Lenovo Legion Go - Activate Fluid Motion Frames | Install Preview Driver | Perfomance Boost #lenovo

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hello and welcome to the new video as I promised you today I'll explain to you how to install the AMD preview driver so that you can use the flute motion frames it's actually quite simple but there are a few things to consider you need two programs as always you can find the download links in the video description there you have the ddu program and of course the preview driver first you install the ddu you simply open it start the setup and once you're done open the program as normal just as you can see now you now have the program Open here on the side you click on select device type and then gpio and then it should automatically display the AMD now you see clean and restart clean and do not restart on the left you click on clean and restart and then wait until it is finished I'll make a cut here because the system will then restart just do it it will take a while you will have a black screen maybe your legion go will also be in landscape but that's not a bad thing then just go into the settings and go back to normal landscape format just press it let it run and off you go it's finished for me now very important as I said there is a black screen it may be that your device is in landscape format to do this simply go to the display settings and then set the orientation back to landscape format as normal so that you have your system back to normal you now also have the problem that you only have the 1,600 P resolution to do this simply download the rec file from the downloads that I have in the description and install it then everything works again next open the AMD software adrenaline Edition but it's very important beforehand to go to your drive seat that is the cisk and see if you have an AMD folder you then have to delete this I don't have one in there now I deleted it before exactly take it out so that you can be sure at the end that this new AMD driver actually has the new driver once you have deleted the folder go to your downloads as normal and open the AMD software adrenaline Edition application and let it run as we know it there will then be an error and that means yes it didn't work what is important here is simply the newly created AMD folder which you then have in your C drive now close the window as normal and go back to see and AMD makes sure everything is there if that's the case as usual in the device manager then on graphics card card s you could now have Microsoft basic adapter here of course he has now downloaded it from me via the updates but it's not bad right click or double click click driver and then update driver and now you just take the step that most people have already done search on my computer it could be that everything is already there like it is for me click browse then you have the normal folders with AMD software installer then package then drivers then bt6 a imp and then you just press okay now select from a list of available drivers on my computer you're basically just doing the same thing you go to disk then click browse and look for the folder that you picked out earlier under AMD software installer packages drivers display bt6 a in press okay and open the INF file now press okay and search for the 780m graphics like last time with the TM graphics driver it's usually a little further up looks that it has TM and graphics now press next then press yes and let the driver install itself next you will need the AMD software as usual go to C AMD and look for the ccc2 install exit in the meantime I'll put that into the search then you will see the cc2 install exit here open it and install as you normally would then restart the PC so you have the software it's quite simple really really and now after restarting the computer just open the AMD software you can do this through the windows search or by right clicking on the desktop then you can go to gaming at the top then display or you can access Graphics via hyper RX if you press it or in the standard settings if you want to do it yourself with AMD fluid motion frames the easiest way is to activated via hyper RX and then start your games via the launcher through hyper RX the best settings are actually selected for the game it's important that in this step you simply look at the second point of the AMD fluid motion frame to ensure it worked properly it's not that difficult actually feel free to give me feedback on whether it worked for you right away here I'd like to show you something else which is really cool when I installed the AMD driver I could finally see how many watts the device is currently using for instance it's set to 30 Watts while playing but I'm not playing right now you can finally see the performance how many watts the device is running at and also check if it is actually producing what you have set in the quick menu I'll quickly show you how it works go into the AMD software as usual then go to Performance and then you can press overlay on the right side of the tracker and activate the Matrix overlay there's just a small bug where you see this in landscape mode when you start games I certainly hope I've been able to help of course don't forget to leave a comment thumbs up and by all means I would appreciate a subscription I'd be very pleased with a subscription thank you
Channel: HandheldChecker🔥
Views: 3,101
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Keywords: lenovo legion go, lenovo legion, lenovo legion go specs, lenovo legion go review, lenovo legion go gameplay, lenovo legion go handheld, legion go, lenovo legion go vs steam deck, legion go 2023, lenovo, legion go features, legion go benchmark, legion go controller, legion go performance, jon rettinger, technobuffalo, portable gaming, handheld gaming consoles list, handheld gaming, gaming, handheld gaming pc, pc games, jon4lakers, handheld gaming consoles 2023
Id: DmqsT8amQHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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