Les Commandos du Renseignement, l'unité la plus secrète de l'armée française

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Istres, next to Marseille, the base of which the French troops leave, to distant territories where they intervene. Tonight, 200 men are going to fly to Afghanistan. - I expect from you and I will demand from you, rigor and professionalism, that I will demand daily in the field. A small group stands aside. Their large beret shows it, they are alpine hunters. We must hide their faces. They must not be identifiable. The 200 soldiers who are going to board this Airbus, are leaving for a 4-month mission. In the middle of this troop, the 5 alpine hunters go unnoticed. However, they are special. This is a URH, a human research unit, responsible for conducting intelligence in Kabul. - We try to be the most natural as possible and to arrive at... Circulate among everyone without them being able to identify us, For us, the objective is to be transparent with people, and that people have no memories of us. The URH are specialized commandos in intelligence in hostile environments. They are also called sections of research. Their interventions are secret. Some of these men know that they go on risky missions. Some will participate tracking down the Taliban. In 2 years, 7 special forces soldiers French women lost their lives in Afghanistan. - Here we go ! These research sections are teams of 5 absolutely united men, and prepared for close combat. They can be let go behind enemy lines, to observe and provide information. They are prepared to face extreme conditions, and to escape by paragliding. They are the only ones to use these flying wings at night, to infiltrate enemy areas more discreetly. To be part of these research sections, it all starts in the Alps. - Forward, march! All are recruited into the troops of mountain because the first of qualities, to become a good commander of the intelligence is physical resistance. 72 hours of testing without any downtime will allow us to retain the best. In general, 3 out of 10 candidates join the SR, as they say among themselves, the research section. There are 150 men in this unit. Twice a year, new people are recruited. For the June session in Bourg-Saint-Maurice, there are 6 applicants. There are others in the different alpine hunter barracks. Applicants are at least one and a half years old army behind them. Alexis, the most discreet, is 24 years old. Sébastien, same age, a mountain man. Dimitri, 20 years old, very sharp. Jean-François, 25 years old, the oldest. Yves-Eric, barely 20 years old, a great athlete, and Yohan, 22, who left law school recently. - Hello, I'll introduce myseld, I am Lieutenant Leclerc, head of the research section of the 7th BCA. I want to congratulate you and to thank you for being there, to have been volunteers to pass these tests which, I know, these are not easy tests. The SR infiltrates enemy lines, so we are all alone, we are in complete autonomy, we infiltrate, we are with the enemy. This is why we select already a little our guys. We can't afford to take anyone on this kind of mission. You all have a function. We can't afford to have an average guy. It is not possible. That's why we're going to be demanding. Words that do not reassure Yohan Mir He was studying to become a notary. And then 2 years ago, he has changed completely. - I arrived, I lost 18 kilos, I had to double or triple my physical abilities. I arrived, I was at the level really the lowest, deep in the last sports group... Afterwards, I decided to get out of there. From the start, some members of the section will rush them, to find out if they really want it. - I don't have the impression that you're going to be the funniest. Am I wrong or not? It's discretion, shyness? It's what ? Are you afraid to commit? - No, it's discretion. Finally, in a conversation, I'm more the one who listens, than the one who speaks. - Behind you, there is the equipment, a bag, you put it on. This bag weighs 40 kilos. - This is what you will see on the back regularly. - Did you suspect the weight of the bag? - I knew that It was very heavy, but... - Not to that extent or...? - It's okay, you can go. While one faces this first oral, the other 5 are working on tests of general culture. Jean-François, the oldest, counts on these tests to be selected. - These last months, I didn't do a lot of sport, since my wife got pregnant and I had a little girl. So in terms of sport, I don't have obviously had time to practice a lot. Yves-Eric is the youngest, he entered the army to join an elite unit. - If I'm ever caught, it's a bit of an outcome, I think, since since the beginning of my classes, since the first day, I wanted... I wanted to be in this section and nothing else. - If we don't take you there, what are you going to say? - I'll try again later. - What ? - I'll try again later next year. - Do you want to come or not? I don't know ! Pick something up from the ground. He trained a lot. Physically, he thinks he's on point. - How are you ? - Yes. - For me, it's a bit of a must. Yes, it's classy. To be selected, they must be endowed with exceptional resistance, in order to be autonomous without resupply for two weeks. - Come on, hurry up! In 3 days and 2 nights non-stop, they will be evaluated. We are not going to spare them. We impose on them, to begin with, one of the most grueling exercises. The snow is going to be bad, it is melted. It's going to be technical. Especially since it's quite steep. - It's not going to be easy for them, but that's the point. Here we go ! They are in Tignes for a climb 1400 meters of altitude difference, to the top of the glacier from La Grande Motte at 3500 meters altitude, Almost 5 Eiffel Towers one on top of the other. It is a violent effort. - It happens that there are people who don't make it to the top. - The last time ? - It was a bit of a massacre. So, let's see this one. The examiners who accompany them carry lighter bags. They have on their shoulders all their stuff. - We breathe for a minute and we're done. I remind you what we want to see. We want to see guys who have it. We will try to keep a regular rhythm. - Let's go, we're going to go up up to approximately 3,400 - 3,500 m. A sealskin climb, its hair coverings which allow on skis not to slide backwards. - Come on, let's hang up. Once in the research section, they will have to remain totally united. Everyone will have their specialty, but none of them will not be able to delay the other 4. Having become a mountain commando, these men will not be paid better, than other soldiers of the same rank. It's not money that makes them surpass, but the desire to join the elite. - We cling ! Do you have a cramp? - Come on, let's hang on behind. Isn't it better? Halfway through, Jean-François, the young father who lacks training, can no longer move forward. Jean-François will not go any further. Sébastien and Dimitri, the most sporty, arrive at the altitude of 3500 meters in the footsteps of an instructor. - No, but now it's starting to pull a little more about the beast, but hey. We're starting to get tired anyway at the end. The last climb will hurt a little. - They are well mounted on the first part. From the top of the panoramic, they started to let go. There are 2 who gave up. The conditions are difficult. There was a refreeze, so it's slippery. They are loaded. Half an hour later, Yoann, the lawyer... - Come on Mir, you've arrived there! Come on ! At this time, the legs are having trouble to carry the body and the bag. The examiner does not let them time to recover. - You put down your bag, you switch to descent configuration. - How did that happen ? - Hot ! It went hot! - There are some who will never have taste for effort. And then there are others who like it. Afterwards, it's... - Do you have it? - It depends on the periods, but in general, yes. There are always periods where we have it a little less, but in general, yes. It always feels good to surpass yourself, to get a good dose. - You tell yourself that the hardest part is it done or not really? - Actually, I would have liked to sleep tonight, but in my opinion... - For tonight, it's a failure. - So the hardest part, we don't know too much what awaits us, so... We can not say... Their level of skiing is not the same, but it's not about this technique that they are judged. Style doesn't matter. It's the guts that count, going everywhere. Only among some, fatigue paralyzes the muscles. Jean-François can't take it anymore. - Come on, get everything back into P4. - He wasn't feeling well this morning when we went up, so if he feels really bad, we're going to send him to the infirmary, and they are the ones who will tell us whether he can continue or not. Continue or not, because they still have still many trials. 60 hours of testing. That's it, we're all back now. - Nebrel has a problem. - Who ? - Nebrel, he will come to see you. He stopped 3 or 4 times. In returning, he vomited everything he had. - What's wrong ? - I'm in trouble. I don't know what's happening to me since this morning in fact. - You're going to stop, it's bad luck, It will be better next time. Take good care of yourself, go for a consultation, get well and here we go again and we'll see each other again in 6 months. In 6 months because these selections are organized twice a year, and Jean-François counts well introduce yourself again. - I am disappointed because I couldn't go all out. And this morning I left, I wanted to vomit. Not good at all... I really don't couldn't give it my all. In the afternoon, the tests continue for the other 5. The research sections are currently used during intelligence operations, in areas where France provides international peacekeeping missions. They don't have the usual image. They may have long hair and sometimes have a beard. - The aim is towards my arm. It's the white house above. For the moment, it's infiltration. You are discreet and you pay attention. Come on, join your pairs in front. The second exercise to which their instructors submit them, consists of gathering information, on a terrorist group installed on an isolated farm. - I look at discretion, already which is a good thing, they are those who are camouflaged to erase everything that is appearance, flesh to be able to get lost in the forest. Interns have an imperative: not to intervene, but be able to describe precisely the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy group. Above all, they must not be spotted. - I look to see if they have habits, in order to see what happens next. These are details that can have their importance. With nightfall, some come closer to the farm, taking the risk of being flushed out. Under the net, Yohan's face. - It's provocation. - We have one! We got it! Where are your friends? On your knees! - M****! - What are you doing here ? - I walk. -Are you kidding me or what? - We just have to hope that he's not going to throw us all away. - So, friends! The goal of the instructors is to confront them to impressive situations. - Where they are ? The night, the atmosphere, difficult not to get caught up in the atmosphere. - We can't be sure let it not be staged. That it's not one of them who plays comedy. A comedy that is not far from what they may encounter in reality. - We all hope, at one time or another that... Being confronted with a real show. But I was going to say, when we see the pressure that we arrive to engage in even a simple exercise like that, we say to ourselves that a real... It can't be that easy to manage than it is here. A sleepless night, but the examiners give them no respite. The second day, the 5 survivors hold on. - They're not bad... After a bad night. They alternate the tests. Knowing how to give or receive blows, but also know how to obtain information discreetly, during a discussion that they are going to have with this instructor. - What will this camera be used for? - She will record them during the entire duration of the interview, but especially during my absence, since I'm going out for a few minutes, so that it begins to ask questions, to say to yourself: How Is it possible that he left? It's been at least 5 minutes that he left. It should start to look around him, and trying to recover some information. If he really is very curious, he can go so far as to open the table and he will see that there are names and ranks. Still have to take the risk to go so far as to open the table. It's up to him to do it or not. I don't know, we'll see. It's up to them to decide how far to take risks. Exercise is not common among the military. - This is not obvious, especially since it's the 1st time that I do this kind of exercise, so I'll see at the moment, but I... The test scenario: On mission abroad, they make contact with the military premises to obtain information. This is a situation that they can live in reality. - I was assigned... I was told to contact you. - Listen, sit down. I was reading. - So, there is no it's not too much... Stress at the moment? - No, there is not too much activities for the moment. - And there are many of you? I haven't seen the others yet. - In the section ? - Yes. - There are... There are quite a few of us. We actually have a small section. - A small section... Okay. Yves-Eric is in difficulty. These questions are too direct, and he can't let go anything to his interlocutor. - He is either tense or impressed, but anyway, we don't feel very comfortable. We'll see what happens next. During the absence of the instructor, Yves-Eric remained in his chair. He didn't dare to take a look on the notebook in front of him. - I had to pass my exam at all costs phone call because afterward, it was too late. Where were we? To get their interlocutor to speak, the others have understood that they must start a conversation, give him confidence, use imagination. - Nice to meet you, I'm **** of the German army. We based ourselves a little nearby your house. It's been a long time that you are in on this? - Bourg-Saint-Maurice since 2002, I have actually been. To note useful details. They must observe everything, nothing should escape them. They have to get under the skin of intelligence agents. - I only have 5 minutes, I will see. Wait. - Yes it's good. - See you soon next week... - Alright. Thank you and good day. - Thanks, you too. - Bye. - Bye. As soon as the candidate turns his back, discover his behavior when he was left alone. - So here I am on my way out. Barely out, he is already standing. There he looks at my calendar on the desk, he notes. There is a moment when he is standing, he is noting. So there, if I come back at that time... We feel that he is getting a little impatient. He approaches the painting. He opens the table. It closes quite quickly. He must have heard me coming. I arrive straight away, indeed. He was still very hot. I didn't think he would go this far. In my opinion, he went a bit far. I think he went a bit far. The results will be at the end. For the moment, the trials continue. Always don't let them blow. At the end of the afternoon of this second day, we tell them that they are going to have right to a long walk. They are ordered to fulfill their bag of stones. - 15 kilos plus water, that's 17. - With a bag like this, the first times, and even we who are used to it to carry such a bag, there, it is morale that will work, they are no longer legs. Morale, Alexis, the most discreet, one of the two who did not have successfully climbed the glacier, he is no longer in good spirits. He just decided not to go any further. The truck leaves him near the barracks to which he is assigned. - Don't despair, we'll see you again! - He almost had tears in his eyes. We felt in the voice that he was not far from sobbing. For me, it's a person who will come back take the tests in a year or two. It's in these moments that we see the morale of the people. Some people start to scream, some even stop. And there, if a person walks and continues to the end. Saying, “That’s great!” These guys, you can take them to the ends of the world, they will walk, they will follow. There are only 4 left who want continue until the end, to want to go to the ends of the world. They are separated into 2 teams of two. Yves-Eric and Yohann on one side, Dimitri and Sébastien on the other. The arrival will be a bridge about twenty kilometers away, where they will have to monitor activists. At the bridge, an instructor is waiting for them. - We're planning something bad for them. And we're going to give it back to them an infiltration card, therefore, they will have almost as much height difference and the same distance, that they have done so far to redo. So there, they have already been walking since 6 a.m., they are very tired. I think it's not okay be easy to cash in on. - My friends, welcome! You have been waiting for a long time ! Dawn begins to arrive. So this walk? - A big piece, these activists... That's why that we need a little help. So I'll show you where we will find them. There, we are at the bridge which is there. The activists are here. I leave all that to you. - There, great, we just arrived, then, in fact, we leave again for 1000 meters of elevation. They have difficulty accepting this what the instructor just told them. - Is it far? - It's still a bit of a hike there... It’s even quite a trek! They've been walking for 9 hours. From the start, an instructor follows them to observe their behavior. They still have more left an Eiffel Tower and a half to climb, and they don't know anymore how many kilometers. - There, we don't really know... Yohann seems to have difficulty continuing. Yves-Eric is holding on. They are close to an uninhabited hamlet when one of the instructors joins them. - New program change. Follow me. Do you know what awaits you? - What awaits us? - It's finish. You have arrived, the recovery point is here. In fact, the card was just a... - It was a joke. - It's a little joke to work with the beast, work on morale. There, you will be able to place the bags, rest while waiting the rest of the program. - We arrived. - Thrilled ? - It is a relief. Because we would have made them, but it took us a while. - It's the first time that I am pushed so much into fatigue. Dimitri and Sébastien arrived a little half an hour earlier, collapsed. - How good that feels! Yves-Eric, perhaps a little less exhausted, still makes the effort to search a little comfort. - He doesn't get fucked... - No refusal. A few hours later, returned to the barracks, they will learn what has been decided their instructors, which will integrate the research section. - Passed the tests... Sergeant Marshal. First class ****. First class Mir. Failed the test... First class Roquer. The other 3. Questions ? No ? You can go. Roquer, you're coming with us. We go explain to you the why and how. - I'm very happy, but I'm disappointed for Roquer, because it was super important to him. - Come on, come on! - I'm not hiding from you that it was 50/50. Opinions are divided on you. So what we mainly blame you for is It's a bit of your lack of maturity. In terms of sport, perfect, but it's missing that little something. You are very young, you need to mature, but that doesn't stop you from coming back since you absolutely want to be here, That doesn't stop you from coming back next year. Questions ? - No, I understand what you mean. As they explained to me, it is not necessarily a failure, it is not radical. I'll come back later and I think it will be okay, with a little more maturity like they said. Yves-Eric hides his emotions. It's perhaps also to toughen him up that the instructors made this decision. Coming from all units in which candidates have passed the tests, 24 men were judged capable of doing part of the research sections. They are grouped together in Varces, near Grenoble, where they will be trained. They are welcomed by their commander. - Rest. Sit down. You just succeeded selection tests. So you are one of the best soldiers of your training. Well done ! The story begins today. I promise you, it's going to be difficult. Yes, because you have a lot things to learn. The bag is heavy, the nights are long. Yes, it's going to be difficult. I need to know you and to know people well, we must expose their characters, and to fully expose their characters, we have to put them in difficulty. We'll take care of it. - And we get out. Here we go ! For 8 weeks, they will be subjected to intense training, in training centers army commandos. - Mir, you stay with me! Yohann is assigned to a group placed under the responsibility of Mike. - After opening... Ok, neutralized. Mir, take his place. You reverse! Review! - A staff has the treaty! - You have to search it. - Let's get out! Come on, one, two! Come on ! - That's scary. - To the left. - Come this way ! Mike, 4 years old, that he is a teammate in the research section. - What happened ? - We went up the stairs. We took care of the right side, but no one looked on the left. I thought it was secure on the left. So I went left, he was hidden behind, he killed me. - If it had been real, the leading man would be destroyed. He would have died. In reality, he would have died. - It's stressful for an exercise. Besides, we can't see anything, shutters and windows closed, we see nothing. As soon as there is a grenade who farted with the smoke on top of that, it's over. - Be careful, there, it’s exercise, training. Mike is not an instructor. If he does this internship, it’s to become a team leader. He is 35 years old and thinks he has enough experience, to be the one who decides and who assumes all responsibilities. Come on, do it again. - Since the start of my career, I am doomed to this. That suits me perfectly and I think I have the aptitude for it. - Open Mir well, open, look... There, you touch your sector, you have a plus long travel, you won't bother it. - That's the thing for which I was made. - You have it in your skin. - I have it in my skin. - The TMS system is a transmission system... The physique, the reflexes, but also the technique. - I will explain everything we can do with a hidden camera, How to trigger it remotely, how to hide it in a bag. We can work on shit, on the d**** than on the military. It could be arms trafficking in Bosnia, car trafficking in Kosovo, whatever. - They discover all kinds of materials. Some are very sophisticated. - We do not use plain text: “I am facing the enemy at this position.” We use our two-digit procedures we are not safe from electronic warfare. Our enemy, us, anyway, This is electronic warfare. After theory, putting it into practice, they have 24 hours to gather information about the armed forces of a small town: Blackberry. - Videos, camcorders, photos. Radios, computers... GPS... A little bit of everything. In Mike's group, another candidate teammate, Pat, 30 years old, including 5 already in the army. - This is the 1st time that you are doing a mission like that. - Yes, so the big discovery. - I remind you of our mission. We are going to go to the town of La Mure. We will contact the police on which we are going to make a file. Priority, you will take care of yourself from the photo shoot, Pat, okay? And you will take care of everything what is video. These images should be taken without the knowledge of the police, who will know nothing of their intentions. - What are you doing ? - We're trying to find things to hide everything that is camera, so that it is natural. And then we will recover photos compared to the film. - We will try to take pictures, video shots, make plans of their buildings, and make plans people who work there. People know that we are carrying out a maneuver on La Mure, but they don't know that we are going to find out about people, on their infrastructure And so on. - What if they find out what's going on? - They might take it badly. - It's never pleasant to be observed, hunted down. Not pleasant and also forbidden. They must know everything on gendarmes and police officers. A search for information as in their missions abroad. - Mike here, stay tuned. Everyone will be able to notice that soldiers are in the city, but no one should suspect their real mission. - What's on the camera? - So there, we set up a goal which allows night imaging. - What are you going to do with it, Pat? - We're going to go film the entrance to the gendarmerie, see activity in the area. If there are shifts between the municipal police and the gendarmerie. - It's better not to be seen! - No, it's better not. - It's actually camouflage. It imitates leaves. - What does it feel like when we go to a hideout like that? - A little bit of stress! It’s still the police! People camouflaged with video means... It's okay. - This is another first for you. - Always. It's been two months that this is a first. - Attention... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... There are about ten of us meters from the building. - This is the entrance to the police station. I see the exit from the police station with the grid. - How's it going ? - Wrong... - For what ? - I can't get this thing to work! F****, I'm in m****. The thing not to do... Above all, you must not move. That's how you get detected. You stay still and don't move. - Otherwise it's going ? - Flawless. - Do you like it? - Downright. This “observe without being seen” side... - Pat, from Mike. We will proceed with the recovery, you board at the back. When Mike picks up Pat and Yoann after 5 hours of hiding. They photographed the building from all angles. They noted that the gendarmes did not carried out patrol that night. - Were there people there? I hope... In the morning, they take the truck to go to the police station, this time without hiding. - It's a sleight of hand. Pat camouflages his objective. - With the book just above. - Come on, later. - Be wise. Like Pat, we have, we also have a hidden camera. - THANKS. The police are not aware of what is going on. They think they have business for a courtesy visit. The gendarme does not imagine that they are there to extract information. - I'm listening to you ! - Thank you so much. We are an intern at the general staff of Grenoble of the mountain brigade, and so we come in your zone do an exercise. - What exactly will this lead to? - This gives rise to what we are going to be on the city on the move, how it would happen in theaters of operations. - At the brigade level, there is never anyone who left, in external operation as provost? - Here no... - At the effective level, here, There's a lot of you ? - This represents a workforce of 117. - That's scary. Behind the tarpaulin of the truck that Mike took the precaution of correctly positioning, Yoann photographs everything he can, especially anything that is found in the garage. - We have their vehicles with registrations. What would be good would be if we manages to take some photos, when we go the other way, to take vehicles that are parked right in front of the police station. These are civilian vehicles, but who are those of the gendarmes. We want to succeed, not to be seen, we want to be flawless, so, we have a little bit the pressure all the same. Mike and Pat got the information that they wanted. Mission accomplished. They take leave. The police did not suspect that they were being filmed, and that they provided the information sought. - It's very hard because, well, no matter how much we say what we want, French units, the gendarmerie, the police or the army, we are still well briefed on this type of operation... From practice, we will say. They know it exists, they themselves use it. So, we are dealing with experts. The other objective, it's the municipal police. - Hello Sir. - It's been a long time since you are you with the municipal police here? - On the Mure? - But there are many of you? Tell me... - No, there are 4 of us, it's a small position. - It looks great. - Come on, move your head... There you go, it's perfect. - So here we are, the revolvers we have. It's empty. - Is it reliable? -Tonfa! That’s effective! The 4 municipal police officers are identified, their armament and their means transmission no longer have any secrets. Last exercise. These men are looking from Mike's commando, who tries to infiltrate the area. The commando was not spotted. They walked all night. - How do you feel after the night of walking? - Fatigue. - Fatigue ? - Fatigue... They approached a road that they must monitor. - So. We arrive at the search area. This is where we are setting up. So the mission is to dig a cache, - A hole ? - A hole. A hole to hide from view and be able to observe an intersection with the axis. So this allows us to monitor... In optimal conditions security and observation. - 4x4! - Are they observing? - They stopped on the axis. Those who seek them all have the means to intercept them. Thermal cameras, infrared binoculars. And what's more, they have an interest in finding them, because they too will be noted on their performance. - The sooner we are buried, faster, we're safe! - So, the room will be there. And the workstation will be there. - Our bedroom. - Our bedroom. In their kit, there are shovels and picks, but the soil is very compact. It's going to take time to dig their cache. - We have to be able to sit in it and have 10 cm above to be able to move. For the moment, there is no risk of making noise. Their pursuers have a large area to monitor. With the night, they continue to shovel, but something unexpected surprises them. - Sorry gentlemen, what are you doing ? - Pardon ? - What are you doing ? - Here, we do an exercise. - An exercise of? What are you ? The army? - Yes. - Do you have permission? - I think so, yes anyway. - I am a company gamekeeper. There are people in the woods like that! There's a lot of you ? There are three of us. No, but are you kidding? It's not going to happen like that! Wait... - How are we bothering you? Is it private here? - It's a hunting company, tomorrow, we wanted to hunt! If you're there all night, what are we going to hunt? We're not going to go to the military camp! No, I don't agree! - Are you going on a hunt tomorrow? - Yes. It's Saturday tomorrow, we're hunting! Listen, if we have to leave, too bad, we'll leave, okay. - THANKS. - Good evening. We're really out of luck. I think we're not bad there. - I suggest we kill him and put him in the hole. We won't have dug for nothing like that. During the night, they filled in the hole and are put back to dig at another location. The cache is not finished, but they can better monitor their surroundings. The game warden did not see them again. He did not call off the hunt. - It's coming. The dogs are coming, we have to get out. For now, we're not moving, we don't make any more noise. There was a shot there. It's okay, here we go. - This is where it transforms. We are happy when we manage to disappear and it doesn't show. At first, we are amazed, It’s not visible, it’s very good. It took them 13 hours to make them invisible the place where they will hide. The gamekeeper can return, there is no problem. It's hard to explain to people what we do anyway. They think we're a bit crazy. At your place, they don't take you for a madman? - I'm not saying too much So what I do... - It's strange to say that people can walk on it. And not seeing us... It’s already happened! - It's good ? - That's it, we're locked in. They will stay 48 hours in the cache to watch the road. Note all passages and transmit all information in encrypted message. - Is it a mix of technology...? - High tech technology and Cro-Magnon technique. That's really it. It's a good job as well nag than intellectual. - Americans, the kind of trail we do, it's been years let them try to do it! Without succeeding. It's all about morale. The sausage was never as good as when you hide it. - The longer I stayed, It’s 2 weeks! - We still have a certain pride. - But nothing more. - We don't have developed egos. - A simple man in a simple body. - I am a wonderful man in a wonderful body. On the last day, their commander will hand over to those who successfully completed the course, the Blue Star, the sign that they are URH. - 7th place, first class Mir. - It's good. It's gone now. In second place: the head of the 13th BCA. So first place: the adjutant of the 13th BCA. - Alright. Congratulations to all. Welcome truly to the family of the Brigade Human Research Unit. Once again, everything remains to be done. Be careful, next time it will be real with operational commitment. THANKS. - I'm really happy, that's clear. I am happy. For now, we're taking a little break, to put the guy back in condition. And then, here we go again. In 2 weeks, here we go again again for the exercise. And the rest. The rest. Mike already knew him, as a teammate, he went to Kosovo and Bosnia. His next mission this time as team leader: Ivory Coast. Human research units must help prevent the country from exploding.
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentaire, reportage, armée française, armée de terre, opérations spéciales, forces spéciales, formation commando, armée de terre française, armée de terre entrainement, armée de terre reportage, renseignement, commando, yt:cc=on, foreign legion, french army
Id: xmn8Za1ziAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 24sec (3084 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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