'Let's give them a big Texas prayer': Millions impacted by flooding in the Midwest

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To the deadly and devastating flooding in the Midwest. Tonight, we're learning Red Cross volunteers from our area are there helping more than 3 million people are impacted and at least two people have died from South Dakota to Nebraska and Minnesota to Iowa. We have seen raging rivers collapsed, roads and homes swept away. Tonight, a San Antonio woman wants to bring attention to our neighbors in the North Kins five reporter, Hannah Tita shares her message waters come fast. They come violent and they are not prejudiced. They will take everything out in front of you. Jessica Unzelmann is worried for her family. I'm worried about everybody's safety. She made San Antonio her home, but her loved ones still live in South Dakota. This is what her brother's neighborhood looks like. He is a fishing man. So he has a boat and he has always been one to give aid if somebody needs something. If somebody's on the side of the road with a flat tire going to the father of five and grandfather has been using his boat to rescue stranded families and pets. According to Jessica, after torrential rain last week, much of his town in Union County is under water before any of this stuff happened. These people are already barely surviving. You know, these are hard working people, families are left without homes without work, even basic essentials. Millions are affected by the flooding in the Midwest. It's really damaging. Rebuilding will take a long time. Jessica is asking the community to remember our northern neighbors. Let's give them a big Texas prayer. Let's give them a big Texas hug. They need everything that they can do. And we will post information on how to help flood victims on our website K five.com. Just look for this story according to the Red Cross. This is one of 24 active major disasters they're responding to in the US. Right now. We're told volunteers from south central Texas are helping with flooding relief in Iowa reporting in the studio and a five.
Channel: KENS 5: Your San Antonio News Source
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Keywords: [ crime, news ]
Id: NweRhooa-CU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 11sec (131 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2024
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