Let's Build an Anime Girl in Real Life

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all right you filthy weeaboo so you want to build an anime girl in real life or maybe you want to build an anime boy if you swing that way it doesn't matter too much they both have very similar features despite the gender difference but we'll focus on anime girls because that's the meme well usually the meme specifies anime cat girls or niko's but we have those kinds of costumes already so that's not really the part that requires a lot of work the part that requires a lot of work is the cartoon part the first thing we're gonna have to do is make several scientific breakthroughs in the realm of genome editing anime girls typically have huge eyes disproportionate heads and a few miscellaneous stylistic features so we're also going to have to figure out ways to make these changes in such a way that it does not create disastrous unintended biological issues such as the numerous respiratory problems that can be observed in pugs from selective breeding speaking of which the most obvious change is the near deletion of the nose without a secondary way to breathe our specimen will have to breathe out of their mouth 24 7. i don't think you want that so we'll minimize the structure as much as we can and still have those holes the second is the eyes the eyes of your typical anime girl are about four times the eyes of your average human big eyes are often seen as cute and appealing the eyes of a baby are disproportionate to their head in a similar way and much more extreme eye-to-head ratios can be seen elsewhere in the animal kingdom even in a primate the tarsier monkey has large eyes that have evolved to see nocturnally unfortunately it can't actually move them so it also has the ability to move its head 360 degrees so we'll have to put a specialized joint in the neck of our creation there was also the concern of dust rain and other debris getting into these eyes easier because of their increased surface area so let's give our character a pair of safety glasses and call it a day most vertebrate eyes are spherical which means for a larger outside appearance the rest of the eye that is hidden must also take up significant room this means the brain is going to have to be pushed back a few inches the overall shape of the head and anime characters is surprisingly diverse so we may not actually have to do much about that all we'd have to do is reduce the chin and we can get an approximation that is of course if you don't want to include the numerous illustrated anatomical inventions that are either downright impossible or if made possible they would not be very ideal for our purposes now add a spoonful of exaggerated emotional outbursts and ridiculous hair and our creation is complete finally after thousands of years of human civilization philosophy art and science all of it leading up to this moment the peak of our evolution the greatest development of the modern age [Music] oh boy i have fundamentally screwed this up haven't i let's say that without all the endless biological and ethical issues we could create a three-dimensional recreation of this creature that was living and breathing that probably wouldn't satisfy the dream of an anime girl in real life because of the uncanniness of converting 2d to biological 3d the closest thing we can get to that now without it being creepy as hell is just a girl with a similarly smooth facial structure and some makeup and even that is still slightly uncanny for the future honestly i would put my investment in robotics where those biological concerns don't matter and ethical concerns are at least lessened significantly now i'm willing to bet that there are some people out there who earnestly want a genetically engineered cat girl or anime girl or raven or whatever in real life it isn't just a meme to some people it's still real to me i believe what a majority of those people want is a cartoon here's what i'm getting at furries for the most part don't actually want human animal hybrids they want cartoon human animal hybrids just look at the endless artwork the hundreds of fursuits out there you'll find that a vast majority of them aren't realistic depictions of the merging of a human and an animal species it's humanoid animals with typically cartoon eyes brightly colored fur absurd patterns furries weren't producing terabytes of fan art and overwhelming theaters and droves for cats they were doing that for zootopia you can say that cat's special effects are bad which they are but their anatomy is much more feasible than this or this i have a theory that there's more of an overlap between people who are attracted to cartoons and people who are attracted to cartoon animals than it seems i believe it's basically the same mechanism in the brain the term for the sexual attraction to cartoons is shelia however one can also be infatuated with a cartoon character in a non-sexual way but in a way that is more intense than just enjoying watching that character on television this development is interesting to study because there's just a lot more animation and art around than there was even 50 years ago and there's a lot more outlets to share these more personal feelings for hundreds of years we've been developing more and more ways to immerse ourselves in fiction for thousands of years we had oral history to tell stories and then writing an illustration which allowed for lengthier more detailed fiction and greater consistency then we invented film which gave fiction moving visuals and the ability to edit real life in any way we wanted to and then we developed video games where we could then take these fictional worlds and be able to interact with them the next step will inevitably be the development of physical sensations from these interactions this is where things become concerning have you ever seen a film of a fantasy world and thought wow i would really like to live there sometimes i feel this about ghibli films where the blending of different technological arrows is seamless and magical the landscapes are green and sunny the people are all beautiful and charming you take a look at these worlds and sometimes it kind of stings just how perfect they are compared to the one you live in now even our fictional dystopias seem better the megalopolis and overall tech oppression of blade runner while supposed to be portrayed as bleak is dense with a beautiful atmosphere serenaded by vangelis is colored by haunting neon and is filled with just endless coolness while our real-life dystopia is well kind of lame and as our films and video games become more accessible to larger and larger populations with more and more emphasis on immersion you can get phenomenon such as shortly after the release of the film avatar a post was made on the tree of souls avatar fan forum titled how to cope with the depression of the dream of pandora being intangible where people vented about how they felt genuinely depressed they could not exist on the planet pandora some even admitted they contemplated suicide dreaming about how they would be rebirthed as a navi shortly over a thousand posts were made expressing their disgust with the non-idyllic state of planet earth and with the human race now i'm not using the term depressed in a clinical sense i think there's a lot of hyperbole going on here especially because it's the internet but i can definitely relate to feeling discussed with the human race there are good reasons to be disgusted with the human race the amount of needless waste we create and general disregard for the environment is still a problem our culture puts way too much importance in collecting possessions and accumulating wealth than we should and people are usually way too emotionally invested in meaningless crap and suck to be around but the solution to all of those issues is definitely not to give up and escape to artificial worlds however i can understand avatar is an interesting movie because of the technological lengths it went to to make people immersed in this world on a scale larger than any movie before it so i can see why people could experience sadness from it the only reason i find their reactions comedic personally is that in my opinion the storyline is generic and the world is filled with many concepts and creatures that i find kind of silly looking but again i understand the core idea anime girls are designed to be appealing they're designed to be cute it's no wonder really that some people feel like real girls or boys just can't compare but there might also be something underneath that surface level attraction let's have a thought experiment how do you know when a person is attracted to you well um it it kind of depends well it um a body language i guess how do you know when a cartoon is attracted to you oh well when they have heart eyes or if we go back half a century this [Music] now that's a generalization on both sides but i think you get the point the emotions of cartoons are typically more exaggerated than the nuance of real people and this is by design cartoons especially kids cartoons don't have the same amount of facial detail many of the subtleties of body language the luxury of having the voice perfectly match the actual face of the actor they have to express emotions through other means through an exaggerated facial expression through symbols through over-the-top cries and movements that would be unheard of in real conversation when a cartoon is lying the other characters may not know it but the audience does the same thing with attraction children's cartoons obviously have much more of these exaggerations but adult cartoons still have a fair amount of this as well even some of the most nuanced emotionally intelligent animations out there have to have some degree of exaggeration some people may be attracted to cartoons because they're just easier to be attracted to socializing with real people is a nightmare there are so many stupid little hints and tricks and deceptions that one has to navigate through and even just a casual conversation like we invented a social mechanism where we literally say something and mean the opposite of what we are saying cartoons take these social devices and basically distill them into something much more digestible cartoons are just more honest than people it's easy to make fun of people who edit cartoon characters in with them in photos or purchase body pillows or any other number of cringy things and i mean it is funny like i'm not gonna sit here and pretend it isn't but at some level i understand you know there's been points in my life where i didn't have friends i didn't really want friends but i would see some dudes having a fun adventure on tv and i would be like man i kind of want to hang out with them even for just a day but that day may come i still think we have some time before we really start to blur the line between fiction and reality and you may be wondering how one can even blur that line well technology is an unpredictable thing but i think there may come a time when our fictional worlds become so detailed so immersive and so real that you know how can you say it isn't what if a computer program with vr capabilities could create a world full of people and places that have the same amount of detail as ours right now a place where you can sit on a digital beach feel wind and hear waves pick up a handful of sand and realize that there really is hundreds of thousands of grains in it just like the world you think you know is real obviously this is not some groundbreaking idea people have explored this concept in more detail than me before however it might be coming sooner than you realize i don't see technological progress in creating believable fictional worlds slowing down there's at least one dimension of immersion that has been explored to its extremes and that is time when you expand the time experiencing a work you inherently make it more immersive in a sense it becomes less a brief escape and more like a routine something expected from day to day life that's not to say length makes the quality of that immersion better but there's certainly more potential for emotional attachment films on average have not actually gotten much longer in the over 100 years we've been making them even though a lot of popular blockbuster run times have seemed to be expanding tv shows typically have more time to spend developing characters and so people often get more attached to them video games and the internet provide even more potential for lengthier projects you have music projects like the caretakers everywhere at the end of time whose meditation on progressing dementia demands that run time for its payoffs and less artful collections of clips and music that last 10 hours even half a day long podcasts and in the realm of video games a game that lasts anything less than three hours is considered pretty short and sandbox and survival games especially have the potential for players to spend hundreds or thousands of hours on i have a special bond with minecraft that i don't have with any other shorter game simply because i've spent probably close to 500 hours on it throughout my life we even have games like the longing which requires 400 days to complete now granted you don't do much in that time it's more of a meditation on time itself and the gameplay is very unusual and scattered and that kind of goes for a lot of these things they are mostly sparse in content of course but the fact that it's even possible to create a piece of interactive art that takes over a year to complete in this day and age is astonishing i think there's a case to be made that being immersed in fiction to the point you can't interact with the real world may be a real problem in the future i mean yeah we sort of have that now but i'm talking on a large scale an epidemic populations of people who willingly plug themselves into the matrix to escape from the problems of our polluted politically chaotic world to have honeymoons with their waifus or something and computers could make that possible imagine if computers could generate worlds and people for you that not even you know you wanted tap into those exact deepest desires as efficiently as the lock-picking lawyer can tap into any lock on earth it doesn't even have to take physical sensations to get someone trapped if artificial intelligence could create a puzzle game for example that was so addicting and so engaging to the point you never got bored of it to the point where each time you solved one immense satisfaction overcame you wouldn't that make you as good as physically trapped in another world can art become so good it's bad bad for your health that is i can imagine you're not getting that much exercise artificial intelligence may indeed eventually have complete control over the human species but the funny thing is they wouldn't even have to put up a fight you
Channel: Solar Sands
Views: 2,185,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Solar Sands, Anime, Video Essay, Science, A.I., AI, Computers, The Future, Anime Girls, Anime Girls irl, Memes, the Matrix, Cartoons
Id: O5kJWm7gJ6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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