LEGO Icons Dune Atreides Royal Ornithopter 10327 review! Masterful engineering, minimal flaws

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hello everyone this here is the Lego icons Dune at trodes Royal ornithopter set which comes with just short of 1370 pieces I paid $165 us for this and built it live over on my twitch Channel this comes with eight Minifigures which we'll look at up close later in the video the size is immense as you can see relative to a normal minifigure the length is 22 over 22 in almost exactly 57 cm and the width at its widest is about 31 in or almost 80 cm you see it is in fact mini fig scaled and in the movie these were not small transports it does not have a lot of interior space because well most of the Interior Space is used for all of the complex mechanisms all of which work and which you've probably seen demonstrated by now I'll be demonstrating them more in this video quite a bit because that's where much of the value if not most of the value of what you're getting here comes from and I mean it's just such an expansive thing especially for something that's intended to be used with Minifigures as a vehicle these are not the previous longest uh blades that Lego has made for helicopters and such no these are longer this is the new record holder for longest blade and I think it's I think it's one of the longest plastic elements that Lego has ever made they actually give you a box a specialized box just to hold them thankfully to help keep them relative straight although a lot of people have complained that they have been bent out of the box in spite of that mine were slightly bent as well but these are hyper tough let me show you okay if you have a Bend you can fix it by simply overcorrecting the opposite direction and I can go farther than that I feel 100% confidence in this there is there is no problem with doing this there's tremendous toughness to the plastic that's used here and that will just as you can see I just put a Bend into it and you can easily just kind of set it back to where you want that to be the flexibility is really important because these are so long first of all you want them to kind of flap a little bit realistically second of all you don't want them to be permanently bending from heat or anything or weight or anything like that you also don't want them to accidentally break or hurt people cuz the fact is if you get this and you build it you're going to be doing this a lot you're going to be flying around your space you're going to be showing to people anybody you can possibly find anybody you can POS possibly bring near you you're going to be doing this you're going to be just swishing it around and pushing this button on top that's really easy very durable doesn't break apart does not rely on rubber bands inside of there there is one large spring but for the most part this is just relying on gravity to give it its its springiness and it and its return quality like that this works great uh and it's very very easy to do it does require some some rist strength after a while especially holding this thing from such a a distance away you can do it with two hands if you want that actually helps quite a bit you can switch up your thumbs if your thumbs get tired as you do this it's not perfect but once you get the the rhythm of it I think it I think it feels you can see that this one's not quite flapping as as much there right these front ones are are flapping a little bit more but it looks pretty good to me and it feels good it's all just a matter of of balance there there we go yeah it depends upon where where your balance is is but it it's so good and like I said it's very durable I have no concerns about this falling apart over time the internal mechanism does use a ton of technque of course as it absolutely must I've heard a lot of complaints about this using too much technque I don't understand those complaints at all there's no way that this could have been done without the use of a tremendous amount of technque because it's just so large and there are so many mechanisms built in another one of the mechanisms that's built in is well when you land you shouldn't have the wings out like this they should be brought back so here's how that works let me do that again out in out in landed brilliant beautiful fantastic can't do that without a ton of Technic and this is an absolute Triumph of engineering and design for for Lego to get it to be able to do that so simply and to be able to be built yes I am going to be gushing a little bit because there's a lot to gush about here I'm going to be as objective as I can about this but I'm also going to be realistic about it and share my true thoughts and feelings as as I go along the amount of engineering that went into this is immense because that's not it right those are two mechanisms had to work together on the exact same objects in the same space which have a lot of Leverage working against them and they need to be able to not only be easy to to operate but also easy enough for someone who is not an advanced Lego builder to put this together yes it's an 18 plus set but somebody who has some basic familiarity with putting things together with doing things with their hands could build this as their very first Lego set has very straightforward instructions it's it's not at all frustrating to put together there one more thing one more thing uh when you're not Landing so you're going to do you're going to do this when you're not on the ground you're going to fold up the the gear I do that again so gear down ramp down gear down gear out in front one single knob it's on either side so with if you're left-handed or right-handed you can do the same thing and it's not a big honk and red thing with a sticker on it it's just this it's kind of it's kind of like a a gribling detail that's also all built into the inner Inner Space the ramp itself is able to accommodate some Minifigures standing on it for the sake of of posing but you're not going to fit Minifigures up inside of there because again this is full of Technic mechanism and Technic support structure mixed in with good studs on the side construction building to help hold things together to to keep it within the system ultimately this is a system based set it just does use a lot of technque again because it absolutely needs to the main accommodations for mini figs in this by the way that right there is a print and that goes for both sides is in the cockpit area which accommodates two Minifigures now you've got the new color of trans black proper trans black which is very slightly bluish and tinge or kind of a a cyan tinge when light actually passes through it actually transmits through it this is the large UCS X-Wing style of canopy in that color one on either side you see which shape this is right here and then they've got a door and a window window up top these open sideways that's kind of convenient I believe it's I believe it's appropriate you bring this all the way up and then inside you have just the two spots where you can put Minifigures in there now to make it a lot easier to load those in to load figures into that space they made just this whole seat subassembly able to uh just pop out so you can then go ahead and put your figures in there why is this not focusing there we go just sit your you know sit your figures down take the whole thing and just sit it in there there is some detail up front especially for the main pilot I think they go opposite of the attack helicopter design where the here the pilot does go in the front rather than a gunner weapon systems officer would be at the back or Navigator or whatnot but you can see you've got a couple of flight sticks there and those are independent to move around if you want to adjust their angle to kind of show this being piloted I don't know in a turn or something and then there's just a simple printed console piece at the front that you can Angle now when I was looking at initial official pictures and renders and composits of this when it was first announced I wasn't too sure about this area in here it felt like it was just too busy looking part of that is from the many different colors of technque bits that are used in here it's not just the usual blue pins uh situation and red axle situation we've got a lot of yellow in here that orange really really stands out there's some white pieces there's some tan pieces see some white shows down here as as well and that's definitely something that I don't like to see on I mean I personally don't like to see it a lot on the outside of high-end Technic models that are trying to look especially good but this is not even a technic model this is more of a system model again made for Minifigs and I think that all that stuff there definitely does detract but it's not just that it's also the shaping in here I feel like I would have liked to see more blocking uh more more coverage more smoothness because in Universe yes these things are machines yes they're mechanisms they have complex mechanisms but on screen they are not portrayed as having all those mechanisms uh for for all to see on the outside it's not like exoskeleton kind of design it's not minimalistic style of design it's very Sleek it's very covered up everything is faired over and as smooth as reasonably possible and this just doesn't get that across the studded surfaces I I can definitely accept that as kind of default texture especially when you start mixing with the the smooth surfaces and tiled surfaces and studded back and forth between each other but this area in here whether it's whether it's depicted open or closed with the the wings just does bother me a bit now the more it's open the more you can see those extra colors that we don't want to see also and that is unfortunate I want to say if you absolutely do not want to see that take inventory before you start building of what all parts are in those colors for the connector bits and get replacements for them in gray and black to start with build them as you go would have been nice if for something like this such a high-end model they had included the option for us you know more advanced folks uh who don't want to see all those colors to use just the the desaturated pieces instead I understand and I fully support Lego using these colored color pieces to make things significantly easier and more successful for folks who are not Advanced Builders to find the parts to not call up customer support saying hey I am missing these parts when actually they aren't they just made mistakes on which pieces that they they grab that happens a lot and it's happening less and less since they're using all these colors I get that I understand the science I come from user experience and human factors I get all that but the option for folks who don't want to see that wouldn't cost too much because these are small pieces uh easy to to make uh cheap to make and for us they're easy to get after the fact but rather not have to for a high-end model for folks interested here's what it looks like with those parts desaturated so this isn't exactly how it would look but it's very very close it makes a big difference at least in my personal opinion yeah much much cleaner in case you're wondering here's what it looks like on the underside this is not super presentable so if you wanted to have this hanging from a ceiling for example on permanent display definitely not it's not it best angle by any means and I'll just close this up should do this with the gravity and the proper orientation there we go yeah you see even more of that bright color it's it's just really not intended to be looked at from down here you'd probably want to do some modifications to help with that if you're going to have it over your head here are the main character Minifigs and while I think these look decent I don't think they fully capture the kind of a Lego ification of the actors and in either case I think that this is a little bit closer to Zena but I think they're nicel looking Minifigures I think that they're they're fine as dune figures as their characters but this is very much intended to be a movie version uh modern movie version for each of these I don't know I just don't feel like it quite goes there that's really nice with the mask there maybe this is a slightly better face see what this looks like like framed up with the hair uh yeah a little a little bit better that's that's closer not not great but better here are the moms and Jason Mamoa as himself basically uh at least the the prints here are very good I think that all of these captured their actors better this one probably the the least good of them but at least the print on the Torso is good including that uh skin tone there which you know you should be able to print well on white a little bit of Miss alignment between the Torso and skirt piece here lower dress piece but a really nice figure regardless I think that everything here has been done really nicely as far as the accessories and the hairpiece this one probably captures the character the the act actress and character together the best of what we're seeing here and because we do have this standard uh face piece it would be nice to include a hairpiece for this character and thankfully they did right uh right here okay the only one that they include an alternate headgear piece for but yeah I think all of this works out well everything that's on the screen here works out well yes that's nicely done really nice uh uh decisions I think made between the the different line weights the different line thicknesses used in here to represent depth and also different level of texture yeah I think that these are relatively well designed here's the dad and Josh Brolin uh I think both of these do capture their characters as far as switching them to the the very comic style and the super deformed style of of Lego Minifigures and Lego Minifigure faces I think that both of these work I look at them I look at the you know the top cast and I can I can see the actress's Oscar Isaac over here with extra facial hair I think this works out maybe I don't know if this is the best hair piece but it at least does work well with the the facial hair which is printed on nice and thick there and the printing on the torsos as well as the armor piece here all that's pretty nice not the best match of the darker gray in there that's printed on the armor piece but it's pretty close once again good detailing around the back and thankfully we do get alternate faces for these there's no certainty that we're going to get more different versions of figures from this movie or of characters from this movie other than I think Paul they'll probably make a another smaller set in the future and include uh a different version of of Paul I I I personally would would expect that given this specialized one that they did here it's it's kind of what that suggests to me last but certainly not least here's the baron certainly not least cuz he does come with his stand and he comes with the ridiculous Cape the most crazy Cape of all time from Lego at least Lord business's uh tie was something special his his tie Cape was something special but this kind of lives in its own its own space because this is not intended to be a joke this is nice the way that it's done so this is unfortunately the more papery style more crinkly flat uh style of of Cape I would have preferred something a little bit more flowy especially so you could try to get some of the side to side flowy nature of it but the shape is is pretty good it's printed okay it's a little bit a little bit light the the black ink I think is a little bit light here but I like the way that it's shaped you can see it's all one piece it folds over the top uh it's it's got three holes folding over over the top so you have two folds on the back so you've got this one fold and you got this fold here so you're able to split it out to create that you know kind of kind of long tail look but it's not not the intent there but you know the flexibility is nice and the stand is included there to to hold them up unfortunately underneath there there's nothing to see so I'm not even going to take this off it's just plain black would have been nice to get something there but you don't need it so I'm I'm not mad at it you don't need anything else cuz this is the only way we see him in the movie and there's what he looks like on the ground relative to a regular minifigure so there's that extra little hovering space these are the leftover pieces here and I'm happy to report there was no sticker sheet whatsoever again the price of this was $65 us it's €165 E150 50 lb UK or $215 Canadian for less than 1,400 pieces the price of this is ultimately very similar to the Star Wars justifier set which was highly unjustified in its price not too long ago and only came with tiny tiny number of figures far less than this far lower quality kind of similar overall size obviously this has all this stuff hanging off which adds to its width but there's not lot of bulk there the justifier I'm going to compare it to that CU I think it's a good a good one to compare to didn't have a lot of interior space for its size similar here the justifier used up a heck of a lot of its interior structure on mechanism its mechanism did almost nothing this thing's mechanism does all kinds of stuff and it's not just one mechanisms cuz you one mechanism cuz you got this you got this and you got this and all of those mechanisms work great and they're they're a joy to to play with for an adult and they're they're Advanced and they're they're interesting to put together and they're very satisfying to have and to see just everything about it in my opinion is good except for those funky colors as you can see from the outside I think that this as an entire set is a much better deal than the justifier was but but realistically that's not saying all that much cuz just fire is one of the worst priced sets in a very very long time but it gives us something to to compare it to I think has a number of similes all in all let me let me do this let me do this let me look at this this way this helps to put it into a better perspective the volume of stuff that's here and keeping in mind that almost all of this is all usable and engineered and and interesting you know not just empty space Not Just hollow space although surprisingly this whole thing is very light for how much light and weight for how much is is there it holds the two figures and it has all those mechanisms all that stuff is good good selection of figures I personally would like this to be a bit cheaper I would be much happier personally with this at like a$1 1220 $130 think about $130 and considering the the license I could EAS see it going up to like 140 139 yeah I could see that and I can feel I can feel comfortable with that at about 140 it's 165 in the US feel like that pushes things a little a little bit but not too terribly I don't think it's completely unreasonable I just I would personally like it to be a little bit less or for that price if they had also included the the alternate pieces that I would like to see black and gray colored pins and axles and things then I think I I think I could I could live with that yeah but all in all it's it's such a success of a set the engineering is is just really good that's what that's the main thing you buy it for I guess a lot of people would buy it for the figures I just can't see that myself it's not how my brain works with Lego I like Lego as a as a building system and uh you know a building toy company not as a little super deformed micro figure with almost no articulation uh company that that's just me personally my own personal biases the the build that's here is good it feels like every single part had a purpose there's no waste and it's just it's just really interesting if you don't have space to store with the wings out you don't have to the wings themselves do Bend they will sag over time definitely even if you get them perfectly straight or you receive them perfectly straight they will set bag cuz that's what gravity does and there is a certain flexibility to these that's okay it'll it'll still be all right oh forgot to mention the windc screens came in a a separate bag a separate bag for each so those main parts on the sides plastic bags but soft and they were protected so that's why they they aren't all scuffed up so that's a good thing I'd like to see more of that in the future and that definitely helps with the value also we do get this very specialized Cape piece which is a oneof off so that helps with the value overall a little bit all in all I'm satisfied with the whole thing even as someone who's not super super super super into the IP into Dune itself I think some of the Minifigures especially the main ones could look more like their their original you their onscreen characters but yeah a little bit cheaper would make me feel better but where it's at right now doesn't make me feel bad so those are my thoughts overall thank you very much for watching thanks to all the folks who followed along as I built this over on twitch be sure to follow me there for more builds in the future between Lego and also stuff like uh stuff like this my first ever airbrushed Gundam build yeah I mix it up and try to to make sure that I I stay connected with things other than just Lego cuz Lego is not the entire world and I think in order to have a good perspective on value especially it's important to try other things like toys and action figures and kits and stuff so again thank you for watching and I'll talk to you again soon
Channel: JANG's LEGO Reviews
Views: 94,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lego, review, lego new, set, minifig, minifigs, jang, jangbricks, brick, legos, lego review, set review, 2021, lego 2021, Лего, レゴ, 레고, 乐高, लेगो
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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