Les BASES sur DAVINCI RÉSOLVE 16. Montage complet de A à Z. Tutoriel débutant
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Channel: Gregory Gaule
Views: 166,328
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Keywords: davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve tutorial, davinciresolve, resolve16, gregorygaule, davinciresolvetutorial, Montage, davinci resolve tutoriel francais, apprendre davinci resolve 16, commencer avec davinci resolve, les bases de davinci resolve 16, debuter sur davinci resolve, davinci 17, resolve 17, davinci resolve 17, logiciel montage video gratuits, davinci resolve, logiciel de montage gratuit, tuto davinci resolve 16 francais, davinci resolve tuto debutant, logiciel de montage
Id: yCRSJpioqVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 52sec (2812 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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