[Music] hi guys welcome to challenge the Road I thought I'd do another let's talk cars because this evening I was just looking at the EV market and I thought well you might as well come along with me we might as well go through it together so I've changed from the tyan to a hybrid I haven't brought that out on the channel yet and that's only because I need to drive the car I don't like doing just like first impression videos it it always for me doesn't work very well I need the car for amount of time so I have ball a BMW e45 I said I wanted a 50m hybrid I know I was going to get the tigan but I thought the Tiguan was like a stop Gap they're going to lend me the new Tiguan uh with the 70 M hybrid and I still believe hybrid is the way to go but near the end of the Porsche um tyan time I got the Chargers working here at home and it was actually working pretty well and and I was thinking ah should I sell it should I not but I got a good price for it and My worry is that there doesn't seem to be like what I call a floor on pricing what I mean by that is when you're trying to buy cars and I'm trying to do that and I'm trying to have the least appreciation I can I need to know where the floor is and with the EVS I'm not sure there is one at the moment and that just worried me a little bit nothing wrong with the car cars they're fine I know that range needs to be more but from a point of view of driving it was very good um but I must admit in the first sort of how long have I had the BMW 3 days it's very very good very good but there'll be more videos on that and also I'm going to produce some videos on hybrids and how much the batter's degrading because we've got 50,000 mil almost coming up on our day-to-day hybrid Q5 and it's quite impressive the stats and it's not what I thought it would be after 50,000 Mi so there's going to be quite a lot of updates but going back to today's video is just about this EV market and I thought well have a look at prices but we just have a chat about it now Auto Trader do something called like the a health check of EVs and it looks like the general EV Market is up probably about 30% um there are a lot more for sale but then there's a lot more EV cars being produced and are coming up uh a lot of them are coming out of threeyear lease deals uh businesses and stuff so there's a lot more on the market Tesla it looks like is slightly down um as in this health checkwise for April I can see that because there's some good cars out there um uh the hondai I think it's the iconic 5 or look at that now when the model 3 comes out the price range is very similar on those cars so Tesla have got some big competition so it's just showing that basically the other manufacturers are catching up uh may be passing them and Tesla are going to have to either reduce prices to keep market share or up their gain because there's some pretty cool cars out there I'm actually just looking at my iPad looking at the all new Rena 5 uh EV coming out which we talk about lastly so the next bit was there's like a no man's land in EVS at the moment and and what I mean by that is if you were out there getting a £100,000 um Porsche or Ali Ron GT whatever whatever it takes your fancy you're going to get like a 25% tax relief so that car is really 75 so no one's really buying in the going to buy a secondhand car at sort of 80k so so there's there's like a no man's land from 100 to 75 then you have the private individual who's now going to buy the car and a lot of them I think want to pay about 50k 40K so that's why I think we're seeing the prices drop so what I'm going to do I'm going to share my screen and we just go through Auto Trader because that's what I was doing tonight and then I thought I might as well just share this with you we'll do it at the same time so let's just share the screen and we will have a look at auto trader and go through it now I'm going to start with one that was quite shocking for me um I remember the car really well it's the Audi Ron GT and I remember it coming out and I thought quite a lot of money think about 100 120,000 and it's obviously a similar car to the Porsche uh tyan pretty much the same but Audi and I I do really like Audi as well so I'm just going to open that up say it's 104 for sale and what I'm going to do is I'm just going to put in highest first so the highest price so the highest price Audi rron GT is 113,000 right now we're going to go to lowest and this is going to get quite interesting so the lowest so the lowest price car is 445,000 and that is a 2022 car with 23,000 Mi exactly the same same battery 93.4 Kow which is the same as my my takan um there's loads here at 45 now I I keep looking at these going oh I just want to buy one but I'm thinking well they could be £20,000 this car so you imagine you go back and you think right you're going to buy for £100,000 let's just say you're going to buy a Porsche uh this is a a twodo it's like a coupe looking it's actually four-door this one but but let's look at uh trying to think what would be 100,000 Porsche 911 comes to mind but it's not but if you were buying a petrol car £100,000 you would not have seen this type of depreciation there's no way You' lose 50 60% in the first year it's crazy um now I really like these I'm going to go into the advert actually let's just go into it so 44 A2 lovely gray color I mean if if you bought that and you can charge from home and maybe got some solar panels I think that's just it's a it's such a good car but where's the floor where's the level I think maybe 20 25,000 I know people say to me Richard you're crazy some of the times you say it's going to get this low and then they do and then they go Richard you're right but it's 2 years old when it comes out of warranty so this normally Audi do 3 years warranty it's going to it's going to be £25,000 and that is a BG and I I just keep looking at them thinking I feel like just buying that car I don't even know you know and just bombing around in it what a great car right we go to let's go to the uh the takam because that was a car we've got a lot of knowledge in let's just find it here so Porsche Ty right 726 let's go in there right let's just go so high so the highest price what two what 220,000 oh it's a Brabus Arrow okay let's take that out so 156,00 it's 105 Kow so it's probably the new battery so let's go to low I'll take out the cat S1 so 43,600 50,000 M so I mean they're going to be in the first is um there's a 4S here 80 Kil now I still believe if the you know where's the floor on these and I'm still going to go I'm going to it's a Porsche it does look nice and I do like them and that but I'm going to go 25 I'm going to go 25 again if I'm wrong I'm wrong but that's where I think it'll be but if you're buying in at this level you're not going to see you know you're not losing the 100,000 the first guy's lost let's pick something else um what other ones do I really have a lot of knowledge on well let's have a look at this hindai this iconic five so 245 already let's have a look at that see I do like the look of that car that's how much are they so right so 67 66,000 that's an 84 Kow so let's look at used lowest price so theyve done a 73 kwatt that's done quite a lot of miles let's get do okay 2021 58 KW not a massive battery but we're looking at 20,000 looks nice and does look nice that car but I want to have the I want to drive the fast one I want to know a little bit more on that let's press on there so 84 Kow battery what's the range I'm assuming it's like 250 hasn't got it on here it's funny on auto trader cuz some of tend to have detail and some of them don't so if I'm looking at that 84 Kow I reckon that's about 220 230 if I'm wrong yeah put it in the comments but that's what I'm thinking and I think that looks it looks like um a Grand Turismo car to me look at that that is really cool it's like a modern sort of rally car I need to drive one of these and I've heard they do like the fake sound of a you know of a petrol car and I think he's got paddles but but it hasn't interested me as much with the EVS but when the values get like this I start to get a little bit more excited and think oh quite fancy that right let's have a look at BMW because the reason I went for BMW is that the 53 that I had was a fantastic car and had very good hybrid and regen and you're going to see a lot more of that in the videos now these are obviously now moving to full electric called the I5 um the Five series is always a great car so let's have a look so high price is they can't be that much are they so an i5 M6 100,000 you're joking I haven't been following these enough 100,000 that's an 83 Kow battery jeez so a 2023 with 10,000 m there's a even better one here a 2023 6,800 M 49 Jesus I'd need to look at the specs maybe they're slightly different but at the end of the day the battery is the same size there's no difference that's 50,000 less 50,000 less that's a 2023 plate car I wonder if it's even a year old if it's got it on here hasn't got the thing but that is crazy easy 10,000 below Market average it's an e Drive 40 M Sport Pro salon and this is the problem when you get in this what I call that no man's land if it's 100 Grand no one's going to buy one for 75 so that that 25 is like gone disappeared so then you're going down like a year old right okay that shocked me a little bit I'm going to just have a look at some others on here uh what we got let's have a look at another make so the Mercedes what about that EDC or edq I can't remember now e eqe there's so many right so we got an we got an eqa eqb eqc EQ I'm sure it's eqc and that's like the SUV yeah it is okay so let's have a look at that so high they're about actually they're not that bad new is that the high sort of around 6 odd K so actually that's that's a good looking car I like that car I'm just going to have a look let's go in and have a look that is a nice looking car I like that Mercedes that's that that's a good value that's a good value car so but how much is it going to drop so let's have a look so now we're looking at a let's try 2021 car 2021 well was actually a 2023 dropped to 40 straight away 2022 well we pick that qualifying for 25 so they're actually doing quite they're actually holding quite well I think it's just because it's just it's a goodlooking car and I haven't seen the inside of that merage like to drive one actually I think I've got some friends with I'm going to have a look at that um the other one is obviously going back to Aldi because I'd like to have a look at q4s cuz I had one so Q4 uh low to high okay so they're getting in the sort of 24,000 mil 2022 and we're now down at 23,000 I think I paid 52 or something for mine and we sold it for 50 something like that 48 so I just didn't quite get on with the suspension on the Q4 Maybe where I live now it would be better but it the the rear was just kept bumping up over bumps it was too stiff wasn't quite right um trying to think of any other oh the sq8 I like the Q8 I like it in the hybrid that was another car I looked at so how much are these so new 100,000 it looks like let's just press that 137 some of them Jesus big battery though 114 and then how much lowest price 75 these kind of been out long but is 75 after a year so was well this year 88 on some so they are they are dropping heavily discounted here 106 to 93 let's have a look at that on a new one so that's been discounted quite a lot so yeah that's just sort of a little you know run around the market here and you're just seeing what I'm seeing I hope you enjoy these videos too I thought I'd just do it because it just interest me I just love it I love looking at all the values now I'm thinking this Ali I'm going to go back to that that AI GT I think if it's going to go in the 30s I I think I'm going to get one even if it's for the channel I I think it's it's a really good looking car i' just bring up some more pictures um look at that that's a nice looking car four-door charge at home bomb around I think the N to 6 is like 2.8 or something I just think that looks a lot of car I mean if it we'll be interesting I think when we do the next EV one we'll see if they go in the 30s um okay that's it for tonight so hope you enjoy these videos if you get a chance to like share subscribe there's a lot of hybrid stuff coming out because I've got the Q5 here I've got the X5 um we're going to talk a lot about battery and I'm not sure these batteries are degrading as much as people are saying I'm not seeing it here but you're experience might be different but we're going to put that into some videos uh Sam's back next week he been away doing fishing videos so obviously I'm doing a lot from here but next week we're going to have a good run of of videos outside so yeah please like sh share subscribe and I'll see you again soon