Lethal Company BEST Mods To Use #16 (MORE AMAZING MODS!)

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so welcome back to part 16 of the best mods to use in Lethal company starting with an absolute Banger this is the don't touch me mod and yes probably a good idea to do so this is actually a new entity that is added into the game and you have a certain chance for it to appear in your scrap run now this thing is a pretty mysterious entity unlike any other monsters in the game it has a random chances of doing different things if you press the button so you can't really be certain of what it will do well unless you're unlock and it decided to kill you instead however as hinted in the website you can abuse this entity and clearly hope facility from Monsters you have more than enough time to survive if you coordinate with your friends I really don't want to spoil it any further as it is such a charm to play with it the first few times oh and additionally it has a 50% chance to disguise itself as a scrap to fool you into pressing it so you might want to be careful if you see this warning here's a quick live Showcase of what it can do if this seems really fun for you go ahead and download this mod as this mod requires everybody on the server to install it for it to work next up an extremely creepy mod this is the co hit stair mod in Lether company now normally the call hits don't really do much aside from attacking you from behind well this mod allows the call hit to ever so slightly turn its heads towards its Target very very creepy now this is also a great mod to use if you want want to know who the call hit is actually targeting this is a client-sided mod so anyone who installed it will see the call hit stare at the closest player now if the hit turn is too slow you can always adjust it in the config file to make it go faster if needed truly a 10 out of 10 horrifying experience and speaking of horrifying this one probably Takes the Cake this is the rolling giant mod in Lethal company ever seen this creepy fell surfing around the internet well it is now rolling around the facility to catch you off guard this is one of the monsters that is pretty unique and it has multiple types of AI behaviors that will be random each time you land on a moon these are the following behaviors it can harness based on the mod's website number one call hit this makes them act just like a call hit where it moves when you're not looking around number two move when looking this makes them move to you if you are looking at it the opposite of call hit number three randomly move while looking this makes them randomly move while the player is looking at it number four looking too long keeps argro if the player looks at it for too long it doesn't stop chasing them number five follow on Agro once the player is noticed the rolling giant will follow the player constantly number six one scen argro after timer once the player sees the rolling giant it will argro after a timer or number seven all which will select all of the AI Behavior types so as you can see it has multiple AI behaviors which makes it very fun and very flexible this is also extremely versatile mod which can be tweaked in the config file if you want the rolling giant to play play a certain way that you want now this mod requires everybody in the lobby to install it for it to work now maybe the mod I've shown is a little bit too scary well this is the fair AI mod and it is a mod that gives the player a fairer chance in Lethal company let's face it most of the time when a monster has been locked on to you you are probably dead in a matter of minutes well this mod gives the player a Fighting Chance by allowing landmines to Now kill monsters as well when they stepped on them additionally turrets will also kill and Target enemies too you can also go to the files to tweak which enemies can set off mindes and other things if you so wish to this is the client sided mod so it only works for you if you installed it now if you want more amazing Moss check out these videos right here as I'm sure you enjoy it as much as I did I see you there
Channel: TheViperian
Views: 88,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lethal company mods, lethal company best mods, lethal company mod, modded lethal company, lethal company modded, lethal company best mod, best mods for lethal company, top 5 best mods for lethal company!
Id: 8Srx6Q-0I8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 45sec (225 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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