Let's Build the RPG! - 12 - Packed Level Actor Tutorial - Putting Together a Stone Bridge

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hey guys in this episode we're going to take our bridge here package it into a packed level actor also known as a mega assembly and we're going to finish painting our foliage in our next quadrant of our garden let's get to it [Music] welcome to today's episode and today we're creating a couple of packed level actors also known as mega assemblies and what pac-level actors allow us to do is basically take as many actors as many static meshes or really any kind of actor that we want package them all together and then reuse that anywhere in our game and it's also really easy to then make copies of it to modify those copies have variations and we'll get into that today with the bridge assets and you could think of this as a way of having a nested structure for everything you build so for example let's say you wanted to put together a medieval castle so you could put together a medieval room and that would be a pact level actor and then you could duplicate that and have variations of those but you could also put multiple pack level actors all together and turn it into like a medieval tower and then you could put multiple medieval tower pack level actors together into a medieval castle with medieval walls so it allows you to create this very modular way of doing all of your build and scaling that up to something enormous so these are the key concepts i want you to take away from the episode today none of the last three are new but by the end of this episode you're really going to have a sense of how much you've learned about how to optimize both the aesthetics and the performance of foliage all right so last episode we used the mesh modeling tools to put together this bridge here but the problem is that this bridge is still about 15 different pieces that we all kind of just drag together and if i want to replicate this bridge in other parts of our level or other parts of our game for that matter we don't have a good way of doing it and so to start i actually need to correct a mistake that i made last episode because if you remember our bridge was at a 97 degree angle and when i changed the pivot for all the pieces of our bridge using modeling tools it didn't snap at that 2 degree increment so our bridge is about 2 degrees off and so because of that i need to change the alignment of these three pieces of our bridge a little bit just relative to the other pieces so to start i'm going to select everything and just drag it up move it all the way into the sky so i'll select our four corners here i'll select all of our walls and to do that it's probably easier to just come over here on the right hand side hold ctrl to select the first one scroll down to the bottom hold shift and select the last one and then i've got all of them i'm also going to make sure select our stairs over here all right we got our entire bridge apparatus now we can just raise them up with the sheer force of our will so now we need to correct that alignment problem so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to select the middle three pieces of our bridge the main pieces and i'm going to change our rotation here from 5 to negative 2 and that's going to align it properly now if you didn't make the same mistake that i made last episode you don't need to do that i would set your rotation to 0 in that case and then i'm going to select our four pillars just hold ctrl and select each one and i'm going to change these to be zero and if we want to test our alignment i can just drag them over to the bridge and just see if each one of them lines up and yep that looks good so i know that negative two degree alignment is perfect for our bridge and so now i'm just going to move each pillar into position now i'm going to get our stairs into position and this is going to be 180 degrees and now for all of our wall pieces here and for these you might want to delete some just to start from scratch in those areas but to start i'm going to come down underneath i'm just going to drag in a point light under lights point light and the other thing i'll do is i'll make it a little bit brighter let's set it to about 20 and just so i can see the underbelly really well and then i'm going to select our walls on one side change the orientation there to zero and the same for our walls on the other change those to negative 180 actually positive 180 or negative 180 doesn't matter it does the same thing and then i have to align our walls to make sure that they're aligned with our bridge and now i'll begin to align the sides of our bridge here and you can just make as many copies of these as you need to because they're all going to be saved under one instance as part of that pack level blueprint i'm just going to set them to make sure to cover our corners there so now i'm going to take our stairs i'm going to copy paste and we're going to move it over to the other side because worst case scenario maybe i don't need stairs on one side of our bridge but then it's just going to be embedded in the ground anyway it's not even going to show up switch this to zero and just move it into position and now our other side i think for this one i'm going to flip it over just so that it aligns properly i'm going to get rid of my point light here and we are ready to save our packed level actor so the first thing we need to do is we need to select all of our actors so let's make sure to get every single thing here and then for all these pieces we can just select our modular stone wall all the way at the top come down all the way to the bottom select all those and if we forget something we can always break the packed level actor after the fact and add something to it and i'll actually show you how to do that in a little bit but now that we've got all of our actors selected here i want you to right click anywhere on those actors and we can go to level and then there's a second option for create packed level actor and we get this new packed level actor and we have to choose our pivot so this is selecting our center minimum z so the lowest level of our center as our pivot point and that's usually the best option but sometimes if you want you could choose a specific actor in your collection of actors here but i'm going to keep mine center minimum z and then say okay and this is actually going to save the packed level actor as a level it's its own independent level that's storing the data and that means you can have pretty much any kind of actor in this the same way you would a normal level but i'm going to save mine under mega scans 3d assets or lakes rivers paths main palette i'm going to create a bridges folder and in that bridges folder i will save that as bridge1 and then i also have to save it as a blueprint as well so the level stores the data but the blueprint allows us to reference that data in whatever level we want so you can kind of think of it as a nested level structure where you have a level within a level within a level and you could have mega assemblies you could have these pack level actors with multiple pack level actors inside of them so i'm going to save this as bpp bridge one and so then we've got our packed level actor bridge and if you want to test that out you can just delete it out of your scene and come back down to the content drawer navigate to that folder that you saved it under and you should see a blueprint now you can go into the level directly to edit it and let me show you that really quick if you double click on that you're just going to need to save your existing level save it and it'll open up and you'll say where's my bridge what happened so by default there's no light in this scene so you can't see it so you have to change your view mode to unlit then if you zoom out you'll be able to see it just fine and from here you can edit it in the level directly but i prefer to use the blueprint to drag it into our main level and then i can edit it in there so i'll show you how to do that so let's go to file open level and we'll go back to our main level so to get there we navigate to third person and then our maps and that was our core third person map and when you go here just make sure to change back from unlit to lit mode and then you'll be back to the normal status and you see we've actually got our pack level actor in here but i can select that delete it out because i'm going to show you how we can just drag this in multiple times so we just select our bpp bridge 1 drag it in and then i just want to change the rotation slightly on it so i can select it come to our details panel and we can set the rotation to let's say 5. i'll look down underneath to make sure it's lined up and that's our pivot point right right in the center the minimum z location and so there we go our packed level actor working just fine but here's the thing i'd like to make some updates to this so this episode i'd like to add a couple new things to our bridge here and so if you go down into the description below you'll see a link to a spreadsheet and in that spreadsheet we have links for all the qixel bridge assets that we use in our game here and so you can just copy those codes paste them into qixel bridge and download them just like that and so we have a couple of new things a couple new japanese lanterns that we're going to use to decorate our bridge here today so now how do we edit our packed level blueprint here well it's really easy so on the right hand side if we go in the details panel at the very top of it we have this edit option and when you select that it kind of grays out everything else and we know exactly what we're editing here and so what i can do i can navigate to my content drawer lakes rivers paths main palette and this is where i put the two japanese lanterns that we downloaded so we have this one and we have this one so i'm going to start with the uf okay ciifa yeah and i can select that japanese style lantern and drag it in and so what we're going to do is i'm literally just going to place these directly on top of our actor here and because i set the bridge rotation to be 3 degrees i also need to do that for these so i'll set it to 3 degrees and i'll position it directly on the corner but the problem is the material is all wrong right so if you come back into our details panel for the lantern and under materials here if you search for flagstone floor and this is something that we used last episode and that's going to make it match exactly with the pillar below and you could use whatever material you want for these so then once i've got that i can control c copy ctrl v paste and i'm just going to bring that into the other three locations and just bring them up so that the base is just below the edge of our corner pieces here all right so that looks good so how do we save this it's very simple come up to the very top our bpp bridge one is highlighted there and then commit changes and so there we have it so from here you know i could just drag in as many of these copies as i want if i go back to the main palette bridges folder i could just drag in a copy and then drag in a copy and then drag you get the idea but obviously i don't want all these looking exactly the same right because i have ideas for making each bridge look a little different we're only going to change it a little bit this episode we're not going to do some crazy elaborate bridge setup yet but in the future definitely so how do we change our bridge here without affecting this one well first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to drag it over to our new position that i want it in so change our camera speed go way up and for this episode we're setting up our air quadrant which is over here so let's set up our connection between the two quadrants but for this bridge i want to use the other kind of lantern so how do i do that well the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to right click on this particular asset now make sure you make a duplicate of it relative to the first bridge because we don't want to mess up that one and for this one we'll right click and come down to level and there's actually an option to break it and so that's exactly what we're going to do and you see here that there's an option for levels now if you had multiple pack level actors within each other you could have that nested structure then you could break multiple pieces but in this case we only have one level because all of these are individual static mesh actors so we'll go to level we're going to break one is fine break level instance yep action can't be undone i am sure now all those static meshes are still selected but we still have that blueprint right here so here's what i'm going to do now i'm going to right click on this and now i'm going to create a new one and we're going to create pack level actor same thing center minimum z that's fine okay and i'm going to navigate back to our mega scans folder 3d assets into our lakes rivers paths main palette back into bridges okay so for this one it's going to be bridge 2 save and same thing bpp bridge 2 for our blueprint and now for this one i do want to edit it right because i want to change out the lanterns with the new lanterns so i'll go to edit here i could delete out those four and now i'm going to drag in our new lanterns so go back to main palette it's our second one japanese stone lantern oh this one right here venn if jedebib now i can drag those in now i can position it appropriately i'll do the same kind of thing where i put it right below the top of our pillar then i'll copy paste send it over to the other side it's always easier to have your bridge be unrotated at this point so no rotation and then it's easier to do this pretty good right but i do need to change the material so i'll select all four and we'll change it again to flagstone floor can you see it i'm just going to move like this flagstone floor there we go all right so now i can look very closely is it blending in perfectly i thought about even setting up the fire for these lanterns this episode and then i'm like we can't get into niagara yet we've got so much other stuff to do we'll get into niagara i promise all right so now we'll go ahead and save this so if i navigate up in our world outliner to bpp bridge 2 commit changes we've got our second bridge here and let's just test it out so i'll delete it out come back into the content drawer main palette folder bridges and i'll drag in our second one yep and it's got different lanterns now so i'll move this up let's rotate it about 100 degrees maybe 100 no not that much 90. nope not enough 120 so we want to position it right about here and then once i move it into position i'll just need to erase some foliage make sure everything looks good probably move my player start over and we'll be good to paint our air quadrant next and again i'm going to put a point light right underneath just so i could see what that looks like make sure it blends in with the ground okay it's also a nice way to make sure it's centered in our river here and so now i probably got to clear out the foliage right because i can't see how it's actually connecting so we'll go into our foliage mode and i'll just go ahead and select everything and then i'll unselect just our pebbles here because i don't want to erase those and set our brush to about yeah 150 should be fine make sure you're in a race mode because otherwise you're going to paint a ton and we just erase our foliage here oh i forgot to uncheck our pebbles that's looking pretty good i think i'm just going to lower our landscape slightly to blend in on this side so i'll go over to landscape mode and erase and then make sure you're in sculpting i'm just going to change your tool strength something really really light 0.01 should do it i'll make our brush size very small too let's say 300 and just lowering that really slightly so now i'm going to go back to our foliage mode and i'm just going to paint our pebbles right up to our bridge here so make sure to uncheck everything so select the top come on down select the bottom uncheck and we're just going to select our pebbles only select that and we'll go back to our paint mode crank up our density to one again all right we're all set so now we're ready to start painting our air quadrant and for this my vision is we're gonna have that same rocky path but then along the path we're gonna have flowers that are very short but then a next level where they're a little bit taller and the final level where they're a little bit taller so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to paint just a preliminary layer of pebbles all around our path where i want the path to be because that's going to help us then sculpt out that path make sure it's flat across our entire air quadrant so we already got our pebbles our nordic beach rocky ground selected under foliage mode and so for this i'm going to change the paint density of something lower like 0.3 because all i'm trying to do initially is just see where it's going to go around our quadrant and so just like we did with the water quadrant i'm just going to paint a meandering path all around it doesn't have to be all that even right now this is totally fine so now we've got to go into our landscape mode we've got to go to a race because we basically got to make that entire area flat for our pebbles and for this i'm going to make sure our tool strength is one i'm going to change our brush size to be pretty big so about 800 and then i'm going to run it over the same path that our pebbles already made and you should see the pebbles just disappear for a second then they'll come right back because it's basically readjusting a landscape underneath them and now we can take a look yeah so that looks pretty good and we still got some uneven parts of our landscape in the middle which i like i want to keep that all right now back to foliage mode and we're gonna crank up the density on our pebbles so back up to one and if you come down to the pebbles just make sure that our density per one kilo unit is 400 and our paint density is one and we'll keep our brush size to about 150. so now we just run our brush over our same path doesn't have to be perfect can be a little bit uneven and just lift up the mouse every now and again just so it saves case you mess up you can always undo then so far so good so what you want to look for is you want to make sure there's no like pancakes that are raised or overlapping each other you want the rocks to just be seamlessly overlapping yeah this looks good and if some parts of grass are showing underneath i think that's a nice effect so we can keep that also if you have some parts of your landscape that are kind of out of sorts like right here we can raise that up so i'm just going to go to a race here take care of that all right now the next step is to put our rocks along the edges just like we did in both the water and the earth quadrants so if you come down to your content drawer for this we got to go to our 3d assets or lakes rivers paths main pallet and the rocks we're using in our air quadrant is this vclj bibi one iw and so for each of these you know the drill if you followed our last episode so we got to go into our static meshes each one we're going to give each a 26 dop simplified collision just like that and i'll just do this for each mesh and so now we got to create fully ejectors for each one of our static mesh assets right so the easiest way to handle that is if you go into the small limestone rocks that we used last episode what i would do is i would just copy one of our existing foliage assets here so you can just drag that into the small rocks pack right below it and then you can just say copy here if i come back into that if i then open it and search for small rocks and if you scroll to the very top of that list it's the vcl jbb that one and we want to keep everything else pretty much exactly the same cold distance all that stuff so exit out of this then come back in our content drawer i'm just going to duplicate this six times so that we have seven rocks right click duplicate duplicate duplicate and then for our remaining two through seven we just need to switch out the static mesh asset and for this just to save some time you can right click on the folder and say show a new content browser and that's gonna save some time in selecting these and when you're done just look over your foliage assets make sure you don't have the same rock in any one of them and you know you're good to go if they match down here what i forgot to do is change the names of each of these so if you right-click we're just going to rename it and name it air quadrant alright so now we're all set so now you know the drill we take all of our fully ejectors and we drag them into the foliage palette and they should be at the very top because these are all sorted alphabetically and air starts with the letter a then i could select all seven check and make sure you come down here to our nordic beach rocky ground uncheck that and for these we got to keep our density high 1000 is totally fine and our brush size though that's going to be tiny minuscule so set it down to about 10 and the scale is the same as our water and our earth quadrant so 1.8 to 2.2 that's totally fine the z offset negative 15 negative 10 the random pitch angle that's good too we're all set so let's start painting so just on the very edges try to stay with that edge as best you can and if you mess up you can just control z and erase i like doing this in spurts for that reason and in our child material for these rocks i forgot to turn off the settings that blend them in with our landscape so let's go back to our content drawer we'll jump into our material and we'll just zero out our three global scalar parameter values here so now let's give it a quick play see how that looks and when you play make sure you turn on your fps so you can watch your fps make sure that looks okay yep looks good so far so now we're on to foliage painting for our air quadrant but we need to do a few quick tweaks to our textures and make sure that they show up properly in the quadrant so if you come down to your content drawer go into your 3d assets and actually we're going to go back to mega scans 3d plants into our air quadrant folder main palette and you should have these four folders if you downloaded these from the spreadsheet this episode and we're going to start in our violet wood sorrel here so in the main texture we're going to make this a little bit darker so if you go to the brightness curve 1.2 rgb curve 1.2 and now back to our main palette in our dove's foot so for this also the main material same thing so we're making it a little bit darker 1.2 1.2 the next one is the main palette the periwinkle i just want to up the saturation for this to make the flowers brighter so if we go into that saturation 1.2 and the last one is the big leaf hydrangea again in the main material and we're making that 1.2 to 1.2 a little bit darker all right now we're ready to paint our foliage so let's go back into our foliage mode and for this what i like doing is i like starting with kind of a blank slate for these so if you select the top one of all of our zero assets here select the bottom one and i'm just going to remove those from our palette make sure you don't do that for any that have already been painted in any of the other quadrants so i would just back up your world before you do stuff like this same with our ginger lilies which are going to be for our water edge and the reason i'm doing this because i'm not going to use every single one of these foliage assets some have more flowers than others and i just want to use the ones with flowers all right so now we come back into our content to our main palette we're going to start with this violet wood sorrel here and if i go into foliage so i'm just going to select these four that have a lot of flowers i'll drag those in and they're towards the very bottom of our palette here i could select all four and for these we're going to crank up our density so i'm going to make this about 400 and i'm going to make our brush size 40. so not too large but a little bit larger than the rocks are going to be in the sides of the entire path and we're just going to line the entire path with this violet wood sorrel and if there are some in our rocks just like this that's totally fine and we're going to line both sides of our path here all right on to the next so we go to our content drawer back to the main palette we're going to select dubsfoot foliage and just these four that have flowers drag them in and then uncheck our violet wood sorrel come up to our doves foot and check those off and for these we're going to change the scale a bit so they're going to vary from 1.8 to 2.2 and we're going to use the same brush size paint density and density per one kilo unit is set to 100 and we run it across all the paths i know this is taking time guys but promise it's going to look good just on the very outer edge of the violet wood sorrel my hands cramping up you guys ever try an ergonomic mouse i tried it once just made my hand feel weird now on to our periwinkle i think this one might be my favorite so you go to main pallet periwinkle foliage just the top three just the first three here drag them in unselect your dove's foot scroll down to the p's select those and for these we're actually making them a little smaller so scale 0.6 is 0.8 in the density we're cranking up to 500. and now on to our very last one the big leaf hydrangea not sure how to pronounce that for this it's really important that we pick the right ones some of these assets have 200 000 triangles an obscene amount of triangles so if we go into foliage make sure to pick this this this and this so those four have smaller amounts of triangles some of them are just crazy so i'm going to drag those in and i'll come down to the b's and for these the scale is going to be 2.8 to 2.8 exactly the same and i'm also lowering the density of these down a bit so down to 25 and we're keeping our brush size to 40 our paint density to one our final layer here here we go finally done huh man i'm gonna need to rest that wrist all right let's hit play let's see what our frame rate is and we'll go from there so not too bad not as bad as our water quadrant actually i still have some ideas for improving the performance over there but that's just the sheer density of our quadrant but there's definitely some things we can do here to improve our performance and also i see some aesthetic issues i see our big blue flowers the big hydrangeas they're changing as i'm running towards them let's see what we can do to adjust that so the first thing we're going to do to improve performance is set coal distances for our assets so if i go into the content drawer big leaf hydrangea i'll go into our first one we've got to do this for all four and for our big ones here i'm going to set it to about eight thousand to ten thousand eight thousand and make sure to do this for all four and now on to our doves foot so dove's foot this is a smaller one so if i go into the foliage for these i'm just gonna set these to about four thousand to five thousand and again all four now onto the periwinkle and for these it's a little bit higher because they're taller five thousand is six thousand so last but not least our violet wood sorrel these are our smallest so i'll set it to about three thousand four thousand so looking at our fps now that jumped a little bit not much but it did make a little bit of a difference but we still have this aesthetic issue with our large blue flowers just kind of flickering in and out of existence there it seems so what we have to do to fix this is we need to rebuild our lods so we'll go into our main pallet our big leaf hydrangea and we'll start with our second asset our first one that we actually used here and for this we need to go into the actual mesh so what's going on is when we hit a lower level of detail so watch the flower it's just transforming there in real time so in order to keep the original mesh structure we need to rebuild our lods so the way we do that is we come over here on the right hand side and under number of lods i'm just going to set this to 1 apply changes and we don't want to keep that because then at any screen size at any distance from the screen then it's going to be the maximum level of detail there the 35 000 triangles so i got to change it right back to 6 and apply changes the other thing i often do is i just check this auto compute lod distances checkbox and then i uncheck it and that allows me then to change the distance from the camera for each lod but it does ensure it gets reset to a normalized value and if i come up to custom here check that checkbox this is where i need to change our screen size for each lod so lod0 that's going to be a full screen lod1 i typically set to 0.8 something around there and then for each subsequent lod i basically have whatever that first one was so 0.8 becomes 0.4 lod 3 becomes 0.2 lod 4 becomes 0.1 and lod5 you know typically for the lod5 i switched to the billboard material so i would come up here and i'd switch it but for these particular flowers i didn't like the look when it switched to the billboard material it was just too obvious so i'm going to keep to the original material and i'm just going to make this a very very small screen size before it switches and then we can test that out by zooming out here so let's see lod1 17000 triangles all the way out to lod 5 which is 1000 and as i'm zooming out and zooming in i can't really notice a change in how that flower looks so let's adjust this for the remaining three meshes set to one apply set to 6 apply check the check box uncheck come up to custom 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.05 save all right now we're just going to do the same thing with our periwinkle here so i come into the static mesh asset and for these they have five lods so i'll set it back down to one apply changes back up to five apply changes and for these when i select auto compute lod distances i notice that the auto compute was pretty solid so 0.74 0.3 0.13 0.06 yeah that looks good to me there's no reason to really change that auto compute if the distances are about that so go into the second one do the same thing and for at least one of the meshes per asset you should always test it by just zooming in and zooming out afterwards making sure you can't tell when the transition between lods occurs all right so now let's see if we notice any transitions and also see how much that dropped our frame rate so it dropped our frame rate a tiny little bit but only a tiny bit and i'm not noticing any transitions here and you might be thinking to yourself this looks pretty good but there's still a lot of areas that are kind of wide open so i'm going to end up having some trees kind of in the middle there it's going to be a shady area and then something special in the middle of every quadrant and that's what we're going to get to in subsequent episodes but there's one last thing i want to do here so right now the player can just run right through these flowers and i think at least for the biggest ones i want to set collision on them just so that the player can't run through because as it currently stands player can run through the jungle we at least have one part of our garden where that can happen so if i go back to our content drawer go back to the main pallet we're going to go into our big leaf hydrangea here we'll start with our first mesh and for this we don't need to use complex collisions so let's come up to collision here at 26 dop that looks good if the players in that general vicinity they'll be stopped and we'll also go into two or the other three i don't think we need to do it for the single stock one here but it's not working our player can just run right through so what's going on so we still need to set collision on our actual foliage assets so if we come back to the content drawer into foliage go into the first one just have to come down here instead of no collision have to set it to either block all or i'm just going to say block all dynamic which includes pawns you could even just do pawns if you want but i'm going to say block all dynamic so if something gets thrown let's say into the bush the bush will actually stop it and do this for all three assets so one last test here i decide i'm going to run off the path and boom oh can't do it all right some flowers are stuck in my way yeah so that's what i wanted for this quadrant that the player has to be on one of these paths here i guess in certain parts they can jump right over them just like that but that's all right so the very last thing we have to do is we have to paint the edges of our air quadrant here so let's go ahead and do that so content drawer back to our air quadrant the water edge and for this we're using these ginger lilies now one issue i saw is for our billboard material texture and we'll definitely use that because we will use the billboard material at far distances for these it's just too light there so we need to darken it a bit if you double click on that billboard material texture and for the brightness curve we're going to set this to 1.6 so pretty dark and then rgb curve same 1.6 save and so now we can come back to our content drawer back to our foliage folder and for this i'm only going to use the four with flowers so this ginger lily this one this one this one and now we can go into a foliage mode again and i'm going to drag those into our palette and for these four i just need to change a few settings here so for the scale i'm going to set this to 1.5 to 2. i'm going to uncheck the align to normal because in general i want these to be straight up and not aligned to the slope by the river but i do want to give them a random angle here so i'm going to set this to about 10 degrees and also since they're on the very side of the quadrant by the river where it is sloped i'm going to up this maximum slope angle here to about 80 degrees and i'm going to change our brush size to 150 and now we are ready to paint along the edge and i'm just going to erase the edges very close to our bridge here and i can see the switch to our billboard material when i back away there it's the right color but the switch is happening a little bit too close to the screen so let me go to our content drawer back to our main folder here and if i go into each mesh so i'll start with this one and what i have to do is i have to go right back to that custom check mark if i go down to the very last lod that's the switch to the billboard material down here and i'm just going to switch that to a much lower value maybe about half of what it is so 0.05 save and i'll do that for each of the four mesh assets that i'm painting and if you didn't watch our last episode so the billboard material it's basically a 2d material and it's much less performance intensive than the typical and so we do like that switch because it prevents performance issues but we want to make sure it happens further away all right last fps and aesthetics test and you know it occurred to me that we never disabled the 6000 run speed when toggling the walk run toggle so let's kind of zoom around and see how this looks we've got our mini race track here and that's looking pretty good right so i can't even tell given that i'm going at a crazy speed but even when i slow down i can't even tell when the transitions happen between lods for our billboard material for our water edge i can't really tell when that transition is occurring i can i guess if i stare at it way in the distance and then this is also a good test of our water quadrant over there so i see all the assets right and then if i get closer some of those come into view but i could still see it which is good i could see the ones that are very tall so that concludes our episode for today and for our next episode i thought about this a little bit and i think we're going to do something a little different you know all this art stuff that we've been doing subtly over the last three episodes or so i really want to show you my process because i'm not an artist and i want to show you what process i do use to figure out what looks good what's going to make a scene basically what my process is for building a scene from scratch and so if that doesn't interest you that's totally fine you could skip over the next episode but i figured it was good to show you that so if you want to build your own scene you can follow a process you know what steps to take in getting where you need to be and by the end of that episode our garden won't be done entirely but it'll be pretty close and then we just have walls or borders we have to do water we have to do effects with niagara it's going to be a lot of fun so i hope to see you there
Channel: NumenBrothers
Views: 8,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MegaAssembly, Mega Assembly, Megaassemblies, Mega Assemblies, UE5, Unreal Engine 5, Unreal Engine
Id: 1Vz1LEEh1Ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 53sec (2153 seconds)
Published: Sun May 29 2022
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