Leman Russ Battle Tank | Warhammer 40,000

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The Templin Institute has never been exactly  secretive about our love for tanks. But in   this economy, it’s just not practical to drive  one on your daily commute, believe us, we’ve   tried. Thankfully, the sponsor of this video has  the solution. War Thunder is an online military   vehicle combat game featuring an arsenal of more  than 2000 playable tanks, aircraft, helicopters   and warships from 10 different nations You can  take part in enormous combined arms warfare on   over 100 battlefields spanning over a century of  military development, from the 1920s all the way   to the modern era. And as a stickler for realism,  I’m particularly impressed by War Thunder’s   detailed and immersive damage model. There are  few feelings as immensely satisfying as putting an   APHE round directly in the driver’s viewport of  some poor sucker’s tank. But the best part is,   War Thunder is completely free to play: whether  on PC, Xbox Series X or S, the Playstation 5 or   the previous console generation. And with cross  platform play, there’s no issue commanding a   squadron of tanks, planes, or ships with your  friends and 50,000,000 other players. Which is   exactly what I’ll be doing 1 hour after this  video goes live over on our Twitch channel. The Primarchs were the greatest  creations of the Emperor of Man.   Twenty engineered sons, in whom each  the dream of their father was carried.   They were bred to be perfect warriors,  generals, diplomats and statesmen,   and each would find in the Imperium of Man a  distinct role for which they were uniquely suited.   Leman Russ, the Great Wolf, would  find his calling… as an executioner. How one primarch might have fared against another  in battle has always been a captivating field of   study bordering on heresy. There can be little  doubt however that Leman Russ was amongst the   finest warriors to ever serve the Emperor and  his Imperium. On his ancient homeworld of Fenris,   tales are told of how as a young man, he single  handedly defeated entire armies of rival kings,   while the Imperium still rejoices in victories  Russ achieved during the Great Crusade. It is incontrovertible that untold numbers  of heretics, xenos and demons fell to   Russ’s great weapons; “Mjalnar, the Sword of  Balenight”, the murderous “Axe of Helwinter”,   or the masterly crafted bolter “Scornspitter”.  Yet even if every tale is true, and tens of   millions were vanquished by Russ alone, this  grim tally is nothing, wholly insignificant,   compared to the toll taken on the enemies of  mankind by the machine that now bears his name.   For though the Great Wolf  vanished over ten millennia ago,   the terrible work he performed as executioner  continues in the Leman Russ Main Battle Tank. The most ubiquitous armored fighting  vehicle within Imperial service,   the Leman Russ can be found on nearly every  battlefield across the galaxy. It has become famed   for its versatility, fulfilling a wide variety  of roles in every imaginable environment. Though   primarily deployed by the Astra Militarum, and  the Planetary Defense Forces of individual worlds,   it is not unheard of for Leman Russ tanks to be  operated by other Imperial institutions. Elements   of the Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Mechanicus,  Militarum Tempestus, Legio Cybernetica,   Adepta Sororitas, and Adeptus Arbites have all  been known to make use of the vehicle, either in   special circumstances, or as a permanent fixture  in their operating forces. The Space Wolves   Chapter in particular was once known to have  once maintained a fleet of Leman Russ variants.   This was a violation of the Codex Astartes  that goverenered their military structure,   but one overlooked to allow the sons of Leman Russ  himself to utilize the namesake of their primarch. In a notable stain on the vehicle's honor, Leman  Russ tanks are also commonly appropriated by   forces hostile to the Imperium. Its pervasiveness  across the galaxy has ensured that it is routinely   seized by heretics and traitors, or xenos backed  cults that have overthrown Imperial worlds.   The Tau Empire is known to make use of the  tank within its human auxiliary forces,   dutifully maintaining vehicles obtained from  defecting Imperial units and planets. The   Orks likewise maintain a great love for the tank,  salvaging wrecks or “liberating” Imperial vehicles   whenever possible. These latter tanks are  inevitably modified with bizarre additions   or alterations heavily degrading  the vehicles overall performance. Much of the success found by the Leman Russ tank  is owed to its comparatively simple design and   ease of operation. 7.08 meters long, 4.86 wide,  4.42 in height and weighing roughly 60 tonnes,   the vehicle is one of the smaller and more  compact designs of its type within Imperial   service. It can be operated by a crew of four,  with a commander, driver, main gunner and loader.   Its primary weapon is a 120mm smoothbore cannon,  with a secondary hull-mounted lascannon or heavy   bolter mounted on the vehicles forward hull. Its  plasteel armor is between 100 and 200mm thick,   with protection prioritized on the vehicle's  turret and front at the expense of its flanks   and rear. With a properly tuned engine, a Leman  Russ can attain speeds of roughly 70km an hour,   though in most cases 30km/h is  considered a more reliable top speed.   In either case, it is capable of using  almost any combustible liquid or fuel, with   a range of roughly 170 terran kilometers. Auspex  multi-scanners and inertial dampening technology   allow the vehicle to fire accurately, even  while moving quickly across unfavorable terrain. While these specifications represent  the standard model of Leman Russ tank,   it is impossible to know how many in service  have actually been built to this standard.   As with all materiel produced in such  enormous numbers within the Imperium,   there are significant variations in output  from world to world or even factory to factory.   There is no aspect of a Leman Russ that might  not be changed to take advantage of readily   available local resources, or circumvent ongoing  shortages. In the same way, the methods by which   the vehicles are produced can drastically affect  their final condition and attributes. A Leman Russ   tank constructed by a rudimentary factory on a  primitive Feudal World, might be unrecognizable   when compared to those manufactured by designated  Forge Worlds of the Adeptus Mechicanus. As a consequence, every production line features  its own unique quirks and eccentricities. Most of   these are merely cosmetic, while some can deeply  affect the performance of the vehicle itself.   33 patterns are recognized by the Adeptus  Mechanicus, but the true number is certainly   far higher and potentially in the tens of  thousands. Mars-Alpha Pattern Leman Russ   tanks are known to have a slightly larger chassis,  allowing for greater crew comfort and additional   communications equipment. Solar Patterns by  contrast were first built for the ancient Solar   Auxilia regiments of the Imperial Army, and fitted  with greater survival and exploration systems. It is the alternation of the tank’s armament  however, that has resulted in the majority   of Leman Russ Variants. These are typically  designated within Imperial service by an   affix applied to the Leman Russ name. Among  the most common is the Leman Russ Demolisher,   replacing its standard issue 120mm cannon with a  larger-bore, but shorter ranged howitzer intended   to destroy fortified positions. The Punisher is an  anti-infantry tank, with a single turret mounted   gatling cannon, while the rarer Vanquisher is  equipped with a longer barreled anti-tank cannon.   Leman Russ Incinerators, Huntsman, Exterminators,   Eradicators, Annihilators and hundreds  of other variants are all less common,   specializing in everything from tank-hunting  to the eradication of macro-predators. Other prominent variations include heavy  bolter or flamer weapon sponsons to either   side of the vehicle, increasing its crew to  6 though severely limiting their ability to   evacuate the tank during an emergency. Less  obvious alterations might be the addition   or removal of track guards, auger arrays,  dozer blades, searchlights, minesweepers,   single use hunter-killer missiles, or pintle  mounted small arms or light weapons. Furthermore,   Leman Russ tanks are consistently given field  modifications by their respective crews,   often forms of local camouflage  or supplementary improvised armor. The enormous number of Leman Russ variants,  the disparity across its production lines,   and the diverse threats it is expected to  confront, makes the overall effectiveness of   the vehicle difficult to ascertain. On most  battlefields it has developed a reputation   as reliable and adaptable, resilient even in  the face of the most powerful enemy weaponry   while delivering fearsome firepower in return.   Here even a single Leman Russ can provide an  enormous boost in morale to its accompanying   infantry. In other theaters, it is widely  despised as a cumbersome, slow vehicle whose   prominent silhouette makes it an easy target and  more of a danger to its own crew than the enemy. Generally, the Imperium has found the Leman  Russ to be effective in most conditions   and it continues to fulfill a key role within  Imperial strategy and capabilities. When possible,   it is most successful when part of a mechanized  vanguard advancing across open terrain,   or when supported by infantry or other vehicles  in less favorable battlefield conditions.   A Leman Russ will ultimately only be as  effective as its accompanying elements. The Leman Russ has been in continuous production  and operation for over 10,000 years and predates   the foundation of the Imperium itself. It was  likely developed at some point in the Dark Age   of Technology and then lost during the Age  of Strife that followed. It was rediscovered   by the Space Wolves Legion in their liberation  of Nova Borilia, a xenos infested Hive World.   The vehicle’s specifications were included in  the surviving fragments of an ancient Standard   Template Construct, or STC. Grateful to have  this piece of lost knowledge returned to them,   the Mechanicum of Mars honored the Space Wolves  by naming the tank for their Primarch; Leman Russ. Despite unfounded rumors that the design had in  fact been that of ancient agricultural equipment,   the Leman Russ Main Battle Tank found immediate  success at the forefront of the Great Crusade.   It was used by both the loyalists and traitors  during the Horus Heresy, and has been present   in every war fought by the Imperium across the  millennia that followed. Leman Russ tanks roared   across the wastes of Armageddon and the killing  fields of Vraks. They scoured the surface of a   1000 worlds during the Macharian Crusade and  endured the heavy toll of the Sabbat Worlds.   They have dueled with the eldritch machines  of the Drukhari and stood firm against the   endless swarms of the Tyranid hive fleets. There  is no foe they have not met in battle and spoken   to the enemy in the words of the Great Wolf  himself: “Here I am and here shall I die.” Thanks again to War Thunder for sponsoring our  investigation into the Leman Russ Main Battle   Tank. Use the link in the description to download  War Thunder on your platform of your choice.   And one hour after this video goes  live, we’ll be streaming War Thunder   on our Twitch Channel. We’d love to get a  Templin Institute regiment up and running,   so hop in your tank of choice, and  we’ll see you on the battlefield.
Channel: The Templin Institute
Views: 161,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Templin, Institute, leman russ, imperial guard, astra militarum, 8th edition, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, battle tank, tank commander, leman russ lore, leman russ tts, leman russ tank, leman russ tank painting, imperial guard warhammer 40k, imperial guard 40k, warhammer 40k lore, leman russ tank lore, leman russ tank lore explained, leman russ tank explained, leman russ tank variants, warhammer 40000 gameplay
Id: ZcVXh7h3CM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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