Let's Explore julialang

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hey everyone welcome back to another episode of tech talks with santosh and today we are going to talk about julia lang so in case you are interested uh logan is the community manager for julia lange and he also works as a ml engineer so he'll be uh letting us know everything about julia lang what the features and everything so uh let's go ahead and get started and uh over to you logan so would you like to introduce yourself yeah sure no i'm super excited to be here santosh and i appreciate the opportunity to come on and and talk uh about julia to folks so uh yeah my name is ed kilpatrick i'm the community manager for the julia language and um sort of one of the opportunities that i that i get as as part of that role is uh the opportunity to go and talk to folks about julia which i love and is always a ton of fun so again super excited to be here thanks that was great so uh thanks a lot logan for joining us and uh so should i add the slides i mean yeah you want to start with that yeah so here it is so tell us tell us about everything about julia language yeah no i i love it i'm super excited so there's there's going to be a ton of things that we go through um let's uh i'll sort of and this is just what the slides that i have cover uh but we can sort of take this in in whatever direction we want which is awesome so i can go a little bit into sort of what julia is why folks might want to use it um i have some some of my favorite features that i can highlight and then at the end if folks are perhaps interested in contributing to the language or learning how you know you can leverage it in your own workflows we can we can also talk about that so happy to to dive into what julia is unless there's there's initial questions sure let's get started corbin's so i think one one of the the things that i love to do when talking about julia is is just sort of taking a step back almost and thinking about sort of the landscape of things and and why we might need another programming language in order to solve some of the problems that we have so i think in in the case of in the case of python this um you know or rather in the case of all the programming languages right now there's there's definitely some fundamental barriers like if you want to try to use some of the other existing tools to solve to solve problems you may or may not have run into this but there's definitely some fundamental limits as far as the computational power that that python or matlab or r actually provide to you and they're you know there's there's some ways that you can sort of get around that by writing your code in certain ways or using some sort of optima optimization tools uh but the reality is you know there's overhead to all those things you need people either you yourself need to know how to use those tools or you need to work with somebody else who knows how to use those tools so julia really comes in and helps solve this problem in the sense of you have one tool that sort of does the job for you and you don't need you know multiple languages and all this other stuff in order to solve whatever the computational challenges that you're trying to solve so that's sort of the the picture that i like to paint for folks initially um and if we dive into some of the other specifics you know all of this the the sort of entire value-add proposition of julia is that you can shorten down the innovation cycle and there's a bunch of different ways that this actually materializes in a lot of senses it's you know the speed of the language it's the reproducibility that the language has built in so you don't need to spend much time being like okay well this the code you know you don't need to send that message that every developer sends in their life it worked on my machine um which is always it's always funny to send that message but i really think in the context of julia you you can sort of get around that situation because the dependency management and some of the baked in reproducibility features uh just work which is super awesome um and sort of an aside to that i personally think that one of the really great things about about julia as a language is is actually the community that surrounds it i think i you know i it's one of the the best things about it about the language in my opinion is that there's a lot of people who are super passionate and they you know are always willing to spend time to help other people which i think is super super cool and not necessarily something you see in some of these other domains yeah and the the speed and reproducibility again what that results in is for for a developer or for a developer team if you have that speed and reproducibility you end up saving money you end up being able to do things faster which is ultimately um what a lot of people want to do so it's it's super fun um and and interesting in that regard if we look at a again at a super high level of of some of the quote unquote features of the language julia is obviously open source on github um the language is reproducible it's fast in a lot of cases the the language itself some of the specific problems that it's being used to solve are are a lot of the times very data intensive problems or problems that are specifically in like the computational science domain so general julia is a general purpose programming language you could use it to do you know web scraping or something like that if if you wanted to um but a lot of the again a lot of the specific use cases are are like you know how do we use julia to solve a you know this climate change problem or something something that's much more grandiose than like web scraping in a lot of cases so very interesting in that sense um syntax is also super familiar if you've used python before julia should be syntactically very familiar to you and the language itself is is dynamic and composable which is always important so those are those are really some high-level features of the language we can sort of dive into some of the syntactic features of the language if you will and i also have a bunch of use cases that i can sort of provide for folks yeah let's let's do that i mean so if we talk about some of these use cases uh there's there's two that are that are definitely my favorite to talk about and um also happy to answer questions about these specific use cases but one of them is the is the pumas project and the pumice project is basically a bunch of uh folks in the pharma pharmaceutical domain um working with folks in the sort of computational science domain specifically people using julia and they're using julia as a tool to help solve a lot of these um pharma pharmacological i think is the the correct word uh problems and it's just such an interesting problem to me i think i i love this use case just because it makes so much sense they're they're working on uh one of the specific use cases is this notion of personalized medicine and um it really in my in my mind it's it's very um outdated the fact that we all go to the doctor and they sort of just you know because that's the way that it's been done in the past they like write you a prescription for like the same thing that someone else who has a different body who has a different like physical chemistry inside of their body would be doing um like for example if we're both sick with the same symptoms they're both they're going to give us the same prescription for take two of these pills three days a week for the next month or whatever it is um and again the reality is i eat different food than you i exercise in a different way than you i'm a different height a different weight so it's it's seemingly unintuitive the fact that they would give us the same prescription um and that's actually one of the things that the pumice project is using they're using julia sort of as their computational tool to help solve this problem um and it's it's super interesting i'm really excited about this and i think it'll truly have a super significant impact and again what they're doing computationally is super intensive um so they made the decision to use julia sort of the tool for this job um and this puma's ai this organization also has a bunch of other really interesting uh projects like they help pfizer and moderno with the the covet 19 vaccine which is super um important and impressive so lots of lots of really cool stuff happening in in this domain around around julia which is awesome to see [Music] yeah and the other use case which i really enjoy um is the klima project so the claiming project is a a group of um organizations based out of caltech that have come together to actually help build the next generation of climate models and basically the idea is you know if we want to understand how to solve climate change the sort of the first step to doing that is is you know in a lot of senses understanding what the problem actually is and this you know you know we hear all this conversation around you know we know the earth is getting warmer we know all these bad things are happening but you know you know that's true we do know those things are happening we we only know you know the specifics to a certain degree just because of the complexity of the the system of the earth that exists right now is is extremely complicated and um if if you want to try to model some of these systems it becomes a really really difficult problem to do so the folks at caltech when they created the klima project they were trying to understand you know what is the right tool for this job and they ultimately chose julia and are now building this you know scalable open platform that will hopefully be the the next generation of of climate modeling uh which i again i think is super exciting and um is such an important problem for for humanity to to help solve so these are again some of the use cases that that get me excited um and and hopefully for folks the the takeaway from all this is you know julia might be worth trying i'm not sure maybe i maybe i haven't convinced everybody yet but i think it's um it's it's perhaps something that that folks will will give a shot and if if this is something that's that's of interest to you and um you're like okay you know i'm convinced maybe i want to learn julia you know what what might the next step be i think for a lot of folks we've seen this uh course at mit the the awesome people at mit at the julia lab there have a have a course that they're teaching and they're teaching it in such a way that it's open to everyone in the world so you don't have to be an mit student you can go and take this class and interact with the professors and talk to some of the other students which is super cool super unique and again just mit doing doing mit things so it's really awesome and if you want to learn julia this this would be a great opportunity to do so um the link is just computationalthinking.mit.edu so lots of fun definitely worth worth checking out if you want to if you want to learn julia sort of in a more traditional way through a university classroom that's great so about those two projects so i like those organization are working in collaboration with julia team yeah that's a great question so a lot both of those projects have a bunch of folks who actually work um as part of the the julia project is a open source project through a like sort of facilitated through a non-profit but there's also sort of independent from that there's a for-profit company called julia computing and a lot of the folks who created the julia language actually work at julia computing now is sort of doing it as their full-time job just because i'm sure as you know uh you know doing open source stuff uh is is difficult to do as a full-time job it's you know the money's not just pouring out of the out of the sea so they have that for-profit company and and that's where a lot of the the sort of julia expertise comes into play and they help a lot of these these companies both at puma's ai um and and the klima project that's good yeah very interesting stuff yeah well we can we can cool beans um so if we if we talk about some of the most interesting features and we'll we'll perhaps only dive into a couple of these unless unless there's specific questions around some of them but again um if we look at one of the things that and i i don't have the the screenshot on my on my computer but i just saw all this on twitter the other day someone was like uh the quote was verbatim it was like uh python is easy to install uh you know it takes like 30 minutes right after you've reset your computer to factory default or or something to that effect and basically the you know the gist is it's it's really difficult to manage um python on your computer locally and i've run into this problem many times on my own like just trying to get things to work that say they should work but they just don't for whatever reason and again i think that's a lot of the case because python is like very intertwined with the operating system in some cases like it it's actually used to do like underlying system calls so you can't mess with it that much and and you know again the result of that is kind of a headache for the end user which is is not always great so it's something i appreciate so much about julia i can install it it just works which i which i love and is super helpful uh and then also sort of the extension of that is the package manager ecosystem again i think it's extremely cumbersome to install packages in in a bunch of other languages i love the julia package manager it's one of the features where i'm like if every language had this i think humanity would be would be better off so hopefully other languages are able to sort of pick up on this and take it forward but also again hitting home on the speed of things and and what that enables you to do it's actually really crazy if you um if you look at some of the other use cases that the julia computing team has on their website or if you just look on twitter you should be able to see you know people talking about simulations that they had in in matlab and then rewriting them in in julia and getting like a 60x improvement in speed or something like that and again that just enables so much so much more innovation when you can do something like that and then the last piece again the reproducibility is i think super important especially in um open source and and things like that you want to write code that other people can actually use and um the code has to be reproducible for that to be the case so if we look really quickly at the at the package manager um and this is just giving a quick demo so if you open up the julia rebel and you type a left facing square bracket that will enter you into the package manager um and then you can do something quite simply like just add and then the name of the package and the package will just it'll it'll go into the registry it'll add the package and you'll be able to to download it from from the julia registry or from any other registry that you have um during this this quick demo that i was recording before i spelled the name wrong in the package um of course as one does but again i think it's it's super intuitive to use this package manager and to to get everything installed and i think what this what this results in for the julie ecosystem long term is again a package ecosystem that's you know easier to use and perhaps a little bit more friendly than than some of the existing solutions like i think pip is a is a great tool for installing python packages it just again there's a lot of challenges that that come with doing that and then again from the package manager you can just type the word status it'll give you a direct link to the environment file it'll it'll tell you what packages you have installed um there's the capacity to add other registries so if you want to like in the example of pip or or the general julia registry those are sort of like managed by the this consortium or community but you can also create your own custom registries if you're if you're an academic lab or a corporate company or just an individual who wants to publish a bunch of julia packages you can sort of put all those together into a single registry and then give folks access to that which i think again is is super helpful and that's a really easy and intuitive process to do which again bodes well for for the for the long term sustainability of the ecosystem okay so about this registry part i mean how it would be like so i create a new package and then i have to push this on your registry right i mean the common registry which is managed by the julia team is it yes yeah so so that's that's in the case of the general registry so there's a there's a website and there's a workflow and there's a few different ways to do it if you want to get a package registered on the general julia registry um but then again you can actually you know create your own registry if for whatever reason like i know a lot of uh the example that always comes to my mind is there there's a lab at stanford that i've worked with before and they have like a ton of packages and they put all those packages together into their own registry that they distribute to people just because of how many packages they have it just makes it a little bit easier for them to manage all that and again you can just literally you type registry add and then like the url of the of the registry on github and and then boom you have access to all of those uh packages as well yeah it's pretty neat and it's it's really helpful in the case of when you start getting into these more complicated workflows like um you know i you're you're working on you know cross-functional teams where you're using the general julia registry you're also using like some private internal registries and like working with all these different organizations it becomes really easy to manage all these things directly in the julia package manager and you can manage the packages see which registries they're from see you know all those different things and um i i think it i've done that exact use case before and it's it's intuitive which is super helpful and um it just makes life less headaches which which i can appreciate all right so just another question regarding the same right so in python we generally create a requirement.txt file to make sure that whatever packages we have it's added in requirement.txt instead how about julia how are we this is a great question so this goes back to the the reproducibility piece and i think you know what you just described is is sort of the ideal situation in in the python landscape and even in that ideal situation i get code from from folks that i work with all the time that has a requirements.txt file and it does not actually work like i i go and do pip install txt and and things do not work for whatever reason it is whatever is in their their txt file uh they're using packages that aren't cross-compatible or what have you um i run into that situation all the time and i have yet to run into that situation in the julia domain and julia uses um sort of a two-fold approach to solve this reproducibility problem we have a a project file and then there's a manifest file the project file has um all the specific requirements like the packages that you're actually using in your code and then the manifest file has sort of more in line with the if you were to do like a pip freeze and sort of just take a a snapshot of all of the packages that have been installed in that environment that's what the manifest file is there for and it just includes like the dependencies of the projects or of the packages which you've installed so your your your project file just has the specific ones that you're using the manifest file has all the dependencies of the individual packages that you're using so it's a little bit more verbose in that sense so in javascript we have log files so similar to that yeah it's probably much more similar to lock files um and again you you have all this you know there's a bunch of baked in features as far as the the project the manifest file go and you can you know set specific upper and lower balance for packages for versions of julia um you can you can specify specific packages for just for like testing and things like that um so it's what i think sort of more in line with what the future of a project or a manifesto file will look like and how to manage these dependencies in a super complex environment i think the way that those files are set up is is intuitive and and it's like it's much more transparent to me i think one of the problems that i have with um and perhaps i just don't know the commands as well but with with pip and things like that it's always unclear to me like where things are being installed like how i can see where they're being installed and if if we watch this video again when you type uh the status keyword it actually just like tells you exactly where the let me see where it is exactly where the file is located so if you i can then go to my julia folder and look at environments 1.6 and i can go open up that project file and see it and actually see what's in there which is again super helpful uh for me as a developer when i'm sort of going through these workflows in santosh i don't know if i'm frozen or you're frozen but now i can see you oh yeah so my internet is really bad today yeah you need the secondary internet these days yeah yeah okay uh so rishi said julia seems so cool i usually work with emil and have heard about julia for this excited uh for sure rishit i mean uh so in case you are not aware rishi is doing a lot of stuff cinema and ai community he is contributing to a lot of open source projects as well and some of them actually like given shout out by even google and uh microsoft as well so he's not doing someone yeah and uh he's yeah [Music] he says he's just a student still i mean he's even not that professional rasheed i would i would give a a a look at some of the julia um machine learning packages and what i think is so cool about what's happening in the machine learning space in in julia is sort of twofold i think the first thing that i that i really appreciate in the in the machine learning ecosystem is that all of the julia packages um in in the domain are written in julia themselves um and this is one of the interesting things if you look at a lot of the machine learning packages in the python ecosystem um you know it's a python package but really they're just making calls to c plus plus there's no like the the core code is is c plus plus so if you want to go and contribute to those things you have to know c plus plus and i can say for myself you know i took c plus plus but it's been a while since i've actually done development and i don't enjoy doing development at c plus i don't want to have to deal with pointers and all that stuff it's it's not fun for me um so that that might be some motivation if if you're sort of over pointers and want to do machine learning stuff and want to contribute um if you know julia you also know how to contribute to the base language julia is written in julia which is really cool and all the machine learning packages are written in julia it's 100 julia which is awesome um the other thing is that because of all this you know there's a lot of sort of cross-pollination across the ecosystem so i think more so than you see in a lot of these other languages um because of sort of the the paradigm of multiple dispatch and and the the dynamic nature of julia you can just basically out of the box like take a a machine learning package and take something like you know the differential equations packages and they just like work together in tandem without having to like do any like weird changes to the to the other you know pieces of code so you see this all the time where people are able to just leverage these tools to solve a problem that you know you may not be able to solve in another space just because of how well these tools interplay together so definitely something to to look into if if machine learning is is what gets you excited um there's so much interesting work that that can be done in the julia space and it gets me excited i'm like i you know i wish i had 40 hours a week to just do you know cool interesting machine learning stuff in the julia space just because i think there's there's so much impact that can be had in that area awesome yeah so sort of going off this conversation as far as like how folks can get involved in the community i think there's a there's a bunch of different ways that that you know a bunch of different avenues and opportunities for people one of the the the key ones that you know they're sort of the basic ideas you know you can contribute code you know go find issues go write packages you can contribute documentation i think that's that's a lot of times the starting point for folks if you you know what i always suggest people to do is if there's something that interests you in the julia domain or really any open source project go read the documentation see if there's things that don't make sense to you and that's your sort of you know getting started contribution just go say hey you know i this couple of sentences or this example you know isn't super clear here's how i think it can be improved and maybe they'll say you know that that's not how we want to improve things but there's also a chance that they say yeah that makes perfect sense thanks for that contribution um the other really interesting space that i that i think folks um a lot of the time overlooking the julia committee is what i would consider to be like a non-technical contribution um and i think even something like this presentation would sort of fall you know it's technical somewhat in nature but i think in a lot of cases it doesn't fall under the scope of like what people think about in open source i think santosh you probably know this as well as anyone um you know this recording this video and hosting this session sort of doesn't show up as a contribution on github but it's it's entirely an open source contribution that through and through as open source as it can be this this presentation is is is a contribution so um i think there's a ton of opportunities for folks to make those you know more like non-traditional open source contributions and a lot of the time like that's such a great avenue to go and you know make a code contribution somewhere where where it's important to you and you're excited um you know going and making these non-technical contributions going and making documentation documentation contributions are a great pathway to ultimately contributing some code in the end if that if that's what you want to do this is a slide that i have up for for specifically around like students getting involved in open source and and these quotes are directly from a a forbes article where you know the the people at forbes were interviewing recruiters and and people and asking you know what are some of the skills or things that we would want out of a student when we're when we're actually going and hiring them to to come into our company and again i think this is important to think about just because a lot of the the sort of buzz in open source these days is students actually and i think the reason is is very simple there's no there's no sort of barriers um you know you know there's barriers to contributing to open source but the barriers aren't sort of the traditional barriers that you see like no one cares in open source you know where you went to school what your gpa is like none of that stuff matters which is super cool and i think that's one of the things that gets me excited about open source is it's much more you know as the name says open to people who are just willing to go and contribute um and it's also a great again a great avenue for people who you know you're you know let's say you you don't have an internship this summer or something like that um you can just go and write code and and contribute and no one can tell you that you can't which is again super cool and people care a lot about the work that you do and i think um it sort of flips a lot of the the sort of traditional way that things have happened on the ted because again if if you can go and make a quality contribution to some open source package they're gonna accept that regardless of if you you know got a d in your math class last semester they don't care um so i think that's super exciting and super liberating and again for for students a lot of the quotes that you see on the screen are very much in line with with some of the open source principles you know self-motivated excited about technology that's that's open source um offering a fresh perspective a lot of the time the packages and things that are happening in open source are actually ahead of some of the industry stuff just because of the nature of you know how open source happens and and how it changes a lot of the time the new stuff is is in the open source domain and then real world experience outside of the classroom is is super important and that's again that's open source through and through a real world experience outside of the classroom is is what open source is um so i think that's these are all you know again the high level idea is open sources is where students get this opportunity to um really sort of advance themselves and also contribute to something that's super meaningful santosh i don't know about who like the the demographic of your of your um of your audience but i would guess that there's probably a bunch of students in this in this audience so so hopefully this is helpful for folks i mean um i can see like in the last few years like a lot of students are actually driving the indian open source community if you see i mean uh if so all of them strengths of most of the most of the developers i like uh interact with at the end i realized uh this they tell me uh i am still like i have like six months to finish my college i'm like what i mean you have done so much of open source contribution and you are still need to finish your college i mean that's amazing so uh of course i i can i see a lot of uh i mean a lot of good things coming in more uh years from india of course yeah i i truthfully one of the things that i that i've realized in the last few years is that the the developer community in india and the specifically the open source developer community community in india is is unparalleled i think you know there's obviously a lot of really cool things happening in the us but uh i would i would not bet against the the open source community in india there's so many folks people are so passionate and i think you you see this in the um you know demographic of or some of the distribution of people in google summer of code but google summer of code is you know almost i think it's 50 plus percent people in india which is super awesome um and really interesting and i think a testament to the strength of the open source community in india it's awesome to see all the the new initiatives like all the the github stuff that's happening in india and there's there's so many new programs uh taking place there so it's it's super exciting i love it it's awesome and even in the julia community i think there's a i think more than half of our google summer of code students come from india um it's like way more than half to i'm pretty sure it's like 70 uh most of the time so yeah lots of lots of great folks coming out of india that's great so uh there is a question from let's take it so are there any practical consumer oriented use cases that would be tracked by julia non-scientific computing cases uh what would be motivation for use case to think julia above js or my python yeah this is a this is a really interesting question i think where julia as a language really shines through is the the scientific computing use cases so i think you know the the practical consumer example perhaps that i that i gave um around personalized medicine like the end game for that use case is you go into your doctor and in some form or fashion they're running you know they're obviously not like having a julia script up on their computer and like changing variables and stuff like that like it'll be sort of more consumer oriented technology but the underlying technology that's providing that service is going to be julia so i think that's a that's a perfect use case for um for julia in sort of a consumer-oriented fashion there's a lot of sort of analog examples of that if you go to juliacomputing.com they actually have a whole section of a bunch of really awesome case studies but again you know a lot of in certain cases a lot of like these consumer problems you can sort of solve these you know javascript is a great example of this you know you can build websites and have logic and everything that you need using javascript so i don't think necessarily julia is like competing against javascript in a lot of ways um it's there's a different subset of problems which javascript and python don't necessarily solve but i think julia does solve really really well specific yeah yeah great question and the case studies on the julia computing website i think will be very um sort of apparent as far as what some of these problems are like lots of lots of analytics problems lots of um really like the faa uses a a platform called a cass x which was developed out of a um that same lab at stanford that i was talking about that that has a private or a publicly available julia registry um and you know that sort of touches all of our lives if you live in the u.s or perhaps abroad in and fly the the aircraft avoidance technology that determines like you know where should the airplanes fly so that people don't run into each other um that's you know using julia and that doesn't again you don't see that technology but it's um it's there and it's and it's helping improve everybody's life which is super cool wow that's this that's great yeah yeah i think uh yeah that's we are done with the questions i mean we don't have any question in chat so we can move ahead cool um again i would just say at a high level some of the and this this is sort of my my wrapping up of of these slides um at a really high level the the value that i see for people getting involved in open source is being able to leverage this community and i think again sort of going back to what we talked about before if you know one of the most powerful things for for people to have in their life and in their career is you know other folks to advocate for them i think that's something that i've seen so much for myself in open source like you know i've done some work in open source and it's sort of publicly available to everybody to see and now the people that i've worked with will be like hey yeah logan is actually you know he can do a pretty decent job writing julia packages or whatever it is and again you have this public testament other people can see that and then be your your advocate which i think is super important um you also again just have this community of folks that that you can work with and i think what's interesting about this is it's specifically folks who like want to be there um which i think is is super exciting like i you know santosh i'm sure you see this all the time and it's something that i love um tremendously like you know to to a certain extent like neither of us are being paid to do this right now like we're doing it because again we we think it's interesting and we think it's fun and um we we like open source and we like technology and all these things and i think you see that a ton and and for me those are some of the the nicest and the best people that i've met are these people in the open source community who are sort of doing all this work um and taking time away from their from their normal life just because they enjoy it and because they want to do it um it also again sort of transpires into this this progression for people's career like you have a a public track record of of making high quality contributions which i think is super important and and pays dividends in in the long run um and also again the this you know julia or some other open source project could be the the tool that folks use to um to solve some really new and interesting problems and um again i think the the personalized medicine example is is a great one like there's you know pumas isn't a 100 billion dollar organization and it's just a group of um a few folks uh you know 10 10 people or so i'm not sure what the exact number is who are really passionate about solving this problem um and and they're using some of the the cutting edge tools that exist out there to help solve it so there's there's a lot of potential for for things like this to to really have a huge impact and i'm glad that i got to share everything so that's that's all i have hopefully folks thought this was interesting and helpful and again if there's if there's questions um from the audience or santosh happy to happy to continue the conversation yeah there is no question in chat but yeah i had to have some questions so how about i mean apart from the docs are there any resources available like video courses which you prefer or which you suggest someone to use while learning julian yeah that's a great question so i what we have right now on the julia languages website if you go to the there's a learning tab up at the top and the learning tab actually breaks down learning julia in like a bunch of different ways so i think if if folks are sort of more inclined to the traditional university experience we have that available through the the course at mit and a bunch of other courses if you want to learn through a textbook because you know that's how you've learned every other programming language there's julia textbooks you can you can pick up one of those uh for free or pay for one if you want the paperback um and and one of the most interesting sort of routes to learning julia is this platform called exorcism.io and this actually allows you to like do julia challenges um and actually get mentorship from a real person who programs in julia all the time it's it's a it's a super great initiative and um something that i that i've helped out with in the past and now there's a bunch of other people um sort of leading that and and doing an incredible job yeah the link's up on the screen i think it's again there's there's tons of resources there and if if there's something missing and you're like hey i want to learn this way but i don't see that feel free to message me or ping me somewhere and i'll try to find whatever that resource is for you so uh how about uh the community right so uh do you have any discord server where people can connect or slack channels something yeah great question again i under the the community tab for the on the julia languages website we have a bunch of these resources laid out um i think our the sort of main ones where you see a lot of people congregating these days are are discourse um discourse is one of the big ones lots of q a happening there if people have questions about julia we do have a slack workspace we do have a zulu workspace which is sort of an open source analog to slack we have a discord instance which is sort of an unofficial discord um instance right now but lots of different opportunities to talk to folks in the julia community i think um yeah there's you know the slack and zulip workspace i've been a part of for a while and i think those are those are both awesome places to to hang out and um the only the only thing that i that i ask is if you have if you have julia questions as far as like how do i do certain things or where to go for certain resources posting those on on discourse which is the link you see up on the screen now is is definitely the right option um and again the the problem with slack is that none of those things are accessible to people outside of the slack workspace so it sort of just takes the question and and burns it um after you after you ask it which which kind of stinks but um there's definitely some value if you just want to talk to folks the slack workspaces is a great opportunity to do that lots of people in the julia community are there okay thanks thanks a lot so uh yeah i think we are done with the question now so uh logan anything you want to promote on the channel um i i think you know the only thing that comes to my mind is is juliet con 2021 coming up um you can register it at juliacon.org it's going to be such a you know our largest julia conference ever largest number of submissions last year was our obviously our first year doing a virtual conference because of of covet 19 it ended up being a huge success we we loved the virtual format because it it made it so that anyone could come anyone could participate and obviously in previous years you know we would have the conference internationally in certain cases and people would have to travel and all this stuff so really from an accessibility standpoint the the julia conn conferences being online is is awesome um so tons of of talks tons of use cases um a bunch of opportunities to just meet people and hang out which i think will be a ton of fun like that's what i'm you know i actually work with all these people all the time and the reality is like very infrequently do we ever um you know just sit down and chat just because a lot of the you know folks are so busy and um everyone you know we're always chatting sort of asynchronously because that's the nature of open source so it's going to be awesome to get to connect with people and uh santosh i'm i'm hoping to see you there i'm hoping you know i've convinced you to come and hang out for a little bit at julia i think it'll be a ton of fun i just have registration page open so once the video then i'll just finish the list wonderful yeah i'm super excited so so hopefully folks think that that's that that'll be exciting um again tons of cool julia stuff that'll be talked about sort of the state of julia what the future looks like you know hundreds of of use cases um all that stuff so it's going to be a blast i'm excited it's coming up in july so make sure you register yeah uh so that's it for today uh we uh so thanks thanks again logan for joining us and uh in case anyone wants to reach out what is the best uh channel to reach out to you yeah shoot me a message on twitter um my my handle is uh official logan k shoot me a message always happy to to answer questions i know there's um a bunch of people who i who i owe messages to on on twitter and linkedin so i apologize for the for the delay if you've already sent me a message but i'm always happy to help folks uh contribute to the to the julia community if you have questions about getting started so um please please feel free to shoot me a message and um i'll i'll get back to you that's great so yep that's it for today uh thanks everyone for joining us and uh feel free to message logan as you said in case you have any questions and uh go ahead and just register for this julia con 2021 which is happening in i think few days what is the last day it's like a month from now or something yeah middle of the middle of july july yeah it's it's in july so go ahead and register it now and i'll see you all over there so that's it for today and uh on closing notes uh we have another episode coming on friday uh which is uh um happening at 10 pmist and we will be joined by minko minko who works at google uh into debit bookkeeping team for angular and we will be talking about how you can write your own compiler so that's for friday and have a great weekend or great week right now so see you again on friday yep nice winter this was great take care everyone
Channel: Tech Talks With Santosh
Views: 115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: N7rkbYgIwDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 27sec (2787 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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