Let's get SUS!

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girl a he [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e e e e [Music] e e [Music] [Music] what now we got everyone well what are we are we restarting because we're leaving yeah but but cheeks left so okay but cheek I just got here guys yeah that [ __ ] sucks create another one I'll just make it a Max of 15 just in case there are more people that pop side note I probably should ask does anybody care if I swear I don't don't I'm on I just want to I just I just want to be courteous I get extremely offended so then you are in the wrong [ __ ] room buddy okay I put the new code into chat no somebody was going to do that ban Violet okay banana prepare today how do I do this without ring do it fast do it fast take your color do it fast no don't you [ __ ] do it [ __ ] [ __ ] y y oh that wasn't quick enough cuz I didn't know what my buttons were oh yeah oh yeah here to be would you really like cyan I can be a different color it's fine I'm partly purple leaky Pony that does not [Laughter] sound think that's better than butt cheek where where' butt cheeks go where's butt cheeks you're sitting on them oh okay winner wait yep I sat how' you guys get custom names did I have to put that in or we had to change it in the beginning screen I don't know Le leaky Pony is pretty good I'm not going to lie that actually sounds like a legit name though I will be nice so I will be banana it's my band name right there leaky Pony thank you okay so we got three you're welcome actually I'm going to be purple woo I will take your color Ashley thank you so much for the selfcare package I will drink water let's see a poor anal linkage Pony what's wrong today what the but you can you can ask Paul I've been cyan since I started playing this game what I I I usually am cyan as well I just flip all around I think I just give it occasionally to other people CU I'm like I'm sorry I guess you want to be Sayan okay are you guys ready all around the world wait did nobody pick blue if nobody picked blue I'm taking that you can be blue I'll be black how do I pet a whole you got like you got like action button is because I like I like stroking my ham as well whoops I got a head crab you do have a head I the action button is oh this one on Playstation it's X well you know what that's that's why I didn't say x to begin with I have one Doug is just Doug is just over into the uh the PC Master I've already got among us twice I have it on the switch in the PlayStation I'm not buying it again on the PC it's like $4 get off your wallet I know but it was free on the phone so good from that I can't say get off my wallet cuz you've sent me like six games yeah okay you guys ready um as I'll ever be okay yeah let's go see you guys guys at the meeting all right I'll see you in the meeting see you in the meting right okay guys we got the a guys we got the a meeting later we're going to see task we can complete I think it's going to be pretty good uh I'm assuming I'll get the ID card again because that's what I always get I did look at that don't you [ __ ] out of here leaky Pony oh reactor cool let's hello everybody Nick what well that was fast would you like to explain yourself what the [ __ ] do you mean I would like to explain myself killed my friend I saw you sitting at Medical and I'm like I'm going to hang out by him and then I you ran away from me and then I followed you down and you're standing over a dead body yes because I found a dead body I was trying to [ __ ] stroke my ham that was really yeah no I'm not too happy honest to God I was still looking at the action button that stroke my hand and it said report and I was like wait what cuz I was going to be your accountability buddy and then I I just I didn't know I didn't well I didn't know that's that's really sus of you just to answer right away I skipped the vote dude guys I have a no don't skip I have an idea okay we have seven yeah it's not Doug I can tell you that it's Paul you said it's wait you said it's not Doug it's not Doug that was way too that was way too fast for neither of you to not see another person in the room that you found the dead body one of hold on hold on hold the [ __ ] phone before you start throwing blame my way it's one of you we how many Doug how many imposters did you set one it's you say one yeah okay well I don't like the fact that uh all of you voted and you probably um I was going to say if there were two imposters there are seven we have to vote one of those two but since I only just learned that there's only one I didn't have to throw blame out anymore but it does make a lot of sense that that was really fast and there was nobody else in e in that room so one of it's one of those two but since everybody voted for me I'll also vote for me except for keer keer didn't vote for you yeah cuz keeler's the real one [ __ ] you guys well he voted before anyone even got oh [ __ ] yourself I don't [ __ ] care shut up damn it I skipped well well here we go [ __ ] [Laughter] idiots I I deserve that come on get stupid I hate this reactor task so much oh come on one more please don't this it's going to [ __ ] with me isn't it it's probably okay okay let's uh let's uh let's just see let's just okay I do need to navigate course oh oh no other Paul no that pony leaked too much blood we've lost both Paws now we have no PA a little easier honestly when you think about it game just got a little better well I know it's not me or Nick I was an electrical I just I came I didn't see kill me he would have and if I wanted to kill Doug I would have so uh Insidious and Dinos you wna explain yourselves I again was in electrical okay D I was in the wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait where was where was the Body Found Doug it was in navigation I just ran there from the cafeteria okay hold on I got to map this out in my brain the far right area yeah yeah yeah okay okay too far from electrical pretty [ __ ] far from electrical it's almost across the map I thought electrical no electricals with the wires is like right next to it isn't it no that's where one of the wire tasks are electrical is down by storage which is down like straight down from the cafeteria I haven't who who confused about electrical I I don't know the the names dinos dinos so were you in the electrical room or doing an electrical task son of a [ __ ] I had no clue that it waser I knew it I knew he answered too fast you knew it after we voted out Paul well then [ __ ] fast do you have the kill cool down 30 seconds not very fast not very fast the kill itself was quick I was like past you when I died yeah no I was like I'm sorry baz but you're my first victim oh my God it happened so fast the funny part is I was thinking keer until Paul did his whole seven people left cuz you did that whenever we played last time and I have to apologize the tone with which you thought that there were eight total cuz you said that we were waiting on an eighth and I don't know how to count so I assumed that there were seven people still alive oh okay and I also didn't know that there was only one impostor so that's why I was trying to get at until somebody just immediately threw blame on me well Paul if you go from past experiences all you do is [ __ ] Gaslight people you do so C me surprise that's the point of the game it is which makes it funnier it proves that a trial by jury is flawed also ghost can you just chat thank you thank you Paul for putting happy birthday in my chat thank you oh yeah whose birthday it's my birthday make what do you mean what are you watching who's who's it's mine something why are we in other people's chats we shouldn't be doing that right I'm in what oh no I just I just jumped in there story I'm not spying yes it's Gino's birthday that's sounds now 12 oh my God I know right I'm I'm just old enough to play this game he's 12 with three kids I'm going to take I'm get the egg off my face and put something else on my head let's see I mean we're still trying to figure out who the father is Doug put a party head on oh yeah hold on there we go make sure there's not another better one oh here ice cream ice cream head there we go godamn stick drift this is my controller stick drift looks like you're moonwalking a little bit is awesome this is my keyboard stick drift is it giving you the uh sticky [Music] keys fck sticky keys yeah all right are we missing someone we're missing baz are we there she is we sure are I was trying to do is shout out oh okay I was gonna say look baz has more important things to do actually watch chat no than our Rinky Dink streams that we do okay ready who who Who's A Space Marine that's that's Ley Pony he is Paul haduken he's other Paul other Paul oh the other Paul other Paul uh my chat Master Chief say I was about to say I was like wait I just noticed someone is a Space Marine it's Master Chief Halo Master Chef Master Chef I preer chopped yeah it's Gordon Ramsay under there it's [ __ ] raw what are you an idiot sandwich okay we should go soon until this room times out say Let's uh let's ball okay see you guys in a bit bye bye ice cream man Feed me more godam oh [ __ ] you can't stand US mean damn it God I hate the wires on the any console cuz I like God damn it I like touchcreen I like touchscreen wires it's so much easier O2 where's O2 [ __ ] well here's O2 I could have get out of here leaves get your ass out of here and set it start a course yay restarted a course now we're going to download some data gonna download the data gonna take it to admin administer hey Ley bony I'm doing I'm doing way too many tasks at once I should really focus on one but my ADH my un undiagnosed ADHD is kicking in and I'm just like oo piece of candy ooh piece candy o piece candy too much too much candy too much good candy I want wait no who did it who killed my battle buddy that I couldn't find for most of the game you sound like a bad battle buddy I am remind me not to pick him as a battle buddy so I I was down in storage by the gas tank I was going to empty out the leaves from the shot and then I saw the before I got to do it that's what I was doing in O2 I already did that no two I already did that no two that's what you sound like right now so I mean that was pretty long I don't know how long the body was there all I know is that I was in I was in security and going up to upper body was I saw Insidious in reactor I saw somebody else come up the hallway which I it was me think and I saw leony O2 yeah cuz I was going to say I saw you in security I saw Insidious over by the tree thing and then I was going to wires I don't I don't think we have enough information to votee anybody yeah I don't I don't know how long that body was there especially since Doug has a 02 second K down kill cool down all right I'm going to skip I'm skip I'm also going to skip which is very uncharacteristic of me but it would have been hilar yeah hey wait a minute wait no you're not cyan [ __ ] I'm not hey no I [Music] am all righty I'll see you at the next meeting baby back to Candy Calico thank you so much for the follow why the [ __ ] would you say that Paul got here leaves oh no it's his head his head crab it's got nothing to live for his head crab is down [ __ ] go wires stupid stupid [ __ ] wires I hate wires that's right I pet my pet my Clank [ __ ] I pet my Clank in front of you what are you going to do about it cool all my tasks are done let uh there's baz there's Paul there's son of a [ __ ] okay I had to I had to be sure so I found the body what the [ __ ] does that mean you had to be sure I had to make sure Doug was dead before I recorded it are they are they going to figure it out I had I had I found the body go right past as they got into the and as I was going into security I saw somebody walk out they got he went right I saw the body walked into the room don't do what you nor report the body and then not remember who it was that came out of there I had to go back into reactor because that's where they went and see who it was was it baz it was leaky Pony I was about to say the only two people the only person I haven't seen this entire is leaky Pony what B I'm not gonna lie on this on this last round you were [ __ ] sketching me out when I was an 02 I was trying to pet my [ __ ] creature that wasn't working I know you can't hear saw you're I saw there anday there and watched God I have my miced on Discord this would be really weird hope that's kind of um I I mean I'm voting leaky pony that's who came out of security whenever I went in that I was doing the electrical stuff I likeing what was your task you're doing before that other I am both near Insidious and what are you saying other Paul yeah cuz other Paul can't lie very well so what was the task you did before that uh wait me it's himy Pony oh I was doing the [ __ ] let the leaves out I let the leaves out and I was doing some navigation stuff it's weird that Doug and me mentioned that last round I don't [ __ ] know what you guys did I'm not paying attention here you probably should be considering there is a impostor Among Us y'all [ __ ] suck I'm so glad see who it was because I hate how [ __ ] long my body was sitting there before anyone [ __ ] noticed on let me uh I think sorry there big dog that was like an entire feature film like are they ever going to find it my little head crab is just I know I stood over I stood over your head crab and I was like damn he's oh oh oh oh damn it damn it oh oh oh oh K what happened Jinx you owe me a soda uh I just wanted to grab another mirror Cube cuz I I didn't have one oh okay oh okay coming in out my wife's I I messaged him to see if he wanted to join I'm gonna be I'm going to be right back be yourself okay got the snack Cosmic Cube Chris hold on glad I'm glad DJ has that as a sound bite I'm glad you have this as a sound bite here Paul here's the or other uh nor first Paul 2,000 later was rough that still doesn't [ __ ] tell me anything I I just sent you the 2,000 years later the thing I said I have the audio for from another 2,000 years later I didn't hear that at all oh crickets I I don't know you that I heard the 2,000 years later you guys didn't hear 2,000 years later nope oh [ __ ] C what what about all the goddamn farts godamn farts oh yeah that's right I am the cheese all right [ __ ] it we ball we [Music] ball this is my [ __ ] we ball moment right here hey we got SE we got all seven soall and away we go oh why is my text red weird wait I don't have it God damn it I clean theed get out of here tennis balls what are you doing how did you get into the vent tennis balls oh get stuck get stuck get stuck do have anything in react no two electrical ones let's go to electrical now I'm going to I'm going to trust you to against my own will but I will trust you all then I will be sorely mistaken I'm going to stick with Insidious cuz I I trust Insidious and I'm going to pet Clank in front of him again I trust him he's in he's doing he's he's doing the good tasks he's got to check his stuff yeah cidus you're good it's a yeah let's keep following you I like this I like this plan oh no not not here you have nav there we go okay Paul okay no Paul's good Paul is oh Nick no h all right I found it uh in the southern part of the ship sorry I'm new but I don't have really much information uh so if you hit L2 or whatever there's a button to bring up the map I'm not sure storage storage oh cuz you and I came down from navigation I thought I had another job and then I got lost again but I was was following me around quite a bit so yeah you were you were by yourself Buy U I'm an O2 yeah I saw Paul doing the vent or the what youall it saw him doing the vent doing the vent saw me doing what the lever to clean out the O2 shaft yeah yeah there were three people in yeah it was me you baz and Insidious I'm glad you know where I was cuz I don't remember where I was you went up North with Paul and that's I'm like I'm going to follow Paul CU I don't know if he's going to get baz and then I saw him stop at O2 so I was like okay he's good I would never I mean I AIT I am after I saw rude and Paul hanging out over in the um what's that hold on Reactor and then I just watched everyone run around on cameras for a minute okay we were practicing kissing oh I knew it see [Laughter] why uh so I don't have enough information to say who it is personally I'm going to skip this vote yeah I also will I'm going to accuse someone for no random reason whoa all right how dare you all right you accuse my friend you accuse [Music] me I think we all lowkey accuse you jause wait wait a minute oh ja said whipper hey all you people hey all you people hey all you people hey all you people won't you Listen to Me Oh wrong stick stick let's go to the cafeteria to clean out the leaves after the cafe it's going to take me down to storage going to take me down to storage oh no his ham sad I'm going to pet Clank in honor of your ham oh oh I I just I keep I keep seeing baz coming over to me and then dancing and then running away and then dancing again and then running away I want someone to come watch me do med Bay oh okay stop killing people so I can finish my task I'll I'll come watch you in medbay after this who was an electrical who hasn't really talked someone in bz's chat came over and thought I was other Paul so I was them I have no idea what's going on hey hey uh hey Seth the dragon or DJ I don't know what to call you I'm GNA call you DJ it's easier welcome to the chat I hope you're enjoying this DJ okay so all right hold on wait I have to look again who seen Gino leaky and and uh dinos I don't know where you've been Paul I Paul was with us in uh what you call it uh navigation whenever all four of us were in there me you in C I've danced in front of those three so I haven't seen Paul I haven't been able to dance and try to get Paul's attention so I had to I had I had to go to O2 to finish the task that I was rudely interrupted doing last round um and then I went to cafeteria to do the cables yeah the cables the wires and all right every time you start talking to every time oh my God I don't know you talk I don't trust you dinos is making me nervous cuz he hasn't talked at all look I know I made a I know I made a really bad impression the first time listen listen the more you play with me the more you will know when I start doing that uh I still don't okay I'll make it another accuse oh damn I didn't really mean it was PAW I really voted for [Music] baz there see I do want son of a [ __ ] I just like to accuse him okay [Music] bye-bye then who done it that is the only question I got to finish the [ __ ] wires stupid stupid wires okay let's go to cameras camera camera camera camera I knew it I knew it really you thought you were going to get away with that Li I didn't see who did it I did it was Dino oh no it was one asteroid away that was leaky Pon finishing my task you jerk dinos did it he was right there nice try sucker he just came out of nowhere and just like I'm GNA take a shot because we're all in the room and maybe someone will not see it you've mistaken me I am really good you know that little cup in a ball game I could follow the cup like a [ __ ] it was lot of words that's a lot of words thanks man for the happy birthday uh let me know if you're able to join or if you want to hop in also that's all leaky Pony I have to learn how to I have learn how to you know I I could I have to learn how many words bad I don't know how no not that sounds like the words of sus man talking I got to figure out how to what you call it trust me I saw him do it if you listen to me your chat will be happy I have to figure out how you I don't know how to or uh I will figure that out eventually uh if you listen to this video later you he my lovely ASMR of me being ho in thank you thank you tried to accuse me yeah it almost worked it almost worked we were friends that's so funny Nick's going to just have this curse now of getting so close to winning and never win I'm fully AC I mean honestly I believe they call that edging no that's no that's not what they call that the real question my brain was like I have the opportunity the funniest thing right now and I'm going to do it I was wondering cuz after I did my last task I'm like oh yeah everyone was going to go to medbay and watch baz do do medbay stuff and I'm like oh we're all in here cool no one's going to die then and I get follow baz I was going to follow baz and kill her but then everyone else came in I was like oh well you know I don't think I'm winning this anyways well I can't kill with an audience just it's butun I started doing I said watch me die now and then everyone else came in I was like oh and I I don't know I smooth brain that entire game I was busy talking to chat did you see my chat by the way right after you killed me did you yeah I replied with I love you too right after he killed me I went to his stream just typed in his chat [ __ ] you appropriate oh wait hold on I have an idea boink yeah there I learned how to do shout outs on Twitch let's go by wait I mean like you don't have to wait for me I'm just messaging somebody to see if they want to play they just started streaming today it imp was uh oh hell yeah imp imp just wanted to pop say happy birthday he is he is not able to let's see good luck boys and girls what is it imposter all right no it's it's Italian for imposta as you're in aosta see where's oh God I got all the [ __ ] electrical ones no no why am I getting wires every time I hate this I hate this stop giving me the wires put a little dirt on my pillow for the dirt man there thank God Shields to accept that I oh he's doing doing gasoline doing a gas let's go to O2 O2 is going to be the easiest [ __ ] God I hate I hate I hate the Ws oh there that's right I don't hit X I just push push the leaves push the leaves get in there get in the hole wait no cafeteria cafeteria going to knock out some God I hate these [ __ ] leaves on my ship the leaves the leaves are gone but now there's wires and then I got to go get the rest of the leaves God why is it why does everyone keep shoving all these godamn leaves and the godamn vents there's a diamond in mine why'd you throw it away we could have used that to upgrade the ship it's fine who killed baz who did it I um yeah I guess I'll just go [ __ ] myself okay you you calm down you're dead I mean at this point we should change your name to Kenny because so of that that was my bad I didn't look at who else that more than one got killed I'm like wait a second two people got killed now listen listen we have 90 seconds I found my friend's body I think it's I was just okay any okay hi stripey that's me we're we're in a predic a bad time heyries at a yeah um I think it's he Ved a level head I normally keep a level head when I explain this [ __ ] um but now that I saw who got killed I'm going to start throwing accusations out I found the body at the bottom of shields the issue is is that I think I saw somebody near there don't remember who it is it's not Insidious cuz I saw him I don't like the keer had voted that fast that's what I mean oh who's voting keer V for sorry I don't even know where the [ __ ] body was vote for dinos stripes the for all I'm voting room code is in uh the chat okay the voice chat chat oh gosh just been a minute son of a b wow Dam it wasn't me stop voting so fast that's crazy you were it twice so I would have thought it was you okay bye bye do your T next time I'm just killing someone immediately so I don't have to be well every time he vot votes so fast he votes too fast say was made nervous sorry uh if you right click are you're on PC right yeah if you right click the voice chat we're all in and then click open chat that'll have the room code in it thank you you're welcome I'm going to stick with Insidious cuz I know he was filling up gas to fill up the reactor engines so I can trust be great if I knew how to type I can I can trust him I trust he's flicking cleaning out the vent or he's downloading or he's doing this I trust him yeah don't forget to turn streamer mode on in your settings too that you don't show the code to your chat leaky Ponyo leaky Pony and I'll have to wait cuz y''s game's still going it it'll well K okay he was downloading I'll send it to you while she's doing thank [Music] okay it it's it's Paul it's Paul no other Paul which Paul you leaky Pony Paul leaky Pony oh how dare you it's Ley Pony I'm mad cuz process of elimination you [ __ ] well it's because you kept being really flickery around us and I'm like Insidious is doing tasks I see him doing tasks well cuz I can't do the task you guys are doing well yeah cuz you're the impostor no cuz you guys are doing the task that's why I went immediately to the emergency button because I'm like I know if I don't do this he's going to kill one of us and win you guys defense initially I was just going to go yes initially I was going to go check like okay let's see if Paul's still alive I was like who the [ __ ] was that so for the record I completed my tasks I was almost I just finished mine when I ran into Insidious the last time I was I was murdering at astounding R samples I didn't do that you murdered me Cold Blood for no reason for for great reasons other Paul you stabbed me in the back while I was trying to get one through 10 all right Master Chief one through 10 is the [ __ ] worst too I walked up IED s says is the worst that's fair and was and just stopped there for a second and was like oh he's probably doing the gas tank and immediately got killed I like oh well [ __ ] me all right I was very Stripes I'm pretty good at pretending to do work the code is in the Discord chat like in the oh so we got he Streed earlier so so do we want hanging do we want to bump up to two imposters or do we want to stick with one what's the what's the stream name at least we can get a shout out out yeah that's true it's zebs 20 okay it's okay when I forgot my own [Laughter] name don't worry wait what what's in the name here you go what's your name what's your name okay well we have eight so I'm going to do two imposters I just DM it to we're GNA move we're gonna we're goingon to make everyone confused we're going to go two imposters and we're moving to meor oh oh my God wait to okay make sure if you have two imposters please God turn the kill coold down up it's like higher than 30 seconds it's 30 seconds yeah yeah I would say probably 45 32 and a half oh all right no it's up 45 I just I hit up and I thought it would go to 45 and it went to 32 and a half I'm like what okay yeah cuz I I'd say like you have to think too if there there's two imposters if they do if they do a double kill in literally a minute damn it Paul that's all it will take hey good luck boys and girls everyone involved don't kill anybody please dang it I plan let me finish my tasks first please wait watch the big map Launchpad admin no that's wait no don't ad admin's over here admin for kids 8 9 1 4 no 8 9 1 72 there now everyone knows my clearance to get into the ship damn it oh buy a beverage let's go do I need to do I need to find a quarter uh bu what what do I what uh B B3 yeah we're going to get n we're going to get NRG NRG is that is that it what what beverage you A4 I got dond do B4 the [ __ ] beverage am I supposed to buy there's so there we go thank [ __ ] Jes oh no Nick and leaky Pony but Nick Nick what happened what happened what happened what happened what happened so it was in between the hallway between the reactor and the laboratory I [ __ ] knew which body did you find was it rude fego or Ley Pony uh I think it was rude fro okay did you see anyone Rago Ruda was anybody was anybody up there earlier in the round dos where were you I saw a bunch of people go up there I just didn't pay attention to who CU I was over ad I I'm an office I was an office no the the hallway between reactor and lab CU I I'm in the hallway in between locker and Communications yeah so me me stripes and um baz were up in the area of the office admin I saw on my way to go to reactor and lab because I did all my tasks in that in the other side I have two more up there um I sure I saw up here yeah I would like to think that I can I Haven seen for both stripes and B but yeah I don't know how early the bodies were up there hey JF rptor fan uh thanks for stopping by I think I think I saw goino you were doing the vending machine yeah I I was getting very frustrated at the vending machine CU I didn't know which [ __ ] drink to buy are you for real it didn't tell me what and I thought if I bought I thought if I bought one I would be fine but no I had to go back and buy two more wasted all my money I voted for the man who is very indecisive at [ __ ] oh my God I am sick of being the [ __ ] impostor I swear to God see you later yeah I'm sick of you being the impostor too lab Lab laboratory laboratory I'll go reactor first calibrate oh [ __ ] I got all no his ham I got resemble the [Music] [ __ ] okay I got to assemble the [ __ ] rocks let me assemble the ding ding dang rocks is it no that's the wrong give me give me the rock it's like it's basketball and I'm terrible at it which is basically how I am in basketball but now it's meaningful okay I got to go to the greenhouse [ __ ] you keiller we brought the funk who brought the FU oh Insidious no at least it's only one Dam well I know it's not Paul and I know it's not Bez and I know it's not me so it's you sure I was I think I was in meday I don't remember I was putting together my rock collection and then reactor went off so I went and helped Paul with reactor and then baz showed up Dam I just walked past Paul it's a little weird that bad showed up though because somebody who is smort would set off reactor go up and kill no i' I'd set off reactor and be in like the side room and then murder someone I went in the reactor CU I was I had a task yeah I have like two that's why I was in my B St in reactor the same time as us when we were fixing the reactor I'm going to skip because I have faith that if it does come down to the end of the next round and there's three of us mhm that we can oh son of a [ __ ] that we can uh that we can figure out who it is okay go look somebody is just gonna end up being Cannon pot and I'm going to let the impostor decide on who it is oh boy Greenhouse yeah Greenhouse here's where I I can watch the people I want to go where the people are one person's a Launchpad got Launchpad McQuack wait cameras are over here Security's over at the beginning wait no security that's a dumb security I want to what God damn it just GNA pet no why won't it let meet there oh there we go there there pet the good Clank look at me pet my Clank it's a very special boy yes I'm so glad who was it it was me I knew it I'm so glad knew I was like he uh for the imposters of the next round can you not [ __ ] kill me in the first 10 seconds can't promise anything thankfully doesn't sound like he's Order anymore yeah you right uh thanks Nick a Nick I need to shout you out too I was like wait to be honest if uh he didn't show up right when he did I would have you GNA me there yeah yeah yep I if he didn't show up I would have yeah I kind of expected I'm weing things that microphone is surprisingly good for $30 I know right either two things will happen I will die and my body will be found in the hallway I'm going to change my somebody will find us want change it yet hopefully they'll be done with their tasks and then the taskar will just Oh I thought Paul was talking I wouldn't get it yeah you're like if I if I kill or you could have killed me and tried to I'm not that smart I was hiding the time Paul I'm not going to lie I'm surprised you didn't vote for me I voted for you the first round B was too busy talking to her chat to actually participate in the game that's not true at all that's not I was completely actually paying attention this time okay this time this time it's kind of hard it's kind of hard to stick up for you whenever you say things like that let's see where usually not paying attention listen I'm just I'm just talking [ __ ] because I'm just trying to get to affiliate okay let's go I mean that's you got to go to kick to do that I want to get to affiliate just so I can have sound sound alerts that's all I want I want blurp so godamn badly luck everybody you can have blurp bits for it no I do I have that's what you do right now ad GNA go to that admin admin's up here go SC my ID don't take the God damn it God damn it God damn it I didn't get to finish my task okay look this looks really bad it does look really bad it looks really bad what happened I think baz was at you coming up the yeah I was coming I don't know if you like ASMR do not let him SED you don't [ __ ] do it I've seen it too many times I've been taken by the gods of murder that's the problem I just came up and I was he used to drive a PT Cruiser I think he still does keep an eye out for PT Cruiser I might not make it out without me talking you know how calculated I am that I would have been talking by now and I would have been talking over everybody you were the first person that talks my boy yeah but I stopped whenever whenever other people were the real question is who is the other I didn't get comb nor did I get already cast all we will see we voting forever oh don't you know Heaven and Earth to be together forever [ __ ] him [ __ ] let's go do my task I like my ghost hat my ghost Hat's pretty cool I let me finish this please we finish it I just won't be done I just won't be done uh I need to Prime Shields Prime Primus there Prime shields uh office office need to upload the data uploading loading loading I can fix the reactor meltdown because I am a ghost I am going to do my tasks and then haunt you for forever forever I need to I need to place the elements no not the elements uh right plant plant is that not where it goes is that not it what oh that's it's a fish son of a [ __ ] I didn't get to finish my rocks I didn't get to finish I didn't get to finish The Rock okay who the freak did I see in here somebody closed the door it was you and me I didn't get to finish my rock collection well I'm trying to remember who left so needed to separate came in have time yeah you left before me I went down and found the body first yeah I am the Box ghost fear me so it could be baz got really got to harp on fairness what well it was inside the doorway I didn't and I was gone before the well I made you vote for me I understand but you're making a mistake Reactor with me which was rude it was rude and somebody else came in there also why it just making this point I know V are already cast and it doesn't matter at this point I believe but why would I call reactor uh help fix it myself and then not kill anyone all right because it was obvious I guess I already I did not expect that Holy definitely not me holy oh well [ __ ] congrats I believe we lost oh my god there was no blame on them what no that's not true I I'm not going to lie them I ain't seen neither of them this whole I wasn't paying attention sorry well that's that's why I literally said Inus walked in if you go back on the tapes I voted for myself because I didn't know who it was Nick you did tell them not to kill you first and they in fact ran away from you and did not kill you at all so Insidious and Keeler I appreciate that you guys away oh yeah you you went down first Ker's also been killing me first round a lot so he had to take it out on someone else I was half tempted just as soon as the round started just be like I'm the impostor I was like No just wait yo how did baz and Stripes switch colors huh oh no too late I'm sorry oh no this is going to [ __ ] everybody up good luck everybody realiz I don't want to be green I don't want to be blue I don't want to be Lely listen as the Grinch said it's okay to be green what that was Kermit the frog Kermit the Frog said It Ain't Easy Being Green shut up I'm not even paying attention I don't know where the [ __ ] my tasks are oh I I need to clean the vent I'm not going to do that utsy storage vending machine my mortal foe that all right well I can [ __ ] speedrun tasks a four no B2 no cancel B2 give me the drink don't tell me that I have to I have to buy a third drink God who am I why am I I swear to [ __ ] Christ now I have to redo the vending machine I hate all of you I know who did it I have no like evidence I found uh dinos like over by the he he's in the hallway between locker and communication looked like he died doing wires Paul was watching me boink the vending machine trying to get drinks out where was the body I was next to Gino in the cafeteria it's in the hallway between locker and Communications like up against the okay oh yeah that's the one of the data ones or the wiring missions I'm pretty sure somebody somebody vent kill that's [ __ ] up I'm a little upset I haven't done a single Mission or a single thing yet I was working on the vending machine and I needed one more drink damn now have to do all three again well now we know it's for sure not Nick and he wasn't lying whenever he said he was going to try and speedrun tasks but I don't know well that was why I saided have no evidence I don't know either I don't either Paul Paul's been awfully quiet though the other Paul both Paul you guys both voted for yourselves suspicious yeah I have no information I was too focused on tasks A2 K there's there's one drink a one give me the other drink C2 are these all drinks they are how do I know which one to get oh it I'm I'm mad at myself it tells me in the corner on a piece of paper [Music] takes so long I got to get for reactor have oh no I do unlock manifolds man there oh God damn it what happened so much happened so much happened and I got no information guys I'm I'm regarded I have to There's a sticky note that tells me what drink to buy and I've just been ignoring it I saw the kill but I was on the other side of the airlock hold on I'm I am from the afterlife what did you just say who you regarded okay yeah about the sodas sodas yes yeah it's pop the body is that's a little sus to me that you're calling it sodas shut the [ __ ] up I'm having a crisis who was at the bottom door into Reactor with me just now me I was on the other side of the airlock when they uh was at the top I was with her who else was with us apart from leaky Insidious just walked in to the reactor room and Gino was already in there because Gino helped me do the um the reactor yeah so I'm like right on the other side of decontamination like going down to Locker God there were four people at that door the bottom I watched one person kill somebody and one person go up the hallway and I tried to run after the person who killed leaky and I could not catch them I don't know who it was I was on the other side of the airlock and went up the hallway because I saw the person get killed did you see who did it no I did not then it's Insidious oh no it I I think stripes are Insidious to to be fair we have to vote someone I just don't know who to vote cuz we're at five I'm so upset at myself that I Terri pretty sure terrible I did not kill him five four three two one game over oh that was you what was me didn't vote no I was with that was Insidious didn't vote why did we vote Stripes out oh my God we were right so stri an imposter got to fix I still have to fix I hate hate oh oops turn off the mic I just I'm not going to do my tasks cuz I know it's not me or baz me and baz fixed the God damn it don't you do [Music] it it's going to be Paul isn't it I can do this since I'm up here God I hate this oh Paul I'm haunting [Music] you [Music] yeah I was on the last round of that wait did I not oh there we go cious why didn't you come to reactors I was lost couldn't get out what do you mean you couldn't get out you weren't in you walked away in the cafeteria when reactors went off I was walking I was running up against the wall I was looking at the map okay I that that actually makes sense because I do the same thing he was walking in the middle like he was going directly into like there wasn't any I'm just running against the wall I I know but he also ran past me in the hallway and didn't murder me I the three of us were at reactor yeah yeah and none of us and no one died and G this is the second time Gino has done Reactor with me Insidious I mean I mean unless Paul's lying his ass off Doug how dare you take my joke well I actually that was because I didn't really know who to vote for cuz I was like Paul Paul told me that trick that oh just call reactor and stand by there I keep just my so I just voted for myself cuz I seriously didn't know who to vote for I was also very confused when I saw wait a minute also finished all my tasks what up now I I I gave up because I had all the long meeting that was called while I was on the fifth round of the sign says godamn realized until someone says something about it I was like wait a minute Paul is we swap Maps I voted for the wrong person at one point cuz I saw you voted for someone and I voted for someone I was like I was like wait a minute no I meant to vote for strike uh Paul was like wait a minute is gabs ready or Dab's ready to join or she still doing no yeah no she's gonna I think she's busy you guys ready sure we going to Pol we going to is my favorite map Poland yes Poland yes Poland yay the Germans also really liked Poland so you know go to bed go to go to go to bed go to bed kids but I don't want to going to this whole time I've not gotten imposter yet and now I get my chance to shine be a good chance hi I don't know we'll see uh will someone else come down here with me that is is the other question I have no idea and I'm not sure what to do I'm going to stand by here and I'm going to shut off the lights no I have my mic muted unless they're watching my stream let's see who will I get and who will survive let's see is anyone else going to be in here never mind that needs to charge still here let's oh no hey it's only one who has Insidious intentions now Stripes Stripes oh no Stripes what do you mean stripes again I was no what were you doing I was in laboratory I don't know what the oh no I know exactly where you were I was in a laboratory then I was head trying to head towards electrial I don't know the freaking map so I'm lost but this is very strange that there was a dead body not 5et from where you were and you didn't acknowledge it I didn't see it that is pretty sus to be fair odd I didn't see it I I'm not a good Observer as Paul which Paul I'm not that good the the one with the pink oh okay wait why are you both thank you someone agrees for once that I'm dumb all I'm saying listen we were up in Labs uhhuh I walked past you uhhuh and then Insidious was dead that's all the information I have well then you could have uh self you watch me walk past you and then report it well then if you ran past the same body then you might never know so did not walk past it I saw you and then I saw dead body I suck at observing I'm dumb okay Paul I'm going to go off of your judgment because I feel like this is going back and forth who are you voting for me yeah or leaky well cuz you you Paul who's I voted for Nick because he's been on my case all day because I know you Damn poor Nick yes no you have no idea the amount the amount of [ __ ] times I've seen him manipulate people and I watched him kill somebody in front of me I mean that's fair he's done that to me a couple of times also Stripes if you say you're dumb one more time I'm stealing your dog no I meant cuz cuz he has the sticker dumb or she has the sticker dumb and you have the stick that's why it's funny I have the I have sticker dumb that's why I said you oops oh that's why I asked why you both are dumb why did I go the long way I went the long way do this what happened did you miss I thought was dead did you miss I thought I was dead did nobody did nobody like hear uh Nick say oops after he was throwing accusations of seeing exactly where a dead body was accusing I mean I didn't hear him say oops but wait there was a dead bot don't don't [ __ ] do this he he said he said exactly where Stripes was the last time you said you said that you both were in Communications whenever strip said we were not in Communications we were in Labs first off okay Labs whenever she said she was in Labs you had said oh yeah I had seen exactly where you were yes I did so it was just you too did you see her kill the person no I walked past her and then I found Insidious dead right and then when she wasn't the Imposter impostor I admitted that I was wrong I wish I had imposter I think it's Nick go [ __ ] F me off then good do it you'd only be losing here I'll even help God damn it go ahead keer what you GNA do what are you gonna do see you later f I feel it okay everybody I think we got this a potential that's what he gets for for throwing around shade the random accused from baz I don't know where I'm going I'm sorry Stripes it's just a matter of circumstance you're not sorry I actually actually am no you're fine don't worry PA I need you to do this get the Glorious double oh so far away nice done and also I was right I was about to go kill Paul or whoever was up on the top left it just so happened to be Paul but then I was so far away I saw leaky on the other one I was like all right oh he's got it me a half the kills me Ando got you guys accusing each other yeah yeah beautiful listen Stripes was just a victim two victim circumstance that was a crazy hard accusation you threw on them though dude I said I do whenever I'm the Imposter so I was like then it's Nick to be fair if Nick or Paul didn't start talking I probably would have would have lost it just cuz I'm really bad at keeping my composure honestly you you walk past someone and then you walk onto a dead body what the [ __ ] are you going to think I mean you're not wrong like I'm not kidding I literally didn't see what body you were talking about I was like hey you guys ready [ __ ] run it yeah run it ready run it back run it back run it run it run it back good luck everybody oh see you with the meetings see you maybe I am wait no I am crew mate H [ __ ] I forget okay Mr turn I do have down this time yeah don't you know I would move Heaven and Earth to be together forever with godamn these [ __ ] lights I [ __ ] hate them now why does it got to be the lights I hate the lights but I don't need them to do my task cool uh where do I upload the DAT o water do I need AA no I need right here communication upload upload the data going to upload going to download going to upload tonight gun I forgot wait where that I turned off Clank let's see office off okay where is it no next room we go [Laughter] 326 I hope that counted keer no I think it's actually wait wait wait hold on [ __ ] keer he's been killing me this whole game I had to go AFK for a second how dare you and then yeah I came up to the laboratory and cuz I have a task in and I was like oh dead body yeah baz's baz's lifeless body currently was hanging out in like the corner of communications yeah I was I was trying to figure that out for a second I was like uh so baz is the only person who would have seen it but she wasn't there no Stripes is the one who said they or who's saying they're AFK B oh wa never mind sorry wrong person voices too many hi I'm baz I'm not an alcoholic not ti do you need to do you want to talk about something you want to roll Tide do you do oh gosh veget should I talk to him about it the first steeping I I have no info though other than the body is up in laboratory well I can definitely say I'm not up there I can tell you it's not dinos remember where the [ __ ] I am I got no ideas I got nothing I got I have no choice fine at least for now okay see you next meeting some one was ejected what happens if I jump out myself okay bye what are the what are the by one no I need no where is it no where the [ __ ] is it oh the beeping tells me okay go lights serious hey going to go follow him going to have him walk around I I think he's luring me into his his dungeon of death we're going to figure this out I don't have any more tasks oh never mind he's doing yeah he's doing that he's doing Rock samples got some rock music in there Paul what are you what are you doing what what are you what are you doing what you doing Paul Paul oh no both Pauls okay all four Paul both Pauls are here oh Nick still only one somebody's not killing I don't know what I oh somebody's killing cuz I keep finding bodies well one one out of the two people are killing so me Insidious and both Pauls were in the the underground area or whatever that area is air lock between lab and specimen yeah I was in Boiler Room heading to office well well whoever someone has tasks to complete and it's not me more I have Med Bay okay let's let's all follow Paul to Med Bay okay okay skipping that vote I don't know who it is okay see you guys me Bay I think it's other B where's where's Med Bay oh God damn it wait is there a med Bay here where Paul Paul Paul Paul oh yeah luckily I had already done the first half yeah I just had to do one more I could not get anyone alone I I looked at theun I was I was wondering I'm like do do you know you're the other killer cuz you're the one reporting them so you're reporting my kills we're supposed to be teaming did you guys did you guys have a kill cool down that round like that that last one or were you both able K is if you both if you both if you double killed you would have won yeah I couldn't I think go on cool down for me was it it wasn't obviously I I I didn't kill at all she didn't I just I I just kept sabotaging things that's so Mr haduken fair but everyone kept coming near me in pairs and I'm like I'm alone I can't it was me everyone it was me Austin it was me oh so other Paul I don't think you realize like I was on the emergency button when you killed me I know and I was like wait I thought I locked the doors in here and I was looking for the doors that I locked and I'm like oh there they are I thought they were closer but they're like in the next room and I'm like all right the door's are locked cool and I'm like hi buddy G yeah no like I was about to click it and you killed me right before I [ __ ] clicked it wh why were you going to click the emergency button was I cuz you were being Su as [ __ ] there boy I was making sure the doors are locked you guys ready and then who's the who was the first person to coming was baz and then reported my body what well okay so I reported it just not to seem sus so I I will say I didn't suspect you at all nope all righty my text is red again that's interesting uh office office office stupid stupid card let's see uh I'll do specimen room last ah no God I hate I hate this I swear if you whoever that is murders me on this task I will lose my goddamn mind I hate this goddamn task okay whether or no I made it too fast oh I made it too fast see go to weapons to the weapons Bay going to place more as there get out of here get out of here asteroids no I just need 20 and I hate this I hate this so much cuz they F so fast let me get to one side of the map who interrupted ker is getting his just desserts at this point who interrupt on my Asteroids game we want to just accuse uh Nick whenever it's keer dying well I mean you can if you you can if you like but that that would have been really that would have been unfactual last round so I don't really trust it gotcha who I who was I with with the seismic reactor I could have killed you then and I certainly didn't huh unless you killed was me so I was with where was the hold on who found the body yeah where's the body I did in O2 was anyone near O2 anyone vouch for anyone in O2 I was over so um Stripes I don't know if you realize from where we were O2 is on the opposite end of the map yeah I know that I can read a map deader very observ you who are we voting for I I skipped well I voted for me why gosh darn it uh I'm going to vote [Music] for's be that's unfortunate well there's gon well no it's good fun Nick you're still in oh no one was hey I thought because two people voted for me I'd be out okay bye no four people skipped I I need four more asteroids there done done medbay okay I can go up to labs and I can go up to Med Bay and I can get lost cuz I'm going too fast nope too yeah that's gun oh blo going to be oh neat I think I think oh no I lost my battle buddy okay fine I'm going to oh wa guess we're going to go for it I'll be scared I'll admit will be brave it's going the numbers I must crunch the numbers there we go okay I'm done done with my tasks let's see anybody talking in chat let's see uh no okay uh we're just going to go hold the DVD [Music] button so I I'm not going to lie I was quite sus of Paul for a second cuz he was staring at me and Nick but I know me and Nick also didn't seem to be doing tasks okay hold on hold let me say what I need I pressed the button let me start okay I two two things a i press the button and right away Gino starts talking which I was gonna say huh I need to see who was in Black because uh I suddenly saw someone run into a dead end and then disappear and what was at the dead end a hole Gino busted hold on no and watch each other scan hold the phone unless it was rude frigo and I saw someone else in Black hold on both of us scanned in medbay and watched each other scan in medbay it cannot be me or Nick I watched Doug get scanned and Doug watched me get scanned we are absolutely clean so now since you are projecting blame literally both you it's literally both you it's Gino and rrio all right let's go Gino first than rude next reported the first body didn't he yeah the first body the first body go ahead vote me off go ahead I'm gonna say Gino first Gino first because I swear he used the hole I swear because me and Nick both watched each other's so oh he's defending so hard it's Gino I know it my whole heart with my whole [ __ ] heart I know I will defend Doug until the day I die I've watched him scan okay well that's that just means both of you guys uh i' I've learned that means it's them guys you guys got to get them it's those two I know it no bye I've learned something today if you don't say a word you win yeah no I'm noticing that oh you sons of [ __ ] I need told you it wasn't usill was crazy was perfect my body was behind the door I know the airlock I was like they my body where it's at I I deserve you started saying something I was like oh my God he's cooking he's cooking he's like him and Doug saw me go back where baz was he's going to say it was baz I didn't I didn't see you go back to where was because I didn't see it I thought when you said someone went down a hole I because Paul came out the gate with these wild accusations I saw someone go in a hole that was me it was me your color blind you're very color blind I need to put on my FC that it was not black don't shoot swear black don't [ __ ] say that now I'm fancy D I literally went die Paul and then just killed Paul and R I don't know who I ran past I think it was Gino ran in yeah I ran into the bottom and you ran out that's why I was like you're probably fine you didn't murder me right away yeah and then as soon as you like I I gave it a second and then I went down in the hole and admin well now I'm bummed whenever whenever I was watching TST whenever I was watching uh you know and rude I saw baz's name come up into the airlock okay and I was like huh I'm going to go down where baz was and see if there's a body and then baz followed me you're the body it's me it's me found it hey I've never played with this many people we should go to Airship okay thank you so much for the 21 months yeah we can go to I was going to go to the 21 months God dang we're drink yeah we're gonna go so everybody we're going to go to the biggest map possible the Airship I don't I don't think Eight's enough for that but I also love chaos so [ __ ] run it should we do one you think one imposter or keep it at two two hey we're going it's big enough we can try to we ball do we we we do cuz we're on the way in please can I finally be an imposter good luck are any of us above 6 foot do we ball aren't you above six foot Paul I'm six foot I don't want to [ __ ] hear it a br all right oh cool my tasks let's see where is the next one going to go oh the viewing deck is is that that to the no South it's not in the cockpit damn I was hope it be in the cockpit no there's nothing upstairs let's go okay who leaves their hat here someone left their messy ass why am I stupid stairs we'll be brave it's G hug and kiss uh there we go cool I did not know how to fix the shower it was it was it was bent down the stair or down the ladder please fix that's what it do that's what it say why am I get I'm getting stuck this stop stop it God damn it let a for the Wi-Fi signal oh oh oh oh oh almost no is it there oh too far there perfect we getting the signal ooh make a burger well still going to go make well I can't make that burger no more [ __ ] I have an announcement there are a lot of dead people that's a lot of [ __ ] dead people yeah lordy it's only the core people pul dreams with but whatever damn I have been had um uh I have no info um I was giving and uh you know where was the body I thought I thought someone walked in on when when in records when someone murdered me that I can't you doing what electrical the what chatas and and good night good boys I uh like the thing questions like the the thing they do to uh in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure that like AA or okay yeah I have yeah that [ __ ] oh okay so we have to F no we're not no we're not going back on that re o i I pay good money for oo Paul We're not gonna talk about it we need to talk about we have 45 seconds to figure out at least one of the imposters because uh there's still two of them all right well I know Gina was in the south towards electrical I was just coming into it yeah somebody needs somebody needs to go Paul where were you I'm currently down in security I vote and I didn't see Doug's that's where dead I didn't see anybody yeah I didn't Pony where were you uh I am oh my god I've been doing tasks oh no I'm vo I don't know I'm voting Paul wait why me oh they were so close not me were we were getting no where we somebody had to I don't nobody nobody left I'm going to go flip my burger that's what good chefs do good chefs flip burgers for good saw very onion bun on who who puts this much onion on a burger I'm I'm making oh God oh this is awful onion boror stop oh God I hate the physics on this Borger B is that what that was not what it looked like a second ago I'm upset about this excuse give me lettuce lettuce lettuce bger I swear to God if it Chang es again oh goat you're a goat Stripes you know what really funny [ __ ] called it here go I knew people Paul snapped my neck or no he shot me in the back that's what it was damn I pulled up Paul's stream to talk [ __ ] and tell him that I pay him 20 bucks for an ooo I I pul I like minimized the window and then I went back to it I was like wait a minute I don't serve my FY anymore and I saw the sabotage button and I was like holy [ __ ] I made it I made it a a point to not kill you so I killed Doug and killer first yeah and you know you know who killed me Stripes Stripes you're yeah you're mistress in chaos I know who killed you I am I am inconspicuous Bush yeah I was all for I'm inconspicuous Bush and we are all ready to go no distraction T will deter me I'm not going to say I didn't deserve that because I certainly did but was on top of that exist no we ball my text is red that's really weird let's go to's start to the kitchen prepare a bger going to prepare a Borger yeah we'll just we'll just say we're preparing a Borger borer bger I was PR where's the oh wait I actually have fake tasks to do why do I have fake tasks do that's [Music] weird Public Service Announcement um the announcement is that I saw somebody running away from me once again because my brain is [ __ ] stupid I did not see what color it where body body was in the room between and so somebody ran up and right into in hours I I can't tell if it's me but you are you keep cutting out cut out real hard I up my volume so I could hear you sorry I don't know into the microphone what did you catch and what didn't you catch electrical that was it okay cool let me start over I was down in the kitchen making bger I'm not going to lie I don't exactly know where I am I found the body I found the body in the room between main hall and electrical and I saw somebody inap come up from that area but I don't remember what color it was because that's how my brain works is it the regular Gap or the Baby Gap Baby Gap oh okay uh I can't it's not in my Discord chat I can't kick [Laughter] Doug um I have no idea I I I can't remember who it was I saw the I mean it I remember it being maybe black so it's either Nick or Doug but I can't be sure about that cuz I I was down in I was down in the kitchen I'm in gap I'm shopping for jeans bro okay I skipped I skipped as well not nothing I'll vote for rud big well you're good nick no you're fine you're skip yeah B you can't do that I always vote for myself good luck everybody I'm learning this actually let's see where am I the [ __ ] am well I mean I'm in the brri where the okay there I'm wall wait I closed my tasks a wait the shower oh that's good I'm glad I know this map really well cuz no one else probably does either and that door is shut see where where oh God I'm stuck oh God I'm so lost let's see let's see go to records what am I doing in records no I'm going uh actually I'll stick with Insidious he knows where he's going right [Music] right ker what happened my friend I'm real tired of find a bodies are you like a bicycle stop killing them are you like a bicycle no are you are you too tired I knew it was coming Bo me out okay um who report I I don't have any um the body is in Armory like right in the corner like as soon as you walk out of kitchen it's right there I was in the viewing deck doing the task with the phone I passed people okay I was I I ran into Insidious uh up just south of records and I'm like I should follow Insidious uh cuz I want to be with me yeah I'm not gonna lie I haven't seen anyone same I've been too busy working I don't remember who I saw with cuz there was two there was three of us down in viewing deck someone was doing I believe it was Dino was doing electrical someone was sitting at the very tip of the pier before I showed up who was it well the only one who hasn't well no Paul said Paul where were you which Paul me oh the other Paul said uh I was in car Paul a life Paul I was uh doing security then electrical and then I'm going to Cargo Bay because I was trying to get to the main hall I'm working my ass off I just accuse Insidious for some reason because he's very quiet I don't think it was blue that I saw it was not then it Gino oh no oh okay we'll find out y'all listen to me you sounds are so convincing son of a [ __ ] well he was so quiet and last time he he's damn it oh my [ __ ] God it was both of them I knew knew it was one of them as soon as I saw me and Nick show up like this is going to be perfect yeah I'm going to get you freaking new glasses what are you talking about I said both of them no my like whenever you were explaining uh how you felt my body and everything I was like Paul he was right there I'm sorry I was like you literally seen him for three seconds I was right there just how my brain works I don't know what's wrong with me no you're fine I just sat there I was like this little [ __ ] it really is just as easy as just stay quiet nobody suspects you the issue is if I stay quiet ever expect pretty sure it was somebody who was like black so it was either Doug or Nick it was both of us yeah it it was both of them it was both I I was just on each of those calls to be fair I was I was down in the kitchen when you told me about body B when you voted me I was like well I'm gone my intuition is always right I got I also vote for myself almost every round one more for everybody that's fine sure yeah okay ready three five four I don't know why I thought it started 3 two one bathroom good luck everybody let's do it hope you all die good luck everybody else oh my god let's see Tex is red again let's see oh I he starting the break again I like making I Like Making burgers Borgore Bor the [ __ ] oh it's further down this way borer bger bger let's make me some bger that's what I'm going to do God I'm dumb I cannot make Borger correctly why do I keep screwing up Borger even if if I'm not actually making it that's [Music] a found a dead body once again I know uh Doo what you doing oh oh stri she still M oh never mind sorry I'm dumb yeah where was it it was uh down in viewing deck right in front of the light box and Dino is just standing on the body busted what do you have to say for yourself young man I can't tell if his if his headset's dead or if he's forgot M he's still muted he still muted you wiener well he's about to get voted up he already let me check it let me check his stream make sure he's not asleep I was he's not asep yeah he's not asleep he voted he voted well he's going to pretend I don't think he has anything to say for himself he voted for himself for sure yeah yeah I got confused I'm sorry yeah he knew he got got he got got if only he argued against it and just G at everybody else what what he was not damn no oh no [ __ ] just happened good luck everybody forgot to say that let's go records uh where do I need to need oh no showers showers showers no let's not go to showers see here should close next let's [Music] see 8 seconds see what we can [Music] do let's go let's go give her a [Music] what happened how dare I how dare you I was just trying toput code I thought I was so [ __ ] whenever I killed keer and then just immediately ran away into somebody killed keer I did or not keer I killed a zebs and then I ran into someone like that one was real short freaking quickest game ever I was like that was that was a fast game yeah was like poor Dino but that is uh I can do one more probably sleep at some point okay K are you alive is he mad should we get him should we get him should we get him a Snickers are you mad good luck everybody my text again that's weird really wish showed where your tasks are so I knew where to go to begin with [ __ ] it [ __ ] it's oh thank goodness I thought I was about to not be able to do that task and just be boned but here I am I'm able to do the task it's a very very tasking that one is see more totally BS emergency Mee see where's oh where's the I forget where the button is I need to find the button wait or was it is it in the cockpit might be in the cockpit no [ __ ] the emergency meeting button I don't remember now where is it where is it where is it where is it where is it well damn it I'm going to do this task four oh good where poor poor oh perfect yes I found it now I need to find the emergency meeting room to satiate the needs of oh needs of needs of the people let's go I need to get sa keep it caught on every goddamn [Music] thing wait I can't why' I go up is yeah it [Music] is oh no he's dead oh my God where were they I you called the emergency meeting I I was scared I was scared well you apparently you should be there's like crazy people on this [ __ ] planear Killers I called the emergency meeting from the button cuz I was like I'm scared I need a hug hold up where the [ __ ] I don't even know I don't even know where the button is I was trying to find it and then I found it trying to find reactor but then I couldn't get across the thing to get the other reactor and I thought it was upstairs so I went upstairs I'm like oh there's the button I hate this little thing in gap I wanted to go across but I couldn't cuz someone took it so I went upstairs and found the button I the only person I saw I don't know who that was across mes but you were hitting the button good I don't know who the person AC cross was cuz I ran up the ladder real fast but it wasn't me for wait for uh doing the reactor I was the other person who did it okay that narrows down three of us for not being it I definitely would am not the killer that's sound know but guys I definitely didn't maybe undo it I think it's dos cuz I somebody killed I saw a body but I didn't report it cuz the oxygen thing was going or whatever the thing the emergency was I was trying to do that you not you are digging a ho man just [ __ ] stop dude saw Insidious land there I think it's Pony I think I was trying to get to the reactor button when that thing was going off right before it was hit and I saw uh rude on the cuz you reporting a dead body cancels out the eem the emergency going on he voted himself God damn it he gets confused sometimes you know same as me it's very easy color blind godamn it all right see you at the next meeting maybe I think I'm color blind okay where the [ __ ] is my task no do I have to make another Burg I actually have to make a burger this time damn it I hate making the goddamn Burger this goddamn FS okay burger bun Burger lettuce onion cool but Burger lettuce onion bun there there that was much easier the second time no please I [ __ ] wires is it is it B she's okay oh damn it yeah I kind of figured that was that was going to be an idiot yeah that cool down was too long I I feel like that sometimes don't it here who has the taco darn it I have it's a it's a bush you know Taco it looks like a taco but I'm pretty sure it's a bush it is a bush taco no it's a taco no I saw B following me I'm like she's the murderer but she hasn't murdered me yet you were on my list I had 14 seconds I'm just really glad Doug absolved me of any sins when I did the sabotage that pass did I was like this will this will put me in good graces yeah I could all right sorry Paul yeah no I'm I'm I just keep finding you first when I can so okay well keiller's gone yeah yeah yeah Nick's gone as well yeah I got to do laundry and get ready for work tomorrow okay thank you guys for coming and hanging out playing some Among Us with me happy thank you happy birthday birthday dog thank you and it was nice to meet some of y'all too yeah nice to meet nice meeting y'all yes we'll have to we will definitely have to do this again yeah too definitely [ __ ] wasun you should try a goose go duck I've heard that's free isn't it yeah free it free and it actually has proximity chat oh I like proxity without a mod oh nice yes without mod and ghosts can talk to each other too all right I'll I'll download that actually right now but yeah uh all right guys take it easy good night I'll talk to you kids later good night by happy birthday again know thank you see Paul thank yeah thank you thank you dabs or gab is it gabs or dabs I always mix it up it's both oh God no all right all right man take it easy all right see you cool uh hope you guys enjoyed the stream I had a lot of fun being ridiculous with everybody and getting away with being the impostor three times I did it I did it usually I screw scw that up so bad uh but I just wanted to say uh whoever came and checked out the video or the stream uh thank you yeah it was uh let's see is anyone I should probably check my phone see if anyone else is streaming actually uh for now I'm going to send you guys to the b or to the uh ending screen hey time uh actually I got to shout out some more I forgot the slash uh Slash shout out pulia then shout out I forgot the slash again shout out out iron di no there I have to I have to wait a minute in 44 seconds I will do that during the ending screen I'm going to see if anyone else I know uh is streaming but thank you all for coming and checking out my video or my stream it was a lot of fun I hope we can do it again in the future maybe add a couple more people but until then I will catch you guys in the next one peace [Music] [Music] [Music] he f are you ready [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] oh [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: GenoSMRPG
Views: 4
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: 4Ut0yOExrxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 24sec (7944 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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