Les Paul vs SG! - Which is Better?

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] yeah [Applause] holy mother welcome back to Anderson's TV um today Pete and I are going to argue Non-Stop about whether the Les Paul or the SG is better and the SG is better I love Les Paul but the SD every time I play the song every time you play SG and we we it's just like why haven't we got one of these so explain to me 1952 I don't care Les Paul came out from Gibson uh albeit not quite looking like this just yet so 52 you'd have seen the P90s and a slightly different kind of tail piece um but I guess the golden years for the Les Paul were probably 58 when the first burst came out or 59 which is what I've got here with the first bursts with the flame tops came out what a stunning guitar I am using uh today a Gibson Custom Shop Murphy lab aged 59 Les Paul and I've got to say for me this is the most iconic rock and roll guitar of all time I I tend to agree with I would agree with that however however in 1961 6061 yeah um well it says this on the top here the world the world in some bizarre uh you know somebody must have put some weird thing in the water and made us all go slightly doolally definitely get decided that the Les Paul was um not very popular and nobody wanted this anymore so what they wanted was this uh and originally came out actually as the Gibson lesbians that's why it says let's pull on here and what did Les say he said no no um and so for about five years four or five years the SG um was the solid body guitar for Gibson until they finally saw light and reintroduced the Les Paul and they have both been in the catalog ever since what have you specifically got there Pete this is a 1961 Custom Shop SG boom done links below for this one and it is particularly good you know what I really love when you really love this calf do you yeah I love the little bat wings sticking out I love the fact that the neck is sort of almost just falling off the edge there and it feels long even though it's only 24. let's talk about that so they are both two hunbucker guitars yeah uh switches in a slightly different position obviously it's moved down by the knobs there it's up here by the um neck pickup um they're both mahogany construction although the Les Paul has a maple Arch top which you can see and the SG does not so it's a slightly thinner lighter guitar but by the biggest thing that you notice I think when you're playing an SG versus a Les Paul is that the neck on the SG unlike most other guitars literally joins the body right at the end of the fretboard at the 22nd fret whereas as you can see on the Les Paul the body joins the fretboard almost like an acoustic guitar I suppose here but down at the uh sort of 16th fret just here it's a very different when you're standing it's right in the middle of your body it's right in the center of your body where the yeah so it's a very different feel even though the scale length so the the um the distance from the nut to the bridge and therefore the sort of tension on the strings is much the same in fact it's exactly the same scaling the SG always has a sense that your the neck is a little bit like this is further away yeah um in terms of tone they you know they've both got humbuckers in typically speaking now on Modern um reissues they call them custom buckets yeah because back in the day there wasn't really a sense that you know pickups were consistent oh they were on the same so some are a little hotter some were a little um darker but you've got two humbuckers yeah and you know people don't say would make it's a difference right but the two guitars sound pretty different it's a very thin body as well this is super super thin compared to it I realize again you're you're the distance between your pickups is slightly less um not a lot less but slightly less so maybe three fingers instead of four fingers you get three things three I can get like two and a half my scientific way of measuring these things here yeah so and what that means when the the bridge pickup relative to the bridge is in the same kind of position on both guitars so the neck pickup on the Les Paul is slightly more towards the middle of the strings that'll give it a slightly different tone a bigger of a gap here uh yeah they've got a little plate there you've got your stained um two volumes and two tones on the guitar you've got the same kind of tuners I've got a slim uh 60s neck on here you've probably got a bit more of a chunky neck which means you've got the woods I've got the the slightly thinner 59 carve versus 58 but yeah well swap so I think to stay consistent we'll use your rig for the tone testing yeah Pete's got a little sister which is uh little sister assistant a real life little sister but in here we've got a Freeman little sister um and that's kind of like a hot rodded vintage Marshall Vibe yeah so no pedalsely this is what this is the best this is what the best guitar in this room sounds like on a G chord [Music] just to put things into context Pete has got the gain on the amplifier out of 10 at about two in a bit yeah these pickups want to go right yeah I mean I absolutely every time as I said in the beginning every time we do a video on the on the SGS and I play one I'm like I need one it's such a different feeling instrument and every time I go it's just the best guitar it is just the best guitar let's do the thing [Music] [Music] you have to play that kind of rock and roll on it [Music] it's fat but it lifts on the neck on the breast pick up this Guitar Man uh Blues driver on the top or the protein on top with the day it's a tongue [Music] better Cali 76 there for the for the sustain I mean I cannot tell you anyone can shout out now famous SG players young obviously [Music] oh God damn trucks sell trucks yeah um and here we are now everybody has played one too I've seen him play one yeah it's a picture I'm screaming on that counter oh yeah absolutely sister Rosetta Thorpe the OMG I kind of picked up zapper Frank Zappa um Gary Clark Jr yeah he does and he plays yeah yeah okay looks like that well done also Logan I think he's more Epiphone Casino isn't he but Max he's gone SG recently I mean anyway it doesn't matter he's still the best sounding guitar all right okay okay you do what when you get this in your hand you're gonna go oh yeah I get it it's a lot lighter a lot like a lot lighter a lot less neck on it in fact if you if you're diving over to the Anderson's website or all of our Custom Shop guitars are individually weighed and photographed I think this is under seven pounds super light and this a typical I'd actually know for that one but most of the Les Paul's come out somewhere around about the nine pound Mark some slightly less yeah some side yeah [Music] lots more is brighter isn't it it's the who were we talking about the maple cap and the maple you're saying Joe White won't we yeah and they have they've got the maple cap and the the mahogany bag inside gives it that sort of foreign [Music] Joe White who has looked after all sorts of superstars and we were talking about we had one of Pete's guitars over there and we were sort of saying that it's it's quite bright isn't it we've got the same set of pickups as in this other guitar and it seems brighter than that one and the and he's like well it's obviously the wood isn't it and we sort of go oh yeah but people on the internet say it can't be the wood and he just looked at us like we were just ignorant children and he's an electric yeah he was an election his son was a his son was like a professor level electrical engineer yeah who travels around the world and talked about it and he was like I can't understand it Joe's got like 50 years repairing and he's in the sun was like this it's like it's the wood yeah nothing else that could be there if you don't believe us go and watch all those videos that prove that we're wrong because that's fine read the comment section and go on Facebook because Facebook is all right speak to people that play guitar and they'll tell you that wood does make a difference anyway I'm gonna put a string from here to here and so pick up in the middle and sound exactly here we go so [Music] brights are in the top but and base here on there yes but that's the mahogany and then you've got the maple top no but I mean relative to this I think this sits in a much more um yeah yeah absolutely you know focused mid-range tone whereas that has more top end and more yeah this may be less mid-range [Music] thank you it's got a more clackier let's not forget when this guitar came out we didn't have Marshall amplifiers and slash or any of that no they were nowhere no we had Les Paul playing you know lots of fast Jazz runs yeah yeah and that was his signature guitar so you forget Les Paul is actually a sickness of guitar lots of people forget about that anyway uh Dane first [Music] protein blue side Cali 76 . [Applause] [Music] I mean it's a good sounding bloody guitar man wow I tell you where the Les Paul will win let's name some famous Les Paul players slash everyone from the Eagles and the I know Allman Brothers I know I know I know wait wait wait wait wait collabs and again if I didn't say it already before wait wait here foreign [Music] [Music] this conversation we had with Joe White recently he before we even started talk quick because we had peeps telecasters over there I do like and before before we even started talking about Les Paul's he just straight out of the bat he said Les Paul is the ultimate electric guitar so it's got the right comedy you've got the mahogany on the back for the sort of fatness and sustain you've got the maple on the top for the brightness you've got the humbuckers that give you the power and he was it was like straight off the bat yeah it's really interesting conversation but so you know what it's all opinions right I get it if you don't Shout at the camera because we you disagree with this because if you prefer something else that's totally fine it's fine with us um can you play them a bit just you have a look I really want to do a no talking just like two things eight like three three chords on that yeah and a sustaining note yeah and then the same three chords and the same sustaining mode I'm gonna play the that note that John Mayer doesn't like at all this one okay so uh here we go here's the Dane the blue side of the protein the Cali 76 for sustained that's it foreign [Applause] can I just do an E chord and just hold it and then do that one afterwards please [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] almost to be honest with you has a more of a microphonic feedback yes like particularly those higher end feet so again they're obviously not an identical set of pickups so there's always going to be that differential between the two but yeah certainly sounded like the the Les Paul had maybe a greater sustain and it went into feedback faster quicker yeah and it's got the top end of it where this one is just a mid-range the mid hump where the last one has got lowered and I mean oh my God I do love Les Paul is just isn't the perfect guitar oh it's the 335 the perfect you play can you play a bit for us yeah yeah I mean you haven't played this yet no you're right and well that's the next one let's do it before you know again we did uh why doesn't why can't we include Joe Bonamassa in the list we play SGS because he plays everything everything and he probably has five of everything probably 20 of everything magnificent right no pedals I have nothing switched on here [Music] oh and obviously my amplifier is the victory v140 which is much cleaner [Music] the just that sense of at the bottom that just in the bottom [Music] it's so much less bright [Music] foreign [Music] Bridge pickup on an SG does a growly thing and when you do that if you were playing Blues in a you know like Angus Young does and you just hit those short bursts of no down all that stuff with a bit of gain on it like this masterly tied tone it's really difficult to see a lot of the Angus Young reason he was drawn to an SGA in the first place is he's so like acrobatic and he's on stage animated animated that was more the word yeah he's not he's not doing backflips but I can imagine that having something as heavy as a Les Paul running it would just break you yeah after a while yeah um let's try and also so I was using my favorite little sort of marshley pedal is is the sheriff so that's a great sound [Music] oh the middle Rings you've got too much Reverb on for an AC DC sound but it did sound glorious of that mid-range this is great [Music] because that is so much brighter it almost sounds fizzy [Music] [Music] that's almost uh telecastery on the neck pickup it's got that sort of almost a single coily thing because it's on potted and it's you know what I mean it's the same as my 58 on the neck pickup a little bit of compression [Music] I love on both these guitars because the Les Paul has a slightly shorter scale length than a strap it's so easy to over like over Bend or [Music] so it's so easy to get that tone and a half rather than a than just a team what we've not done is is that sort of rolled back [Music] West woman tone on here let's try it [Music] [Applause] whoa [Music] It's that sort of [Music] so that's the tone all the way down oh I don't know what key I'm in now foreign [Music] such a good rock and roll tone too much though yeah I've got too much it reminds me um reminds me a little bit of what the like a Gretch filter Tron sounds like a little bit mute the mic it reminds me a bit like a Gretch filter Tron where it's that bit barkier but that can only be the wood that can be done to this shape and the wood [Music] hopefully that has helped you make a decision that you need to own both yeah that's the only correct answer here my goodness me though but if you could only have one Mr Pete and you guys out there comment please below if you could only have one are you going Camp SG or Camp uh Les Paul um I don't know man it's a difficult one it's a very difficult I think overall probably less Paul yeah you changed your mind no but I I would if if I only choose one I think there's I can do more with this than I can with that but it's so difficult to to decide but luckily I'm not in the decision I I I don't have to make that decision but I absolutely want to have an SG again I haven't had one since 20 years 25 years I had an Old 74 SG and I sold it and it was stupid because it was wonderful and I want one back again what about you you pick this Paul I'm do you know I I you don't have to pick it either genuinely genuinely I'm really liking that slightly darker tone of this G visually it's got me less Paul isn't it really yes eventually I like that Bella right okay so I'm going and I'm sorry uh SG fans out I'm going campless pool as well so yeah well like Les Paul wins two to one but what it does mean is is Camp SG comes a very close second um and needs to be owned we need I need one of those that Aussie's shaking his head Oz is SG all the way through Tay let's see SG look at that the late draw right thank you so much for tuning in I'm gonna go see you as well absolutely we shall see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Applause] thank you thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music]
Channel: Andertons Music Co
Views: 267,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Andertons, Andertons Music, Andertons TV, les paul, sg, gibson, epiphone, gibson les paul, gibson sg, epiphone les paul, epiphone sg
Id: 56meihj9Ec4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 59sec (1559 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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