Lesson 10 - Deuteronomy 6 & 7

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[Music] we're in Deuteronomy and we're gonna finish up chapter six and get into chapter 7 now last week we took another look at the so called Sherma they see here o Israel that is both spiritual and the National credo of the EBU people and it is most certainly central tenets of Christianity as well it's just that it has been presented over the centuries as a New Testament doctrine that had never before existed now we've finished up by looking at the middle part of Deuteronomy 6 in which a warning was issued two main temptations that Israel would entertain first moving into their promised land with all of its wonderful abundance and for that day it's easy living and then forgetting the warning is that Israel should remember they didn't build those cities and villages where they're going to live they didn't plan that the vineyards and the orchards for which they would rather the Lord took it from the Canaanites and gave it to Israel as their inheritance now I want you to think about that for a second although the word inheritance is usually only used at our society is something we receive usually when our parents died in fact it carries with it an important underlying theme and that meaning is to receive something of value that somebody else it's a thing that we have a no way earned is achieved only by birthright or by the grace of someone else who wants us to have it the second warning we receive is that the redeemed people of Israel who now have inherited by means of God's grace abundance and the proof special relationship with the god of the universe they should not adopt and consort with the gods of the people among whom they're going to live and if the Hebrews do not heed this warning destruction is going to be the consequence I spent some time last week connecting the real meaning of idolatry which is the chasing after other gods with what the actual God principle is behind this morning and that principle is the idolatry speaks of the pursuit of India that a hold a place in one's life that is equal to or greater than God you know there has been so much allegorical teaching within our Christian faith that it is easy to chalk this principle allegory as well but this is clearly not the case the Lord speaks of the seeking after well and power land and other things as being idolatrous if its place if we ponder it from home we'll see that in a certain way the worshipping of other gods is kind of a biblical oxymoron I mean the worshipping of other gods is itself only an act of intent and of the evil inner self because in reality there are no other gods so we can send up worship of all these things all day long but in effect we're worshipping nothing the problem is not that God is concerned other rival spiritual being is getting the glory he ought to get it's been our kernel and our evil minds and hearts choose to disregard them make something else anything ultimate reason to share today when we hear the word idolatry we tend to focus on a little wooden idols or clay objects that people hold made in their prayer and anything that holds a place as high as are above the Lord God you hope he calls the dolla dolla tree and I really don't think he's interested and are very logical counter-arguments our wife our children our wealth our health our retirement our jobs our safety our security our hobbies all have the potential become as gods these gods are indeed the gods of other people Moses says that has redeemed people Israel is not to adopt those gods therefore non redeemed people well so it is with us the chasing after money sex pleasure safety security at any cost any of that that's all for believe it's not that some proper level of these things are prohibited it's that we must constantly examine ourselves let's see if we deny the Lord is new place in our lives let's move on now and we're gonna reread a section of Deuteronomy we're gonna start at chapter 6 verse 16 if you have a complete Jewish Bible is page 205 Deuteronomy chapter 6 we're gonna start at verse 16 do not put I'll deny your God to the test as you tested him at masa observe diligently the meets both the commandments of Adonai your God and his instructions and laws which is given you you are to do what is right and good in the sight of ATO 9 so the things will go well with you and you will in turn possess the good land that had a nice word to your ancestors expelling all of your enemies ahead of you as that and I said now someday your child will ask you what is the meaning of the instructions and laws and rulings which Adonai our God has laid down for you then you'll tell your child we you were slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt honor and I brought us out of Egypt with a strong hand I don't I worked great and terrible signs and wonders against me Pharaoh all of his household before our very eyes he brought us out from there in order to give us give to us the land he'd sworn to our ancestors but he'd give us and out and I ordered us to observe all of these laws to pirata and I are gone always for our own good so that he might keep us alive as we are today it will be righteousness for us if we're fearful to obey all of these Commandments before Adonai our God just as you're starting in Deuteronomy 6 16 Moses tells Israel what they should not do and after Moses has explained them the Lord will mean all of Israel's needs so there's no purpose for them go around worshiping other people's God idols nor should they chief that chase that for the idolatrous gods or goals of the Canaanites such as well and power and pleasure Moses now explains to Israel what they should do and what Israel should do to obey God don't and by means of demonstration of example Moses points to an incident that happens very early on in the Exodus the incident at masa now really the vast majority of the people he's talking to you did not have this experience at Masada because they were neither either not born or they were very very young children yet it must be that this infamous happening had become part of the standard tales that parents told their children because most it makes no attempt to reiterate the circumstances the mere mention of the name masa was enough for his audience to fully understand his point but for your sake let me jog your memory my saw was the name given to a place where the Israelites lacked water to drink so they grumbled for Moses about it my saw with an M means and the idea is that the people doubted God's ability to provide for them and this person Deuteronomy says integrating some Hebrew do not NASA in NASA God as you did him at the place of tempting na saw it within means to put him on trial as a person accused of a crime put on trial it does not mean to try God's patience as it might seem to our mind so after Moses admonishes the people not ever be so audacious as to actually put God on trial as the first generation of the Exodus did with themselves as his judge rather this new generation should do what's called out in verse 17 they should obey God the idea is that Israel should not determine for themselves what's right what's wrong or whether God's laws and commandments are optional or fair or even just their job is not to question but to learn the laws and then to follow the law and this spot is fleshed out a little bit more when it says to always do what is right in the sight this is as opposed to doing what is right in their own sight and as we followers of Christ move along in both the Old Testament and new we're going to be exhorted on several occasions to do right in the sight of God here in Deuteronomy 6 we get the definition of what is right in the sight of God it is obeyed nothing to do with our being nice or being tolerant or pious looking or happy according to our and there is a divine reward for a bee here it is that Israel possesses the land and that God will drive out Israel's enemies and then things will go very well for Israel resuming now the thought that he stated in verse 7 that is critically important that the law be taught in succeeding generation Moses says that the Hebrew children will eventually be curious about Israel's unique way of life and they're gonna ask your parents why should they follow such laws and typically a child asked why something is done if they have something else to compare it to if there seems to be another viable way why do we gather in fellowship for worship God when all these other kids don't why do I have to eat my vegetables when I just rather have that larger piece of cake let's wait until the end of the meal why do we study Torah and Old Testament along with the New Testament when all my friends just read the gospel stories of Jesus why do we do that see it's the obvious differences that makes me the curiosity though says Moses when you're curious children notice these differences between what they're required to do versus what the pagans are required to do the Hebrew parents are to say the following thing to them and it begins with us with them saying we were slaves in Egypt and our God read from them in other words it's our industry that makes us so Union and as a result of this unique history that's based on a relationship with God this is why we follow the ways of the one who separated us away from all other peoples on earth and Moses says that parents are to say that after God has established them as a separate unique people and after God has redeemed them and after God has rescued them from slavery to an evil taskmaster after he has sent them to a land all their own then the lord commanded them to observe his appointed times and this festival and to revere him therefore says this great leader of Israel Moses it will be true our credit if we do with the Lord with all these things for us Dean I want to point out here that Moses saying to our credit in other Bibles it might say to our merit means that obedience brings about goodness and well-being that's translated Shalom in the Bible it brings about Shalom be toward towards us as a gift from God the things that he would like to give us he is now able to give us because it's the opposite when we disobey when we trespass against him so we incur guilt before God in that case his justice does not enable us enabled him to give us the Shalom the general well-being but he so greatly desires me instead is unmatched holiness has no choice but to deny us at least some some of the things he'd like to give us and to discipline let's move on to Deuteronomy chapter Deuteronomy chapter I deny your God is going to bring you into the land you will enter and order and he will expel many nations ahead of you the hittite the girgashites the amorite the Canaanites the Perizzites the Hivites and the Jebusites seven nations bigger and stronger than you and when he does this when Adonai your God hands them over ahead of you and you to beat them you are to destroy them completely don't make any covenant with them show them no mercy don't intermarry with them don't give your daughter to his son don't take his daughter or your son he will turn your children away from following me in order to serve other God if this happens the anger of IDA and I will flare up against you and he will quickly destroy you No treat them this way break down their altars mash their standing stones to pieces cut down their sacred bowls burn up their carved images completely for your people set apart as holy for Adonai your God Adonai your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his own unique treasure ah tonight didn't set his heart on you or choose you because you numbered more than on the contrary you were the fewest of all the people rather it was because that and I loved you because he wanted to keep the oath which he had sworn to your ancestors that and I brought you out with a strong hand redeemed you from a life of slavery under the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt from this you can know that Adonai your God is indeed God the faithful God who keeps his covenant he extends his grace to those who love Him who observe His commandments to a thousand generation but he repays those who hate them to their face he will not be slow to deal with someone who hates him he will repay him to his face therefore you are to keep the meathook man the laws and the rulings which I am you today you are bathing because you are listening to these words keeping and obey I don't know your God will keep with you the covenant and mercy that he swore to your ancestors you will love you bless you increase your numbers you will also bless the fruit of your body the fruit of your ground your grain wine olive oil the young of your cattle and sheep in the land he swore to your ancestors that he'd give to you you will be blessed more than all other people there will not be a sterile male or female among you and this thing with your livestock I don't I will remove all those you will not have licked you with any of each of dreadful diseases which you know instead he will lay them on those you are to devour all the peoples that a deny your God hands over to you show them no pity do not serve their gods because they'll become a trap for you if you think to yourselves oh these nations outnumber is how can we dis possess them nevertheless you're not to be afraid of them you're to remember well what a deny your God did the Pharaoh and all of Egypt the great ordeals which you yourselves call the signs the wonders the strong hand and outstretched arm by which Adonai your God brought you out odd and I will do the same to all the peoples of whom you're afraid moreover Adonai your God will send the Hornet among them until those who are left and those who hide themselves perish out of you you're not to be frightened of them because that and I hear God is there with you look great a God great and fearsome out and I your God will expel those nations ahead of you little by little you can't put it into the ball of one or the wild animals will become too numerous to reel nevertheless add and I hear God will give them over to you sending one disaster after another upon them until they have been destroyed he will hand their Kings over to you you will wipe out their name from under heaven none of them will be able to stand against you until you've destroyed them you are to burn up completely the carved statues of their gods don't be greedy or the so or gold on them don't take it with you or you'll be trapped fire for its aberrant to add an eye on your dog don't bring something aberrant in your house or you will share in the curse that is on it instead your to detest it completely blows it utterly or it is set apart for destruction there's an important principle that we must constantly refer back to when understand instructions that the holy God is given and will give concerning how Israel's to conduct the coming holy war and it is that Israel is to proceed knowing that God is the god of God is the God of all that everyone other than Israel by definition worshiped false gods the gods of their Gentile culture that are non-existent thoughts and therefore they do not honor the true creator not have to be noted first God has indeed the God of everything but that does not mean that every God honored by whatever name or characteristic he is known is on some level actually honoring Jehovah God and - because your home a is the god of everything in every one he has the right he has the authority to make decisions and choices the ones he's making you ho he has the right to dispossessed the Canaanites from their land he has the right to transfer that land to whomever he chooses because it's his land so let's talk for just a moment about that it's become increasingly popular in our day even among some Evangeline to say that it doesn't matter whether a person worship the name of Allah or Krishna or whomever because what these people don't know that they're all just actually worshiping Jesus I've heard that so many times I don't know it is from an insatiable desire for tolerance or beliefs at any cost I I don't know scriptural ignorant that this notion has been born but that doctrine so far from truth it's hard to overlook at their state if we accept that view and we have to wonder whether you even is such a thing as idolatry and if it is can it even exist on presentation were the Cain eggs Canaanites then actually worshipping the preincarnate Jesus when they are sacrificing their children to bail and commotion we're the amorite merely worshiping Jehovah God of Israel when they performed ritual prostitution before the fertility goddess Ashton it's only they didn't use the right name I mean I hope you see the problem here part of the issue is even the misconception of the Ebru word gentleman which in translated English means name the word Shem means far more than simply the formal familial identity that's given to someone it more means reputation nature that person's characteristics the Hebrews names held great me because embodied within the name was a set of attributes that the person with that name would be known by and would be expected to uphold so understand that when the Lord is ordering ish Israel not to worship other gods it's not only a matter of the Hebrews using an incorrect name to worship Him it's that the characteristics assigned to all those balls gods are the or opposites from the characteristics that define your whole they got this also means that we modern day believers have to be very careful when we willy-nilly define who God is and assign him characteristics he doesn't have or we take away those divine terrorists or character its characteristics that we would prefer he didn't have to make God a God who winks at sin baby doesn't take an action or a God who accept homosexuality and bestiality because he loves everyone and he places love above his laws and Commandments or he is a God who disciplines everybody but Christians see all this is a dangerous error to do any of this is to essentially define a God who doesn't exist and then to attach the name you have a to that God who is created from our own minds and our fanciful doctrines in our modern political stances if that's the purest definition of the meaning of idolatry you know many years ago I once knew a man who was a churchgoer for decades he was in an adult Sunday School way long ago and he came up to me after one particular lesson and said that he was very offended he was never gonna return and the issue was but on that day I had spoken about the Lord's Justice about the Lord's judgment and he told me that his God he was a God of pure love and nothing else but we have to be talking about you many times and true to his word he never came back to class now folks as much as we all love love and as much as we all recognize that perhaps the outstanding characteristic of our God is love that hardly defines all of its characteristics among other things God is a God of light he's got a creation he's got a salvation he's a God of mercy it's also a God of judgment he is a God our dimension he is not a man he's not a super man rather he's an entire he will spark new life he will preserve life and yet he will destroy life according to his sovereign will and purposes and what I'm listening here is embarrassingly inadequate to define even a fraction God is but the Lord has also given us enough of his characteristics by means of his written word and has shown us how these characteristics are in a perfect proportion and balance that for us to ever assign his name to another God whose characteristics are grossly definite different and inferior that's an abomination of the highest order therefore verse 1 says that you're holding your God is going to bring you Israel and to Canaan and expel the current inhabitants in order that you Israel will possess it and then seven nations are names that are going to be removed from that land and replaced by Israel now although we talk about this concept of possessing the land quite some time ago I want to briefly remind you that to possess it will not mean to own it when it comes to the land of Canaan the term possessed is used because the land had always been set apart for specially used by the Lord and it will always be over and over again the Torah and the whole remainder of the Bible informs us the whole day God is the sole and permanent owner of the land of Canaan meantime certainly allow their own and to buy this held chunks of real estate they're here in America earned Europe and throughout most of the world the concept of a man owning a piece of property is not only legal and foundational and almost all of our societies but there's no scriptural prohibition against Mary however this does not apply the one well-defined piece of land in the Middle East the Bible Falls painting and then essentially this ball eventually rather is called Israel because that piece of land the Lord is only willing to lease it out the Lord retains all rights to revoke any time so Israel has no right to sell land for one another let alone corner this land is special it's holy it's set apart it's reserved for God is the headquarters of his earthly Kingdom becoming God we find this concept of possession versus ownership at the forefront of the laws of the Jubilee whereby land that has been sold so to speak has to be returned the original owner this law only applies to the holy land nowhere else or in more correct terms the use of the land that has been transferred to somebody else is eventually terminated and the use of that land then is ultimately restored for the person who is originally assigned to in the law the law of Moses the price that a person could charge or land was based only on what the land could produce between the time he leases it and the occasion of the next Jubilee because it's only the use of the land that can be temporarily transferred I hope you see the significant difference between owning and possessing and why why is when Israel was exiled from the land the Lord was but revoking Israel's use of the land because it means of discipline and was only transferring the use of the land to Israel's conquers for a set time because these talkers were God's proxy for his punishment of his people and it is also why this abomination called the roadmap to peace or the Oslo Accords or whatever the name of the current negotiations is the so called peace planner for the governments of men of course the transfer of ownership of portions of God's land or even to transfer or possession of portions of that land from Israel to somebody else this is disobedience it's arrogance at the highest level it's just daring dodging the act for a sizable segment of the church those plans even for many Jews to assert that this is a very good thing well that's just painful thing for me to witness so what we have in Deuteronomy chapter 7 is Moses addressing a series very specific issues that the Israelites are going to face when they are thinking and in addition to the issue of land possession is what to do about the people who currently live there how are they going to be dealt with and the Israelites are told in a nutshell there to grant the Canaanites no terms and give them an important they are not intermarry this means no Hebrew sons marry tonight women know he daughters been being given in marriage whatever Canaanites might remain in the land are to have their altars of sacrifice to their false gods torn down and kind of any kind of religious pillar or monument for one God or another's to be smashed their idols their images of the gods that are discovered are to be thrown into a fire and burned up now what exactly does all this amount is this about is this suggesting merciless genocide now first keeping the Canaanites no terms of no quarter mean no agreements or treaties are keeping between Israel and the cane eyes that would allow them to remain there as their own sovereign societies it means that Israel is not to essentially do what's always done in these kinds of situations since time immemorial that is to allow a foreign King to remain King over his own people in return for that King paying taxes and tribute and contributing a tribute and contributing labor to the Conqueror in this case would be Israel as far as those Canaanites who refused to bow down to the God of Israel are not to be allowed to remain in the land rather than to be forcibly expelled and if they insist on fighting to the death today there'd be a colony now despite the thought that many rabbis would like to leave because with the overly simplistic tales that we've all been told about how the II Bruce did not intermarry and for long stretches of time stayed very pure in their gene pool nothing could be further from either biblical truth or historical reality Hebrew men just could not seem to resist the charms of these various beautiful pagan women and constantly brought them home with them and integrated them in the ether Society in the book of Judges we see even the great Samson Mary who this though was just the tip of the iceberg because in the Middle Eastern cultures Israel included a girl didn't have much choice and whom she married her father made that determination usually it was based on how big of an of a gift a man a man might offer the father in return for his daughter's hand in marriage that a father would offer his daughter to the highest bidder sure bothered some of you this kind of bad seems like but an Israelite father would allow a non Hebrew to be one of the bidders well that was forbidden the problem with a Hebrew man marrying a foreign woman one's except in rare cases she would bring with her the pagan ways of her tribe and along with it the family pressure in the new fluids from her kin for her new husband to at least be tolerant and respectful of her and their beliefs we will eventually see their revered in Solomon married literally hundreds of born waters the openly tolerant of their worship and even a range were altars to be built for them so they could sacrifice to their own false God for a Hebrew woman to be married off to a foreign man was a terrible predicament for that woman because once she was wed that foreigner she lost her dad further the children she bore now be considered Gentiles apart from Israel the redemption that she had as a birthright was gone the redemption that her children could have had as a person life gone so the effect of disobeying the command not intermarry with any one of these seven named people group Jabbar region now as for these seven nations I'm not going to try to carefully to find them all and complex problems most of them were just tribes descended from even a grandson of Noah they could all rightly be lumped together and given the general identities inna Knights and they often are in the same way that a man from the tribe of Judah or Reuben or Benjamin could rightly be called an Israelite because he was descended from Jacob called Israel however that was not the case for every nation of that seven that were specifically mentioned some of these names are less about tribe more about simply describing what region they have which is which isn't important what is important are the reasons for the drastic action being called for by God the prohibition against a peace treaty against any form of tolerance against intermarriage and it is that the Israelite children meaning descendant of future generations would be drawn away from God and into idolatry I want you to note this statement is the statement of fact it's not an idle threat it's not a hypothetical warning that is the Lord is saying if you do any of these things I'm telling you don't do one hundred percent certain that the result will be a falling away from the true religion and an adoption or a blending in of paganism I want you to hear this any of us who have lived long enough have at one time or another succumbed to this reality there's absolutely no way that we can marry a non-believer or buy into the ways of the non-believing world worship their gods or even get close enough to the ways of the world to gain the benefits while trying not to get sucked in not having some tough consequences as a result I heard so many say how many believers when they do decide to venture down this dangerous path yeah I know it's dangerous but I'm strong in the Lord so I'll be all right really good luck the problem is that what we're saying when we either think that way or we make that kind of statement is that we can do the very things the Lord says don't do but to somehow you'll honor it and then make sure that none of the bad stuff happens to us do we often go long periods of time when it seems in the fundamental for Israel's survival in Canaan was the disobedience and idolatry would automatically bring divine calamity the nature that calamity would reign harassment foreigners famine - having wicked Israelite kings who would be oppressive to their own people and I'm a couple of occasions outright eviction from the land exile so Moses explains a couple of facts of life hey don't get too big for your britches when you do gain possession of the land because isn't your might or your military acumen or overwhelmingly large numbers of soldiers that's going to win the day it's only because the Lord has decided if they were you Israel he has essentially discriminated against it's only this reality that Israel is able to receive victory in this monumental past was impossible past and second this is really all about of an Old Covenant the God made to the patriarchs that Israel is receiving Canaan as their soul but Moses warned all of this can be reversed at least for a time if you fail to observe so starting in verse 12 more reasons are given for Israel to be obedient sometimes these passages remind me talks I've had with my own children particularly when they were growing out most parents will reminisce and speak of talking to their kids until they're blue in the face trying to get some very important messages across of looking into those blank disinterested faces with their faraway stares saying the same thing in as many ways as we can think of and hope that the nuances of this message will somehow hit home and that our beloved offspring will eat some advice and avoid serious trouble somehow I picture Moses looking into the thousands of these blank faces knowing oh boy as soon as I'm done you guys are just gonna run for the hills rebellion shall be there but it won't be for naught tribe and the Lord lays out the mercy and the abundance is just waiting for Israel under the conditions that means to establish the women will be fertile Israel's population will blossom the soil will produce the animals will thrive serious disease and pestilence won't even be allowed to enter the Hebrews but it will strike now they're enemies they live right next door the Lord will cause Israel to be greatly victorious in battle but this is only so long as the Israelite warriors know their foes no pity oh that really goes against the Christian great event well just refer back to the God principle laid out in a nice part is greed just as much as Israel and what he decides is their faith is updating you it's just we've been well schooled think of the concept of loss and calamity more in terms of shrinking bank account or a home being repossessed or our job is eliminated or maybe even a loved one dies of a terrible accident horrifying disease but here the Lord is talking about wiping out entire nations on a wholesale basis to accomplish his will of giving the land Canaan as he has promised in Israel this reality is what has led to this imply that not outright stated doctor and the god of the Old Testament is a quite different nature than the god of the New Testament and I remind you though that the god of the Old Testament is going to continue this holy war upon people who are not his elect on a scale unimaginable to our human mind the Battle of Armageddon it is going to be the bloodiest most devastating ending this holy war that began with Joshua at the helm and hundreds of millions are going through the dock and who is gonna lead that battle who are we told I'm gonna lead that battle Jesus Christ Yeshua our Messiah the god of the New Testament is gonna make what went on in pain three thousand years ago look like child's play starting in verse 17 Moses addresses what he knows how does he know it because he saw the same thing thirty-eight years earlier people really like the idea of having this wonderful land all their own but they don't much like the part about having to fight and many of them losing their lives thirty-eight years ago the people were so afraid of war that they betrayed God and the consequences are well known so Moses is trying to ward off these very natural fears that this younger generation might have bear in mind what God did to Egypt and he's going to do the essentially the same thing to the Canaanites for you then Moses tells them not to be concerned because it's too many Canaanites are killed too quickly or the land is purged of them and fast Israel won't even have the necessary time to establish security so wild animals are going to move in I mean does this sound a little like what we kind of encountered and maybe there's a rat war that seems going on forever I mean what the Lord is doing in the instructions for attacking Canaan is actually very practical even though it does kind of go against human tendencies in Iraq all now agree that although we invaded and we won rap what seems like a miraculous fashion actually - perhaps we got big-headed about it we didn't take the time needed to conquer smaller stones established your areas move on take another one do the same than another we tried to swallow an elephant in one bite boy it's coming great you're awesome the wild animals al-qaeda other terrorist organizations guess what they've moved in at the same time just as God and Moses know that the people are going to be short-sighted and impatient so Moses is preparing the people for what will happen this would be identical reason that our government decided it would not go slow and taking Iraq because the American one fast result the best and most brutal way of attacking Iraq would never have been accepted by an American or a world public once a video game conference over in an hour and nobody actually believed me I make any kind of political speech I'm trying to use it in illustration that most will easily recognize that this is very parallel with what Moses is facing however says the Lord don't let this floor speed seem to you as though maybe things aren't going well that's not what's happening here rather I'll deliver the Canaanite Kings up to you and throw the King and I armies into a complete panic so that they'll often just run away the victory will be so complete as it says in verse 24 that not even the names of the kings and military leaders will be remembered then Moses returns to the two aspects of idolatry that we talked about on a few occasions don't hate their idols because you're liable to worship them and don't even take the golden silver they're made out of because the desire for all that gold and silver is just as idolatrous as the idols themselves and as the Lord says in verse 26 the utterly detest in eager but Israel or we might bring his presents and rivals in therefore whatever that thing that could be a rival to him is it must be destroyed not because God is a miser or a curmudgeon and doesn't want us to have nice bangs or a comfortable life it's because of the danger to our relationship that's what next time we'll start [Music] yes you [Music] yes you
Channel: Torah Class
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Id: 5YzM4mSvp4M
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Length: 52min 34sec (3154 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 01 2019
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