Let me in! - I don't work here lady

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hey everybody welcome to a new episode of r slash i don't work here lady where i rate customers mistake other customers for employees i'm uncle reddit and if i got some stories for you i'm sorry i don't work next door so i work for a martial arts studio my husband is the instructor and i answer phones sell contracts and do the marketing we're in a nice plaza with a very popular restaurant on one side and a tutoring center on the other due to code we leave the doors locked and only allow people in if they have a reservation for the class students are only allowed in five minutes before their scheduled class there's a large sign on the door that states our business name with a large logo the text on the sign is large enough to be read by the parents attempting to drop off on the curb it states no reservation no mask no entry no one will be permitted inside until five minutes before scheduled class today my husband went to the back to check stock on uniforms and get an inventory together for me and left me up front alone to sanitize between classes i am masked up spraying the air on all surfaces when someone tugs on the door a lady and her son i don't recognize were standing on the front sidewalk looking at me expectantly i figured they wanted information so i grabbed my keys walked outside and greeted them me hello welcome to martial arts studio how can i help you lady we have an appointment for my son to take a placement test me realizing they want the tutoring center oh i'm sorry this is martial arts studio i think you're looking for the place next door lady their door is locked let me in so my son can take his test we have an appointment she then tugs on the door to our place me i'm very sorry without a reservation to one of our classes i can't let you or your son in or a martial arts studio and not a tutoring center you want the next door down let me show you i walked to the next door down and knocked on the glass to get the people inside's attention lady just use your keys and let me in or i'll take my business elsewhere this is horrible customer service me again i don't work for that company i can't let you in or help you out with that i knocked again as the tutoring center is quite large the young girl that works at the front desk came out of the back and smiled at me and opened the door lady it's about time this woman wouldn't let me in and she has the worst customer service i've ever experienced i have an appointment tutoring girl she doesn't work here but yes come on in and i'll get you situated i went back to work and told my husband who'd wondered where i'd gone anticlimactic i know but he gave me a chuckle so i thought i'd share yeah yeah we have uniforms and signs on the doors and everything says martial arts yeah this is where you bring your kid to take a placement test for school or tutoring i love the way people just can't read or they don't read or they refuse maybe she needed the tutoring you know i used to never think that people were actually that dense where you explain to them that you really don't work there and you know i thought it was all fake and made up but i've seen it i've seen it happen with my own eyes i've seen it in in my store where they think i control the the retail store next door uh no this is my store this is where i control how can i help you here if you don't want any of my products or my services then bye bye i don't care if you don't work here it's still bad customer service i was watching my dog at a local pet store they have public dog baths there with tons of signs about cost of using them i was rinsing my dog off when i heard someone ask an employee do you guys trim dog nails here i kept renting because i don't work there and assume they were talking to an employee i also couldn't see them because the dog bath is somewhat tucked behind some shelves excuse me i heard someone saying an annoying voice i still didn't look up i don't work there from now on cc will stand for crazy customer that's not actually what they typed but i can't say that on my channel agreeing man with a potbelly and deep voice i heard the dog wash gate open so i glanced over my shoulder there's multiple baths to use there and saw someone staring at me with their hands up cece pulled down their mask and strongly said excuse me do you trim nails here me oh i don't think they do but i don't work here you'll have to ask someone who does cc but i just asked you why would i ask someone else me uh because i don't work here cc if you don't work here then why are you washing someone's dog me i'm washing my own dog this is a public dog bath i pointed at the sign that read dog bath 10 per use cc so you don't trim nails here you just washed dogs how much would it be if i brought two dogs in me dude i don't work here i just told you that three times go ask someone else cc i don't care if you don't work here that's still bad customer service i already have a short temper with stupid people but i was getting more than annoyed by cc especially since he kept getting closer and closer in a gated bathing area and my dog was starting to get agitated by him me i don't work here you idiot i told you over and over again f off a dog started growling which he only does because of the excitement he's not aggressive cece stormed off slamming the gate and knocking over some dog treats i could hear him from the other side of the store yelling at the cashier cece i want his name now i want him fired cashier i'm sorry who are you talking about cc the employee at the dog wash cashier looks in my direction i'm the only employee here that man watching his dog is a customer is there something i can do for you cece just get your manager on the phone cashier but that man is not an employee i'm actually the only employee here today cece i don't care cashier was silent for a few seconds and said i just told you he doesn't work here i'm not calling the manager but i am going to ask you to leave cece i'm not leaving until you call your manager cashier if you don't leave i'm calling the police cc after you i'm writing a review this is terrible customer service then cc stormed out i've never in my life been confused as an employee anywhere especially at this pet store they wear blue shirts i was wearing a black hoodie after he was yelling at the cashier i couldn't tell if he was all there in the head either way i don't work here yeah sounds like papaw was a little touched who knows maybe he spent a little too much time alone talking to his two dogs if he even had a second dog so if you guys ever had to deal with anybody like that confusing you as a an employee when you're just out shopping or eating or minding your own business somewhere out in public let me know in the comments down below excuse me where do you think you're going this is an event i remembered after reading someone else's post regarding young teachers for a bit of background this event happened six years ago i was a trainee teacher fresh out of uni after just completing my art degree in the uk i was nearing the end of my pgce post-graduate certificate in education a year-long teaching qualification specializing in art and design at secondary high school level i was 23 but looked a lot younger and the school i was training at allowed teachers as well as sixth formers 16 to 18 year old students to wear a smart business dress both staff and sixth formers were lanyards with school id cards teachers wore black lanyards and students the color that corresponded to their house edit think harry potter i had seen the teacher that was involved in this event around school before i tried to say hello or at least smile at other staff and students but i remember this particular teacher wasn't very approachable or friendly i will say teachers are hardworking and often stressed i don't hold her cold demeanor against her as a new teacher i was just rather intimidated by her for the sake of this story let's call her intimidating teacher in parentheses that says i t for the sake of this story uncle reddit is going to say it i also need to explain that on certain days at certain times teachers are required to do duty which involves standing in a location and ensuring students are in the right place and behaving properly it was lunchtime i was walking towards a few teachers who were on duty when i saw it among them i probably should have chosen a different name for i made eye contact with it it excuse me where do you think you're going me upstairs it's lunchtime and i don't have a lesson it you are not allowed to be in this area students are to be in the hall me holds up lanyard calmly so the black color is visible and continues walking i'm staff it confused oh at this point i walked past it and the two other members of staff who were beginning to laugh i didn't wait to continue the conversation but hastily continued up the stairs i was rather confused and embarrassed that a teacher would speak slash shout at another member of staff the way they did she had mistaken me for a sixth former but that wasn't an excuse i made a mental note to never speak to students or staff in that way edit two wow thanks for all the awards and up boots after my initial run in with it no one got reported i just finished my pgce year never bumping into her again to quote the top comment everyone has a purpose even if only to serve as a bad example yeah i really kind of don't care if it was a student or a teacher there's no reason to snap at people that way you could have asked politely if they were a student or a teacher or pardon me where are you heading you know in a nice calm demeanor but when you get snappy with people even students they're gonna snap back i used to work at a secondary high school and uh yeah a lot of teachers and staff would speak to students like total crap i just don't understand that uh even when i worked at an alternative school we tried not to speak to students that way now there were times when they pushed our buttons to the point where i would respond that way but it was only after a few exchanges and it wasn't right out of the gate you know i gave them some respect and if they earned it i kept respecting them if they didn't well then we had to get down in the mud a little i caused the situation i've been reading these a bit obsessively haven't we all and while i haven't really had one of these moments i actually caused one many moons ago this is kind of a long and different i don't work here lady at the time i lived in the uk and moved to london after two years elsewhere i wasn't familiar with the city yet nor the modes of transportation the first weekend one of them invited me out to a nightclub in angel north central london and at 1am we all headed home except their home was in a different direction from my home during the day it wasn't a problem i could hop on the tube the subway because i knew my exit no matter what part of the city but i had yet to learn how to travel the buses and particularly the night buses once it gets late in london only certain buses run at night and there are far fewer buses to catch we didn't have apps at the time smartphones weren't quite a thing yet i had to call transport for london's free service that helps you sort out where you're going and how to get there they told me to get on the xx bus on a particular side of the street and it would eventually get me close to where i needed to be it seemed a bit strange because the bus they were telling me to catch was headed north and i needed to head south and east but perhaps it ran in a loop so i boarded the bus well about seven to eight minutes into the journey i was getting nervous it kept heading north but also in a very residential area with nothing else and no one else around finally i got off and started heading back south i walked back two bus stops and there was a man tinkering with the ticket dispenser i asked him how i could get to the high street a main road so i could get back to xx he began explaining the route to get there but as he looked down the empty eerie street he paused he explained that he would be shortly done fixing the ticket machine and could give me a lift to the high street so for the second time in my life i got into a stranger's car in fairness he had a tfl sticker on his car so i was rather confident he probably did work for them and wasn't just waiting for a lost stranger to come along so he could abduct her i'm not sure why but he had to get into the backseat of his little two-door car and like the first time i accepted a ride from a stranger i had my phone in hand hidden from view with 911 ready finger on the call button the entire time please note if you are living in the uk or plan to go there the emergency number is 999 not 911 however there was no handbook that i received upon moving to the country that said as much also note because of the amount of american film and television consumed in the uk many residents are unaware of the fact that the emergency number is not 9-1-1 and should you call it will redirect you to 999 well that's handy anyway i'm generally the friendly sort and also one of my professors in undergrad told us that she once prevented a rapist in central park by telling him her name about her family etc the more an attacker who doesn't know you finds out about you the more disinclined they can become so i started chatting with the man he told me things which i don't know how credible they are but if they are we're fascinating by the end of the chat he simply had driven me right to my flat instead of dropping me off at the bus stop i needed after all of that we come to the actual reason for the story he let me out of the back seat and as i got out and said good night a bunch of drunk british kids stumbled by one of whom thought he was a taxi and tried to get a lift the gentleman then said nah mate i'm not a taxi got into his car and drove off thank you for the lift wherever you are oh i get it at first i thought the op was going to be confused thinking this was a taxi or something and try to pay them but actually in giving this young lady a ride the nice man was confused as a taxi by passersby a little confusing thanks for sticking with me guys if you enjoyed these stories can you give me a thumbs up and if you're not subscribed yet you hung out this long you might as well subscribe right and click that little bell notification icon so you don't miss the fat guy with the beard telling you stories oh yeah if you wouldn't mind click one of these videos right here it'll take you to another interesting set of stories see [Music] [Music]
Channel: Story Time with Uncle Reddit
Views: 2,552
Rating: 4.9745221 out of 5
Keywords: uncle reddit, reddit, reddit stories, funny reddit stories, r/idontworkherelady, r/prorevenge, r/entitledparents, entitled parents, funny reddit stories 2020, rslash, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, entitledparents fails, entitled parents fail, malicious compliance reddit, malicious compliance, tech support, tales from tech support reddit, cute dog videos, funny dog
Id: OeT-iv64wYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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