Lesson 12|Quarter 4| 2020-“Sabbath: Experiencing and Living the Character of God":Twi Sabbath School

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[Music] sabbath school the heart of the church and to be honest is [Music] [Music] um the time must come to tell the masses that jesus christ our just like the father and of the spirit the time has come to take the message to those who've named to those who [Music] we must not waste it it is for every single nation we cannot wait the time has gone the people waiting the countless children in china the thirsting souls in africa the time has come to go to boston salt lake nashville in every in between the time has come to tell the nation and time to spread the word is it is foreign is [Music] it know the history of adventist universities in 60 seconds and then school i ibrahimovic vsango university museum university i am a quarry of four years schooner changi omudin a fu sangu ministerial school at the course zambia adventist seminary and soho in 1997. squid search engine at the core zambia adventist college finally in may 2003 know the history [Music] heavenly father lord we want to thank you for everything you've done for us the fact that lord you have given us the ability to come and study your word i pray that lord may the word enlighten us may the word speak to us and may the word allow us to live according to the practical guidelines you have instructed us to do we pray this in your precious holy name amen [Music] experiencing and living the character of god ukrainian citizens [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] moche flowers different colors and then one i i believe say ammonia or dust room could be cropped yep is there anywhere on [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] excellent question i want to answer that question succinctly and essentially what we see in this uh specific narrative in this lesson is called time for rediscovery and when we see in a time for rediscovery what we need to understand more vehemently is that it is telling us about the experience of the israelites in the wilderness a matter of fact it provides us a poignant lesson about one thing they had to learn as they went through the wilderness and it provides us what we call the situation of what they had to eat when we look at this specific narrative we see that the israelites were moving from one wilderness to another wilderness as they were going through sinai and what we see is that they're moving from sure to sin but as we all know there's sometimes a mystique about the human nature and what that mystique is a lot of times we love to complain complaining precedes a solution and what we see is that the israelites were complaining they weren't getting food they were grumbling and at this time they were feeling tired and most of the people that were with moses at that time were saying why don't we go back to egypt egypt we had all the luxuries egypt we had all the blessings egypt we had all the fine delicacies easy we had all defined cuisines but what we see here is that what everyone needs to understand and the first point that everyone needs to understand more succinctly about this text is that you have to make sure that if you want god's blessings you cannot reject his curriculum and a lot of times we are impatient for god's success plan on our lives because what they didn't understand was that though they had gone a month without adequate food god was still going to provide the israelites something to nourish their bodies with and that is the manner that they're given but god gave specific instructions for the manner that was given matter of fact the matter seemed to be something of new to them because when they saw manna for the first time the israelites questioned among themselves and were bewildered by the fact that they did not know what that was but the specific instructions that they were given was that this manner was something you are to eat and you're supposed to pick it up in the morning they're supposed to measure it according to what they need so everyone was supposed to get a specific portion as to what they need and the real critical component of this manner that they were to receive is that they could not make sure they had to make sure that they ate it on that day it couldn't stay overnight otherwise it would not be good and what would not be norrishman to the body but what we see here is that on the sixth day specifically because god wanted to make sure that on the seventh day they rested on the sixth day god provided a double portion this double portion was to ensure that on the seventh day manna wouldn't be provided but they'll already have the food they need in order to celebrate god and again i'll just reiterate the two points number one trials shouldn't ruin you they should prune you then number two god's instructions are what is what's going to liberate you and what we see here is that if you did not follow the instructions you'll be locked out of food and some people did not follow these instructions succinctly because what we'll see that some of them would not go and pick up this food and when they would not pick up the matter they would have nothing to eat and like i said you had to pick it up if you didn't and you let it stay overnight to the next day it would be rotten and it assures us that in scripture you have to be patient for god's success plan for your life so those are the couple of elements that you can take from that text that number one trials should not ruin you it should prune you number two god's blessings requires you not to reject his curriculum number three god's success plan has been designed for you and you have to be patient with it those are the three elements that are taken from that specific portion of exodus 16. time for discovery one question i might ask you and you say you know a lot of young people sometimes things say that sabbath is so boring uh practically no what are some of the ways that young people know can uh can do you know many a time let me say this i remember i said mr my mom would tell me and there is sabbat it's always don't do this don't do this on the sabbath anyway anyway i don't know many of our young people know emma or any nissa but no what happened because of the don't know what are some of the other things that our young people know can see or rediscover from the sabbath when he adjusts the sabbath coffee well number one you shouldn't see it as a ritual you should see it as a celebration and that is the first pointing point that everyone will see about the sabbath when you see it as a celebration then your heart will change as to how you celebrate the sabbath then the wake you worship will change how you celebrate the sabbath see sabbath as a celebration and not a liturgical ritual the second element people need to understand about making the sabbath exciting for them being elated about the sabbath is that number two the sabbath if you want to invest in jesus the sabbath requires you to invest into relationships with others and the sabbath is the perfect day to make sure that you invest into your relationship with others as we all know in the american economy and the american world that we live in in the post-modern society that we're in the busyness of work takes us away from investing into the other human life but i love what this colloquially african-american expression says how can you love god whom you've never seen but can never love your own brother whom you see daily on that sabbath day you have to use that sabbath day not just to invest in jesus but to invest into the relationships of other call that brother encourage that brother uplift that brother talk that brother up and then the third element as well in order for you to understand how and why to celebrate the sabbath it should be your time to invest into biblical intelligence and why do i say biblical intelligence because you cannot define who god is if you don't refine your relationship with him as in that moment on the sabbath where you're to take the time and not just study to finish reading the bible but study to feed what the bible wants to say to you when you take that look into the that telescope when you start to reframe how you see the bible the and how you see the sabbath day as well your sabbath day will become exciting now i always say there's a lot of times why we don't love the sabbath because we let our personal agendas get in the way of god's agenda god has put this day for us to celebrate he has anointed that day for us and we must use that day to see god different coffee summery rituals or [Music] is now as part of their restoration of fps or renewed their commitment to their sabbath now jeremiah um [Music] [Music] time for finding balance now time for finding balance [Music] seminar [Music] [Music] [Music] said and not the end in itself so it means because in fact this is the problem many of us are 70 adventists here not yet asia now let me concentrate is good we need to find a balance and i like i love this bible verse so much mark chapter 2 verse 27 and 2018. foreign now how can we now still balance it cineba yeah now because of this bible testing young compromising on a near-mind and what's yeah yeah on the sabbath night yes how do we strike the balance yes so far answer there is [Music] [Music] [Music] we are not able to reflect when dominion reflected me strike a balance all right very important and i believe [Music] [Music] but there is a a principle attached to that we are not downplaying the observance of the serpent that's not what we are doing here um [Music] is interesting due to pandemic need to know together but we shared the purpose of a very important toolbar met the aquarium friday at the end on ellen white carson b or desire of ages page uh two eight eight uh two eight nine dessert of eight is paid two eight nine emmy the pie i just wanna quote ellen why i say quote then the sabbath is a sign of christ's power to make us holy i want to repeat this one more time and then why i say the sabbath then is the sign of christ's power to make us holy meaning knowing how to go through the form of sabbath observance and worship is not enough learning must impact life sabbath is time for learning and living priorities very very clear and what i want to say to the people that are listening and take from this text is that you have to understand god provides even in times of obstacles and that's what you must always remember here because the israelites were tired we're hungry we're grumbling but god still provided for them sometimes we get too comfortable in our zone of luxury but sometimes we need to understand god will provide even in times of unforeseen circumstances [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] amen amen uh the year 2021. you're very pretty [Music] [Music] there is something that you cannot afford say oh sha financing not one chassis in this way so in this way in fact my confidence is bye [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] me
Channel: Columbus Ghanaian SDA
Views: 3,983
Rating: 4.7419353 out of 5
Id: IaptUfWvlY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 7sec (4207 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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