Let's code a Netflix Clone with GraphQL Pagination! Reviewed by a NETFLIX ENGINEER!
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Code with Ania Kubów
Views: 35,762
Rating: 4.9542856 out of 5
Keywords: react tutorial, netflix tutorial, netflix clone react, graphql tutorial, gql, cql, gql pagination, graphql pagination, graphql slicing, cassandra pagination, CQL pagination, netflix engineering, day in the life netflix, day in the life of a netflix engineer, netlify servlerless functions, netlify graphql, datastax graphql, datastax tutorial, ania kubow, graphql playground, learn to code, datastax astra, servleress, pagination, slicing, limit, reactjs course
Id: g8COh40v2jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 24sec (8304 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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