LEGO FRIENDS | Season 2 Episode 21: Operation Keep Quiet

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[Music] we can make it let's go [Music] [Music] the neighborhood did you lose your voice whether you like it or not sometimes the goal is to not do anything this is serious if Andreya wants any chance at regaining her voice in time to audition to be Roxy's understudy and Hart more tries to rest her voice doctor's orders you have been going at it pretty hard [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sorry I'm so silly hmm we'll help you get your voice back her only chance is to stay quiet all day we'll just have to make sure she's too busy to talk betcha do you even know what you just agreed to do I can't live like a poor person oh ship you're really great this is hot wall I really hope she gets it please tell me this isn't what you've been doing all morning not all morning below D put your bloody toys away I need to show progress if I want to get more investors dig in the more we raise I'm not going to come this far just to walk away carefree how are we supposed to be picking tail ah get digging [Music] that was weird part of it all over it it's definitely not a typical flying pattern one thing is clear whatever Carter is doing down there he doesn't want anyone to know so time to initiate don't bow just Andre you can think about anything else [Music] okay but if you don't take some now I can't guarantee you'll have any laughs oh you really are making that face um this will remind you you're more than your voice speed demon hey aren't you the girl who sings you're raising more money for the hotel the numbers simply out where I want them you know what they say you gotta raise money to make money what about my city of the future Haitians Mallory patience I've already devoted too much time to you the longer this takes the longer it will be until the hotel opens the longer it will be until I can focus on my endeavors oh-ho II I only need a few more days maybe a week or two then you can get back to your antenna oh I know you're lying we're months away from having the hotel built maybe years no one lies to me how's that background check coming viii nothing at all hey it's you to that hard more song oh I see you think you're too good now [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] maybe we often tell us what's going on with the birds [Music] I know it's hard to give up something you love but you're not in this alone in fact we'll all give up something for the day we will because we're empathetic do we have to be maybe you give up sarcasm for a day could you what do you think Andrea smiled now you have to do it it's gonna be a long day Olivia maybe you could give up soba sorry zobo but she's right it has to be something I really care about or someone so what are you going to give up control I don't have a problem with fine no decision-making for the rest of the day Emma cheese pepperoni that actually works this time not something a little harder to give up Oh melted cheese Ethan it is it's a plan you'll see by the time we're done we'll all be stronger you know if that's what you want [Music] nice driving no seriously [Applause] [Music] hey so a lot of people watch the stuff you post hmm if people are watching the boardwalk Carter can't get away with anything the whole hands-off approach is not as easy as it looks [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes she has to give it right furs do good doors are calling too much attention to the bay if this keeps up I'll never get my money they need a distraction of them I need you to to do a little digging for me into Carter's past [Music] hundreds time is the charm what it's dark out now doesn't that mean we can go back to ourselves thanks so you must be anxious to get back and do your audition I mean are you I'm not that worried all of that extra time to think made me realize how lucky I am to have you guys ah it's a bad time to leave town anyway I wonder how big your outlook Carter is doing and stop him here that but how if we want to catch him in the act we should just watch him for a day like a stakeout why didn't you say so before it never hurts to get a friendly reminder sometimes the thing you think is a failure lines up saving you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] like a lake [Music] let's go [Music] see
Channel: LEGO
Views: 1,429,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LEGO, LEGOS, LEGO sets, LEGO build, LEGO make, LEGO animation, LEGO series, LEGO friends season 2, Friends season 2, LEGO TV show, Friends TV show, LEGO show, LEGO Friends Season 2, Girls on a Mission, LEGO Friends, friends
Id: Y_JX20vnA6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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