LEGO Secret Alien Research Center Mayhem | BrickCon 2017

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[Music] name's Andrew Schultz from Olympia this is my mock for this year again it's the aliens if you saw my castle from last year I was going to do space but when I built one of the houses I renovated the the haunted house and I liked how it turned out so I wanted it to display it and so that's how I came up with the military research center underneath the city street so up above we have a couple houses with a bunch of trick-or-treaters and then underneath we have things that have gone amok it's not going so well for the people underneath no no house you start with the alien queen on the bottom you got are all chained up and of course yell they always think they know what they're doing but they don't so at a certain point the the Queen tells the drones to break out and they did and as they break out they in enact revenge on being experimented on take us through some of the rooms here kind of level by level if you can to point out what's going on well down here we have the first room that was hit so there's lots of body parts and if you look way in the back there's one alien who decided to stop and take a little snack and then as we move up we have just carnage from one of the from one of the facility research areas and then over here we have where they can't quite got into yet but this is kind of like the incubation chamber we have a poor guy who's got a face hugger on I'm a another face hugger who's escaped back there and then way in the back some lady who's all under observation and as we go up we see that they invaded another section and then over here we have these guys who are experimenting on I'm dissecting them and they're kind of unaware of what's happened yet and then on the far side we have the the farm where they've kind of you know experiment for animals animals for food and then here on the top level we have you know the janitor who's kind of unaware of what's about to happen him and of course we have the guards room who they're full aware they can see everything on the monitors and it doesn't look good especially for the guy who got attacked and then we have the administration wing where the secretary is hiding and the administrators seeing what happened and knowing what's about to happen to him took the easy way out okay there you go so you've got a whole all the different scenes in there and I love what you've done with the different rooms point out some of your maybe favorite details or some little Easter eggs you threw in there not so many not so much Easter eggs you know but I debating on this on this guy weather is a little over the top or not but I thought I'll go with it it's appropriate you know it's just a matter of coming up you know with how many different ways can I kill a person there are a lot of different ways I particularly like that the hate that it a capitated hang you upside down there I think that's pretty good yeah I had to get a couple things in the little red brick to you know support I'm hanging so when you bring this to a show is it all one piece or does that break down by floors each floor separate the buildings come off the trees come off and then this lifts up then each floors it's separate except for the bottom big one you've got a lot of tiles here for all the different rooms where'd you source all those from I pick a brick off the big brick wall and one time they had them so didn't know what I'd do with them but I knew I better get more they had them so I grabbed a ton of them exactly is there planes for more aliens builds in the future well we'll see you know at this point I haven't had an idea in my mind yet you know I was thinking it may be the one of the scenes from the alien movies where the three predators on top of the pyramid that all the aliens you know on the very first alien predator movie but I don't know we'll see we'll just have to see what what comes into my mind over the next few months exactly well I think it turned out great here and thanks for bringing this the show thanks for chatting with you about it appreciate it thanks a lot
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,617,545
Rating: 4.7540522 out of 5
Keywords: seattle, brickcon, washington, seattle center, brick con, space needle, joshua hanlon, beyond the brick, legos, podcast, interview, builder, LEGO, AFOL, Convention, MOC, Custom, lego collection, bricks, pieces, minifigures, brick convention, art, amazing lego, awesome, alien, movie, attack, battle, ridley scott, covenant, predator, requiem, resurrection, soldiers, military, stranger things, xenomorph, demogorgin, demagorgin
Id: P5bXfnBJ074
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 48sec (288 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2018
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