Let's Explore .NET MAUI in .NET 7 RC 1

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thank you foreign foreign foreign thank you foreign what is going on everybody oh my goodness it is Friday it is 4 P.M somewhere 5 p.m somewhere 6 p.m somewhere Sweden we got turkey in the house Denmark in the house VA in the house so many awesome places hello everybody good to see everybody loose in the house Aiden's in the house Chewie's in the house thanks for being a subscriber thanks for being a member thanks for being a moderator thanks for just being here in general it was a beautiful Friday morning here in the Pacific Northwest and my camera decided to work that's good it's kept giving me Air Seven that sounds not good seven that's not good at all oh we got uh Scotia uh Dominican Republic Manuel in the house Jose of course good to see you John oh John good to see you as well good to see you buddy uh grish as well Armenia whoa cool that's awesome just brewed fresh Aeropress fresh air press in the cup so good to go oh my goodness it's been a good Friday morning over here just waking up just give the dog her medicine now it's time to stream just for a little bit we got an hour today just exploring I gotta cut it off right at nine so one hour uh as well it's good to see so many people around the globe Alexis and Alex France and Brazil whoa cool awesome very nice um yeah I was a little worried because of my camera I've never seen that air so I just unplugged the power and plugged it back in that seemed to work I don't know oh my goodness um we've got very exciting times not only do I have a fresh beautiful cup of coffee in my hand right here but uh I just updated I saw my apps so I have my my Cadence on on my Android phone I did some testing I've been using the latest Bluetooth plug-in which has been working well uh over here and updated the permissions that's been fun as well and I need to update it because I needed to update my in-app billing because on November 1st uh Google is going to stop allowing anyone to make any money if you don't update to my latest versions which are not stable for everybody this is good going coming up going down going up going down stable it's happening it's all happening so that's pretty amazing oh my goodness Pavel Murad Richard in the chat from the Netherlands will want to be in the Netherlands soon I'm either for Techo Rama they give me a whole keynote can you believe that that's bananas that seems inappropriate yes there's the last of the c-sharp shirts I bought them and then they they took down the store so I don't know I know the team's working on a new shop.net shop hopefully for some time at some point in this in the in the future loose will be there loose I'll bring it down to the store I'm gonna have so many stickers at techarama and I'm also in Poland as well right after that the next week for a.net conference as well and um Warsaw so if you're in the area we're also gonna do a user group Monday night um this is on the October 17th I think the conference is on the 18th it's on the 17th in Poland I'll be doing a user group over there which would be quite fun I don't know I'll tweet it out at some point which would be cool that I will bring some stickers I wish I could come to so many places I'm actually gonna do a tiny holiday mini holiday in between because I've never been to Poland so and my wife is Polish so but not from Poland but polish so I'm going to we're going to do a little bit of a little bit of time in the Netherlands because we've never been to the Netherlands together I've been in Netherlands quite a bit which is very lovely um we're there so yes Sweden is a longer trip to Sweden is on our list as well but yes uh Christian gonna see you carry good to see you yeah sir good to see you from Bangladesh you see as well from Vietnam well awesome I love Vietnam big fan uh been there once but but uh did good see some Duke liners which was amazing so from Romania I lived in Romania for a while I was in team ashwara from Bulgaria well I also went to Bulgaria so many plays I've been to amazing not all the places it's on my list haiko thank you for being a subscriber hello from Germany oh my goodness uh my wife was teaching me some Polish words we have a book I need to I don't know I took French for many years but you know I don't know anything basically I basically know nothing um but that was like high school so it was literally eons ago that was 20 years ago I'm old I'm an old soul from Chile whoa from Argentina I've also been Argentina fantastic I need to go back and you spent a lot of time in Argentina my my wife did a study abroad in Argentina back and she was in college I've not been to the UAE now on the list oh my goodness so good to see everybody this is amazing so today what we're going to do is we're going to explore some Don at seven bits this has been fun adventurous time for myself I was like I'm always living on the preview edge of visual studio so I'm like let's just do it I'm in update I I saw David draft the blog so I knew that 2.1 was coming so I go okay let's let's wait just just a tad just a tad um an update so I waited and that includes the.net seven down at Maui workload support which is pretty cool it has a bunch of new features and then additionally um everything seemed to work I had one little problem which was um we have a Maui samples repo and and there was a global Json in there for some reason if the global Json was in there it stopped working for me like it couldn't figure out that I was opening.net 6 project I thought I wanted to load it on at seven so I just removed that Global Json everything seemed to work so that was interesting so I reported that to the team and then I had some problems with my Ms build SDK cross-platform pluginy stuff as well but I also have the normal stable version of Visual Studio 17.3 as well and everything seems to work again there so I can still do you know not blocks I can do those side by sides which is very nice in case you need that there but totally there uh literally everything asks can you give me a brief hardware and software you use for live streaming I think I have an entire video on my YouTube channel which is not for live stream but the one that's like creating videos and OBS that's the one you want pretty much that's all I use Excuse OBS and that's it so let me know if the music's too loud at all I can turn out just a tad bit there um that's it yeah I mean my computer is real old uh I don't use stream yards these are so you streamer we use stream yard if Frank and I do the podcast live we use stream Eric that's easier to have guests on um at work for like all the community stand-ups for a bunch of video recordings about other stuff we use stream here all the time for me live streaming like Fritz live streams uh he we use OBS open broadcast software even if I record all my if I record all my my YouTube videos are all on OBS everything's in obs uh and my um machine let's see here I can actually let's do this where's my I need a task manager there's my you see oh look at this I got my task manager performance I have a i7 6700 very old and then I have I do have 64 gigs of RAM as you can see only 14 are used and that's it and I have a hard drive that keeps filling so that's it there can you build gaming apps with Maui uh you could I mean you could use drawing there's some game things out there like orbit is one actually there's a video on Lucille probably find it on.net conf on the.net YouTube about building games with it or you just use Unity too the idea is like use c-sharpus.net right so it depends what you're building but you could you know that's what I use there let's get into it all right so I figured what I do today remember how last stream we were building that conference app um there's a whole lot of new stuff in the for um desktop support and also Maps as well in.net maui.net7 so that's cool so what I think we want to do there is I want to see if I can upgrade that application upgrade it go from there and see what happens and then add some cool desktopy features like let's add a map I was like put you know pretend like we're at a conference somewhere maybe it's in the Netherlands I don't know and then uh we'll go from there yeah there you go thanks Aiden boom Google it yes sir says any hope for example preview without debugging on Android emulator probably not nope we had the live previewer but it's a whole hot mess to to do all that stuff in general you know like basically basically even xcode what xcode does for the Swift previews like spins up a simulator emulator behind the scenes there in general um I guess you could do it on your device too I think you've asked in the chat many times have I tried hermanus on Windows r one is 11 arm um well there's not support yet there is support for visual studio and several workloads on arm Windows devices uh but not the dynamic workload yet it's something that the team's gonna work on when you know it's the right time yeah all right let's do it computer computer okay all the chat up and running over here oh 100 people I love 100 people oh my gosh Okay so if we remember so this application is my little conference app let's run it let's see what it looks like here there's a few things like they did add a bunch of desktop support and the thing I'm really excited for is actually is actually um not only yeah the workloads but I got Maps that's cool we'll definitely take a look at that but then also desktop support so like this kind of like contacts menu which I think is awesome I definitely want to add assuming I can add it and places I don't really know but I also want you know tool tips there's gestures I think like a cool hover gesture would be nice but then um they also have the ability to like set the window width and height and and mix it and minimum and maximum and all that stuff so that'd be kind of cool cool all right so here's the app and it's just using a bunch of dummy data right now and we actually I did a video recently on how we created this live these little cards which is kind of cool should be clearly good to go um so we have like the sponsors the stuff over here day one Boop uh cool so I figured we could try even at a Maps tab over here which would be kind of nice too so be kind of cool um there uh if you have an app on the Mac with down at seven can you downgrade to down at six well I mean you just need.net six installed on your machine so for example here's what we're gonna do is we're gonna go in here and see how everything in this target framework is set to.net6 oh share a link to the conference app uh Aiden or someone would probably get it from it it's on my GitHub just search conference github.com forward slash James montemagno it's there all I'm going to do is I'm going to change this to seven I mean this is commented out seven but seven and you know all I've done in my visual studio installer is to have both of them installed so this one here but if you tap on modify um thank you loose uh you can see under my Donna Maui we have instead of xamarin install we have intellicode installed individual components we have the.net seven preview right there I guess it's actually release candidate there yeah let's go cool so ideally if I just save this um we should see all of the you know stuff over here update so now we have our dependencies have.net seven right there should be cool it's actually like do that did it actually do the thing on the screen that I wanted it to do there we go I know someone that's why is there no data grade because data grid is not a native control you'd have to go and like create that there's tons of companies that have done that though so you can find a data grid on the internet for it not every control is built into dynamically oh I don't know anything about Xbox plus I don't know um so anyways yeah we just upgraded to dyna7 that's cool done so let's see if it works though okay so this I think I do need to do this I need to do a clean I'm gonna if I read I'm gonna do it on on here let's do it clean uh blue I'm going to call you blue in the chat says upgraded to xcode 14. install xcode 13.41 yeah uninstall xcode 14. there's a there's a whole let me let me post the article here there's a whole thread on it and it doesn't have support for xcode 14 yet so you definitely want to just in keep 13. I literally just did a video on how you can use the app called xcodes to um install another version so get you up and running real quick so I did read the blog post David says delete those bin and obj clean it out do the things it's deleting we'll get a delete [Music] okay I should probably close it huh let's close it let's try again okay cool and then let's open it boom GA date for done at seven well Donna Maui's already ga um but for down at seven that would be november.net comp someone drop a DOT net comp thing in there every November there's a new version of.net every November you always know Ninja okay so this works I'll be very happy because um it would just work now additionally we could have just created a a new version a new app right so if you go into um it's not gonna break the app but been an obj meant to rebuild it's gonna it's gonna delete all the stuff so you're gonna need to like reduce that it shouldn't all up do stuff but yeah so when you go create a new app you'll see in here I have done at six and down at seven so it knows what's installed there see now all of our dependencies are re-resolving so we're going to download and we're gonna do stuff there's all these things going on here we'll look at all these things cool and I also saw that a lot of people like sometimes you have to rebuild the solution not the project especially if you're on the Mac let's see if this see this is working did you did you just Anthony asked did you just press clean and that deletes it for you well when you clean the solution it doesn't necessarily delete the bin in obj files or all of them necessarily so sometimes it's always best to do that you can hit this little show file button in here and then um that will like show you it's there I don't actually know it doesn't show me on my opinion obj files that's weird I guess maybe I haven't this should do it let's see I guess it's building yeah I deleted it from Explorer so I just like open this and explore and then I went into here and then I just like deleted the bin in obj folders all up so they wouldn't be there like if you went on a you know a a brand new file new oh my machine's crunching it's crunching hard so all we've done so far just updated this here we'll see oh there you go Aiden says if you're running tweaks it gives you an option I think I am running tweaks let's see oh the other thing I totally need to install while we're here it's called rainbow um rainbow braces I haven't installed on all my things over here I'm gonna I'm gonna install this because I think it'll just make everything prettier in general yeah yeah the Ben and obj files they're always they're just sometimes there's a bunch of stuff in there that it's like it doesn't know it's like oh I think I've deleted like I've deleted stuff that the build needs but not like the build artifacts and that's the stuff that can kind of get in the way sometimes because those build artifacts can be generated and then that's when you kind of run into some issues so whenever in doubt you can do that I mean the system's gotten really good um in general of trying to know when to delete and do that stuff but here I'm like literally upgrading a major version so that makes a lot of sense like okay there's like a bunch of old.net 6 artifacts may be running around so always good practice I was still going to update this ahead of time but then I didn't so there we go cool all right let's actually open all right James 17 minutes and we got this so we got this okay what's new all the stuff I'm a big fan of this new what's new tab as well I don't know how to get to it later there must be like tools what's new or something like that maybe okay here we go cool all right so all right let's see I also want to open awesome awesome I think I want to in we get a map over here too do I still use Windows 10 no my machine just can't update to Windows 11. this main main desktop but on my uh laptop I have a surface laptop 4 which is my travel rig um when I'm out and about and that one is there okay so I need to yes uninstalled that and reinstall this so I would update this to Windows 11 if I could but I can't but I'm in the process it's a very it's a real machine so it's an older it's a you know the processor is a Sixth Gen Intel so pretty old um okay let's look at our icons oh everything seems to be working amazing so let's let's grab this um from it how do I get where my filters at free I just want to make sure I get map download the SVG that's my new favorite thing I'm just going to call it a tab underscore map cool all right let's go ahead and stop that and I'm going to go into resources images let's add an existing item in my downloads let's say view all cool and then let's add let's see if we can add a map over here which is cool service laptop 4 is x86 the only arm devices out there there's like surface service X but as well but my storage laptop 4 I have like a fully specked out which is pretty nice okay so I need to need to install a nougat it says Okay so let's install the maps nuget so it's always interesting they do it that way let's try to try this out okay here we go install the the Nugget Microsoft Maui controls Maps uh okay no okay oh right did it install Ed it did install okay cool awesome all right so we have that then let's add a there's a bunch of stuff here I want that stuff in there all right let's add a new page let's do new item and then let's do a new page here I'll call this map page and then let us okay let's go into our Maui program it says I need to do using Dot use Maui Maps okay that must be in a new namespace nope it's not in a new name space it's inside of well it's just there okay cool so we register it so it's kind of extensive you have control it's probably going to do a bunch of stuff behind the hood that's cool all right then let's see uh project Volterra I mean I don't know if is Project Volterra out yet so let's do math and then let's also put it into our shell here map map map page tab underscore map there we go what would be the performance effects of installing too many packages on a project no I mean none probably I mean your app size I guess not performance though if the nugets are slow yeah no no real issue installing a bunch of new gets at all like and again the Linker is in there too so it's gonna um it's going to go ahead and and uh automatically do stuff and remove stuff which is nice um okay so let's look up techarama which is in uttara okay let's go that long okay so it's gonna be this here so I'm just going to copy code around because that's what uh that's what we did override on navigate it too is that what let's see let's see if that works there so pretty much okay this is cool so let's see we got we have a new let's do rename location cool and then let's put in the Netherlands one interesting so we have a new map span we're trying to use VAR come on now so we have map span from so mapspan is part of this Microsoft Maui Maps that's cool and see what else is in uh map span here let's do 220 here we got map span Dot and there's from Center and radius okay that's all you got one helper Okay cool so I guess you could do VAR to test equals new map span map span gives you yeah latitude and longitude okay but this is oh this is going to give you uh zoom out then I guess here it'd probably also give you like what else does our map span have what are the properties map span dot oops it's got radius clamp latitude Center latitude degrees radius with zoom okay so this map span base is going to control what we want to see on the map and it's going to move to this region it's going to add a pin let's go what else can I do on the map I can do map Dot I can do I can okay I can do a bunch of stuff background background color behaviors bounds clip I mean I can yeah just do normal stuff is there um input is enabled there's scrolling is traffic enabled okay here we go this is traffic enabled we have is zoom enabled okay map elements map type so I could do I could do like map I guess I could do that in the code too in the I'm sure they'll see if there's on here so there's hybrid satellite let's do tonight let's see what else we have yeah I'm assuming that you can also I think they said that you can actually draw stuff too I don't know if there's docs for maps at all yet is there let's see I doubt it because it just came out but no just map sir so I think what I want to do here is let's do a grid and then I would do a um let's do a row definitions and let's do this and let's do Auto and then let's do a a button and then do text I'll say navigate right kind of cool and then I could do Center or the center of that I guess and then we'll do grid dot Row one let's just give this a little margin of you know 10 maybe just give that little pattern there and let's literally do a click event there we go cool let's just do that let's see how that takes us cool how do you make a custom pin I don't know let's see on our page code behind I'm assuming that there's like a uh I'm also going to just move this location up here too bar location location there we go let's do that uh let's see map map dot pins pin let's see how what else do we have in here we have gesture recognizer frame let's see a mark good morning well is this good to see you as well so is traffic enabled we got map elements I'm assuming map elements it's a map elements I don't know what a map element is but that is that is exciting uh see navigation that's the navigation of the page pins so there's the pins it's just a pin so if you did the real question ends up becoming if you did like well pin is a pin and this is a pin an eye list a pin let's see what pin is the question is can you do that there's an eye map pin which is a element okay there you go so there's an IMAP pin so I think you would just um create a custom IMAP pin basically I think that's I think that's what you do it's I element I think that's all you need to do oh it's using Maui device sensors that's interesting anyways let's see if it oh I just need to implement that that click so here I do async Maps oops Maps Dot how's it map thought ooh that's interesting map dot open async there we go I'm gonna give it a new what can I give it all right my intellisense is kind of going weird async yeah so here what you need to do is you I'm going to need to do a Alias it let's just Alias application model map it's a little bit tricky let's say open map and then I'm going to do openmap.open async try open anything just try that I was going to take a new location and give it a location and then I can give it new map launch options let's give it that and then I can say name I'll say techorama [Music] what theme do I use the default one student let's do none for now let's just do none on the cool all right let's see if this works uh let's see we have some questions [Music] the app size wow I haven't seen really any issues with app size in general I mean iOS would be a little bit bigger whoa swap thanks for the subscription thanks for coming in [Music] see we got a map tab right there cool let's see oh no oh that didn't work maybe I didn't do something oh my God a crash what did I do hmm I don't know what I did canvas modules optimized let's try it on Android Maybe I don't know if I need to do anything else either oh I totally also deleted all my Android emulators the other day don't ask me why but I totally did I was like I'm just gonna delete all my Android emulators because I want to do API 13. okay let's do that I was like I'm just gonna delete everything why not so let's see what this does yeah I think you can I think it I think you can make a custom pen I haven't seen anything yet there is a repo which is github.com.net Maui samples let's see right here let's see here there's this map let's see if let's see if I did anything did I miss anything new Smiley Maps Okay Okay I was like did it maybe I missed doing something okay to updated that I don't know what this is hmm that's correct that's literally a sample so we should be good there silly Gerald okay it's downloading still let's see what other chats we got in here uh does the Android xamarin preview or with them out you know there's a whole um I don't know if it does I don't think I have the profiler installed um github.com xamarin slash I think it's like Android oh I can't see it um because I'm logged in because I work at Microsoft that's why let's see here there's Android there's a whole article Wiki on profiling apps profiled I think it's like that sounds like a whole thing on like profiling stuff pretty sure I don't know how does it look in here let's see oh there we go there's literally a whole article on it right here there you go oh it's on the Maui one that makes way more sense boom uh let's see let's see this I don't know why this didn't work my conference maybe the version of the machine I'm on were there oh Christian glad that helped yep there you go it's like there um I don't think it is because I think it's only in I don't think my I don't think there's a I don't think the profiler is installed I don't think so no uh Windows support is there I mean it's in the image and that we have it's right here I think the Windows support is doesn't have a native control currently um oh maybe that's what it is oh they're working on it um well that makes sense then well that makes sense then hmm well then well thanks for the subscription all right let's try it on Android then I have my emulator up and running oh there it is well that makes sense that wasn't 100 clear David that wasn't a hundred percent clear um I see to fill the Gap we have created a webview implementation and an open proposal on the community toolkit okay so they didn't add it into the thing that makes sense so there'd be some backwards compatibility stuff there basically so what you'd want to do then in that case is you want to have like a um in the app shell you'd probably want to have like a on I think you just do on platform and they could say like Android iOS Mac does this actually work I'm actually positive it does I think it does doesn't it I'm actually sure I don't think that actually works there's a double check let's get it now okay is my emulator running it is running okay the other thing is I'm not actually sure like do you have to do anything for Android anymore like usually back in the day the maps were like really terrible to work with yeah uh well the maps the difference is like um current uh the difference is on the monkey app we use the we use the uh map API it's a different there's a map API to open the map this is embedding a map control in there yes um Andy yes those are the nano Leaf elements um behind me yeah they're pretty good I have a two pack of them they seem to work well uh in general they're a little expensive though to be honest with you so it depends as long as you don't want the the crazy you know RGB type of stuff then you're you're totally good I like them it's a nice design they have just Hues of yellows and um Hues of yellow and white basically so as long as you don't want RGB stuff then you're totally good to go so all right let's see this is going to build so we've updated I should have read the instructions that makes sense but we'll do some windows stuff because I really want to add in the this stuff this this menu layout here on each item I think that should work oh that'd be cool yeah they're really nice I mean they're nice that the you know the nanoleaf stuff is solid in general so um you know but a little expensive and the apps are okay you can see my machine is crunching currently it's like let's do this but yes uh s man that is what I used in general between those since I can change this to like more of a let's do a foreign like white white Hues I think do I need to do anything I'm pretty sure all right if I go into Android like do I need to go register anything for maps are always complicated I'm just going to double check here on the on the maps properties no not properties platforms Android manifest aha I knew it so I don't think the maps are going to work either I think the maps are gonna I think the maps are gonna be mad at me because I think you need to add this here um I don't know why I added Maps I just shouldn't add a Maps basically is what I shouldn't have started with because maps are the worst let's just be honest about it all right well it's it's here the app is app is working is the map gonna actually do anything no it's gonna be mad at me yeah okay so oh look at that needs to add your manifest into your key ah Maps okay let's do it and the question is how do I get a map API key platforms Android manifest okay so it goes inside of here and then he has all these permissions I don't know if you get those permissions anymore sir okay I need my I need to get uh Google Maps API key Android let's see if I can go over here and not show my stuff I need to create a new app oh geez okay I'm going to create a new app I'm going to call it my conference and I'm going to browse no organization it's going to create it and then what I need to do create credentials API Google Maps platform credentials this actually isn't that isn't that hard to be honest with you okay uh create credentials API key it's creating an API key I'm going to copy it I'm going to hide my screen how do I hide my screen is it this button it is that button it is this button okay let's see if I just did it on iOS it'd been great because you don't need anything it's about to use Facebook Firebase analytics I wouldn't see why not as long as the bindings are there that should totally work well I think for maps um I mean that's not really a Maui problem that's every Android application ever problem so who's there API key is free but I think on Android I think it's free in general for maps I think everything about the web one I think that's different hey you got a map we have a map but it's not visible I assume I need to give it something or maybe has it registered yet we have a map control so that's good foreign app there we go I need to run so you need to give it a debug key you need to actually give it a okay okay second don't restrict the key that's good and then probably I can hit navigate that's gonna actually I guess I don't have the maps app installed so this actually is going to navigate there that should do it let's see that actually wasn't too bad to create an eight it used to be a lot worse but it should work unrestricted now let's see depends if the back end is updating or not or doing stuff I wonder if it's actually getting hit too if I remember I think I think that on Navigator that's all broken that could be that could be a bug I think that was a bug in an ant no I thought that worked let's double check let's check my output I agree okay so that does get hit that's good it could just literally be waiting for the back end so authorization failure console ensure that this is enabled okay cool thanks it just gives me that uh-huh oh that's cool actually gives me the fingerprint that's cool I think I did it unrestricted though [Music] my couch is I'm gonna restrict that key anyways but sure uh this gives me a thing okay oh uh let me double check here that's definitely the API key oh no it's a different API key I know it's the same API key Android apps okay Android do I need to turn it on apis click close Maps SDK for Android enable I need to enable it cool okay I've now enabled the API in the Google portal okay that's important hey oh we did it all right that wasn't that bad we did it we got Maps people would did it not too bad so that's it I just need to enable the API which is great I don't know why there's not um probably like stuff I should actually put the real point but here we got a point we got welcome to Dynamo way cool I'm kind of surprised that this this um try open is not working either oh you know why it's because for it to actually be able to open those Maps I need to go into my platform integration there we go I need to actually add a little bit of source code here there we go silly James I need to add these queries nodes to the Manifest so good old Android there we go that should not work well I wonder if I I definitely added that for the the monkey one balance for sure cool so this is kind of like what we had done before because yeah good game we did it we did it yeah we just read the output just like Tom said to do so that's good so it's good to know about Windows so in general but apply to remove that from from it in general so that's that's good to know good to know we got a map we got a thing I think David was saying that you can totally like draw on it and do a bunch of stuff that's what he said yeah I think he said you could totally do it so now we say navigate that's how he opens it navigates us to it's like the point on the thing amazing that's good so this should be not welcome to Elementary tech-a-rama there's a few things um one also there's an amazing control called Maps UI if you've ever seen that um as well this is pretty amazing it supports like everything ever um and you can do pretty much anything it uses like open maps and appbox stuff like that I'll put that in there so if like there's stuff that the built-in one doesn't do then definitely give that a look and that has yeah donate Maui support too so you don't even if you need down at six or to like it there how can you prompt us like the app before navigating um if there's multiple map apps on the device it would it would navigate and ask you there thank you so much for the subscription um I don't know I'm waiting for the API everything to to see how to do it I'm assuming that there's there's map Dot well not pins but I think what you'd want is I don't know let's see visible region not protocol options visual let's see um it should ask if in general I think on there I think if it has Google Maps it uses Google Maps I'd have to look at the implementation on Android and the application has to support the Geo property to launch I think map elements is what you want so if I do add I do new map element okay here we go there is a map element and there's like stroke properties and other things on it so my assumption is that you could do like that and then there would be different things I'm not sure on it whoa Prometheus thank you so much for the tip I appreciate that yeah I think that basically be something in here with these map elements in general let's see what a map yeah because there's so the IMAP element inside of here gives you Strokes basically that you can do so that's what you do you add map elements literally that's would be there so it's amazing it's so amazing so amazing thank you so much um on Apple I think it just always uses Apple Maps because it uses the built-in API you would want to use the launcher if you wanted to do that some other way yeah I'm not sure on the pins I think there is an eye pin implementation so I think that's just the default you'd have to implement it yourself probably I'd head to the repo and I bet that the team has a bunch of stuff there so we'll see all right I want to add one more thing over here because what I wanted to do is on the Windows app uh jeez where's that here we go what I wanted to do is on the I want to see if this works what I'd love to do is on the here let's say I want to do override on her it's not in this in here it's gonna be in the app I'm gonna do two things I'm gonna do first first do window create window I think I think that this is the default I think this happens when the window gets created I'm pretty sure and then I think what we want to do is it sure would be great to let's see here I'm going to copy his code in here and see or do I just have access to oh I do just have access to window no that's you need to actually get the window let's see if he does a window I think I said if say device idiom Maybe hmm and uh device info that equals dot desktop probably in here and then probably what I'd want to do is so X Y position and min max are here I don't think I want to set the new width New Height this would Center it on the screen that's cool I think what I want to do is I think I just want to set like can we just like min minimum Min width and I think I'd want to be like oh it's 400 by like 400 or something like can I set like a maximum like maybe Maxim is like 1920. and then maximum height would be like 1080. I mean you'd really be like restrictive I'm also curious about that work oh that's not what I want let's see this here windows oop I think that I think this works because on on my machine I have it Ultra wide right so I probably want to actually you know restrict that a little bit there which would be pretty nice let's see how this works oh oops if I want to return this window always there we go cool good catch compiler be a good run do you have any problems with Visual Studio 22 nope not yet yeah I have some in the preview if I'm working on some of my crazy libraries but not too much there let's see if this works let's be should work question mark yeah because before it was a lot bigger so here I can't make it any bigger than this Ah that's nice okay cool I can't make it any I can't make it a lot bigger I could I could Mac I can't even if I maximize it maximum is there that's fascinating I need to think about that in general what I would do there hmm all right let me try something else that's good because then you can only make it 400 by 400 I guess that's a minute is that 400 by 400 oh it looks a little bit smaller than that but we'll see okay I want to try one more thing which is inside of our pages and our schedule what I really want to do I'm very curious about it is if this will work so I want to do a let's see here if you right click what I would want to do is like on the is it the which one am I on schedule that's the header okay on this I think what I want to do is that can I on this border do fly out base dot context fly out menu fly out then I'm going to create some menu items text and I'll say favorite and then maybe like add to calendar and then let's do more info I think I might need to refresh it let's see if this works I'm kind of interested in this fly out menu because it should give me a flyout option oh you can add icons in it question mark whoa hey look at that wow cool can you see that that's so cool look at that whoa that is neat look at that that's cool and I'm curious too I wonder can I add a what if I added a uh you know onto this vertical stack layout or onto this thing can I add a can I add a what's this other new property it's a tool tip dot text and then I wonder if I do like a binding to uh description that'd be kind of cool let's see if that works I'm not actually sure if it's gonna load or not because it is probably let me see if that works the tool tip property it probably needs to I don't know if it would be fascinating to say that works as well it'd be kind of cool can I set the source of the map uh I think so I wouldn't see why not hey oh cool there you go you have the full description now well that's neat so now we get this full thing in here that's nice tool tip look at that hey Dax any scrim good to see you Unity is awesome I don't know what's wrong with unity I've got tons of people that make games all the time in unity a little tool to I don't know if you'd want the tool tip like that necessarily but I like this more info whoa so cool I love that so those are nice little nice little tidbits in there that are good we got the maps working we got those in there I'm gonna create it down at seven Branch I need to remove my API key though that's for sure am I miss anything else in here so that's good oh it's nine o'clock I gotta go I gotta go the thing I'm right on the dot here we added a bunch of we have gestures though man I definitely want to add some uh some pointing clicking gesture some hover gestures oh that'd be so cool look at that I really want to get into the desktop stuff a lot more because of my stream timer I want to upgrade that to Donna Maui there so we're totally good to go well amazing so so far what we did we added Maps well not there we had a Maps over here so we got maps running uh nair.net boom a lot of people ask me why they didn't see the logo I think in debug it doesn't there's something there so we got this we got the try navigate so you can actually open that up see it there which is nice boom um so if you want to navigate to the place and then we also came in we added these right click menus super duper cool and we like scratched the servers there's a bunch more in there which is cool so see what's in there um let's see if I have anything else I would think Unity is a lot better for targeting well for games for game development yeah if you're doing a lot of game development do you do a lot of other stuff too 3D stuff stuff like that yeah that's what it's for it's different uh on navigated args are internal I'm not positive I think shell handles the stuff automatic I'd have to ask though cool all right we're gonna wrap it up over here because I gotta go I'll push this code out later I'm gonna well actually I can do this let me do a I'm going to remove my Android API key even though it's been completely visible on this stream which is great so let's go ahead and remove this okay I'm gonna do a new branch.net seven bring them add maps and desktop features cool I'm gonna push that out to the internet and we'll be good to go anyways thanks for hanging out thanks for being subscribed if you haven't subscribed to the channel yet Jam that subscribe button I put out videos right here every single week on the YouTube tips tricks walkthroughs all sorts of good stuff also have membership as well next week I believe I'm going to do a members only stream just kind of q a 30 minutes kind of hang out so definitely grab onto that if you want um that just goes into me doing this in my spare time these are my mornings I gotta go to work oh my gosh it's work time all right everyone thanks so much uh have a good one talk to you later bye-bye foreign
Channel: James Montemagno
Views: 12,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: .net, .net 6, .net maui, blazor, c#, james montemagno, maui tutorial, web assembly, web development, wordle, xamarin, xamarin.forms, conference app, dotnet maui, app building
Id: qR_YlN3ZrLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 54sec (4134 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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