LEGO DC SUPER VILLAINS All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p 60FPS

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special thanks to Warner Brothers for the free and early access to Lego DC supervillains reports of laughter in green gas I'm already on route to strikers Island with our special suspect Colin detective Bullock he can look into the [Applause] it's always sunny in Metropolis talk about your right side of the tracks but even this place isn't without its problems that mr. Gordon officer I'm expected is everything ready sure I'm ready norm hmm yes sir Thank You officer stay frosty good day sir mmm frosty [Music] normally our precinct wouldn't ask for the help of someone with your reputation but since you're the closest thing we have to an expert in these matters I need to ask you what you make of this [Music] a suspect was apprehended as a laboratory break in the lab belonged to an old colleague of yours mr. Luthor professor Ivo professor Ivo I still fail to see what a break-in has to do with me the good professor and you were mixed up with the Amazo project the Android capable of stealing powers from superheroes if our suspect has acquired similar abilities they have the potential to become a huge threat maybe if you cooperate and decide if they're a danger we could see about knocking a couple of decades off your sentence very well I've no interest if you had another superpower loser in the world who designed your costume this one doesn't say anything commissioner someone stole my Donuts and my uniform no wait what hello mercy better late than never let's get out of here oh this is the point we escaped come on rookie you're with Lex Luthor now the greatest ever criminal mastermind sure if nothing else rookie will be excellent cannon fodder [Music] [Music] this way my dear will soon be out of this depressing place now that we can't find a way past those lasers relax mercy the controls are located on the upper level let's find a way to get to them shall we [Music] I think we've got company such rude interruptions let's remind them who they're dealing with this should be a problem for me to deal with yeah this is no challenge for someone of my in names genius [Music] pipe down Grundy with all the noise you're making you could wake the dead my former criminal colleagues glad to have you with us Cheeta you'd better be serious about getting us out of here Luthor who's that with you a new friend or Grundy I hate the break of the reunion but shouldn't you be making tracks quite right right there we need to activate the elevator to get where we're going [Applause] [Music] that did it let's go wait are we going further into the prison I thought the idea of an escape is to get out run DeRozan patience you'll understand soon enough this is our south up ahead in that containment chamber that's our target what run dude Oh Fred joy the Lightning the rookie just absorbed it how is that possible Aquinas super powers it's just like professor Ivo's Amazo project let's see if we can put these new abilities to good use splendid work we'll get some stop right there Luthor aah Superman I'm guessing a campfire is missing an overgrown Boy Scout and strikers prison kitchen is missing one bald-headed pot washer I chopped the vegetables now good for you now get back in your cell not Superman believe you've met metallo he's too unstable to be outside that cell unstable for you perhaps his kryptonite core doesn't bother me [Music] oh now to get off this rock you're not going anywhere you really think you can stop me no but we can oh yeah not so fast bad guys take care of an emergency nowhere to run Joker to with one shot not bad [Music] you're out of time J mr. Chang The Joker cop does an awfully long way up there how I can arrange it quiet so we go up while keeping our heads down we climbed to the top keeping a low profile yeah [Music] love the moon bends around fighting the Justice League hang in there folks I'm rooting for you and ruin a magical evening fat chance let them get their own crime spree I see you all set [Music] this is Holi let's go [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] hold it right there you vile villains of villainy who are you I am Ultraman and these are my friends the Justice syndicate Power Man superwoman grid Johnny quick power ring and seeking there's something really familiar about these guys we're here to help [Music] skip to the end Joker's getting away your entire planet is in terrible danger due to a threat from our world what threat you not gonna believe this [Music] people of Earth one we are the Justice syndicate we come from a parallel version of your world known as Earth 3 we're awesome oh we're here to help your Justice League have had to go on a mission in deep space they asked us to watch over you while they are away [Music] that's enough TV now honey too much is bad for your eyes they see old Justice bozos banished you Peggy I had my phone I could show you I'm still searching for my wonderful toy care to join us Lex I'd rather wear a wig besides I have matters to attend to in Metropolis [Music] oh and thanks for the ride Wow a new jacket for getting around Oh Holly you've got to stop thinking creatively there's plenty of scraps lying around we give you yeah [Music] now let's go round up the delightful nan who else will be aiding us on our mission [Music] there is more olice of a little old me how touching [Applause] thank you thank you I do all my own stunts you know sorry folks uses call pre signed autographs were available for my website so this is the gig economy huh and huh I was open anything looks like my rides here you guys just keep doing that ooh but riddle me this which one of you would get tired and give up first [Music] mr. Riddler you like mysteries don't you because you know that new justice did to get done make the old justice Loders mmm you don't say Harley now why would they do that sadly I give you lost it a long time ago Harley and evil Justice League how believe that when I see it gentlemen gentlemen can't we come to some sort of now where's that spoonful of sugar I need to help deliver don't you just love it when a rescue mission comes together so good to have the whole gang back together again next stop Gotham City Police Department [Laughter] [Applause] we're almost there big smiles everybody hey Louis I got a working search and it's just give me a minute here international award-winning reporter Miss Lois Lane hot on the heels of a hot story hello no I'm trying to contact Jim Gordon Commissioner Gordon would you quit bugging me with your new camera Jimmy don't run Clark instead no can do Lois Clark hasn't shown up for work yet it's not like Clark to be late hello commissioner hi Lois Lane here Daily Planet care to comment on the recent break-in at the Amazo labs yes miss lane we're doing everything we can to the prisoner we were transporting well I can't comment on that yes they are still at large not here Harvey put it in a vault miss lane I've got to go I'm already late for my lunch with my daughter reporters [Music] okay go get our toys from the vault this Quinn and I will meet you out back when you're done sorry Barbara lunch will have to wait all units go rattle me this when as a jet stream like a daffodil chanted Riddler that police faults not gonna Rob itself or to the point it appears our presence has not gone unnoticed gentlemen shall we this is Gordon all units we need backup repeat we need backup now calling for Health won't save you this time commissioner once we get past you hey where does he think he's going hmm he's locked the doors to slow us down we'll need to find a way past [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] there's nothing to fear but fear itself and me my my that fear toxin certainly has its uses and I'm almost impressed you should be impressed pretty let's get moving [Music] okay just gotta get past that security space you shouldn't have any trouble reaching the vault after that let's not get ahead of ourselves Clayface there appears to be a rather menacing Toretto riddle me this what kind of police station has such an elaborately designed over-the-top security system one that's based in Gotham City point taken [Music] [Music] no bad man to stop us today stop right there you oversized pile of mud Oh night week that evidence isn't going anywhere oh no riddle me this what has ten lives and three faces hmm we heard some of our old stuff was up for grabs [Music] [Music] here you go chuckles you got it back for me dad well I just felt so underdressed can I see your license sir [Music] you're welcome welcome [Music] [Applause] keep your feet out penguin perhaps my feline friend we should combine our efforts together up these sublime spoils [Music] remember anything I'll get my fiendish flippers on belongs to me I'll just tell the police you ran off with them when you escaped yeah well what do we have here looks like my ticket out of this place [Music] okay heads I stay here and help you guys tails I take my new toy and go home sorry folks I kind of did it make way for my scalp lane all right everyone show's over let's all just come along quietly and get on with our day shall we [Music] [Music] Hey what are you doing just making you a little nest before I go bird boy [Laughter] not so fast there bro yeah get him back girl that girl he needed stopper while she's busy [Music] thank goodness you're here these winter fights forcing me to return to run away [Music] ah that's more like it yeah now I'll deal with that hey get off you little stowaway what happened take one take one what have you gone aesthetically challenged heck he's a small price to pay to take down bad girl down but not out penguin that girl well of course you realize this is that jailbird right after I deal with you do good work little bass okay that one's gonna cost you [Music] hey someone was starting to take this personally uh Rocco ha now who's the one taking a catnap hey that showed her Catwoman let's get out of here while we still care patience Clayface first I simply must get my claws on that precious stone perched above consider it my bonus for taking out to members of Batman's little family okay but oh yeah we already been here way too long there you are am I pretty oh hello kitty hmm nice I'll get a few bucks for this oh sure take it owl man Commissioner Gordon GCPD great work villain hey I guess they thought with the Justice League away they could run riot they weren't counting on heroes like you that's us heroes 100% not an ounce of evil in us get these criminals over to Arkham safest place for them everything okay yeah sure it's just the Batman usually leaves suddenly oh sure sure no problem huh maybe that's how they do things on earth three that was the cloakroom not the exit hello hello Eli who's this some friend of Lex's they don't sandwich cat got their tongue huh for what a few weeks and this whole place goes to the dog we're perfectly capable of making decisions without Lex loser now any fool with a costume now well we let you in heatwave besides murky is the real deal with the Justice syndicate throwing their weight around the more of us the better I just escaped from that feathered fool our man but he sure didn't act like much of a hero yes trashed my lair they broke all my henchmen my evil monologue it was a really good monologue interesting so if they're not the good guys they say they are we can use that exposing anything crooked about their true nature would certainly get them off our back and allow us to go about our business unchallenged yes without proof Harley Quinn said she saw something strange back to Luthor broke out of strikers did you see anything what about this other Earth Day cake earth three can we go there and stick around hmm that makes sense but how do we get there my erstwhile nemesis the flash had access to the cosmic treadmill at STAR Labs I can use it to get to earth three I'd be there and back before you know it all right but take heatwave Captain Cold Merlin and Chatterbox here while you're doing that I'll try and track down harm in [Applause] [Music] time to turn the heat up on metropolis let's head to the cable car station I I don't think they'll let us ride on the cable cars anymore not after last time who cares about what they think we'll still use it to get across Merlin you coming are you babysitting the newbie try and stay out of trouble you two we've got a job to do remember perhaps with this I'll be able to prove the greatest Archer and all the way [Music] must I do [Music] I want to contact Batgirl for an interview hey Lois Owlman stopped the Joker when she and Nightwing couldn't yet we still know practically nothing about him getting the lowdown on him and a syndicate from a regular hero like Batgirl would be a real scoop where is it ah gotcha I knew I had our number here somewhere hello Batgirl who Barbara Gordon I'm sorry Barbara I must have dialed the wrong number back to the drawing board Jimmy [Music] there's a cosmic treadmill what's left looks like someone wrecked it on purpose someone who knew about the Speed Force maybe it's that new guy down Johnny quick you think this justice syndicate doesn't want anyone checking up on him all the more reason for you to get to earth 3 and see yeah but just be quick okay thawne you're the so-called expert here what do we need to do to fix this cosmic treadmill well despite your pathetic attempt at flattery I'd say that computer terminal over there is our best bet shame it's a little out of our reach at the moment [Music] okay it made it to the computer terminal thing now what just need to activate the self repair procedure [Music] all right now we're getting somewhere I'll need to harness my speed to reach our three okay stand back here I go I think that's our cue to get out of here what about this this gets out I'll never live it down mirror master what are you an killer frost doing here [Music] that's a frosty reception what are you up to let me guess destruction of property with a dash of death actually we needed to use the caustic route we need to keep him busy until reverse-flash gets back mm-hmm yeah one mere boy is still match for all of us you guys gotta learn not to take stuff that isn't yours we're target practice for my arrows boys side okay then tell I'm here big boy having some problems at the local wildlife Harvey's nothing we can't have so you know we might stand a wee bit better I see me so if you wanna weep and oh wait this rookie absorbed energy that's not all the energy is transformed giving them new superpowers I think our friend just got an upgrade oh well isn't that funky deep loud to be using your new powers to stop that we met her cool Lassie hey watch it [Music] you think I'm joking huh check this out the treadmill I found out who we're dealing with going somewhere bad guys food justice in the kid dudes Deathstorm atomic ax and me Johnny quit the fastest man around try to keep up kid [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright Clarkson you may be new but I like you and I'm a great judge of character so I want you covering the STAR Labs break-in sure thing Perry oh don't look so gloomy Louis I'm sending you to the galaxy communications tower gala it's gonna be a glamorous event you'll get to interview VIPs about their designer dresses that sort of thing mr. white I know it sounds crazy but the Justice syndicate are big-time villains you have got to believe me he didn't believe me no evidence no story you mind if we talk if what you're saying is true this would be incredible so you believe us sure I do but the puppets not going to accept your story without any evidence or even an eyewitness to back it up well Harley Quinn saw them wipe out the whole of the Justice League oh no kidding we should get her for an interview first we have to find her then get to it because it it'd be criminal not to expose the Justice syndicate for who they really are right okay so we need to find Harley Quinn fast I know a few of her secret hideouts so I'll check on those meanwhile you guys make your way to Belle Reve and see if her Task Force X buddies know anything about where she is hey Louis shouldn't we be heading over to the metropolis gala don't worry Jimmy expensive dresses and canapes can wait mr. white put Clark III mean Kent Clarkson on this job Pete it but it's gonna take the planets best reporter to uncover how the Justice syndicate let two villains slip through their fingers at STAR Labs call me suspicious but there's something not quite right about those Justice League replacements I mean one of them's called death storm what kind of a hero name is that once we're done we'll go to the Gullah oh great I don't want to miss those canapes are you sure that's what you saw [Music] new guys just at the old Justice League clean away but the new says that you don't understand red we're the bad guys but there's a hard guy if mr. J wasn't framed up in Arkham hey figure out a way to stop those no-good do-gooders Oh boxy use all I gots to remember mr. J bye there there honey you can stay as long as you like Holly laughs god flaming vines it's chocolate with them get out [Music] prepare to face the might of Mother Nature no one tries to uproot a friend of poison Ireland's nice going it's got a real way with people you know that nice open-toe by certain parties but on a real charmer well it's gonna take more than charm to get past poison ivy hey dead short mate he's killed for us giving me the cold shoulder less puns more action let's find a way to take her down [Music] not giving up Dex you're more stubborn than I thought hey stop wait a mistake we're not here - hey come back seems you're not exactly big on charm either [Music] someone else better handle this I don't want the trail to go cold nor do i what have you done okay maybe now we can write more toxic gas let's go [Music] I'd have thought even a few bad seats like you would have gotten the message by now go away wait we are not getting the message you're the one who isn't listening ivy you're not even wearing gardening gloves yeah [Music] [Music] what is going on well he's just kind of in here this Sheila we're all favorite ivy you okay Harley does any of these fools tell you why we're here thank you to the press we're gonna expose those new heroes yes of course we found out those fakers are actually called the crime syndicate looking for you clown thanks for doing the hard work ain't that just a dingoes dinner Deathstorm to Ultraman we've got the witness bringing her to you over I think you'll find I have your proof right here so now what I need to know and why I sent my friends here to get you did you make any copies that's good for us and extremely bad for you heads up yet Drago [Music] are you okay Harley heard it on my grapevine here take this back it hasn't stopped beeping since they took you we'll hold them off hope you got a plan the world really are [Music] [Music] [Music] all right let's get to that big TV and show the world without crying bosons are really all about try and keep a low profile still lots of security around ha I'd like to see them try and stop us let's go [Music] okay let's see if we can find a way to reach that elevator sure but what's all this stuff sounds right up your alley Harley okay okay let's try to stay on track until we're out of danger besides I still need to catch up on last week's episode [Music] no time to spectate we're nearly there flip it up the justice syndicate or a perfect cut and not heroes at all and I can prove it metropolis prepared to be astonished huh that's not the video just what do you think you're doing miss you you and your team are no good at pasta copycats no Miss Quinn we're the good guys you're the villains putting all these good people at danger with your chaos and disorder why I bet all this was just a distraction to steal from these fine folks Hey holy framer Olli what is mr. J when you need him come on Bob the duck wants to see you another visit to the couch you need some fresh pies are you a ghost no I'm not a ghost I need you when as many of your Arkham cellmates as you can muster to meet me at the Hall of doom well I am out of pies you get me out and I'm your good clown all you need to do is tune the guards TV to channel 52 did I just hear you're ready to spring this joint I've just finished fashioning a cold gun out of bed springs and so leave this to me [Music] hey knock it off we gave you back your armor and stuff under the strict condition that you don't use them for villainy we can take them back just as easily [Music] freeze oh wait it's not him it's the other one all right in any case put your hands up please stop trying to break out at least until my shifts over I'll get fired if we have another breakout on my watch again did you hear that Jimmy something's going on inside what do you think it is Lois I don't know but with recent sightings of Harley Quinn still on the loose my hopes aren't high for this being good news what's that Ultraman flying overhead there's some serious criminal activity going on inside if Ultraman and the rest of these standing heroes are here then we need to see what happens let's see if we can get in this golem might not be so boring after all that's a VIP only area Lois we don't have tickets I doubt that matters right now Jimmy hey you got it working now that show an explosive drama we are experiencing technical difficulties for your own safety please remain in your cells come on Joker this leads down to the lower levels [Music] okay that takes care of the easy part now where do we go no idea Mon frozen Capitan but I'm sure our criminal buddies will help us break out of this dumpster let's go ask him Sally it's someone letting livewire out to play was way too cramped in there time to stretch my legs a little [Music] [Music] well as you are here you can all assist me with my experience dr. Hugo Strange his experiments don't end well for those who assist him my thanks to you Joker this precount is the perfect opportunity to get more volunteers for my work and you're welcome volunteers like Robert [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're not taking nothing down without a plan Joker I don't like schemes and stratagems plots and ploys level it mischievous machination sure sure whatever you say let's just think of one quick I do love a trap I can stick my teeth yeah not exactly my idea of a fun run that's my exercise due for the year we can find more distractions we should be able to wear them down nice work bright spot now we just need a way to get out of here relax I'm sure something will turn up I'd like to say I knew that would happen Robert perhaps some kind of rubber shoe [Music] thank heavens for small mercies [Music] [Music] you think you can escape us clown huh hey take that as a yes forget him we have more pressing issues to attend to back to the old this crime syndicate is worse than the Justice League they don't play fair they broke my favourite cold gun they stood on my tail they tried to use me as a casserole dish I hear they got all the loot from the fat cat who painted buffoon I didn't bust you out to play pattycake I've been to Lex Corp and seen this so-called crime syndicate they're hunting for something something powerful you can bet when they find it it'll be bad news for the earth and more importantly hmm us we can stop on indeed and then we can take over precisely whatever their game is if they want to play being heroes that will give them the greatest bunch of bad apples ever assembled apples coming you'll show them how we do things on our earth but Ultraman is so powerful we have our limits Lex apart from the walking power absorber here you don't say well we will just have to recruit the strongest most devious most sneaky supervillain team this world has ever seen who's with me excellent first up let's go get Gorilla Grodd on the team STAR Labs the galaxy communications gala and now Arkham's the Justice syndicate have let villains escape each and every time these new heroes aren't quite filling the boots the league left behind say why does flash wear boots anyway aren't they kind of hard to run it he should wear sneakers it could be because the Justice syndicate our earth 3 heroes not used to our earth or perhaps our earth one villains are too sneaky for them there's something fishy about the Justice syndicate and I'm not just talking about seeking come on Jimmy let's get back to work the best place for us to be right now is the planet newsroom so despite a couple of hiccups the galaxy communications tower is open for business reports of a breakout at Arkham have been crazy and our friends the Justice syndicate are hot on the heels of the one or two villains that may still be at large [Music] if we're meeting grande in palace couldn't you parked a little closer Luthor I don't want to startle the wildlife have you ever seen what a surprise date can do softly softly catchee monkey garage zan ape you fool huh this gorilla City place don't seem so advanced to me this isn't the actual city genius these old ruins act as a secret entrance I knew that impressive let's see if we can find our way inside [Music] sometimes I have to question our choices when it comes to building stuff what's this thing supposed to do well it uh isn't it obvious ha now that's how you get the job done everybody relax Grodd has invited us remember this is going to be a walk in the park Apes of gorilla city take us to your leader [Music] greetings oh great news Oliver who's this guy where's Grodd Grodd has been banished from here gorilla city is now under my rule Grodd was so specific we had to meet him he that is correct mr. Luthor thank you for accepting my invitation I will vanquish you I take back my city you're welcome to try clever Grodd luring me out with your pets Hey [Music] [Music] am I supposed to be threatened by the likes of you please this city no longer belongs to you garage surrender now before my patience expires guards stop them arrest the intruders [Music] [Music] this will put a stop to you [Music] apes of gorilla City knew before Grodd gorilla City now belongs to me thank you for your help mr. Luthor it seems like we didn't have much choice if you'd have known my plan Sala var could have seated in your thoughts and pulled it from your mind regardless should you ever require aid funny you should mention that No [Music] welcome Grodd who can introduce you to everyone later I need you to help collect our next recruit you want me to find Sinestro mmm pick those you think will be most helpful I can't find out what Sinestro is I just speak his fan yes and you Oh rookie eh yes that one is becoming most useful very well and they thought somewhere to start looking he's been captured by the crime syndicate and taken to OA hmm all of the Green Lantern Corps I can locate a vessel to get us there very clever well you didn't bring me along for my personality come along my silent friend if it's a spaceship we need I happen to know an aircraft hangar near Smallville who we can find one [Applause] if Brainiac shrinking technology is amazing wonder if I could hey what's going on you're not supposed to be here the atom will need to defeat him if we want to acquire Brainiac ship super gorilla Geordi want to tell me what you're doing here are you not in the mood for small talk still say you have little ya feeding you won't be a tall order [Music] what is all that some tech the Justice League hadn't put into storage is it junk not in my hands if there's more than one way to get it to space like this slide ways teleporter for example Oh what's the matter seeking tigon out these earth discovered two-thirds in water if we're to fulfill our promise i require aid in searching the ocean everyone has their sectors to search seeking you frightened of a little hard work no but I detest this playing at being a hero as do we all but pretending to be this planet's greatest do-gooders allows us to search unhindered and unquestioned here see King you got a little helper for you the watchtower someone has been through here and cleaned it out let's hope they've left us something to get us to oh ah Rawley that was another witness calling in about the atom colliding with villains in Kansas with no justice in to get around to help him time to check up on mr. power ring and his Superfriends to see just how busy they are Clarkson told me power ring is on the planet OA but he didn't say what he was doing time to find out hello operator yes I'd like to place a call to OA please to the guardians of the universe wanna called to a planet that far away wrap up a big Hong distance bill don't worry Jimmy it's a collect call we found it [Music] release me the fearsome Sinestro will not tolerate such treatment there we are grateful for your service however there is something about you Green Lantern's over Harry Oh odd you are not what you see what I got the ring the green suit the tool moves I'm totally the real deal I was you know sort of in the middle of something sold can I go now one moment stay as we the guardians of the universe deliberate on the fate of Sinestro this is going to take forever any landing you can walk away from all right knock it off let's figure out a way to get down our mission appears to be off to a rather uninspiring start I trust you could at least repair our ship what sure we can yeah we may not be super geniuses like you croc but we do have our uses [Music] maybe we should have tried a test flight first seemed that in addition to getting Sinestro to help us fight our enemies we also require him to transport us home yeah let's hope he's feeling generous we'll need to find out where they're keeping him first let's go hmm that looks like the entrance to the prisoner cells any ideas how we get past the guards I'm afraid so I don't get it what does that mean I believe scarecrow intends to use a spear based toxin to proceed yes that's correct oh okay I got you now sometimes when you're teaming up with other villains you forget how much wordplay is involved you embrace it I have to admit you really own that gimmick scarecrow why thank you cry I like to think that the little details make all [Music] there he is [Music] Sinestro in exchange for your freedom Lex Luthor seek your aid on earth IO lexa debt so be it let all earth fear me going somewhere Sinestro our newest member is going to show us all how he beat you the first time aren't you huh maybe yeah last time okay I'll see what I can do your will is weak you will lose this time I I can't do this you guys handle them go go so get this over with and everything's done right okay bad guys you were totally gonna lose right who was he just top kicked up his Lantern ring I believe his will is soaked its managing to completely guide his accident nothing can stop the power quite nicely Sinestro hello Sinestro quickly this may be our only chance to escape back to earth Luthor is waiting ah so much motion escape power ring ran into some difficulty nothing to worry about our master demands results he is growing impatient we're close to finding the artifact rest assured being heroes we have access to every restricted lab and base on the planet we can just walk right in I never had a comment pegged for a dolphin get it done and don't risk destroying it fear not Nandu Wells of Earth I will carry you to victory get a load of this guy welcome Sinestro it's true you will be a valuable addition to our growing forces we'll need more than just fear Lex now this right Sinestro even with a combined intellect we need some more big hitters the Gotham museum has artifacts from Kandak on display conduct you're not seriously thinking about recruiting black Adam are you the key to black Adams freedom lies somewhere in that exhibition a magic prison of some kind can we go next can we can we are you ready to leave for the museum so sorry to disappoint you might be a focused friend but I've got to go catch up with an old pal of mine but I'm sure Harvey would be happy to show you the way if there's one thing I love to do it's taking weird color obsessed aliens on trips to the museum indeed but let's hurry the sooner we can get to Adam the sooner we can be rid of these false heroes [Music] not to mention hold on okay ready he's not reporting on this crime wave Jimmy which is really odd for a reporter with his credentials Jen Clarkson why did he work before coming here to the planet according to his resume he's been all over the world looking for the most exciting stories yet when alternate-dimension heroes descend on Gotham and metropolis and failed to keep up the standards of the Justice League he misses out on the details you know some people exaggerate their resumes Clarkson is definitely not what he seems that's not what's important right now let's focus on this crime wave Jimmy if Clarkson won't report it we will use iums closing no more learning for you today off you go I still don't see why we have to sneak around I sinestro fear nothing except maybe long silences I don't want to give them my expense I don't want to know what part of it we were in okay silly smile squad there's our way in let's go that unsuspecting fool of a security guard doesn't know what fate awaits him remember what we talked about we don't throw nothing that'll get the attention of the justice syndicate a way to get past the guards real quiet-like oh I know just the thing let's see if the Parts I need are around here [Music] all right I did it well why ain't it working yeah I thought we'd be knee-deep in rabbits and playing cards by now I want magic wait there it is sure Sam i Adam I'm sure I can get through those walls but can you get through me sure Sam leave this to me huh I'm here to help I'm a big fan of your work you're just in time to see me clean their clocks what is he doing here are you with them those curse never i'm Azaz come from earth 3 to fight all evil surely you don't mean her this woman has become one of ours greatest heroes and I should know being one myself yes that's right I'm a hero now so why don't you take care of these guys for me and we'll catch up later great idea oh of course ok whoa teaming up with the earth 3 version of me that's totally interesting yep there'll be time to explain later for now we have business to take care of it matters not their puny alliance will only mean a greater victory to mark my return to this world oh hi I don't know how this could have happened oh man looks like it's up to me think I'm done well I got bad news for you I'm not [Music] [Music] that's felt most satisfied how's it going TV so we're putting a team of super bad guys together to take down another team of super bad guys interested that does not concern me clown person very well I agree but can we stop for drive-through I haven't eaten for an eternity hi folks the justice syndicate needs your help the recent break-in at Gotham Museum is thought to be linked to local villains trying to track down alien artifacts for no good purposes obviously so keep them peeled and call in if you find or see anything out of the ordinary anything [Music] fools to call anything odd looking might be a bad idea I mean really you might have a point there Johnny well your helpers got stuck in a cosmic rock and allowed Black Adam to escape what first power ring and now you they search villains are not playing nice every time we beat them it keeps the normals believing of cover story we need that in place to carry on the search says you I say we find these villains and show them who runs this planet now don't forget this world has been promised to us when we find the artifact I've had enough of this hero beers being good is so boring oh what's that pretty interesting excellent looks like it's time for a voyage back to I face it my dear sure we'll run ahead see you guys back at the base really no way fascinating thank you sir mazing did you get all that Jimmy what an informative interview that eyewitness saw a member of the syndicate failing to stop an active crime what is so important that super woman would leave Harley Quinn and the Joker running around they aren't the usual actions of a superhero no absolutely not something big is going on behind the scenes and we're gonna find out what it is [Music] now what we should have done when we first got here lady big sea monster roaming the seas we need shelter can you accommodate us in the hall of doom until we figure out what it wants see not safe hide us what no that sea monster dragged away the Hall of doom and my friend and you're going to help me get them back ours where are they taking her [Music] then for a squid more again sorry follow me no one steals our friends from us surrenders cking the ocean your precious things to dance breathing inside it belongs to me now it grew in your criminal body [Music] how about a little toy for your office what what are you doing no no peace damn blasted your doors lucky that whole city never hey is he trying to leave the party early or something Hey look who managed to escape you three can catch up later right now we've got a runaway super villain base to reacquire her it's okay I'll stay here with Harley you two get after him come fresh meat this way I believe they went through here let's find a way past [Music] scuppered by sea scout [Music] we still want to hide in here boys very funny whoa you got your friend back so we'll be on our way if the crime syndicate can find us we must strike now thanks to them there's no more Justice League but now we need to show these were three Impostors how we do things around here time to find out what they're up to take them out and make this planet ours we need to get to their face at Lex Corp and take him down ah the rookie I've watched your powers grow and I'm impressed [Music] time to confirm if these rumors are true here he comes thanks for agreeing to speak with us sir so is it true a series of bizarre events recently occurred in a swamp near here and is it true that all the local water bubbled up due to unusual activity incredible and the bloomer of a ferocious man-eating product when the de giant octopus stalks these waters dragging boats and building to a watery demise thanks so much for confirming all this [Music] [Music] I'll need to see some ID what that guy looks taller no we need to get to their control room there we are I knew we'd find the way through nothing like a little inventing to focus the mind [Music] it's as if they were waiting for us of a horses were ultraman has arranged they're all yours your so-called ally Lex told us you were on your way he said he simply couldn't allow this attack to succeed you have done well Lex my tech can help you find whatever it is you're looking for in exchange for my share of the earth when you are done I'd watch him ultra blond I don't think he can be trusted well I came here for a fight [Applause] [Music] greed online well and he's just a friendly looking thing I'm gonna guess he's not programming about hugs oh come off it not more you glottis and coming tantor detective Oh too slow might not gonna stay down forever newbie you think you could do a little creative rewiring [Music] ah I always knew grid was nothing more than scrap metal you won't deal with me so easily Wow so much for team spirit grunting not water deep fire man's bread haha well I'm all fired up now [Music] or am I I can't believe this this can't be happening right now I wanna have a word with Lex [Music] yes of course that makes sense he'll know what you're doing oh but I do using your technology I'll soon be rid of anyone who could oppose my total rule of this planet hero or villain you tricked all of us I'm going to get rid of you just like you got rid of the Justice League no what are you doing [Applause] [Applause] hey folks you'd have to be living under a rock not to notice the new planet in the sky what's up now let's go live to the Justice and to get for an update on just what's happening people of Earth don't panic we your heroes are currently assessing if any threat is posed by this new moon and now orbiting your earth at the moment it looks like there is no cause for alarm reassuring smile there you go folks nothing to worry about [Music] where are we puttin if we're over the rainbow I'm impressed I agree oh but look what's goin on over there it looks like that having a party they won't mind if we crash it let's go and join the party you too don't fall too far behind people could get suspicious that Superman wannabe won't know what hit him no one nice dinner won't be enough Hey fire [Music] took you long enough come on let's show the owner of this place why they call me the Clown Prince of Crime there's no way all these events are coincidental the Justice League would have heard about this they should be here right now but they're not we're in a whole heap of trouble it means either the Justice League are no more or what the syndicate told the world about the Justice League being on a mission wasn't true you mean the syndicate lied but aren't they heroes let's keep a closer eye on Clarkson whatever he reports we can assume the opposite is true even as article on alligators not being good houses okay that one is true come on [Music] come on mr. J this place is doing it even for me no I love it the chaos is so invigorating I'll fit right in [Music] all right pumpkin pie let's see if anyone's home [Music] relax charlie we'll make short work of the body a little bit again Wow yeah you know try not to scratch it [Music] report my lord apocalypse has been brought to earth via some kind of boom to who but over them to bother him with that desaad a more pressing concern my lord is that the prisoners have escaped they are making their way here as we speak spare us your cowardice granny goodness no prisoner is a match for Kalibak cowardice don't you speak to your elders like you know Darkseid is not troubled by such petty news now when the anti-life equation will soon be mine the crime syndicate claimed they are very close to locating the artifact good nothing else is of importance what's got into this thing who goes there is it that I think you and I would make quite the team Justice League when you your prisons couldn't hold this joker what are you last chance to surrender dark side enjoy your trip Superman your escape attempt has been a waste of time we've beaten bigger than you before and we'll do it again as they say on your world you and whose army what you didn't think this traveling across the galaxy would go unnoticed did you stop them will hold artsites leeches you guys regroup at the watch ah get the clowns darkside we were despite my arrival the plan remains the same continue with your heroic facade and find me the last piece of the anti-life equation soon the universe shopping my head Betty doesn't evil guy laugh now it's a long story for another time ok Joker what's going on moving planets is a little out of your league what no ok bad reaction so what is this aunty likes of Asian the anti-life equation is super powerful anyone who learns it would be able to control any planet they choose perhaps even the entire universe Darkseid must think it's on our earth the thing I don't get is white darkside didn't invade earth himself why did he take the trouble to replace us so our stand-ins the Justice syndicate could search the planet freely and without suspicion I think we might have a problem well folks I've got bad news it seems the Justice League failed in their super secret mission which has caused that we also have exclusive footage showing that the Justice League have turned bad condemnation of the Justice League has been Swift I mean I'm surprised Superman and Wonder Woman have turned bad it's not that Batman though I always thought he was kind of dark I suppose it's not all bad news as we're here to help or safe with us we won't be able to count on assistance from the usual places we're going to need help from elsewhere and shouldn't we try to find Superman after all he has more knowledge than you doesn't he Batman come on Perry that footage was total baloney and you know it are you sure you should be talking to mr. white like this Lois the Justice League are the good guys who was it that got you a last-minute gift when you forgot your wife's birthday Superman and let's not forget all the time cyborg has helped reset your email password okay deal come on if the league come back and save the day which they will I get to do the report and Jimmy gets to shoot it if we're wrong we'll happily resign what I have to be dragged into this good luck down there copy that give me that back now sit there and go and touch anything Oh what are these do welcome to the mascara my people are pretty serious so Harley you'll need to be on your best behavior yes stand down I brought outsiders but you're all under mind control who did this that would be us granny goodness since we're here I thought why not recruit a few more of you for my female Furies in fact I think you'd make a grand addition to Furman bring her to the temple of course furious attack I can live with that we need to break the mind-control on these Amazons oh yes this will make a magnificent base of operations for my female Furies not if we have any say in the matter yeah let's go teach that granny goodness some manners perhaps this catapult can help us break past their defenses really what do you use it for why do I find that so unsettling my gift shall allow me to make short work of this leave this tamale whoa that wasn't exactly pretty yeah but I suppose on occasion it pays to use an unconventional approach little back stay on your guard a far greater challenge lies ahead ha come to join our little party have two young most we do hope you enjoy your stay in fact we hope you never leave this is my home if anyone is leaving it is you Amazon's they're no match for us [Music] [Music] now I'll get you out that's enough you've had your fun but now it is over I don't think so granny the age of the Amazons is over now [Applause] yoho-o it's not over yet Oh [Music] my thanks granny goodness took us by surprise granite goodness is an agent for a much darker power if Darkseid succeeds the whole universe is in danger when we are needed simply call better than that you never lose signals did you bring a man here I've heard you can't be trusted these days Rachele Ghul Deathstroke we need your help to defeat that help the Justice League your league may be coming to an end but ours has survived throughout the ages nothing will change that let's test your skills try to keep up like I'd ever joined the likes of you you're even more ridiculous than I first thought after him if we can get through to Deathstroke shown the danger the dark side poses to the world he might convince Rachele ghoul to help us I don't know bats I mean there's someone with the name Deathstroke sound like the kind of guy who'd be willing to listen to reason that I don't remember us parking it here not upside down anyway Deathstroke appears to be waiting for us let's see if we can use the bat rocket to get across I'm impressed with your stubbornness yeah [Music] so many ninjas I needed to test your conviction many people would have just left well I'm not many people I'm better we are yours now that's how you make an accent he does it all the time it can get a little tiring [Music] we have located where Superman landed we are on route donald ensure your seat is in the upright position as we are preparing to land join us or Island how do you figure that I thought you might come to try to find your Man of Steel I Kalibak general of Darkseid have need of him I'm afraid I cannot allow you to take him allow us what have you done with Superman prepare to be history let's see if you fools have what it takes to defeat the mighty Kalibak huh have I mentioned how much I am enjoying being back on earth yeah not the homecoming I was expecting either ah this will finish you off oh you're just making your eventual defeat all the war painful no no lost this useless piece of technology you can't do this palette back could never beat thanks Green Lantern Aquaman and I don't think we've properly met what's your name friend time for talk you're right that Darkseid packs quite a wallop a little longer in the Sun man I'll be back to full strength can you soak up those rays any quicker Superman looks like we might need your power sooner than we thought [Music] what is that Darkseid Jimmy get as many shots of this as you can finally I get a real story to report on people of Earth I have come for your world resistance is futile your defeat is inevitable who here dares resist we do I'm going to enjoy this [Music] hey those guys are not getting knocked off world it looks like darkside is pulling his punches [Music] not in the face how can this be I am defeated he just throw the fight looks that way so he's made the imposters more popular than ever so they can keep looking for the anti-life equation and we can't warn anyone Joker we'll need you and your friends what gives bats the world thinks the crime syndicate our heroes so if they want to be the good guys I guess we'll just have to be the bad guys what do you say okay leave it to me if I can get them to stop arguing for five minutes wherein I say we pretend to be heroes we've got work to do reverse-flash Grundy I can hardly believe it but it looks like the Justice League are working with us can you two head across to the Hall of Justice and meet up with Joker and Hani you think you can take the reins on this one Thawne I'll get him there don't worry come on you big lummox uh-huh really yes thank you heart can't where on earth have you been on another planet it's just a phrase Clark are you okay are you sick why rice I'm worried because you've been off work and there are suspicious heroes flying around and an alien planet in the sky that's home to a villain who wants to conquer earth that's why Superman told you I need to meet him we're okay Clark is back for five minutes and he's got us a scoop already let's go that was Cora where is he been well something about dinosaurs on an island I think he's still got a fever he's been watching too many movies let's go we should've set up here in the first place I know right we're closed now Commissioner Gordon always a pleasure what's up now it's the Justice League they're back and say now's not a good time I'll send my team out right away what's he doing okay flash let's end this in a flash I've got the boss's anti-life equation Johnny so are you going to come quietly nope no I don't think so Oh ice creams feeling bad person oh stop the evildoer mind if I join in you should've come back there's only room for one speedster around here and that's me hold on tight little lady this could be a bumpy ride this Johnny quick guy isn't just bragging who genuinely seems to be as fast as we are we'll see about that now I got you hey let's be reasonable here how about I give you your old job back too late for that now tell me what you're up to you're a good guy in you and hurt me look it maybe maybe not better tell him Johnny I've never seen him like this tell him Johnny tell me listen we're just a bunch of crooks working for Darkseid you want us to find something something mother box a wife now she told us it if we found it we can have your planet you grabbed her mouth I thought Darkseid was looking for the anti-life equation it's in the mother box sorry everyone flash didn't play fair I picked and with this evidence the crime syndicate has been should we get out of here I don't suppose you consider pride [Music] that's it nobody takes me out of a fight yeah I'm not missing my chance for revenge ina well it's not just standard I'm wound innovative then score me a way to get back up [Music] there that did some thinking through theater get use our help against his evil out with solomon grundy know what to do what is that right Grundy for this I'd like to see [Music] well there's Superman Superman okay Oh better days ah you won't have to worry about having any more bad days once I've finished with you Man of Steel or any good ones for that you speed Ultraman you'll never win that's what you think in short time your fate will be sealed Superman it feels so good to be bad [Music] go get the treadmill from STAR Labs [Music] he needs more power send them home you don't think that's what the crime syndicate was looking for the mother box Johnny quit mentioned I thought they were looking for the auntie's life convention anti-life equation if that was a mother box I think the rookie here just absorbed all of its energy so what does that mean it means that now we have the power [Music] thanks to the return of the Justice League and a little help from their friends I'm Clark Kent and it's great to be back Lois so Batman the Darkseid problem for now is nothing to worry about this is what the crime syndicate was after we're not sure what it is so we'll be passing it to Wayne tech for analysis the fools they have given away the location of what I seek a piece of the anti-life equation and it will be mine Steppenwolf you never let me drive that but it is good to have you back you sure about this just see if you can find something at LexCorp to send that that's where it came from let's go Robin we'll need to return this back to where it was stolen from and conduct some further tests you mean Wayne Tower right you think a little box thing like that couldn't really be so important to everything that's going on I'm counting on it I knew it we knew it Jimmy our sleuthing paid off in those slimes syndicate bozos are gone for good after all they put us through justice is finally served yeah with the league back in action it won't be long until John Lennon is planted are sent back across the universe - we know what he's after so now it's just a matter of time but isn't he way more powerful than the crime syndicate Batman doesn't seem to be too fazed by the idea of fighting this guy and who's not even got any superpowers don't tell him that I said that [Music] there you are now they're distracted let's get you to safety no the anti-life equation with Darkseid's goons on our tail this isn't going to be easy hey who invited this little pipsqueak along whoa what was that pretty convenient timing for an elevator Jam we need to get out of here now maybe our new friend has powers that'll help move out what wouldn't stick around here apply with you good work everyone extra credit to you got there they grabbed the rookie [Music] man nice to have you back I'm guessing if Darkseid gets his hands on the rookie it's bad right that's an understatement we better do something about it then try to keep up [Music] [Applause] [Music] we can't let him get away I wasn't intending on your efforts would amuse me if they weren't so utterly pathetic I should be able to deal with this you've done it now with myself of you Darkseid you don't just have the anti-life equation you are the anti-life equation Luthor Luthor seems I had a train to catch what is that white ducks I took my rookie your rookie has the last piece of the anti-life equation if Darkseid gets the equation it's lights out for the entire universe not bad Luthor I couldn't have done better myself yeah well while you were away someone had to step in and take charge oh I was on the brink of ridding this world of all criminals but who can say if they had been in my place they wouldn't have done the same not you then yes I suppose he's got a point if Darkseid is back on apocalypse I can use the boom tube generator at LexCorp to get us up there that would bypass most of their security you think you can do that I'm Lex Luthor of course I can we must act quickly and recover the rookie sending apocalypse back won't do much good if Darkseid completes his anti-life equation true I just hope we can reach them in time Lois Lane here reporting live from the streets of Metropolis as the villains of Earth's lens their help and powers to our heroes let's hope their usual mischief and mayhem doesn't ultimately impede the Justice League in their pursuit of Darkseid if Darkseid succeeds in extracting and acquiring the equation it's game over for Earth's and probably the whole universe the world holds its breath and waits off-air Lois hey if this really is the end of the world do you think Perry would give me a raise for the last week on earth or the shot Jimmy you got nothing to lose okay now what I can use this to reverse the energy and send apocalypse back but only once we have the rookie Lex I never knew you cared we'll need to act quickly before dark side gets what he wants we should split up no point in all of us looking in the same place first one to find the rookie gets up cookie sorry force of habit [Music] looks like we found him we with the cookie rookie soon we will have extracted the last element of the equation my lord excellent then untold power will belong to me the Earthlings are attacking let them come none can stop me oh really I don't believe we've met desaad who is this inserts Luthor the greatest criminal mastermind of this or any other earth and you have an associate of mine the universe shall belong to be Just In Time a mysterious friend is in that chamber up ahead we'll need to deactivate it somehow but it's not gonna be easy oh how correct you are this won't be easy far from it in fact let me introduce you to one of my latest invention you're not going anywhere you aren't worthy creatures nothing shall stand in the way of the universe's righteous new ruler here we go again wonderful news you fools will be the first to experience prototype by new even more powerful weapons oh lucky ass it might be more powerful but I'm willing to bet it's still not indestructible let's look for another weakness we can use no wait happening those inventions of yours are the biggest jokes I've ever seen you you'll pay for it let's find a way to reach him before he attacks again just away get away Wow is faster than he looks let's see if there's a way to free our friend from here once again you disappoint me decide I will deal with you later or not I have uninvited guests to attend to bring it on dark side there can be only one true criminal mastermind Soviet mystery so be it you will bear witness to my glorious attention your time is running out - my reign shall begin [Music] you thought I wouldn't have anticipated back minor setback to stop Darkseid I'm open to suggestions mr. Lantern I might be able to create a construct that will take them down but I'll need to focus my lantern energy to do it I'd sent suggestions not strange rambling whatever it is you're thinking around I cannot move the last piece has been extracted yes of course it's so simple I understand everything he has it the entire universe will fall my diary was empty anyway let's stop talking and grab the rookie right good luck and he's gone why do we trust this guy I may have like superpowers or heroes but they have their uses never underestimate Lex Luthor insignificant parley take them down to show this chunk of cosmic rock we can be yo many finished now the ante life equation is finally mine there you are topside slightly I shall show you what true power is the power sinister the legends have never been able to match my power the greater the power the greater the fear of losing in dark side this is all getting a little intense isn't it Sinestro what you said about fear is there any way we can use it to turn dark sides power against him there is always a way once I can focus my Rings energy I will create the distraction it worked I think we might actually have a chance let's stay on the attack there must be something else around here we can use [Music] maybe we should get some more or less falling Luthor get us back to the surface I have the complete equation I know the secrets of the universe not quite I think our friend here isn't from our universe what rookie turned up just before the crime syndicate which makes me think our super-powerful stranger is from Earth three when rookie absorbed the mother box power it was altered by their earth-three makeup so it's turning them good how do you know this world's greatest detective my parody what a hideous corruption was I thinking that looks lovely well I didn't expect that this piece might not last but it's worth a shot I do hope you'll stay for G time to go Luthor are you there Darkseid is neutralized bring us back and then send this planet to the other side of the galaxy huh like bad Luthor the thing is Superman I've now got all of you in one place once again I'm in the position to rid myself of all of you [Music] people of Metropolis and earth i Lex Luthor have rid you of Darkseid and his fire planet in payment for my services as Earth's protector I shall only demand a title of say Emperor oh dear you're forgetting all your favorite heroes are gone oh hey there I was just telling the crowd here of the noble sacrifice you made are you going to come quietly you're arresting me you're an escaped criminal remember well what about the rookie rookie played a big hand in saving the planet then didn't deliberately leave us marooned halfway across the galaxy rookie engaged in criminal activities like a pro and that's it you don't get a chance to make a better choice Batman we need to be better than that you could join us and help make a real difference oh you could yes you could join us and have a lot more fun so lyrics as you can't be trusted at all maybe we should ask the rookie to be our new boss ha ha I suggest we talk about this back at the base I hate it when I'm right
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 226,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machinima, lego dc super villains all cutscenes, lego dc super villains game movie, lego dc super villains movie, lego dc super villains full story, lego dc super villains cinematics, lego dc super villains walkthrough, joker, harley quinn, superman, batman, wonder woman, aquaman, green lantern, the flash, reverse flash, justice league, injustice league, lex luthor
Id: E6gwPm1stok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 55sec (9115 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 16 2018
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