Lessons learned fishing Oil Well Bay at Lake Fork

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] coming out of coffee Creek we must talk about the point that's between running Creek and coffee Creek this would give you an idea what we're coming out of coffee Creek here the blue is the shoreline right there going on around like we were going to go to rutting Creek if you are not fishing this point you are not fishing one of the best points on Lake fourth-period what happens is we have a creek that splits there's all kinds of Creek junctions off the end of this point there's a lot of timber I have personally fished this we've had some pretty good bikes in there it has did this has got to be one of the best structured points on like forth no doubt about it it's just too much good stuff running around it here you can drop off in these creeks you have Creek junctions you have Creek bends you have shallow water next to deep water you have timber lines you have tree liners coming in you have a wind pattern that starts blowing your bike fish up in here just a great place then to go along with it there is a submerged bridge at running Creek which would be on the west side of this point that bridge or I can do this this is the bridge right here this again this bridge always plays off and it usually starts in May and fish through the summer with school up here chase shad and all this kind of stuff it has a reputation to have a lot of vegetation around this bridge and you'll see that the water starts getting shallower beginning with the bridge going back just to show you what this looks like this would be the bridge itself and this is that point that we're talking about this shows running creeks coming up through here going and it wraps around this little indention of the tree line right here you have coffee creek coming in here let's see this picture was taken at three 88.2 - which is going to be a little less than 15 foot of water on top of this here is your crossroads if you're looking back south and here is the the tree line that pumps into that that Creek the little pocket I was telling me about is this one is this one is this part of that program that I have done I haven't had a chance to give it so outstanding and you one thing that I like about this is baby now we've really brought this thing up and it's unbelievable this is an old road that dumps off right into where the creek is this is a creek and these were willow trees on that line this Creek right here and it come on up here and it joins in and there's an old road and if you look at your map you can look at these pictures there's an old more or less an unimproved logging road that type of thing right and I'm sure this road was used to get down here to these creek bottoms where they all curve bends and join together this has probably been a good fishing hole before you never thought about being like or and these fish are just going to have a natural habitat look at all the cleared surface around this timbered area that not only do you have Tim burr you got creeks you got roads you got unimproved roads you've got creeks bends I cannot say enough about this point right here being able to see the full weight crossing right there really set you up to where it's located right and we are gonna be looking yes yes this is and this is a great if you wanted to look at this part up here this is pinch Orko is without any water in a Muslim trees ventricle hit that line of trees around right down the middle of it if we can here's that line of trees right there going down to pitcher and this is where it splits and one goes that way and one goes that once this one runs right up against the shoreline this shows it all right it's that's unbelievable and this is going to have 15 foot of water on this this right here some little neat things to look at is you get to see how these this is that hump that is mentioned at the crossroads that produces fish oh yeah Carolina Reagan right inside this and how the creek runs on the backside of it there's a lot in this picture right here well I used to see guides okay but we can do that used to see guides sitting right here right in here in fact that's under fishing one day before I realize it was a guide spot and guide came up there and he was hostile because I was sitting in his hole right in here yup he's right in here right in here right in this area right here he was sitting round on it and right in here right in there and in right here and I just I was coming up this bank fishing right here and he come up there he you realize this my whole well I just don't know I didn't really didn't see you make money buddy what happens there before I leave this spot if you go past the bridge going north this little pocket right over here is one great area for vegetation and this is a good April spot it produces a lot of spotted fish in here around the vegetation just one tremendous tremendous little little pocket that gets a little protection from a wind and that type of thing now is that is that uh highway 515 right there no this is a backside the system the backside of that is highway 20 to 25 all they did was no 29 66 okay that's 20 966 okay and this is where 20 to 25 goes across all right well I'll get you this right up here yeah those 20 966 yeah okay now let's go down there and talk about that little spot that we were talking about earlier this is the the crossroads right here and what you were fishing when you went down that what is that little hump right there that is a high spot it comes up to 8 feet yeah and has it you know with the crossroads right there it makes timbered lines points off of timber and this high spot dropping off into the different colored water is a pretty dramatic drop this is uh this is a pretty good spot yeah that's why they I'm sure that guide was right there by themselves too and and I want to go back and and what we're on this same side if you go back if you go further north up from that high spot at the crossroads first of all I want to point out that that place that that is just a little bit further north and that's where this timber comes in to make this a little pocket over here this is one great spawning area right here if you'll notice one of the things that I really like about is is these high sides or what I call a secondary point right these fish can do nothing but travel right down the center that great spawn in the back of it and here's your migration route and if you're gonna really fish for a big fish you need to be fishing out here other than when he's spawning and and again you focus on secondary points in coves guts that will hold your bigger fish so this big fish could come out of this 13 foot of water travel parallel with this little secondary point and and land right here on this point or it can ease on in here and land right there on that point without going here today we can go catch fish we can catch one right here one right here and one right there possibly one right there and in one right you're gonna have five fish in this pocket those were those five fish a really big and you just illuminated half in your water right right there like that this is up some good stuff up here and going straight across to the east side over here this is where you just a little bit north of the the crossroads and this is one great spinnerbait Bank right here in the springtime it is just west of where highway 20 to 25 comes off into the water going up to the big ke side you definitely want to throw a spinnerbait right along this Bank right here and then when we get to where the bridge is at the submerged highway 20 to 25 this is a definite early summer beginning in May my time you want to get up on the bridge so I mean throw up on the bridge with a Carolina rig we started in May and this is probably as good of a bridge as you'll find anywhere on Lake Fork right here again you can come over highway 20 to 25 in April if there's vegetation right down this Bank beginning here and going down to right here and you know it's going further use your bangle er type baits and this is just an excellent bang alert long a top water jerk bait tuck Bank right here this is an April fishing hole right here and this is kind of a pre spawn to spawn bike over there then just to finish off this area up here you can go up the boat road that goes over here in Oilwell Bay what this does is it brings you in to the shoreline here with the fence line this is going to be a tremendous spawning area they're going to come out of these creeks you're going to travel down to the Timberline of the boat route they're going to come out of the creek and they're going to get up here on this fence here's your secondary point almost touching a fence with a creek right behind it fish this point right here you've got the little depression right here the little pond you want to you want to fish this really serious right here and then work your way over this way fishing this and this is some great spawning Bank right here and to finish up if we were going to go up to coffee creek being this area right in here this will show you what it looked like before there was ever any water and what one wants to do is ease off the boat lane and get over here on these horseshoes that are right in here and you want to fish these with a deep diving crankbait and you may be surprised if you'll stick with that pattern a little bit [Applause]
Channel: Jimmy Martin
Views: 13,676
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Lake Fork
Id: qMksQmFLxEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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