LEGO Avengers Endgame - PORTALS Scene - Avengers Assemble!
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Brick FORCE Studios
Views: 4,725,490
Rating: 4.6782484 out of 5
Keywords: lego avengers, avengers endgame, avengers portals, portals scene, lego avengers portals, endgame portals, endgame, lego endgame, endgame scene, iron man, captain america, thanos, iron man death, avengers assemble, assemble scene, infinity war, lego endgame scene, brickfilm, lego avengers scene, lego animation, lego trailer, lego cap, lego avengers 2019, lego thanos, lego iron man, lego captain america, lego avengers assemble, lego thor, avengers hishe, hishe endgame
Id: -87vmbLZLPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 42sec (162 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
This is great! Just wondering why you didn’t use the actual music?
Holy hell, this must have taken forever
Lol one of the figures looks like Darth Vader at 1:54