Leo the Wildlife Ranger | How To SAVE The HONEY BEES 🐝| Kids Wildlife | @mediacorpokto

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[Music] the honeybee hi everybody my name is Leo I'm a junior Ranger and this is my puppy hero it's a perfect day for a picnic we have chocolate cookies cakes apples and bananas and look I even have your favorite doggy snacks not so fast hero we have to wait for Katie let me call her a b hey don't go near the cakes hero careful you're knocking over all the food I wonder where it came from you know what we should do let's take a photo and send it to my sister Katie she is also a junior Ranger hi Katie we were about to have our picnic in the garden but there's a bee that seems to like our cakes hi Leo I've received your photo it seems to like cake a lot it sure does can you find more information about it yes I can great I'm coming up hero stay here with our new friend I'll be right back come on everybody let's go into the [Music] Treehouse hi Katie did you find anything hi Leo this bee is a honey bee a honey bee yes a honey bee there are many different types of be bees but this one is an Eastern honeybee it has distinct golden yellow and brown stripes across its body where do they come from Eastern honey bees come from South and Southeast Asia they can be found in many countries there the honey bees collect nectar from flowers by eating the nectar when these worker honeybees return to The Beehive they give the nectar to other worker honey bees these honey bees will put the nectar in the honeycomb cells and use their wings to Fan it this will change the nectar into honey the bees will use the honey as a food source so that's how honey is made hey what kind of shape is that that's a hexagon honeycomb cells are shaped that way because they use the least amount of beeswax to build a beehive honey bees prefer to build their beehives in small spaces like Hollow trees please H if we want to have a peaceful picnic we should bring this honeybee back to its beehive come and join us that's great Leo see you [Music] downstairs come on everybody join me in this party one two here we go for lots of fun and lots to learn come on everybody join me in this party 1 two it's your turn for lots of fun and lots to learn 1 two off we go for lots of fun and lots to [Music] learn Ranger Rocky hello Junior Rangers welcome to the forest ah is that a honeybee yes Ranger Rocky we are trying to bring him back to his beehive not him Le this is a female bee it's a she this is clear from her yellow stripes and all worker bees are female worker bees are responsible for Gathering nectar building the honeycomb cells feeding the babies tending to the queen bee there's a queen yes the queen makes all the baby bees it has a longer body and smaller Wings the male bees also known as drones are rounder in sh APAP and have bigger eyes these drones only have one job which is to help queen bees from other beehives make babies the drones don't have a sting like the female worker bees do uh sting honey bees only sting if they feel their beehive is in danger these hardworking creatures just want to protect their colony where can we look to help this honeybee find her Colony Ranger Rocky H bees are a attracted to brightly colored flowers perhaps you can start looking for those good luck Junior Rangers thank you rer Rocky let's see what we can find here is a field with a lot of flowers and on this side is a forest with a lot of trees do you know where we should go over there is a field with a lot of flowers and over there is a forest with a lot of trees so where should we go there that's right we need to go to the field with flowers because bees are attracted to brightly colored flowers let's go here we are at the flower field I see flowers butterflies Birds but no Bees let's try to look for a beehive in a tree what is it hero you already found a a beehive great work but this bee looks a bit different though careful Junior Rangers that's not a honeybee that's a wasp and unlike the honeybee a wasp can be very aggressive oh no more of them are coming out that's bad news Leo honeybees will die after they sting but not wasps they can sting multiple times you better run there's some water let's take out our snorkle masks and Jump Right [Music] In that was close oh no where's the honeybee the jar is gone it's the honeybee she's hiding in a honeysuckle flower come in honeybee we'll make sure we stay far away from those wasps where should we go to find a beehive Ranger Rocky if you want to find a beehive just look for a tree with a hollow not for a graceful swallow or a spicy taco but look for a tree with a hollow I see so not for a graceful swallow or a spicy taco but look for with a Hol thank you rer Rocky okay hero to find a beehive you have to look for a tree with a hollow good luck hero there are a few dots on your radar one of them might be a beehive is that a beehive no that's a bush with flowers so let's continue can you see what that is yes it's a bird's nest so we should look somewhere else what is that is that a tree with a hollow yes it is and there's a beehive good job hero we're coming over goodbye be we did it we found the Beehive of the honeybee [Music] yay [Music] we found a honey bee in our garden we learned that honey bees have workers a queen and drones and that they make honey so we went to a forest and found a tree with a hollow that contains a hive good job children you did it you are amazing Wildlife Rangers Miss [Music] [Music] [Music] accomplished [Music]
Channel: Mediacorp okto
Views: 98,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mediacorp, channel 5, Singapore, English, television, national broadcaster, SG, ch5, kids, pre-school, tweens, teenage, children and family, drama, info-ed, entertainment, family, kidscentral, youth, young, ollie, groom my room, animation, teaching, learning, fun, adventure, older kids, children, whoopie’s world, exlosers, math, language, science, Singapore kids, sgkids, educational, hiccup and sneeze, teddies, ollie and friends, togglekids, toggle, edu-tainment, junction tree, word whiz, slime, mat yoyo, okto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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