerald emerald jade five ruby one two three four five that's it right i think that's it wait should i give it in her house or something because usually you put it in a box or something right [Music] now let's just deliver it to emily so i just [Music] i just give it to her does it not count as a gift [Music] you hand it over to her [Music] there we go that wasn't too hard also no text or anything okay what does marnie like she likes blues that's true diamond farmer's lunch pink cake and pumpkin pie oh she likes quartz right hmm wow plus 40 max energy well that's that how is shane doing again oh he's still good to go as well [Music] is beer his favorite or pete i know pizza for sure you're going to be you're too young you're too young to be moping around in a place like this [Music] there's no running for me oh wow how'd you know this is my favorite pizza pizza is my favorite oh i have pizza for tonight yay i hated my job at joja but now that i'm unemployed i feel even worse oh that's my bed well hopefully he likes me yeah that was an extra heart nice just one more to go pam's doing pretty well too yeah i feel bad now that he lost his job i hope he finds new purpose does that mean that marnie's paying for the therapist let's just say that everyone in stardu has amazing um can i do this yeah is it only one at a time or can i just dump a whole bunch in there let's just say that insurance covers everything dump a whole bunch oh okay cool [Music] can i do different quality ones too there oh actually i wanted to do that here too i forgot i think that's what i wanted to do god check my plans that's exactly what i wanted to do see the path um let's see where else do i want pathing just at the honey i think that's the last bit just here dirt this is a little bit of pathing i think i had paths here too but with the with the way the hardwood stumps are i think this is fine um so that i just need a blackberry i wonder if i can find one somewhere yeah i'm happy i can pick those up they don't deteriorate or anything well even if you just have put them down it's nice that you can pick them up just like that oh oh the wizard i was just going to check for blackberries that's all ah goobers i've been waiting for you have i ever told you i used to be married strange i know for a man like me but it's true my wife and i were together for many years until i made the mistake and drove her away [Music] her anger and envy were so intense as she turned green and began flying around the countryside cursing everything in her path when i found out i sealed this passage through her home fearing that an innocent villager might fall prey to her dark magic huh but now it must be unsealed for when we separated she took my magic ink i need it back i would do this myself but i can't see her again that's why i need your help in order to unseal this passage you'll need a dark talisman talk to krobus in the sewer he should know where to find one wait didn't he just hand me the recipe for that i'm counting on you if you can retrieve my magic ink i promise i'll make it worth your while now go [Music] damn dude [Music] what it's an actual witch [Laughter] just flew by casually um that's a dark sign so i need to go to him and then i'll get a a dark talisman i just want blackberries well at least we got a little fun cutscene out of it nothing going on okay was it on the ground or on a bush ground oh what's this oh what the what's going on i forgot i had this ready just casual 10k still one stream behind but gab has managed to do tons it's fun oh let me check my basement all cooking thanks again for the wonderful gemstones these will be perfect for my energy realignment work i wanted to thank you with this special gift i hope you create some wonderful items with it oh sewing machine can i make my own clothes now that's cute nice i found this recipe in a magazine and i thought it sounded interesting feel free to give me give me a taste if you make it shane cute i was conducting field study the other day and i hope i found this specimen oh nice thank you i'll give it to abby oh i made 13 rice i made my first rice yay i did it i have rice now this box is such a mess or this fridge complete and utter mess organized chaos [Music] um yes we'll get that shed eventually and then we'll take a moment to organize everything it's so cute just looking over the edge of the room such cat-like behavior okay let's see oh pickles pickled hops let's see how little money they make um i should make some of these just because apple wine cranberry wine okay i think that's good um i'm just gonna sell this cranberry apple pickled pickle tops strawberries nice strawberries coffee there you go bye no pigs today no truffles [Music] okay [Music] i think i think i'm still making more i forgot what a normal small milk looked like looks so weird there you go did i have another yeah from yesterday still on me oh new cake and the trees are ready uh i really like my little orchard it's nice i like it still not ready this bear statue just instantly makes me think of twin mirror i'll never be able to unlink that i think in my brain okay this is looking good i like it no rama not working in the rain poor girl okay one two three four five six bongo get out of the way do not disrupt the mayonnaise business bye everyone talked to krobs today i guess i should yeah am i going to make kroger's my roommate [Laughter] i don't think you can can you oh i am looking for a dark talisman yeah now do you mention it i did have one in my position not too long ago i dropped it while exploring that tunnel in the far corner the tunnel oh the one on the left things started heating up in there so i left in a hurry and sealed the entrance you see pretty you seem pretty sturdy though so i'll open it back up for you just be careful holy amazing gift for my people is a great honor to perceive to receive something like this sewers are flowing quickly today it'll get nice and humid in here just how i like it he's so cute oh mixed seats good to know that you can buy them here you know what i'll just buy some oh wait there monster fireplace i'm tempted okay i guess i can have a look whoa whoa what is this okay they're not too tough oh prismatic shard nice i got prismatic shard i want all this fiber [Music] although this is scary i don't know where i am i don't know what's happening god i'm so tempted to just mine everything but i'm guessing it's just lying around somewhere is that it you found the dark talisman it's covered in bug slime [Music] nice so much fiber oh didn't think so little okay i think that's about it [Applause] that was a fun little adventure [Applause] i'm so strong i don't have any bombs on me dude can a fish in here oh i don't know yes i can [Music] what do you think i'll get just some sewer fish a slime jack huh okay i guess i'll keep it god i don't like the sounds in here it's creepy well i got a prismatic shard out of that that's nice you can fish wherever there's water yeah fun little excursion what can i do with the prismatic shard again what's it for because we the one i got before we used for a sword oh yeah the jojo mart opened we should have a look oh trash can oh oh oh my god new things wait what is this this is so exciting i'm so happy to do this should i just give it the prismatic shard okay i'll donate it i have all of these things this is gonna be easy well i don't have to avoid some salmon i wonder where i get that algae soup it's a little slimy nice is the void salmon seven something i can oh this is exciting i wonder what they'll do to joja i had no idea that's so awesome more bundles oh there's clients uh bus stop i'll see okay yeah if i'll find out about the void salmon on my own then that's fine i don't need to know in that case we'll find out eventually i have almost everything yeah lucky lucky um what should i do now i can make a cake i have some wine ready apparently um one of these i don't have wood on me ancient fruit wine starfruit wine oh these are the good ones um nine oh wait these are good for clint no for gus i think that's it uh that slimy fish i might have to make another box for all these fish i actually have room now you can complete the bundle right now if you want you only need five or six things oh yeah all right that's true god have so much wine that is true so where do you catch the void salmon then i mean now that i don't need it for the bundle then it's not really a spoiler expand your decaying fish box yeah the wine needs to be a silver star oh really oh yeah and i need five ancient fruit with a star as well so i'll have to wait we hang to train station cave oh oh right and i have the thing the seal for that i already forgot wait can i check yeah silver star okay gold star ancient fruit i i can get that easily the dino mayo i think i have on me somewhere check in the barn yeah maybe it's in the barn see what happens with that oh i forgot i wanted to grab some wood i don't think there's enough hours in this day there oh rock on me too um and this can go here um i think i only need let's see i have wild plums i have three blackberries yeah nice okay i'll put that there for future stuff this actually is in the wrong box this is my forage box but it's full i need to give more leaks i'll sell those once this happens i'm so overwhelmed with how many icons there are and i'm just like i don't even know where to look okay um let me see wow that's intense so you need the seller if you want to complete that bundle for the silver otherwise you're not going to get silver star wine that's crazy cactus fruit wine oh i don't know but that sounds really adventurous oh robin's still working oh but there's no chest here anymore yeah i don't have it i have one egg but i'm kind of like keeping that just in case i need it for something but i mean there's no rush we can make we'll probably get another egg again soon from one of our two dinosaur buddies can be better quality than silver i know i know but we have nothing at the moment there yeah and then if we have these three things in the future oh exciting then something will happen and i don't know what um and then we'll check the the train station thing tomorrow because it's a little bit too late how far along is my wine maybe actually it is silver star isn't it yeah i think can i take this out how do i take it out when it's not done yet there we go ah now this one is not doing anything though okay so wait so it was that oh yeah and the five um star fruit the five ancient fruit with gold star i don't have any of that i put everything in wine but i have a ton of plants so i should probably get another one soon um i think ellie's birthday is coming up so the feather will be good for that what time is it okay we're good there time for bed oh what an exciting day that was awesome if you go to help the wizard there will be a new fishing spot with a new fish elliot look how strong i am i'm just carrying this cake like it's no problem [Music] oh the row is full the back row is finally done holy um i needed five batteries for the boat didn't i for the ticket machine so that's good [Music] okay can i copy iridium i don't think you can copy those resources greetings young adapt i have enclosed in this package an item of arcane significance use it wisely a jade thanks [Music] okay oh 10 nice that'll be nice for some cooking yay [Music] let me put that right there for now um this can go in forge oh i have more seeds on me okay it's looking pretty good finally getting a little bit organized okay put the jade away okay so this is looking good are these done yeah the bok choy is done should i pickle it is it worth it how much value does it add if you pickle it two times and 50. sure why not let's start pickling things [Music] my brain is like okay what should i do how should i do it how is it quick how can i do this quickly [Music] bok choy sounds great right now any food sounds great i'm kind of hungry i had a really nice um i made tomato soup not from scratch or anything just heating it up oh look here we are holy payday let's see if we get some gold stars and yep we got it nice oh my god that's it 12. we have 12. now i just need to dino mayo [Music] so much money yeah it's going pretty well [Music] [Music] there and then there [Music] okay see one of these trees is finally done still growing huh [Music] the anticipation i always thought that these trees grow really quickly and then now that i'm actually waiting on it it seems to take forever okay oh my silo should be done we can also go by krobus and buy another um i like this actually i wonder if i have space behind it to just put another one there do i have enough space here no there's a tree here huh i could put it one to the side maybe it looks like there's a three by three spot here so that might work just in case cleared a little bit [Music] see if we have a dino egg i guess i could have just used that one egg because i get new ones anyway let's just make some mayo with that [Music] i'm eager to complete it there if we come back in a little bit we'll have dino mayo [Music] oh god and then we can fix the boat oh there's still so much content this game is so big like honestly if none of that was in it i was already super content i would already been like yep this is great okay i think i went by everyone yeah looks like it okay stardew valley is a blessing yeah um let's go by krobos i don't think i have void mayo for him at the moment but i want to go buy that sprinkler and then i might go by robin and order another silo so that's done oh yeah and we'll grab the dino mayo on the on the way back oh we can do so many things oh elliot yeah elliot too oh my god dude you're a blessing wait wait wait oh yeah it's only one sprinkler per week i was like i should just buy two but i can't another busy day in the valley kimmy there's so much to do it never ends which i'm very happy with okay let's see if the mayonnaise is done how long does it take in game to make it i think it was only like an hour or two right if i'm not wrong oh new artifact all the things okay let's see if it's done yes yes yes yes okay we have the full bundle now [Music] let's complete the bundle what was it again for robin 100 stone 10 clay and five copper bars i think it's here one two yeah do i have everything on me dinosaur mayo wine ancient fruit yeah okay so that's the bundle and then oh it's 4 p.m already she closes at 5 right okay stone clay stone clay copper bars oh it's not enough okay we're not gonna make it to dayton we'll go to robin tomorrow we need more stones let's go to the community center instead oh here it comes i can't believe i just have the bundle already that's crazy [Music] yay what do i get what do i get hi friend you guys gonna restore this place all the others made it back except me oh no now he can go home too thank you thank you bye oh he's so cute whoa stars something good will happen soon oh i got goosebumps from that oh i'm so excited bye you're welcome awesome okay we got that done um i think i'll just focus on planting some more seeds then now that i have another sprinkler oh elliot do i still have the duck feather on me yes okay i'll go see him at the beach oh he might be in the saloon actually looks like a decent day for fishing doesn't it it's always a decent day for fishing my dream is to keep opening new stores until i become extremely wealthy you going in all right yeah there he goes he's not here yet i do have a coffee if i happen to see harvey [Music] i'll definitely be going to the saloon tonight what else is there to do dude you're already there have you met the wild man that lives behind our house wild man excuse me robin i guess i don't really mind as long as he doesn't bother us jesus if you want to play a cruel joke on maru give her snow yam she might not forgive you though i'm not sure why i've been working hard all week i deserve a little relaxation on a friday night hey lewis how you doing glad to see you relaxing at the saloon good to take a break every now and then oh yeah he says the same thing stop by my cabin if you ever need someone to talk to oh that's nice emily how you doing smell that clean air lovely isn't it i just smell beer honestly i just fear that the joja companies of the world will take this away from us i wonder how shane is doing ah close ah [Music] oh hey pam okay let's go where's the where's the l the l to the yet do you think we're good enough friends the house is locked where could he be well too bad i missed it i don't think my relationship with him is that good yet anyway i still have a lot of time what else should i do i guess i could plant some of the seeds let me see i have nine of these um and what was it it was plum blackberry and these yeah so i could make ten more if i want to i have plum in my other shed [Music] so quick well that's good i love the fact that i don't have to water any of this myself later now i can just wait for it to be done done nice it's looking good um let me sell some of these clams mayonnaise cheese maple syrup truffles oh we have a ton of ancient fruit yeah there we go perfect um put this away for later [Music] and i'll hold on to the diamond for now because it's an easy gift okay i forgot some mayonnaise yep i think i'm good my eyes are like on the clock okay that's good gotta go to bed 160. we're doing pretty good with this and we have all those trees we planted in the quarry that will be done eventually too so it should be pretty easy the only problem is iridium right now iridium i'm like i need to get those in the mines and i'm just not prepared okay time for a bit i'm sorry elliot ah there goes i don't know what it's gonna be [Music] lots of cheese and you're ready for the mines cheese and bombs [Music] um should we go check out jojo mart here's a recipe for a little treat pam stuffing i wanted one fresh lobster for marvelous bisque i'm creating gus 800 i don't think i've ever caught lobster yet i've caught something similar crayfish i caught but not lobster how do i catch lobster is it in the crab pot and only in the sea i'm guessing yeah on the ocean maybe i'll move my other crab pots to the ocean um anything done here not really oh i forgot to put something in there [Music] there such a big row it's amazing for some reason i really like the blueberries i guess because i really like blueberries in real life man this is going well there you go let's sell that oh yeah cactus wine do you think we can do that i wonder [Music] make some bars [Music] oh oops let's do gold this time [Music] there bye oh everyone's out so many hearts i think i got everyone can i oh i need to go around oh you didn't find your way out one two three four perfect one two three four bye [Music] let me see if any trees are ready oh yay finally we got another one [Music] oh wait i'm gonna do the back one [Music] okay nice [Music] finally another tree people liking the farm thank you i'm working so hard on it i really like it okay got the heartwood now let's check on the cheekings oh two omni geodes nice oh there's more is it a lucky day today iron ore oh there was something hidden in the grass okay there you go one two three four five six there we go perfect man i can't believe i finished that new jojo thing immediately i just happened to be making all the right things oh yeah we needed to get some rock maybe we should spend the day in the the mine maybe we should go do that so let's go here first oh okay guys do you remember your lines why are they together what are they doing yes ready action i forgot to drink stuff i hope we had i thought we had something special i guess i was wrong cut i'm sorry it's hard to remember my lines when her face is right in front of me like that [Music] oh hey check out my new camera georgico is having a video advertisement competition the price is 10 000 gold [Music] hey i want you to be in this shop okay just walk by clinton emily in the background while they're talking it'll give the scene a little more authenticity [Music] [Laughter] yay shane is doing doing stuff okay ready action i thought we had something special you said you wouldn't leave me for anything i guess that was a lie there i go no it's not like that this is just something i have to do it's very important to me i just gotta try a new jojo blue cola it's got three times the sorbitol for a thick sweet blast and it's cheaper than water oh my god but isn't soda unhealthy you promised me [Music] have no fear my dear the world-class science team at joja headquarters have determined that joja blue does not cause a significant erosion of the stomach laning so you can drink it whenever you like as much as you like the real question is when will you turn blue cut that was perfect no i'm so glad they're helping him with it thanks for the help no problem clint he turned blue from the drink oh [Laughter] why would why would we even promote oh movies oh yes whoa there's birds crane man almost got it oh it looks like you're here by yourself if you come here with a guest you can order them a snack try it out sometime what i can't have snacks by myself whoa we're gonna see a movie mysterium oh it's a scary movie a faint silhouette in the dark a desolate unknown void of space where untold horrors await what is that a variety of disjointed otherworldly scenes play out [Laughter] you must tell your friends to see mysterium tonight or i will visit you in your sleep [Music] the movie has concluded for tonight we hope you enjoyed the show [Laughter] that was so cute can't talk to them that was awesome okay let me go to the train station probably just go on my horse oh oh there goes bye oh what get the sword out who the is this henchman human you wanna pass i'm sorry private property i'm sorry but i can't let you pass i lose my job do i have to bribe him whoa clue in the library mysterious goblin problem there's a goblin blocking the path to the witch's hunt there must be some way to get him to move perhaps i should seek out more information on goblins yeah library is a good place for that [Music] so how do i get more information is it just a book that i haven't found yet it gets windy this time of year marvelous wait do i sell the oh yay at least that worked a little bit late but i already read it um let me see in that case it should be in oh it's not in here oh my god [Music] i can't reread my books click on the shelves how do i know which ones i've already read [Music] dwarves [Music] yoba farmers fishermen [Music] goblins species commonly known as goblins seem to have originated in the forest on the far northeast green skin bright red eyes foul smell despite their unsettling appearance goblins possess an intellectual and emotional capacity akin to humans um centuries are distressed traditional goblin diet largely consists of grub meat large and juicy grub varieties native to the goblin home forest goblins will dodge an item called void mayonnaise the finest delicacy in all goblin cuisine oh void maydays [Music] huh okay i feel like there's so much story happening today like it's not just me focusing on my farm like the farm is more and more getting automated so it's going more to the background of things and now there's like all these new cool events happening okay let's see sniff that smell i can't resist give me that thanks bye oh my god is that the ink i needed for the wizard found the wizard's lost magic ink better return it to him curse the country's outside spell book for rural witch dark shrine of selfishness statues thor stares through you memory night terrors ancient magic seal of protection will be lifted allowing monsters to appear on your farm at night no no thank you you try not to make eye contact i'm scared to step on this where is it gonna take me oh shrine of illusions change your appearance oh cool oh what wait what i'm not here did you happen to see my ex-wife no well what about our house do you think she lives alone or actually don't tell me i don't want to know anyway you must be wondering about your reward here reward such a hard word for me [Music] whoa [Music] what is it [Music] book of summoning arcane potential is immense but i'll make it simple for you by using this book you can summon magic buildings directly to your farm wait what magic buildings thank you no problem oh it's the back of his house wait it's connected a junimo hut nine star fruit fiber harvest crops around the hut for you they harvest for me oh my god [Music] wait what's the range of that how much how many squares do they 17 by 17 oh that's perfect i'll just put one at the bottom right of my crops and then it covers everything because the crops is 10 by 10. 200 stone i don't think i have starfruit right now because everything is being made into wine so it'll have to wait a little bit but i will definitely get this taking a picture of what i need and that's it oh there's more earth obliques warps you to the mountains five hundred thousand ten iranian bars and ten okay warps you to the beach oh so you can get this installed and then if you get the other thing that was also that was two million the scepter that always just takes you home so you can warp and then easily work back oh that would be so easy but that's a lot of money i'll need to save up a little bit holy [Music] a gold clock prevents debris from appearing on your farm keep fences from decaying oh my god how many zeros is that 10 million i think that's 10 million [Music] 10 million i think you need this for perfection as well have you guys heard of perfection the thing that's like there's like a couple there's like things you need to do to get perfection rating and i think um buying the clock is one of them that's what john was writing for john just got it holy yeah i want perfection too i want it okay cool story bro [Music] so now i'm all the way here is that oh is that water splashy sound is that the cue that there's um stuff that i can filter maybe that's what i'm hearing okay it's a sound cue oh i just suddenly whoa i suddenly put it together that's a little bit easier on the ears oh yeah let's try the cactus i don't think i don't know if it'll work but it's a fruit technically yeah i wonder what that's going to make that it yeah honestly if i keep making the ancient fruit and then having it as wine and then age all of it that will be a lot of money won't it if i keep making kegs like this i think i can definitely see myself give it another couple seasons and i think then i'll be at a million gold once the wine is finishing aging i think i'm on i think i'm on on track let me make some more gold there there's perfection and there's true perfection the wine takes two seasons to age so it takes a while i'm to try and set up a system 25 already any more casks i think i want to try i think maybe i'll add two more here i can add a bottom row so i can add 11 more and then if i keep like a path open here i could add like three or four more here i think i can add four more here so 4 16 and then another row of 11 so we can make 27 and two more on that row oh no i need the i need the wood first we need to fix the boat then we'll start making more kegs i think our casks you can tuck some on the top row as well yeah in between the pillars probably let's do it so exciting should i just go to bed trying to think of stuff that i need to do you can put 125 kegs in casks in your i keep saying kegs casks in your cellar yeah yeah there's probably an image online about the optimal optimal keg placement cask plate i was also thinking about buying just another barn just for pigs to just get like maximum truffles but honestly with my my farm plan i'm like mine for iridium yeah i think it's i think it's mine time fruit salad nice and i also need to cook one of everything right for the for the perfection luck is not on our side but that hasn't stopped me before cloudy [Music] um i can make some more life elixirs was it what was it again these oh i thought i grabbed the morals just two oh red mushrooms how are you guys doing oh three yeah thriving nice [Music] cranberries okay oh there's corn too there [Music] nice looking good i like it oh i could oh you know what i should start um i should really start grabbing my mushrooms again in my cave that's for the life elixirs i should put that back into my my daily routine i've been ignoring them for a long time i can sell the regular ones but i need to keep the red ones now and the other ones [Music] everything that's not this common one [Music] okay well i think we're pretty good with that put these things away and then just go mining oh i didn't check my chickens today [Music] yeah i definitely need more casks casks oh i said like a hybrid of keg and cask but yeah i think um i think if i make more of those because i have cheese and wine now just piling up i've stopped making as much strawberry wine and stuff and i'm just making just star fruit and ancient fruit wine now it's all getting it's all picking up now [Music] a rabbit's foot yay um i'll just keep making dino mayo thanks guys i guess on for the new mines like the old mines i was like oh as long as i get five levels in i'm good but now for the new one it's like no you need to just leave immediately and spend as much time in that mine as you can because you have to keep starting back at zero every time oh the trees but hopefully i'll get better at it the other mines right now it's kind of all just like oh it's still scary so what do i do with the rabbit's foot some say it's lucky i can't equip it do i just keep it in my inventory [Music] oh i just keep it like that check your secret notes um i don't know if i have a secret note on this lucky days hmm i never figured out what this is the red circle i have no idea yeah i don't see anything on my notes right now red circle is the middle of town oh i see okay then we can check that out [Music] sometime [Music] oh my own horse is in the way man i keep thinking now about the teleportation thing i want it it was a million for the desert one a million gold two million two million for the return thing wasn't it i thought it was a million wait did i forget my bombs ah crap okay thanks just check around real quick no you know what no we're not gonna check around we're just gonna go as deep as possible time is of the essence god they're so tough feels like i could read that oh you nice okay nice i'm trying to be quick and trying to get a lot of rock i don't have bombs please have bombs where am i gonna get bombs oh he coming keep your distance maybe i can make a bomb by now okay [Music] i didn't have the exit we're on level eight by the way trying to just oh it's only 2 30. oh good how did you hit me i was ready hmm nice thanks to the bomb come on yes thank you [Music] oh i didn't mean to do that well why can't i hit this one where is it nice i keep getting bombs two mummies nice okay level 10. doing pretty good i do say so myself oh i was expecting more dudes i think you need to blow up the mummies right to kill them that's what people told me okay how do i kill those dudes also with a bomb i don't have any bombs at the moment do i no let's put these down so if i pick up anything it'll go there four levels okay [Applause] okay that wasn't absolutely horrible so that was good oh that was a big crate attack how did you not diet stop stop don't even try it oh my health slow kind of it's gonna be so many oh my god just keep swinging oh exits okay bye okay oh i got one iridium ah i don't have a bomb though do i oh i don't think i have any bombs on me maybe i can make some oh oops accidentally made it oh it's actually not too bad solar void and gold oh hey quick die i need to blow you up with your friend [Applause] oh oh actually by oh this area is infested by slimes the worst enemy oh my god my health okay me okay oh kill him yes give me an exit give me an exit i demand an exit oh those dodges give me the exit oh didn't think so come on my god all those numbers i'm surrounded keep chopping the last one ah finally i'm at level 18. oh you're now i got a diamond okay they're so tiny oh hi okay yes okay level 19 oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god [Laughter] panic stress okay yeah you you you [Music] okay i'm getting some iridium but not [Music] much god those bugs are unindestructible there's a dragon dude coming i heard him oh oh it might be time to go bring it bring it again might need to leave yeah i might need to leave [Laughter] bye [Laughter] okay time to go it's been a long day [Music] it was a good run i did pretty good honestly i was super focused i didn't really get any iridium but it wasn't my lucky day your your heart loyal horse waits patiently for your return i got some things but i only got two iridium out of that how much is that five wow another bar well progress is progress um i need to go to bed that good that good that good i borrowed a necklace from mom but lost it somewhere near the bath house she's going to freak out if she notices notices it's missing a necklace near the bathhouse oh i got two notes i'll read it in the morning necklace searching god i didn't do anything and there you just need to build staircases and totems for more iridium totems have you found my secret in the dark tunnel i look forward to meeting you i think i have wasn't that the thing where we used the battery to fix it and then we had to put a bunch of leaks or beats that beetroot something in lewis's fridge yeah yeah okay we did that well that was exciting i'm definitely getting better with like the whole bombing and making my way down i don't know what level i got to in the end but oh clean thank you not good at writing letters i made one metal bar too many oh what a sweetheart oh we have eggplants [Music] so how does it work if i have the junimo collect stuff for me do they like put it in a box for me do i need to put like a chest near where they are there we go two bars [Music] wine yeah i haven't finished the sand dragon riddle oh yeah i had no idea what that is [Music] give the sand dragon his final meal sand dragon something in the desert got 12 ancient fruit wine holy we're doing so well oh oh my god truffle payday what the thanks [Music] my god dudes [Music] just get everything [Music] what a successful farm oops i like it i'm proud of my farm there we go oh take my cloth away i have so much cloth i will never need that much cloth but what else am i gonna do oh yeah i wanted to put a little crystal path here too i forgot yay life elixirs gonna need them now [Music] make your future wife happy with it yeah still not growing huh [Music] i think we have enough it's just the iridium i need five iridium bars for the boat and i just don't know how to like it's not as easy as gold and stuff to just get it bugs me that this one is always out of sync with the rest next time that one is done i'm gonna leave it and then wait for them all to be done anyone else in the grass hiding maybe we should ask robin for something again one two oh oh god my inventory a 199 what was it 200 hardwood and five batteries that he wanted um that goes in there i've 37 now i just need to get one hardwood oh and the batteries um i think i stored them in here i can fix those two things i'll go by the quarry first see if my tree's there already hey nice oh there's a thing in my way oh it's a beaver hi oh that was regular wood hi oh beautiful meows an angel singing in my ear should probably clear this out again soon um bus stop let's go and fix the boat a little bit baby can't please i mean he's not on my lap he's sitting here looking at me you want to be on the lap there he goes good boy okay um what was i doing oh yeah on my way to the boat oh there's a rumble feature in the in the controller if you're on the horse wow like very slightly there's like a dun dun dun [Music] um do i just go to the back oh there you go now i just need iridium have you had much luck in the local waters you look like you could be a strong angler oh dude dude leads up to a little sleeping cubby well we did that now that's out of the way now we can focus on making new casks so that might be nice [Music] improve our wine cellar start making millions i would like to have three million on me so i can make a desert teleport thing and buy the return staff oh that's pretty good progress right we just need to get more iridium feel responsible for the health of the whole community it's kind of stressful okay oh it's monday should i check check the board juicy bugs the juicier the better 100 pieces pierre wants 25 gold star vegetables 21 days to do it which one would you say is the better reward to the red circle worth visiting the adventures guilds yeah i haven't been there in a long time maybe i have some achievements someone's a good boy the veggies one let's try it 25 gold star vegetables we are growing a lot more this time and it's all auto watered so maybe maybe we'll have more luck um secret so i start here and take a picture of that we start in the center yeah then we go right then down right up right right up right up right down left up down lift up left up [Music] right [Music] that's it hey kit i need a lucky break why don't you bring me rabbit's foot um you received a special charm feel an aura of good fortune surrounding you luck is permanently increased wait that's what it did and i don't even have to equip it or something oh that is super nice holy let the luck come in let the luck flow i'm ready iridium please that's nice i'm glad i just randomly had that rabbit's foot on me as well god my farm looks so cute i wish i could zoom out to show you guys the whole thing um i need one more iridium sprinkler so that'll be nice we'll have to buy that on friday you can zoom out i thought it was just the mod oh and the settings change the resolution yeah i can do that that true so we're back down to 39 but that means we can make some casks seven that's not too bad um we can make another row of eleven right so uh seven eight nine ten eleven so four more so 80 wood so he's 70 wood let's chop some trees nice oh i was hitting that tree [Music] there perfect a new row has been born i'll just stuff it full of wine oh jeez okay let's bring down some more wine or should i do cheese then um yeah i'll do cheese there we go okay now we can start stuffing the sides definitely progress a whole new row very nice nice nice nice and we still have oh one empty cask oh yeah because i oh yeah no no that's that's on purpose um i want to try and keep them all on a like you know how my wine is all over the place like now there's one ready and then i just put something in it again um i'm trying to be a little bit more organized when it comes to the to the basement so i'm trying to do them a row at a time i just had to break open one casket for the community center because i needed a silver star wine so that's hawaii should i make some bars i have a ton of gold how do i make more furnaces copper and stone okay stone not cool farm looks gorgeous thank you i'm glad you like it let's do that um robin's closed on tuesdays isn't she i was gonna say should we order something tomorrow but i don't think we can there five okay that's good god i have so many i have 54 54 68 81 things to age right now god damn yeah he's sleeping i know birthday's coming up okay go back to this if he's sleeping anyway not much to see if you can't see his little face day nine stongs [Laughter] it's my thing oh yeah harvest gold quality vegetables too bad it's vegetables because i have enough fruit i'm just not growing that much vegetables [Music] massive sippies i do a heck in zippy you're forgetting to drink one week from today we're holding the stardu valley fair in the big square oh biggest event of the year drawing people from all across the country is this the one where i yeah i have the grange display bring up to nine items that best showcase your talents okay hmm we can definitely bring oh look at these they're done we can give them to haley let's see what should i sell should i just keep i'll keep like four of the sunflowers yeah there and i'll sell the rest maybe give some to haley [Music] um oh yeah i was giving like just normal items to people but apparently if you give like a silver gold or iridium item you get a bigger bonus for the friendship i was like oh should have known that okay three for haley um i think i need to hold on to the purple mushroom aren't they used in the the elixir yeah they're precious precious cargo [Music] passion mushies check your hearts i think i'm doing pretty good on most of them evelyn maybe we should go bring a chocolate cake and a leek [Music] shane we can meet him at the pub again abigail too harvey's been pretty easy i just give him coffee because i always have coffee on me today okay it's 8 a.m it's pretty early nice what should i make today i have five of these perfect everything cooking oh my preserved jars are empty oops oopsie [Music] no don't eat it put it in there there you go kitty i need to water you there thanks [Music] oh i watered the fence instead there you go now let's see what this is doing nothing oh my cactus i need iridium yeah that's all i need for the boat i need bars bars and bars are iridium if only you could buy it i have enough money i love that my farm just grows on its own as well like suddenly just new animals are born and i'm just like what thanks i should keep getting these for the casks future future casks we're gonna stuff that whole cellar thank you [Music] um [Music] nature finds a way [Laughter] it sure does in the case of stardew i don't like you guys so close to the exit here how am i gonna leave oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god panic panic panic okay huh crisis averted i'm the great big escape i've been so bad about my flowers there you go go get it go get it go get it more omni cheetos maybe we should go to clint today because i i might need to maybe i should upgrade my upgrade my hoe or something to gold and then the rest is just all iridium is the next step still can't chop these okay [Music] oh it's the last day tomorrow's the tenth three four five six one two three four five six nineteen okay maybe we should go to clint i'll grab some gold bars let's go save the omni geodes you'll need them oh really well there's the merchant in the desert he wants geodes but i feel like at the moment i couldn't know that yet so i just sell them for there's a traitor yeah i've looked at his wares before why is she there what's she doing over there hmm yay [Music] that's a new one oh and i got two in a row yes oh my god that's that rabbit's food it's my extra luck coming in come on [Music] lunara is good for clothes i think i already have that one hey oh two bars we got two bars out of that nice thanks man see you later good good good nice nice nice i like it that's the only thing oh my god so many rocks check his trash take my revenge i um listen to more of the magnus archive again why are you here i may fight with my parents a lot but i know they're just looking out for me they're doing what they think is best i don't know what i'm saying i don't know why i'm saying this to you don't tell anyone i should go get her a rock real quick or actually what else does she like abigail abigail amethyst chocolate cake puffer fish pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin and amethyst i'm not home right now even in game oh wait do it make it a gold star even in-game phone calls make me nervous pre-recorded message in a foreign language oh it's just a spam call what the rude i seriously love this you're the best goobers do you think that was a good one yes she's done nice another one you know what since evelyn is so close as well to being topped off maybe i should give her my last chocolate cake at least i thought i had one [Music] let's go absolutely marvelous you've made an old lady very happy putting raisins in george's oatmeal but he hasn't said a word i wonder if he even notices these things favorite thing thank you looks like another gloomy day do you think that did it ah almost too still to go okay gotta put more work in i think i'm just gonna sell these rocks oh they uh the lunar lunar8 was for clothes what kind of clothes the secret node near the bathhouse oh that might be fun yeah the necklace or something someone lost let's have a look so someone lost a necklace here let me check it again um i borrowed a necklace from mom but i lost it somewhere near the bath house she's going to freak out necklace necklace i wonder if i can just find it somewhere i wonder if i can check these boxes or something hmm you got a fish for it i have fished something out of here before [Music] oh oh i got it immediately fancy necklace found in the water outside of the bath house it's still wet it doesn't say who's it from who it's from though hmm i don't know who to give it to oh i don't have my home there's only one dot one there's only two daughters and a mother in town well there's maru and robin and there's jody no jody has a son right um let me look at the look at the thing in a bit [Music] um that's good oh i had to oh there's a bottle of wine whatever i had a keg thing on me and i haven't made a keg okay let's see so there's robin because her daughter is maru then there's evelyn has a grandson emily abigail and her dad abigail is carolyn's daughter right can you is it a thing where you like try and give it to them and then if it's not theirs then they'll be like oh this is not me oh this is not mine or will they just be like i don't know what to do with this yeah jazz is marnie's daughter right and there's pam and penny check the map for this you mean jody kent and sam emily and haley george allen alex yeah pierre carolyn and abigail robin yeah so there's three possibilities technically i don't think it's jazz though because jess is so young i don't feel like marnie would be like here's this necklace just don't run off with this oh this chat emote only mode i was like why are there so many emotes all of a sudden that's funny that's a good idea i like it can't yeah there's robin and maru and then another possibility is carolyn and abigail i think other than that i can't really think of anyone let me see borrowed a necklace from mom borrowed without telling her as well i don't feel like mario would do something like that so we'll have to give it to abigail so that her mom doesn't find out but it's 9 30 so she's not going to be up anymore i'll just drop a tree in the meantime i think chet can leave emote only now because we're moving on from the topic because i can't do anything about it this stream anyway i did like that thank you there okay almost got it there nice and clean let's make another keg oh beep you okay he's such a snooze he's gonna get dinner soon we're doing pretty good with the iridium though we're making two more we only need one more bar after this i want it i have so much gold what maybe i should sell a gold bar how much do the gold bar sell for row number two baby here we go oh it's getting late time for bed is that it everything active yes [Music] you do need to sell one of each bar for 100 oh really for the perfection thing how do you track the perfection thing is it like a tracker in game i could sell one of these bars each i'll hold on to the iridium for now but in your collections oh just this oh is this only stuff i've actually sold i've never sold star fruit so i don't have it in my thing oh this is only items shipped i didn't know i thought this was just like once i made it it would be in here oh i need to sell one of everything oh and the eggs i've never sold eggs as is and milk small milk is that a pepper no that's a pepper oh okay that's good to know i'm doing pretty good on fish though holy that's it this is all the fish in the game oh but this one's here and i haven't sold it so i guess it doesn't count for the legendary that's good only one more scroll to go interesting i'm doing pretty well i think oh i still need to cook a lot though do you need to get all the achievements ship every item ship 15 of every crop complete 40 help wanted requests cook 10 different recipes complete the museum 10 heart with 8 people craft every item catch every fish holy completion and perfection are different oh right ah what a long day we did so much again i only got one thing done with robin though i was like we can get five things done if we do it right no ship every townsfolk yeah well we're almost at 400k gold and i don't know what to give this to but we'll keep this for next stream so um because i think here there's the beep he's stretching yeah you stretching your paw so cozy he's so cozy so much personality and such a little boy oh bye beep oh so much fur holy this was just on my pants it's like a whole bundle of beep i brushed you this morning [Music] you
Channel: Gab Smolders
Views: 323,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: girl gamer, gameplay, playthrough, full playthrough, walkthrough, girl playing, gamer girl, girlgamergab, gg gab, stardew valley, first time playing, fishing, farming, ConcernedApe, stardew valley steam, steam, forest farm
Id: 1BXoa0UrAoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 45sec (10605 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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