Les secrets de Mein Kampf | Seconde Guerre mondiale (Documentaire)

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April 1945, The Second World War ends in Berlin. The fighting is particularly violent, The whole world suddenly realizes the incredible scale of this unprecedented conflict. More than 50 million dead. Never had a war been so deadly. In this chaos, The Allies discovered, stunned, the concentration camps. The shock is such, That the Americans sometimes oblige the Germans, Come and see the horror for themselves. The Shoah, The millions of deaths from the fighting. Some Germans swear, knowing nothing of this disaster. Moreover, at the Nuremberg trials, Faced with the horror of the facts, This is also what some Nazis say, Like Hermann Goering, Here, on the left. Yet, A man will loudly proclaim the opposite. The Briton, Elwyn Jones, Deputy prosecutor. According to him, this mind-boggling nightmare was written in advance. The Nazis never hid their intentions. For those who could read, There was Mein Kampf, The words from the Führer's brain. Mein Kampf, literally My fight. The Nazi Bible, written by Adolf Hitler. A sulfurous book which would have led to the worst, As Elwyn Jones says. From Mein Kampf, The path leads directly to the furnaces of Auschwitz, And to the gas chambers of Majdanek. And at the time, This is precisely what some Germans think. I said to myself, history has proven it. Mein Kampf played a role in the preparation, One of the greatest crimes on a global scale. The content of the book is shocking, Because that’s his plan of action. So were the Holocaust and the war written in Mein Kampf? Besides, what exactly does this book say? Nearly a century after its first publication, The work continues to divide. This book should no longer exist. It is the story of the hatred of peoples, A crazy path that leads to loss. All written by a little man who firmly believes what he has written. It really is, obviously, An anti-Semitic firestorm, of a violence which really, Sometimes even when reading is hard to read. If you want to know Hitler, Its springs, its mechanisms, We cannot do without this book. Here is the secret story, From one of the best-selling political books in the world. 12 and a half million copies published before 1944. A cursed book, from a man who embodies absolute evil. A book banned in many countries for 70 years. A book with an incredible destiny. It all started in November 1918. At the end of the First World War, German soldiers return home. And among these millions of men, There is one who still does not accept this defeat, Adolf Hitler. He was then just a modest corporal about to be demobilized. Adolf Hitler, after the First World War, Is a complete stranger. And it's someone who, At the time, he was born in 1889, 30 years old, Has very little future prospects. What is likely to happen to Hitler after the war, And what he feels, obviously, It is to rediscover the life that was his, Before the war. That is to say basically, To put it quickly, The life of a failure. Hitler has no job, no money, no family. So he'll hold on to what's left, The army. And that’s precisely where a man will notice it. Captain Karl Mayr. He spots talents, Which can power 2 things. On the one hand, the army intelligence services, And on the other hand, the propaganda service, Including the possibility of having speakers. Karl Mayr therefore hires Hitler as a spy. His mission, Infiltrate the PAD, The German Workers' Party, A far-right party. And there, Hitler felt particularly comfortable there. He does what he was asked to do, But he does much more, Because at a certain moment, he speaks. And then there, This is a key moment, Because he discovers what he didn't know. It's his talent as an orator. And it's in Munich, In breweries like this, That Hitler gradually becomes the leader of the PAD. Several times a week, He launches into monologues for 2 hours straight. At the beginning, He only seduces a handful of activists, But it will end up captivating thousands of people. At the beginning of the 20s, Hitler is a skilled brewery agitator. But he has no intention of writing. In fact, an event will change the situation. What is happening, There is the example of Mussolini. Who made his march on Rome and it gave Hitler ideas. So in November 1923, Hitler imitated Mussolini. He is 34 years old. He is at the head of a rising party. And beside him stands a hero of the First World War, General Ludendorff. In Munich, The two men decide that the time has come, To take power by force. Hitler and his troops abruptly interrupt a meeting, Where is the government of Bavaria located? In the middle of this meeting, Hitler appears. Revolver shots are fired at the ceiling. There is a rather operetta putsch aspect to the operation, As he arrives, he fires a pistol. He makes big speeches. At the time, We do not yet know his caricature by Charlie Chaplin, But we imagine it looks like this. And he threatens those who do not want to follow him. But the operation will fail. Behind their barricades, in the middle of the street, The putschists are crushed by the army. 16 of them will be killed. Hitler is safe and sound, But he is arrested and then incarcerated in this prison, Landsberg Fortress, Located 60km from Munich. And when he arrives, Hitler is at his lowest. We know that Hitler weighed 72 kg when he arrived, And he will lose weight quickly. He became depressed, He begins a hunger strike. He had even, it is said, Thought of committing suicide after the failure of the putsch. It is a pitiful failure and not only, He didn't get the audience he wanted in Bavaria, But he became the laughing stock of all the newspapers. Hitler's story could have ended there. And yet, from the bottom of cell number 7, Where we least expect it. He will be reborn from his ashes. Because he knows it, he risks the death penalty. So, for the first time in his life, He will write 60 pages. In fact, he is preparing his defense for his future trial. From there, the idea was born in him to talk about his experiences, Of his opponents in writing, To make a sort of settling of scores. In 1923, it was therefore a settling of scores with his adversaries. 3 months later, Journalists jostle at the opening of the trial. In this historic photo, Here are the coup plotters. Accused of high treason, They will all plead not guilty. All except one, who stands up to the judge, Adolf Hitler. And there, He uses this trial as a platform. Hitler had charisma and his contemporaries felt it. This is what is fatal about this character, This is because he managed to influence people personally. People were hanging on his lips. Everything he fantasized, people believed. Ultimately, Ludendorff was acquitted. The other defendants received minimum sentences. As for Hitler, he also emerged victorious from this trial. He risked the death penalty. He only received 5 years in prison. And yet, he’s only going to be there for 9 months. And in exceptional conditions. In his cell, he has access to newspapers. He drinks his tea from porcelain cups. With breathtaking views of the countryside. Better yet, dressed in civilian clothes, He talks with his fellow inmates. And among them he finds friends, His former putsch comrades, Like Rudolf Hess, Who would become one of the key figures of the Third Reich. They had the right to go to the common room whenever they wanted during the day. They were free to move and talk to each other. It was a bit like roommates between men. In this 4-star prison, Hitler is treated like a star. Since his trial, he has become a minor celebrity. Everyone wants to see him or give him a gift. He thus receives biscuits, Flowers, Letters of encouragement from his fans, Like this one that starts with, My dear beloved Führer. Personalities from Bavaria are also flocking, To come and talk to him. The visit register is full to bursting, Just like his cards, Who detail each interview, To the minute. And among the 330 visitors, There are a few celebrities. General Ludendorff, But also Wagner's granddaughter. Many encourage him to continue writing. And in particular Hélène Bechstein, The heiress of the piano brand, Will deliver him a decisive gift, A brand new Remington. She often visited him, And so we think it's really her, Because it was a very expensive machine at the time. It was not obvious to have such a device. Hitler has time, His party needs to be rebuilt, And he needs money to pay his lawyers. So, he said to himself that writing a book might be a good idea. From there a myth was born. Hitler, the speaker would not have written anything. He simply dictated his text to Émil Maurice and Rudolf Hess. But today, historians think the opposite. The Führer typed his text himself in prison. The first volume in Landsberg, he wrote alone. Rudolf Hess didn't know how to type very well anyway. Hess learned how to use it in prison. The others didn't help him much in this regard. He worked alone on his typewriter. This idea we have of Hitler dictating his text, It is a mistake. It's wrong. Hitler rewrites his own history. He takes on the role of a hero. But not only. He took advantage of his incarceration to devour dozens of books, Like this Essay on the Inequality of Human Races by Frenchman Gobineau. Or, A work with the eloquent title Rassenhygiene, Breed hygiene. Today it may seem revolting, But at the time, These pseudo-scientific theories have had some success. The newspapers talk about race without any embarrassment. Hitler will draw there, his source of inspiration. He's going to make it a collector. He'll put it all together, In a kind of relatively indigestible broth. Simply, he manages to give it a terrible coherence, Nightmarish, From a purely racial reading of these facts. So, over the months, Hitler will refine a frightening theory, That of the racial struggle. At the top of an imaginary pyramid are the Arians, In other words, the Germans, In constant war to preserve the purity of their race. Their worst enemies? The Jew, Considered a scourge. It is and remains the typical parasite, The dehorner, who, Like a harmful bacillus, it spreads ever further. The effect produced by its presence is that of parasitic plants. Where it settles, The people who welcome it die out after a more or less long time. The Jews, Juden in German. It is one of the most quoted words in Mein Kampf. It appears 373 times, On average one page out of two. An obsession with Hitler. According to him, They would be responsible for all of Germany's failures, Including the defeat of 1918. He tries to convince the Germans, Of an international conspiracy, Behind which are the Jews, To destroy Germany and which explains all their misfortunes. His only strength there, It is to cover the whole spectrum, Anti-Semitic speech and bringing it to its maximum intensity level. At the end of 1924, Hitler leaves prison with hundreds of pages under his arm. And its extremely violent text against the Jews, He will have no difficulty in publishing it. Because with its notoriety, publishers are scrambling. The first books are starting to come out about him. The newspapers are talking about him. He was a media star at the time, Well, not quite a star, But in any case someone very well known outside Bavaria, And even outside Germany. And so, The prospect of having his first biography, Was very tempting. Hitler has a choice. So he will opt for the publisher who promises him the most money, Max Amann. He also happens to be a friend, His former sergeant, during the war of 14-18. He runs a small publishing house, And he shares the same extremist ideas. Only before releasing the book, We still need to find a good title. And it is far from won. The first title of Mein Kampf, It is: Four and a half years of fighting against lies, Cowardice and weakness. Much is said in this title, But at the same time, It's not a catchy title. There, the publisher Max Amann told him:. "Look, it's not publicity enough, We need to make the text shorter!” More collected, Synthetic, And that could just be catchy. In reality, It is unclear precisely who chose the final title. One thing is certain, it will be Mein Kampf, My battle. And for its release, The far-right press is increasing its advertising inserts. The best Christmas gift, Assured this newspaper in December 1925. But when it arrives in bookstores, surprise, It's far from a success. A few thousand copies attracted supporters of Nazism. But the work does not break through as much as expected. Worse, some newspapers are assassinating him. “Hitler is an agitator who no longer understands the world.” “These ideas come from a deranged mind.” The truth, This is because Mein Kampf is a largely unreadable book. Already for contemporaries, it is a kind of jumble, Kind of volcanic eruption, Not completely mastered. What is true, This is because public expectations were linked to the putsch. We wanted sensational revelations, On this coup d'état. That Hitler is telling secret things. The wait was very high. People were hoping for a political bomb to explode, And that, This was not at all what was in Mein Kampf. But Hitler insists. In 1928, he even wrote another work, Totally unknown, Nicknamed The Secret Book. A pavement, again very aggressive. However, this second book was never printed during his lifetime. The publisher refused it because the sales of Mein Kampf were not very good. Thus, Hitler's favorite book could have left it there, And be nothing more than a confidential pamphlet. However, his destiny is about to change. We are in 1930, The American economic crisis is hitting Germany hard. A country already weakened. In the space of 4 years, The country has 4 million more unemployed. In the elections, The Germans shun the classic parties and vote for the extremes. Hitler's party goes from 3 to 18%. Immediately, sales of Mein Kampf soared. 54,000 copies sold in 1930 alone. We want to know what people think, What does this Hitler want? Which has now become part of the German political landscape. And then, in his quest for power, This book will improve the image of the fuhrer. It establishes Hitler's credibility, Who is no longer just an agitator, Who is no longer just a tribune, But who is also a writer. And that was something in Germany that mattered. Germany is a country which even today, Revere the Herr Doktor or Herr Professor. 1933, Hitler astonishes the whole world. He reaches the summit of power almost by surprise. He is appointed chancellor. However, its legitimacy only rests on 37% of the votes. However, to realize his dreams of grandeur and conquest, Contained in Mein Kampf, He's going to need a united Germany. So, with the help of Goebbels, He will put in place one of the theories of his book, Propaganda. Any effective propaganda must be limited to few strong points, And promote them with stereotypical formulas for as long as it takes. Until the last of the listeners is able to grasp the idea. And one of the tools of this mass propaganda, It will of course be Mein Kampf. Very quickly, The state recommends that civil servants buy it. From 1936, Town halls offer it to newlyweds. And then the führer seduces the industrialists. Thanks to rearmament, Their orders are multiplied by 8. So, companies like Krupp, Distribute it with all their might. We received it for birthdays or holidays. Or it was given like we distribute a premium or a bonus, In case of good performance. And to boost its sales, The publisher offers the book in all formats. Braille edition for the blind. Luxury version with marble cover, Edged gold-plated pages, A limited series for high-ranking Nazi dignitaries. And the ultimate in propaganda, A huge version in bible format. It was a symbol of domination for the National Socialists. It was considered the bible of Nazism. And what was even more important than the book itself, It was the symbolic function. The fact that we say Mein Kampf, We know, This is the Führer's book. The book by force became a bestseller. Enough to ensure Hitler's fortune. With its copyright, He will win the equivalent of tens of millions of euros. He can afford his famous eagle's nest, The Berghof, And satisfy his taste for luxurious Mercedes. In all, 12 and a half million copies were printed in Germany, Until 1944. And for each copy, Hitler earned about a Reichsmark. That means he won with this book, At least 12 and a half million Reichsmarks. Only behind these massive distributions. Is Mein Kampf really read? Not sure, With its 700 pages and its arduous text, Where the work is off-putting. In 1940, Karl-Heinz Rine is enlisted in the Wehrmacht as a nurse. In his family, his father had received a copy from his company, But this gift did not please him much. My father put the book on a shelf. And he stayed there until 1945. My father looked inside, And he said it was a pure declaration of war. And he added: “I won’t read this nonsense.” In fact, at the time, like many other Germans, Karl and his father underestimate Hitler. Hitler, We didn't take it seriously. A man who writes such a thing, We didn't think he would stay in power. And then we made jokes about him, He was made fun of. Finally, it's true, Maybe we should have taken it seriously. In other families, however, The book crystallizes all fears. In the eastern suburbs of Berlin, On the banks of the Spree, Lutz Rackow, Remembers perfectly the first time he heard about Mein Kampf. In 1938, Lutz was only 6 years old. His father, Otto, was an architect. One night, He gathers friends at his home to tell them about Hitler's book. I was sitting under the table instead of in bed, Because I was curious about what he was saying. And I heard my father telling them over and over again, “But read this book, read this book.” And obviously he wasn't talking about the Bible, Or something else, but Mein Kampf. Lutz doesn't know if his father's friends followed his advice. But one thing is certain, His father was one of the rare Germans, To be aware of the predicted disasters, In the Nazis' landmark book. He was of the opinion, That all the answers were in Mein Kampf. Everything the Nazis were going to do. At that time, What I remember, Hitler spoke of freedom, Freedom, Freedom. And in reality, he was preparing for war with all his might! And of course, This war in preparation must remain entirely secret. And this is precisely what is starting to embarrass Hitler. He is afraid that his plans will already be revealed in his book. Indeed, certain passages announce future conquests. The aim of our foreign policy, To assure the German people of their rightful territory in this world. The land will justify the sacrifice of our own children. And in his thirst for living space. Hitler targets a particular country, France. The mortal enemy, The merciless enemy of the German people is and remains France. Mein Kampf, foresees the idea of ​​revenge against France, A military revenge. And furthermore, There are pages in Mein Kampf, Of great violence against France, Which is ultimately considered the symbol of racial mixing. A country of Negroes, This is the word that is used by Hitler and a country of Jews. And if the French took his threats seriously, They could prevent the rearmament of Germany. So Hitler will adopt a very cheeky strategy. November 1933, in Berlin, the Führer receives a French journalist, Fernand de Brinon, A supporter of rapprochement with Germany. He speaks German and has undoubtedly already read passages from Mein Kampf. And there, Hitler will give him a scoop. The very first French interview with the new chancellor. And when De Brinon questions the Führer about his anti-French declarations, Inscribed in his book, Hitler will use a trick, Old as the world, The lie. Hitler explains that he only wants peace, That he himself is a veteran, That Europe has suffered too much. And obviously, Brinon is forced to ask him the question that many are asking. Because indeed Mein Kampf is known for saying, But listen in Mein Kampf this is not what you say. In Mein Kampf, These are not words of peace towards France, On the contrary, these are war words. And there, Hitler has this answer by explaining, "I changed", As a politician would ultimately do today, Who would be faced with a youthful text. I changed, I wrote this text while I was in prison, In the excitement of that moment and today I am chancellor. The interview will make the front page of the newspaper Le Matin, One of the great daily newspapers of the time. With a statement from the Führer which is intended to be reassuring. "War would not solve anything, It would only make the state of the world worse.” But in France, A man doesn't believe a word of it, And will do everything to fight Hitler's book. This man is Fernand Sorlot, A publisher who is starting to break through in Paris in the 1930s. Fernand Sorlot is a modest publisher, These New Latin Editions publish essays, Related to political news. He published many political texts, But he published a lot of literature. This is the fourth or fifth publisher, From authors of foreign novels. Fernand Sorlot, man on the right, Then admire Mussolini. But Hitler and his favorite work worry him a lot. In any case, this is the memory that François-Xavier Sorlot keeps, One of the publisher's sons. 30 or 40% of the text is anti-French. It's really an attack, if you like, On the country. So he didn't make 14. He was too young, But he had met my mother already then, And I mean my mother was very anti-German, Since my maternal grandfather was killed immediately in the war of 14. Sorlot would like to print Hitler's book, To alert the French. And at the same time to make a good commercial move. Problem is, it could cost him dearly. There are 700 pages to translate. And above all Max Amann and Hitler refused any translation into French. Mein Kampf full of anti-French passages, It is obviously absolutely unthinkable, That the unexpurgated version of the text be distributed in French. Fernand Sorlot is therefore in a dead end. Until the day he was summoned to the Ministry of Veterans Affairs. There he is received discreetly. A secret operation is being prepared. Sorlot is put in contact with a character, A Jewish veteran, Who's called Maurice Vanikoff, And who will introduce it into ministerial circles, The Department of Veterans Affairs, And it is through this ministry that a team, But unofficially of course, Will be collected. Sorlot then launches into a race against time. He wants to translate Mein Kampf into French as quickly as possible. And to get there, The ministry provides 7 experienced translators. Better yet, LICA, The League Against Anti-Semitism, Buys him 5000 copies, Or 50,000 francs in favor of Sorlot. Which is an absolutely determining role, Since we can clearly see that in an operation like this, Which must be carried out quickly, Things have to go quickly. We have to mobilize money and she knew how to do it. The work came out in February 1934 with a shocking slogan, “Every French person must read this book.” And the same meaning of the formula with this advertising poster. She plays on the fear that Mein Kampf inspires, And prophesies, A second war will come. Sorlot has pulled off a nice editing move. However, the matter will take another turn. Hitler is furious. The small French publisher is ruining its propaganda. Hitler, obviously, Does not want the French to have access to his text, Without the mediation of his propaganda and his speeches. Hitler at that time was in an offensive, Pseudo peaceful, Where he proclaims from the rooftops to anyone who will listen, I am peaceful, I don't want war, etc. Mein Kampf, from this point of view, Bores him. It's a thorn in his side. Then the chancellor takes Sorlot to court. The affair will take place here in Paris, At the commercial court. On June 5, 1934, German and French lawyers clash. Right to alert public opinion against copyright. Sorlot, against the most powerful man in Germany. The sentence falls 13 days later. And it can seem incredibly shocking. French justice rules in favor of the dictator. Prohibition on printing, selling, Or to sell Mein Kampf, Under penalty of 100 francs per infraction. Existing books must be destroyed. But the French won't do anything about it. He will circumvent the law with abbreviated versions, In other words, pirate editions, Published without the authorization of the author. Bonus, He will even manage to sell off his stock with the complicity of the police. He sold a fairly considerable number of books during this period, Even after court conviction, Because the Germans complained that the book was still on sale, So requesting entries from the publisher. And my father received a phone call from the local police station, To say him : “We’re going to come and seize your place to see if you continue to sell the book.” And presto, we put the books in a truck, he told me. And the police came, there was nothing left. And in the evening, the truck returned and the next day, we started again. On the other hand, Sorlot will fail on one point. The book in no way alarms the French elites. Even the 4000 copies distributed by LICA have no effect. Decision-makers are blinded by Hitler's pacifist remarks. For them, the book is too violent to be real. It is unthinkable, To carry out the policy that is announced in Mein Kampf. So, we think that Hitler will put water in his wine. So there is a refusal to see, Not only the violence there is in Mein Kampf, Better to ignore it, burying your head in the sand, But also a refusal to understand that German political culture, Makes Hitler do what he says. In the meantime, the ideas of the book, Gradually penetrate the spirits, In the streets or on the airwaves. Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda, Read extracts from Mein Kampf. The Reich even developed a low-cost radio, To enter every home. And at school, Some teachers advocate the cult of the Führer. The children sing it, They are ready to live and die for Hitler, Their savior, The noblest spirit in Germany. In fact, Hitler put into practice what he had written in his book. Thus, his hatred of the Jews is displayed in broad daylight. "German! Your enemy is the Jew" indicates this sign. The newspapers are full of shocking caricatures, Showing Jews in monstrous guise, Controlling the world. And by dint of hammering home this rejection of the Jews. Some end up adopting this terrible discourse. I know that one day my brother came home from school crying, And my mother asked him why he was sad. My brother replied that Mr. ****, who was Jewish, Gave him candy. And the other children said to my brother: “He who eats from the hands of the Jews will die!” I heard the story and said to myself: "I don't have any candy, so I'm not in danger." In a perverse, insidious way, Anti-Semitism is taking hold in Germany. But for all that, Is the Shoah included in Mein Kampf? For once, historians are unanimous. So obviously, Mein Kampf does not announce the gas chambers, of course. But on this point, for example, Mein Kampf theorizes for pages on end, The fact that Germany is engaged in a fight to the death, Of which there can be only one winner, Between the racially pure German people and the Jews, for example. The Germans must have known, From what Hitler had planned, roughly speaking, With or without Mein Kampf. Hitler never left any doubt that he wanted, Modify the Treaty of Versailles and take revenge on France. And that, in the mind of someone with reason, This can only be linked to the war. But how was the war going to be fought? Against who ? What future did he reserve for the countries of the East? That was not written in his book Mein. Until the end, Until the eve of war, The Europeans will cling to the idea of ​​a possible peace with the Führer. October 1938, Hitler announces that he will annex Czechoslovakia. This is a violation of the borders defined in 1918. Europe is on the brink of war and everything will be decided here in Munich. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, And the Minister of Defense Édouard Daladier were dispatched there urgently. Eventually, He prefers to abandon the Czech ally, In exchange for a promise of peace from Hitler. He then signed the famous Munich agreements. At their return, The French and the British will be welcomed as heroes. This morning, I had a new discussion with the German Chancellor, Hitler. And I have a paper here that has his name and mine on it. The agreement signed last night and the Anglo-Germanic Naval Agreement, Symbolizes the desire of our two peoples never to go to war one day. Peace seems saved. “Don’t worry about clear, go on vacation.” Advises La Presse. Who is the politician who wanted to say: “I declare war!” ? Which politician wanted to say:. “I’m going to war!” ? The majority of European societies are pacifist, Never again war, Never again the First World War, Never again the butchery. And even after Munich, Few of the elites foresee the war enshrined in Mein Kampf. Churchill or the young Colonel de Gaulle read it very early. They say they are devastated, but at the time, They are not in a position of strength. But de Gaulle is not in business. In England, Churchill. But he became something of an outsider in the 1930s. In 1939, this pacifist speech, Meticulously maintained, Collapses suddenly. Germany attacks Poland. And it didn't take long to invade a good part of Europe. Reich troops parade in Paris. Hitler is jubilant. The whole world trembles at the thought of falling under the yoke of the Nazis. At this moment, Elites revise their judgment on Mein Kampf. My Kampf, We discover its harmfulness and we discover that, Hitler implements the policy he announced. There is a discovery, Of what already existed, But that we hadn't seen, Or that we didn't want to see. It is then that the destiny of the book will suddenly change. Before 1939, the Allies did not see the danger in him. Now they're going to make him a scarecrow, The object of effective counter-propaganda. And it's happening in the United States. There, Americans demonstrate against the war. The man in the street is not very excited, At the idea of ​​going to deliver Europe. Another war? Not for me. This time, America should not go. Regarding the war in Europe, I think we should stay out of this conflict. For me, it's no. Yes, let's fight! No ! No ! So the authorities broadcast spots like this. The scene takes place in a church, At mass time. To mobilize the troops, The film is aimed at the minorities denigrated in the book. Mein Kampf then becomes a weapon of persuasion. I'm not going to read you all, But there are one or two things that should interest you in this book. I quote : "From time to time, illustrated newspapers, Show how a Negro became a lawyer, Professor and sometimes even minister. He does not appear to America degenerate, Let this truly be a sin against reason. A criminal madness to train someone born half-ape, It's as if they made him a lawyer." This book was written 20 years ago. And the plan he pursues has come true. At the same time, on the other side of the Atlantic, The propaganda around the book is intensifying. War is also a battle of ideas. And to win, The Reich wants to impose its Nazi gospel in schools. But this time, The operation takes place in the conquered territories. It is a little-known page of history. Part of France will find itself Nazified. These are Alsace and Moselle. From 1940, These 2 departments become German again. And there, teaching will be turned upside down. This is what we discovered, At the Departmental Archives of Alsace, Through the testimony of Marguerite Forster. This Alsatian teacher keeps a diary. And from the summer of 1940, she noted, anguished: “What will happen to me and my colleagues? I hate German methods from the bottom of my heart. I am revolted at the thought of what I should do, The Education of a Hitler Youth. Teach them to think, Deutschland über alles, Germany above all. We will have to reveal to them all the faults of France, Maybe teach them to hate her as an enemy. My whole being protests against this state of things. My God, let your will be done.” Marguerite may protest, She must apply, Like all his colleagues from Alsace-Moselle, Reich instructions. So she is going to go to Germany, To undergo indoctrination. Over there, She must learn this program called Raffentunde, The science of races. Reading Mein Kampf is obligatory. And in his notebook, Margueritte writes in German, What the Nazis told him about music. "The Jew has no creative activity, He takes creativity from others. Jewish music will bring Europe into the night.” For his students, Now she has to use this pro-Nazi book. Inside, Hitler is high on the list of authors to study. In their notebooks, Following the instructions of their teachers, Students aged 8 to 10 draw Nazi symbols. The teacher gave the Hitler salute when arriving in the morning. All classes, every morning, Started with an assessment of the front, Where was the German army? Is there any progress? Are there any setbacks? And we must not forget, That there were also German teachers, Who were sent to Alsace and Moselle, Some of whom applied the programs with great zeal. From 1944, The German army accumulates defeats. And the more time passes, The more the diet's flagship book becomes a bulky object. To avoid looking like Nazis, The Germans are now trying to get rid of them. The largest number of copies I have seen, It was April 23, 1945. We had land next to the Sprée, And I saw a lot of copies floating on the water. It was poison. We had to get rid of it. And so the neighbors threw everything that was poisoned into a hole. Weapons and books become annoying. And of all this jumble, there were several Mein Kampf, We saw them like the nose in the middle of the face, With their red cover. We covered it all with earth, And then we prayed to our guardian angels so that no one would discover them. Obviously, with the advance of the Red Army. People were afraid of being checked, Or to be identified as people who own this book. They feared the Russians would turn against them. That's why they get rid of it. From now on, in defeated Germany, All Nazi symbols must disappear. The allies demand it. The plates used to print Mein Kampf must be destroyed. Any reissue of the cursed book is firmly prohibited in Germany. At this moment, Nobody imagines that this bestseller, Will turn into a long-seller. Its author is dead. His work is steeped in hatred. His policy resulted in a terrible massacre. And yet, his banned pamphlet will continue to be published. In France, for example, after the war, Sorlot will print Mein Kampf until today, On average 2000 copies per year. He is not the only one. My Struggle in England. In Minha Luta in Brazil. Wǒ of Zhàndòu in China. The book is published worldwide, And this since the 1930s. Impossible to prohibit its publication, Especially in these web times. Thus, since 1945, Millions of copies are said to have been sold. Mein Kampf continues to be read and obviously to arouse curiosity. Because obviously, Nazism, The Third Reich, Hitler, Fascinates. You also have a fascination with what is forbidden. It's forbidden, so there must be some interesting stuff, So we're going to look for him. In the Arab countries fighting against Israel, The book appeals to anti-Semites. More surprisingly, Kavgam, The Turkish version became number 1 in sales in the country in 2005. Nearly 100,000 copies sold in 2 months, When the nationalists come to power. Same astonishing success in India, Where Hitler is sometimes cited in management schools, Like a model of success. A country like India, Where Mein Kampf for years and decades even, Enjoys success. It is that Mein Kampf, It is also a symbol of warlike ultra-nationalism, And who, in the name of a community, Finally imposes itself and imposes itself on its neighbors. Since January 1, 2016, The book begins a new chapter in its history. In accordance with copyright law, The work falls into the public domain. In theory, nothing stands in the way of its reissue. But in Germany, the book is still considered dangerous. As a result, only critical editions like these are authorized. The Führer's text is framed by 3,500 comments, Written by historians. Naturally, We want to produce a critical edition. An edition based on fundamentals. It's about contradicting Hitler, To correct it. In France, Fayard editions have undertaken the same approach. A scientific committee is preparing a version, She also commented, History of defusing the hatred and lies of the original text.
Channel: imineo Documentaires
Views: 681,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ww2, documentaire, seconde guerre mondiale, reportage, histoire, world war II, hitler, chancelier, reich, documentary
Id: 9ScnFpmOXZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 38sec (3338 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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