Lethal Tough Guy Competition | Chad Read & Kyle Carruth Case Analysis

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hello this is dr grande today's question is can i analyze the case of chad reed and kyle kareth just a reminder i'm not diagnosed anyway in this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoyed this video please like it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon i will put the link to patreon in the description for this video also consider purchasing my book harm reduction it's about a counselor serial killer and detective so it's a work of fiction i think it's pretty good but again i am somewhat biased considering i wrote the book it can be purchased at any place where books are sold i'll start with the background this case move to the timeline of the incident and offer my analysis at the time making this video this case is still developing no charges have been filed against anyone the incident at the heart of this case takes place on november 5 2021 in lubbock texas 54 year old chad reed and his wife jennifer reed arrived at the house and business of william kyle kareth who goes by the name kyle his girlfriend slash affair partner christina reed was also at the property chad and christina had been married at one time and they had three children they were now divorced chad married jennifer on september 4 2021 so chad and jennifer were only married about two months when this incident took place they had known each other for several years at some point kyle and christina started having an affair it's not clear if this started when chad and christina were married but we do know that kyle was married when he started seeing christina hence the use of the term affair he was married to a judge named anne-marie carreth in 2009 they divorced in september of 2021 just a couple months before this incident so we see there's a lot happening in this case as we approach this visit that chad was making to kyle's residence a lot of different romantic partners moving around and perhaps some degree of hurt feelings now moving to the timeline of the incident again we're talking about november 5 2021. the purpose for chad's visit appears to be that he wanted to pick up his youngest son from christina as i understand it chad had gone to his son's school to pick him up but his son had been sick that day therefore he did not go to school apparently the son was at christina's mother's house but chad did not know this he went to kyle's residence because this is where christina worked so kyle and christina are romantically involved and christina appears to work for his business jennifer reed recorded a video of the incident she appears to be sitting in a vehicle outside of kyle's residence while making the recording like she was waiting for chad to pick up his son based on that video and another one shot from inside the house here's what appeared to occur during this incident chad reed can be seen standing in front of kyle's house with christina and kyle like they were all talking kyle tells chad to leave the property but chad does not instead he continues to talk to christina kyle enters his residence as this is happening when speaking with christina chad suggests that he is authorized to take custody of their son at 3 15 pm christina indicates that their son is not home but she can go and get him she explained how she wanted more time with their son chad is not happy about this he says quote i don't care if you want to see him or not i get him at 3 15 pm if you want to see him you see him up until 3 15 you keep trying to keep my son from me unquote chad threatens to subpoena several people if he doesn't get his way including kyle's ex-wife anne-marie again she's a judge perhaps what he's doing here is threatening to expose the affair it's not clear if he knew that anne-marie had already filed for divorce or maybe he thought it would be a scandal either way as chad and christina were arguing kyle returns outside carrying a firearm it's not clear what the exact type of the weapon was it looks like a nine millimeter carbine chad quickly closes the distance to kyle the two men are face to face their chests are actually touching chad says to kyle do it you better blank use it blank because i'll take it from you so chad is encouraging kyle to shoot him with the rifle kyle fires around into the porch right next to chad's feet and his own feet not a smart move chad grabs the rifle as kyle is holding on to the rifle the two spin around kyle was propelled off of the porch for a distance of about 10 feet he quickly turns around and shoots chad twice chad immediately falls to the porch he would not survive jennifer informs kyle that she captured the incident on video she said you did it to him kyle reminds her that he told everyone to leave he said none of you all should be here i asked you to leave i did everything i did not want to do any of this kyle's lawyer said that kyle was acting in self-defense jennifer reed has filed a 50 million wrongful death lawsuit against kyle and his business as i mentioned no charges have been filed at the time of making this video now moving to my analysis first i'll take a look at the self-defense angle and then i'll talk about the emotional and cognitive processes that may have been at work in this case including the seemingly unusual subdued response from people after the shooting as far as the self-defense claim let's take a look at the factors both for and against the idea that this was self-defense it's important to note here that i'm basing this analysis on just these two videos a lot more information could become available in this case which could support or refute the idea of self-defense i will start with the evidence that supports the theory that kyle was justified texas is a stand your ground state a person who is being threatened has no legal duty to retreat this is true for anywhere they might be but one could make an even stronger argument that there is no duty to retreat when somebody is standing on their own property kyle was at his residence which of course was also his place of business he was not legally obligated to retreat that doesn't mean he should not have retreated it just means that he was not legally required to chad was trespassing on kyle's property kyle repeatedly warned him to leave chad was making no effort to leave the property chad closed the distance and made contact with kyle when kyle walked out with the carbine chad had threatened to take away kyle's gun and shoot him with it chad physically grabbed a gun and kind of threw kyle out into the front yard this action appears to be consistent with the threat that chad just made like he said what he was going to do and now he was trying to do it now moving to the evidence that suggests this was not self-defense kyle introduced the firearm into the situation chad didn't appear to have any weapons on him kyle fired a warning shot which is always a bad idea this is the use of deadly force whether the bullet strikes someone or not kyle may have provoked a deadly confrontation before the introduction of the firearm chad was loud and obnoxious but didn't threaten anything other than legal action chad was not trying to steal anything and did not try to enter the occupied structure on the property if in fact chad was correct and christina was interfering with a court-ordered custody arrangement and if kyle was a part of that interference then kyle may have been committing a crime it is difficult for a person to claim self-defense if they are committing a crime and the moment when kyle fired his weapon which is arguably the most important moment in this case chad was just standing on the porch he did not lean forward he did not attempt to produce a weapon he really didn't seem to do much of anything except look at kyle kyle shot and killed an unarmed man who in that moment did not appear to be a threat when considering the evidence from these two videos is there a good claim for self-defense in my opinion i don't think there is the idea of self-defense is really hinged on this question did kyle reasonably believe he was under an unlawful imminent and deadly force threat in the moment when he fired his weapon in that moment did kyle really believe that chad was going to kill him or seriously harm him that's the key time in this case was it reasonable for him to have been afraid for his life in that one particular moment i don't think he should have been afraid for his life in that moment chad was again simply standing on the porch now if chad at that point had made another threat produced a weapon or attempted to close the distance i think kyle may have been justified in shooting especially considering that chad had just grabbed his weapon seconds earlier and made threats about using the gun right before that chad didn't really do himself any favors through those actions with chad just standing there however i don't see how he represented an imminent deadly threat furthermore if kyle provoked chad that could present a problem to the self-defense argument and if kyle was committing a crime self-defense is off the table so there are quite a few factors that could limit the ability to claim self-defense to be fair to kyle it did seem like chad was acting erratically who knows what could have happened if kyle did not fire but the decision really does have to be based on that moment in that moment was there a threat one of the elements that really bothers me about the shooting is that kyle had so many other options he safely made it into his house he could have locked the door retrieved his weapon and simply remained there if chad had broken into the house clearly kyle would have been justified in defending himself the death of chad reed was completely unnecessary it was 100 preventable simply through the application of common sense now just because this case could be viewed as not being self-defense doesn't necessarily mean that kyle could be successfully prosecuted for something like manslaughter i don't think it was self-defense but i'm not convinced that kyle could be convicted in this case the standard for being convicted is set quite high someone must be guilty beyond a reasonable doubt there are plenty of factors in this case that could present reasonable doubt not the least of which is when chad threatened to take kyle's gun away from him and use it kyle may have been afraid for his life there's no way to know for sure but again it seems like that is a possibility could it be considered reasonable that he was afraid that's really why there may be reasonable doubt now moving to the emotional and cognitive processes that may have been work in this case there are a few items that stood out here item number one child custody issues are particularly sensitive people often get worked up about this topic and it is understandable when parents are not allowed to see their children they get upset running back to the court to enforce a court order is time consuming and expensive when parents choose not to honor their custody arrangements they can often get away with this for a long time sometimes children are used as pawns so their parents can hurt each other it's like a sadistic game i don't know if that's what was happening in this case but we do know what happens frequently i think one could make an argument that christina reid could have defused the situation simply by giving chad access to his son ostensibly there was a court order in place why were they even having this argument what went wrong who made a decision against that court order if anyone item number two everybody in this case appeared to be in a relatively new romantic relationship it makes me wonder if the men in this case were not trying to impress their new lovers like neither one wanted to back down they both wanted to be tough guys chad really upped the annie when he said that kyle should shoot him he was playing a serious game of chicken and he lost it was like he was riding a bicycle and playing chicken with a tractor-trailer he didn't think things through about what would happen if kyle took him up on his offer what was chad's master plan here i was getting shot going to help him see his son his behavior really made no sense except in the context of trying to prove how fearless he was ultimately i believe chad proved to the world that he was fearless i doubt that's much of a consolation to him now item number three at least two people involved in this incident made very bad decisions kyle should have retreated into his residence remained there and called the police chad should have left the property and called the police kyle should not have brought a gun into the situation and chad should not have invited kyle to use that gun item number four the reactions of the people involved seemed to be unusual after the fact everybody seemed to be so relaxed after chad was killed in particular jennifer did not seem to be that alarmed this has attracted a great deal of attention in the court documents filed by jennifer reed and during an interview that she gave with her attorney she claims that she thought kyle was holding something like a stun gun or paintball gun the weapon wasn't as loud as she thought a firearm would be she didn't realize it was a real gun until she attended the chad on the porch this was after she stopped recording whether this is true or not it's difficult to fault people for not reacting correctly after a traumatic experience this is not an everyday event in reality there is no correct response everybody reacts differently moving to my final thoughts in this case first thought infidelity new love and custody disputes are associated with irrational feelings all three of those elements were present in this case in that sense it was like a perfect storm second thought people who act tough and fearless usually do so to impress other people but these are among the least impressive characteristics a person can express if these men had out-of-control anger they should have both avoided conflict in the first place or channeled their anger into running away third thought kyle attempted to prove he was fearless and failed all he proved was that he could shoot and kill an unarmed man chad attempted to prove he was fearless and succeeded unfortunately he achieved this goal at the cost of his life maybe the lesson learned here would be it's foolish to try to prove oneself to be fearless because there is no acceptable outcome from this exercise those are my thoughts in the case of chad reed and kyle kareth please put any opinions and thoughts in the comment section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always i hope you found my analysis of this case to be informative thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 218,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KVKFhDyg9Fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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