Lenka - Blue Skies (REVOKE Remix)
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Views: 47,624,034
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Keywords: lenka blue skies, EDM, lenka blue skies revoke remix, Electronic Music, blue skies, music, trap music, Trap Nation, revoke remix lenka, blue skies revoke, Trap, Lenka Blue Skies, trapnation, lenka, trap nation, трап натион, blue skies revoke remix, revoke remix, revoke remix blue skies, blue sky, lenka - blue skies (revoke remix), blue skies remix, lenka - blue skies, and the clouds roll by, blue skies lenka, blue sky remix, trap nation blue, blue remix, revoke
Id: -mSRraXCY9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 26sec (206 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2015
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It stood out to me as sounding like Serum's reverb filter. Idk if that's what he did or not but basically all I did was.
Single Saw wave. Lock the starting phase position.
Sent to Serum's Reverb filter.
Added actual reverb.
Diode distortion
Boosted the 4.5kish area a little bit with EQ.
Added the typical plucky pitch envelope (0 attack, very quick decay) to give it some slight pop.