Les frères Bringer, prodiges du BMX ! (Timothé & Maxime Bringer)
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Channel: undefined
Views: 425,753
Rating: 4.9394913 out of 5
Keywords: Riding Zone, Sport Extreme, France O, Puzzle Media, Extreme Sports, Action Sports, Adrenaline, Extreme, bmx, bringer, Timothe Bringer, maxime bringer, freres bringer, velo, tricks, backyard, champ de bosse, dirt, bmx race, bmx freestyle, fise world, fise, bmx park, world first, Maxime Bringer, thomas debatisse, BMX rider, ride bmx, florent bringer, pump track, skatepark
Id: 8Jpr5Yjr01M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2017
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