Lemon drizzle cake, and Lemon curd, easy step by step instructions

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hello again my name's john i'm a retired cook from the northeast of England here in the UK and welcome to my latest video recipe in this one I'll demonstrate how I make this delicious light moist lemon drizzle cake with the lemon curd and lemon whipped cream filling and topped off with a tawny frosting and I'll also show you how we make our mouth-watering lemon curd and he is the lists of ingredients you'll need to follow along first the lemon curd recipe followed by the drizzle cake you can always buy the lemon curd if you don't fancy apni court making it yourself but I assure you it's quite easy to make brighter start by finely zesting all five lemons this is for both recipes that's 3 lemons for the curd and 2 lemons for the cake once it's all done I'll divide the zest into three that's one for the curd one for the cake mix and one for the frosting and once that's done I'll juice the lemons I've made 150 grams that's 150 mils or just all the five ounces for the curd and the rest is for the cake now I'm using quite large lemons and the tour tweet comes to 900 grams which is 2 Imperial pounds so even if you can only get small ones you know the exact weight you'll need right the juice in the glasses for the cake so I'll save that for a little later in the recipe okay the first thing to make is the curd but like I said earlier if you buy in yours just skip to the cake recipe at about 4 minutes and 30 seconds of the video but you do get a much richer and better flavor with lemon curd by making your own plus you know there's no additives or food colorings at all in your very own homemade lemon curd and as it's very easy to make why not the butter in the recipes also homemade there's a video on my channel how to make it I'll leave a link in the description box below this video right start by warming the butter on the lowest heat possible on your stove you want the butter just to slowly melt and then turn off the heat once it's a liquid now at the 250 grams of caster sugar and combined it with the melted butter and if you want to know how to make your own customer and leave a link in the description box below the video on my Victoria sponge cake recipe before adding the eggs make sure it's not too hot or you'll end up with the egg scrambled and the recipe ruined in this case the temperatures 40 degrees Celsius that's about 104 Fahrenheit salt work here to add the eggs one at a time as shown [Music] and by the way he'll only need a fraction of this batch of curd for this cake recipe and the rest will keep in the fridge for a couple of ways to use on whatever you like [Music] once the eggs are thoroughly mixed in at one of the three portions of zest that was prepared earlier and mixed that into and finally add 150 grams that's 150 mils or just over 5 ounces of the lemon juice that was prepared earlier to once everything is combined like the stork and bring the mixture to a boil soon as it comes to a steady boil turn off the gas and let it cool if you cooking on an electric hob remove it from the plate all together once it's cooled down you can put it in a sterilized jar and it'll keep in the fridge for a couple of weeks and that's all there is to making homemade lemon curd simple undelicious and now for the star of the show the lemon drizzle cake start the recipe by preheating your oven to 190 degrees Celsius at 375 for n' height or gas mark 5 i'm set in mind of 170 allowing for the fun assist and for this recipe you need to prepare to 20 centimeter or 8-inch sandwich cake tins priests under bottom lined with parchment or grease proof paper you can grease the tins with butter a lot I'm using lard on this occasion and for Belton braces I like to grease the top of the paper to okey I'll start the recipe by adding the softened butter under sugar to a ball and using a spatula or a wooden spoon cream Lea ingredients together until it becomes a smooth silky paste [Music] I'll be making this sponge by hand you can use a mixer to make this cake it makes life a lot easier when you butter soft and also when it comes to adding the eggs make sure they're at room temperature too the next ingredient what is the second of the three portions of zest are prepared earlier followed by 1tsp of my homemade orange and lemon extract I'll leave a link in the description box below this video on how to make it along with my vanilla extract recipe if you haven't got any orange and lemon extract which most people won't have to use vanilla extract but even that's not essential in this recipe as the overall lemon flavor is quite strong but if you've got it use it now start adding the eggs this has to be done one at a time as it prevents the butter becoming too grainy not getting too technical it's to do with the butter being a fat and the eggs being mainly water they don't mix very well if you added all the eggs at the same time this would result in the KIAC plane on the heavy side also by whisking in the eggs one at a time this incorporates quite a bit of air into the butter which makes the finish sponge a lot lighter [Music] [Music] time to sieve in the flour salt and baking powder I'll be used in self raising flour for my kick but if you're using plain or all-purpose flour you need to add an extra 2 teaspoons of baking powder making a total of 4 teaspoons of baking powder altogether don't get confused with baking soda mind it has to be baking powder [Music] those hard white bits that are left there actually bits of baking powder if you got one of those in your mouth when the cakes done it would be a rather unpleasant taste so it is important to sieve plus-seven incorporates air into the mix too and now it's time to be gentle with the butter carefully fold in the flour baking powder and salt I'm using a spatula the last thing you want to do is to beat out the air that you've whisked into the mix if you use in a machine do this part with your mixer set on the lowest speed possible even if I'd use the machine up to this stage I do this part by hand [Music] right time to divide the butter into the two tins the finished weird of the butter shall be around nine hundred and twenty grams that's two Imperial pounds we are four hundred and sixty grams or one pound into the first tin and that should be close enough and there's really no need to wear the second tin butter I'm curious to see if my calculations are right so are we the second tin - and not just about spot-on marvellous all I need to do now is to level out the butter in the tins and the best tool to use for this is the back of a metal dessert spoon because there's less surface area for the butter to stick to and nuts them ready to go into the oven right don't waste any time getting it into the preheated oven and set the timer for between 20 and 25 minutes I always set mine to 23 minutes then I'll test the cake with a wooden skewer or a toothpick whatever you do don't open the oven door to take a peek before the 20 minute mark because the sudden drop in temperature will cause the center of the cake to collapse don't get me wrong it won't be the end of the world you could still use it but it won't be as aesthetically pleasing okay while I'm waiting for the sponge to cook I'll prepare the whipped cream filling in the ball is 300 mils or grams of whipping cream 2 teaspoons of icing or powdered sugar and an optional teaspoon of vanilla extract you don't have to use a machine to make this you can use a hand whisk it just takes a little longer this stage of the recipe can be made well in advance you can even prep this hours before and keep it in the fridge so don't feel like you have to do this while the cakes in the oven whether cooking in your house kitchen or in a busy working kitchen in the art of good cooking is in the preparation getting these small chunks out of the way it gives you more time to concentrate on the more challenging aspects of any recipe right on she cream stiffens up like you see in a video transfer it to a smaller bowl that fit in the fridge I go into a lot more depth on my Victoria sponge video on how to whip cream if you want to have a look at that there'll be a link in the description box below this video time to use some of that gorgeous lemon curd I made earlier a 2 or 3 dessert spoons to the cream but rather than whisk it in gently fold it trying to create a ribbon effect throughout the cream now cover the bowl and refrigerate another good reason to prep this beforehand as it's much easier to work with once it's been chilled and as you may have noticed the lemon curd is still a bit runny that's because it was only made a couple of hours ago but once it's been in the fridge overnight it'll thicken up like jam so he can spread it on toast ahh scones or lots of other stuff and here's another couple of jobs you could prepare well in advance his first one is the simple lemon drizzle frosting for the top of the cake you can make it as runny or as thick as you like I find that 4 to 6 heaped dessert spoons of icing or powdered sugar 2 to dessert spoons of lemon juice plus the last of the grated lemon zest and that has about the right dress ability for this recipe now that's a good word isn't it Triss ability the last thing to prepare from the remaining juice is a little lemon syrup to moisten the sponge all that is is 3 tablespoons or 45 grams of granulated sugar added to the juice and give that a good mix until the sugar is completely dissolved and set that aside to right the 23 minutes are up and it's time to see if the cakes done I use a long wooden skewer to test mine that we are doing after take the cake out of the oven or put my arms into the hot oven by using a little toothpick and the skewers coming up clean that means the cake is done I'll put these tins on a wire rack for 10 minutes before turning them out and I must say the smells in my kitchen are fantastic the smell of the lemon lemon curd being cooked now the sponge absolutely wonderful right both sponges have popped out the tins no Bala they still a little warm to put together so I'll give them a further half hour to cool and that will also give the whipped lemon cream undergird a chance to set up a bit more in the fridge okay everything is cooled down enough to start assembling this cake place the base sponge on the surface that you intend to serve it on and start with brushing on some of that lemon syrup I made earlier don't be too stingy with it as this sponge will take a lot of this liquid there should be enough in this jug to do both sponges and this process will keep the cake nice and moist for the four to five days shelf life that it has in chilled conditions for the won't last that long in this household right the next layer is a couple of spoons of that lemon curd I made but don't put this on too thick because when the cream filling goes on it will only push the curd over the rim of the cake use the CM amount as I do about two tablespoons [Music] now it's time to apply some of that wonderful lemon whipped cream filling you can put on as much or as little as you like I prefer plenty so I'll try to get the whole lot on once the creams on and leveled off drop a few dollops of that curd under the top of the cream are shown in a video but not too much [Music] now carefully place on the top sponge and gently press it into shape and make sure it's level once it is level brush some of that lovely lemon syrup all over the top of it those lines on the top of the cake or from the wire rack but the lemon drizzle will cover those up [Music] time to add the final layer and as the name implies just let it drizzle all over the top of the cake but do it in a sort of random controlled manner if that makes any sense to you try to get the drizzles that's evenly spaced out the she can I think it looks much better that way and there it is all finished out of all the cakes around the world lemon cake has come out the most popular and if you have a got making this yourself you know why I'll get about eight slices out of it what I would normally do now is to get it into the fridge for a couple of hours to let everything set up a bit before cutting into it the drizzle on the top should set pretty firm and the cream filling won't be as soft but for the sake of the video I have to cut a slice and take a few snaps for the opening and closing images of the video and in keeping with my other videos I suppose I have to do a taste test oh it's a hard life well that's about all I can say for this one except give it a try and I'm certain that you your family and your friends will be very glad you did unless of course you keep it all to yourself and here we go my taste buds are on the edge in anticipation right I'm going in and honestly joking aside this cake is absolutely fabulous it does everything and no doubts about it it gets a thumbs up well thank you again for watching please like share comment and subscribe by hitting the circle above if you do subscribe activate the bell icon next to the subscribe button on my channel page and by doing that he'll be automatically notified every time I upload a new video and in the meantime here's a few of my other video she may want to watch so until the next time be safe in the kitchen and bye for now
Channel: John Kirkwood
Views: 42,474
Rating: 4.9542994 out of 5
Keywords: Lemon cake, Lemon, Lemon Drizzle cake, Lemon Curd, self raising flour, plain flour, All purpose flour, Lemon zest, Lemon juice. lemon drizzle cake, baking, cake, recipe, step by step, oven, cooker
Id: eM4c4wqtL9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 15 2018
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