LEGO Clearance IS BACK?? (MandR Vlog)

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so you're ready to be amazed we just hit the jackpot are you kidding me that's a great deal oh my god oh boy I'm so excited it's been a few days because I ended up getting sick but today I've got a couple big things going on first off I'm doing like a clearance whatnot stream so I'm trying to zero out on some older things that I've had for way too long and like just leftover crap that's gotta go and so I'm gonna be getting rid of a lot of stuff today on whatnot and then at some point hopefully at the back end of the stream my summer 2023 Lego Star Wars sets from JP spew Warren will arrive very exciting but yeah I'm gonna sell some stuff today I'm doing my whatnot stream right now and my package just popped up and said it was delivered from DHL a lot of great people in the chat like a bill of Travis says hi YouTube Good Times all right but we need to go downstairs we're in the wrong place right now the box is here at last we have uh this Set Gorgeous the Spider-Man battle um and then we have oh oh my god oh boy I'm so excited a genuine surprise holy crap I did not expect this one that was uh nice of them to keep that a surprise the scent of the summer what everyone's been wanting the Mandalorian and one Starfighter microfighter 16 I want to stomp on it right now but I can't oh they didn't tell me I was getting this either Yoda's Jedi Starfighter beautiful cap but you know it looks nice I just it could have been a 2003 plumber set or had Darth Bane or like literally anything that wasn't the bare minimum for Yoda's Jedi Starfighter set but Lego Star Wars couldn't be bothered trash um okay I knew this was going to be the case you tell me because I don't I don't get it and this is one of those things that like as a Lego Star Wars fan and as a collector you have to understand where I'm coming from why are the boxes a different size there's no reason the boxes should be a different size Boba Fett maybe they're playing into the show where he was literally fat Boba Fett and maybe that's why they made the Box fat it's just the boxes should be the same size bro that's annoying but whatever seriously though shout out jvspiel Warren guys Link in the description below check them out they got tons of Lego available to pre-order or like old sets or current sets especially if you live in Europe it's the place you're probably going to want to buy your Lego um they sent me all this stuff for free to do reviews on so big shout out to them and then uh if you're in America the shipping it might be more expensive I don't know you'd have to plug it in but they do ship to America so if they have some stuff you want and you're in America they might be a good place to buy it too so Link in the description below I'm getting through all the thumbnail pictures right now I called up uh rod and he helped me with some of the details on the Spider-Man set for like what's good and bad for the Minifigures because I'm not as into Spider-Man as Star Wars obviously so I need a little help on like some of the details and he provided that so big shout out to rob the collector3 on Instagram and yeah just working through the thumbnail picks because I want to get all that done and then do the unboxings and then go play basketball and then come back and build I've spent the better part of the afternoon filming my uh unboxing and like boxing b-roll of the summer sets that I got so I finally gotten through all of them except the Advent calendar because I'm going to film that a little bit differently because it's an advent calendar so I'm setting up to do a twitch stream now which should be pretty fun gusher said if you build the Spider-Man set right now I'll give you 10 gifted and I said cap and then he gave me 10 gifted Subs he was not kidding indeed he was very very serious and Jedi Master phrase with the gift itself thank you Mr Freeze so we built the 332nd Battle Pack and now we're going to build spoderman Sans and I just had dinner at Texas Roadhouse and now we're gonna go to Walmart because Legos I got excited that he may might actually have things on clearance but everything that's on clearance is just replaced with something that's not that set I don't even see the justifier for 119 not even here it's made of doctor production yeah I haven't seen a starter store at Walmart since the first wave of them it has been two months look at all them clearance tags it's like 2017 all over again except I don't like the company anymore what a shame oh look flowers oh look Harry Potter they even have Indiana Jones in stock I think a lot of this is going to make it to its second wave of discounts a lot of it's getting cheaper no one's biting at these prices you'll bite you have blue Yoshi yet no I don't oh for 42 you could be the proud new owner I could I won't be yeah good do I have to buy one of these to compare to the Star Wars ones they're not very comparable ah they're like the same what do you mean not comparable why would you get Thanos over Hulker okay Hulk whatever I hate it I hate all of it fine doesn't mean let me rephrase everyone says everything's fine that's not very good do you own these do you own these fake fake enjoyer this is an exciting Vlog because today my friend Jared is coming to work with Slash for me I was only working for one day but I'm hoping this is the start of something great I have no idea what I'm gonna have him doing but I'm gonna have Pearson start building this UCS nebulon that I gotta film the intro for today we gotta clear off the mystery boxes stuff make sure you check out that video that one's a crazy one I was having a fun time with that but if I do end up hiring Jared full time I want him to be more like business managerie slash big idea guy so you know help project managers basically I think was some commenters told me I'm looking for so uh yeah I'm excited though this could be a good day all right Jared's just walking up he's not actually late but I'm gonna tell him he's late I'm gonna get his reaction are you gonna be late on your first day you're late I said 10 o'clock it's 10 55. okay got him pranked all right I just unboxed the knockoff nebulon so Pearson is going to be building that you're not Pearson that's a hammer so you can hammer in like Parts because they're so bad it's bad yeah I got a gift for you number 69 what do you think what do you think is it everything you wanted and more is it bad that I'm looking at more stickers more than the figure what no you're looking for sticker yeah sticker take it came out nice I was happy we just wrote out a whole thing for Boba Fett Minifigures so this is this is the behind the scenes of recording uh a Boba Fett minifigure video and action but at the end of the day scarcity is why this is a two thousand dollar Boba Fett minifigure Jared and I were just about to leave but you printing came through with the package I don't know what this other one is this is a new design for Mr shop figure backings whenever I make new figures in a long time I like it it's brighter than I thought I thought it would be more gray it does look pretty good definitely highlights the figure very bright all right how was your first day at m r Inc yeah I'm a little tired I hope you're tired you worked hard I don't know if I can do this every day it's Thursday now my mystery box video just went up and Pearson is working on a short hashtag shorts on YouTube and it's gonna go on Tick Tock and Instagram I'm going degenerate level here but in here I need the Endor set so I can make my indoor Speeder Bike expansion video I'm gonna go buy like four of these sets and make a big Forest I'm excited came to this Walmart for my end or video and they don't have Endor but they do have half-price Mando starfighters so I feel obligated I don't know these are half price too I feel like I have to buy them but for for half price man I'll take them I just they they aren't going to help me with my end or video I was also hoping to find some four plus indoor atsts I could use them for the video but I don't see any here either so yeah not going great but also doing okay we're gonna check the price on this I think it's gonna be cheaper because everything else is half I spoke too soon we just hit the jackpot my Endor video is about to go crazy baby let's go while I was wrong about this it is 29 but the Endor sets for half price are the easiest buy of my life at 17 why not I don't see anything else hidden down here that I want I mean I'm not even going to bother looking at most these probably it's not Star Wars oh actually forty dollars kidding me that's a great deal I don't want it but you know you can check your Walmart's people my Lord this is good stuff well I'm at Target now and they have full price versions of all the sets that I just bought for half price so Walmart W I also got three more of the indoor things for my video but I need two more still because I wanted six all right we're in another Walmart now Iron Man for sixteen dollars my Lord it's almost making me want to buy more no I don't need them closed captioning not available [Music] I had a little time why not try this is the Walmart nearest Universal so probably just gets a lot of tourist traffic too I don't know if that's good or bad looks like there's one set for half off it's something that boats down there for half off all right some clearance the Star Wars clearance might be the stingiest I've ever seen only six dollars off Obi ones it's literally more expensive than they sell for online that's not clearance I checked the app to confirm it is that bad they don't even have the justifier on clearance this is the worst Walmart okay my theory that it might be bad was right this is this is horrendous I mean some of the other stuff is like fairly good clearance that was 350 was 10 but the Star Wars stuff specifically for whatever reason and I guess they said Star Wars stuff was bad but they have some other I mean not for 70s for 35s a good deal just the Star Wars stuff isn't a good deal that's 14 that's half price that's a good deal I just made a last second half price find I saw this price tag for what was that fat Throne Room 50 bucks but it was here and it said 100 I scanned it it's 50. so we're getting this too that's why you always like look at it three times before you leave that's my recommendation Walk Up Walk down take a look Walk Up Walk down take another look and you'll always find something extra Corey and I are going to the toy store and you didn't you don't look like you got ready at all are you ready we're not going we're going now screw the movie I'm not waiting three hours and that's fat door quit looking at them you want to guess how many toys they're gonna have there five no it's like a million one million items so you're ready to be amazed no no you better so look like a million T now there's only one aisle and they got that whole other room over there 500 000 that's your guess 19 that's not bad I think I used to have both these actually so I had the lightsabers in my Lego bin for a long time well then that one's 15. um yeah I don't know what the difference maybe it's the condition of the box I don't know why they're priced different I got this for my birthday in 2005. I didn't remember the Box being this small but this is definitely the thing I got it was 20 bucks at Toys R Us I'm pretty sure that is cool I almost want to buy it but the Box isn't nice enough well we found the Lego section Captain Rex's helmet for 57 that's a good deal that's 12 off retail right there 57.99 oh this is not a good deal 25 well it might be I don't know what the current value is huh 38 bucks they're like giving it away this is a McDonald's Happy Meal toy I used to give these away literally Creo Transformers my Lord these are the Bugatti for 425 okay I bought mine for like two remember when I found this at Walmart with you it was like 250. so that's 450 almost more happy meal toys I'm gonna spend a McDonald's nearby hey Gears of War Mega I don't know what that is ooh I might have to buy this buying both these all right I found some cool stuff fellas is this not have the ghost in it just just to hit instructions for 25 dollars there's nothing else in there oh my God unless someone stole it that's not Star Wars something monster I'm gonna get the Wookie gunship just so I can definitely say I have one this other section is kind of mid looking ooh they have a thrawn they got some rare figures 130 bucks wow I guess that's probably about what he's worth now 45 for Cody the boba's overpriced all those orange clones the bomb squad no Pawn krill we just watched we watched this watch the pawn Crow Clone Wars Episodes yeah he does I don't see a pawn Krill they got a lot more oh there's the ghost I almost asked someone to get it out I need that and they have the X-Wing back there oh man I'm spending too much money here but I have to have them for the collection they want nine dollars for a battle droid I don't understand that at all like the sets over here like really fairly priced and then they want nine dollars for a battle droid that's just absurd over here is the mostly not Star Wars section take a gander they do have a Little Star Wars hidden within but mostly not Star Wars some interesting interesting bits and Bobs Within love the constructibuzz well I ended up with three things I don't think I had for my collection so it's a pretty big win of a day well I just got this in the mail so this is Yavin let's bring it upstairs and open it and then we're all we also have to do a Jabba's Hut thing or boba's Hut place up we go so a fan Named Dave reached out to me to me over the weekend and said that he had found the Yavin 4 set early and now that I think about it he still hasn't told me how to pay him but it has arrived we also have the Mando spider tank coming in so that should be here today as well but oh wow he did a great job packing this thing up here we go summer 2023 Dave the MVP for Yavin here let's get this open all right we have the 1066 piece Yavin 4 rebel base this thing is a pretty Tiny Box for 170 bucks it feels like but that's it's really full is more of what I'm getting at usually they'll give it a little bit of extra you know depth so that it has some space to move about but I'm gonna build this up today I'm very excited and conveniently our other box was delivered it's the Mandalorian spider tank which is what I was gonna have Corey build today but we ran out of time so I guess I'm building it yippee what do you think you know anything about it you remember this episode at all you remember it yeah I'm surprised baby Yoda does a thing every episode of the Mandalorian Corey and I are stopping by the storage unit to get some Legos out and Eric is going to meet us here with what the atsd yeah I have buddies this is all you got yeah 20 bucks on these 24. they were 12 I bought four of them for 20. at uh I don't know which ones somewhere in Sanford yeah 17. yep why are you buying them for 17. uh I'm just doing the one odd thing it's gonna say they're cheaper you can get them cheaper Kohl's gets you get the best deals from Kohl's this is what Eric brought me though the Ewoks he didn't want any so I was like you buy them all for me I'm like I'll pick them up oh yeah well I guess these these are the ones straight these should come home with me they're coming home with me I have not decided what I'm going to be taking home today but got the entire black series collection here too it's it's bad it's all kind of in that area behind you but oh man star union more 50 First yeah we're gonna get some stuff home today all right this is all I'm bringing back we got some UCS sets and a few like investment sets and then the marisk and Power Miners because why not big shout out to Eric for coming out and uh bringing us some atsds link below watch his daily stuff that's not daily day 29. yeah all this all this gotta go with the gunship just leaked I was gonna make a thing but when you're in America it's been a few days because I ended up getting [Music] thank you
Channel: MandR Vlogs
Views: 104,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LEGO Star Wars Summer 2023, LEGO Star Wars 2023, LEGO Star Wars Sets, STar Wars, LEGO Spider-Man, LEGO Spider Man Final battle, LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar, Toy Store, ACME Superstore, Florida, LEGO Vlog, LEGO Shopping Vlog, LEGO Star Wars Vlog, MandR Vlogs, MandRproductions, Buying lego clearance, lego hunt
Id: i1PeBLOJ1Z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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