Legit Ways Moving Costs Can Increase & How To Avoid Them!

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today we are going to be talking about one of my favorite topics the six most common and legitimate ways your moving costs can increase and I focus on legitimate because I'm sure you're aware of and and as sort of the industry problem is that there are a lot of lowquality sort of scammy moving companies out there you know if you're struggling to find a good moving company right now I would definitely recommend link below to our moving cost calculator I can sort of get you started on finding a good mover but that's not really the topic for today the topic today is you've already found a moving company that you feel good about that you trust but that doesn't mean that your costs are guaranteed you know this is still a estimate-based industry for a reason there are scenarios where your cost can increase and that's just the nature of moving you know there's not really a way around it I think it's super important to understand when it's a legit scenario and the company really is just legitimately supposed to charge you more money and it's very common or when it's sort of a scam or there's someone trying to take advantage of you and there's a little bit of gray area there as well but I would say it's really important ahead of time to understand the differences and yeah just if you this is the first time on your channel my name is Ryan carrian I'm the founder of move Buddha we help over 400,000 people move every year so I like think I know a little bit about moving and today you we're going to cover this topic pretty thoroughly and uh yeah super important so let's get to it so reason number one that your moving cost can increase customer is not ready to move and this is super common mover show up boxes aren't packed sheets are still on the bed anything that the customer agreed to do beforehand you know might not be fully done like for instance taking apart really compc ated furniture that happens all the time and extra time equals extra money especially in a local move where you're being priced on a per hour basis you are going to see a higher cost if you're not ready and it slows down the movers you the also could result in the movers having to pack things themselves and they'll charge you for the time and the materials so this could be a very expensive mistake if you're not ready to go I know that won't be you but chances are if you've lived Liv in your house for five uh 7 years uh or your apartment you know there's some closets you haven't seen the bottom of in a very long time drawers that are full of junk my recommendation would be number one just get started early so pull everything out of those drawers empty the closets just take everything out just to see it donate trash sell anything that falls into those three categories just go ahead and do that now and so then on moving day or a couple days before moving day when you're starting to pack your boxes just makes things a lot faster and easier not having to make all those decisions do 50 Goodwill trips you know all of that is is sort of figured out so you if you can handle it ahead of time that's great another thing to consider if you have the budget is just simply have the movers pack for you you still do need to do some prep because you don't want them packing trash or you know everything but that will obviously make moving day a lot faster and easier and you can avoid a lot of the prep work again if you have the budget for it and you're sort of time constrained there's a couple other benefits to having movers pack for you as well that we'll talk about in the next point but overall just be prepared reason number two items are not packed and prepped properly and I'm talking specifically about things like flat screen TVs antiques art you know if you're wrapping your flat screen TV in a sheet and expecting the movers to load that on the truck and take responsibility for it they're probably not going to be okay okay with that the Mover definitely doesn't want any sort of damage and so you know the way that this leads to higher cost is is one of two ways if you're scrambling to pack these things that you're probably not familiar with packing you may not have the materials anyway it's going to slow the move down that's going to translate into more costs also if you don't have the right materials or you just simply can't pack it and you opt for the movers to pack it on move day it's going to probably be a little bit more expensive than if you had done it yourself and uh the extra time added to the estimate as well will increase your cost so definitely things to be aware of what I would say is a communication is key here every moving company has different requirements when it comes to fragile or breakable items and so you just want to talk to the Mover and understand if you're going to pack it yourself and take on that responsibility what are they going to require how involved is the packing if it's a local move around the block you might be able to get away with just a blanket around a flat screen TV and and they'll wrap it again in a pad or something and that could be enough but if it's a longdistance move there's just a lot more opportunity for damage you especially if you're going 500,000 miles things are going to jostle around in the truck so you know you really need to understand what the Mover is requiring in terms of packing and prep that ahead of time so that would be advice Point number one the other thing that you could opt to do is have the Mover pack all your fragile and sort of bulky items like flat screens and stuff ahead of time for you or on move day for you you know most movers are all of that service the other benefit of that is that it typically comes with higher liability coverage as well so if the Mover is packing and prepping it themselves they're willing to also cover it at a higher level so definitely good conversations to have with your moving company to avoid this one reason number three an increase in the move inventory and this is super common happens all the time you know you forget to show the move your basement turns out there's a lot of stuff down there and that wasn't on the the original estimates you know everything from you thought you were going to donate set items and you decided not to the number one way is just an underestimation of the number of boxes and that's super common it's very hard to estimate how much loose stuff you have and you know how good you are at purging a lot of that versus you know hoarding it on a local move it's not disastrous to have an increase in the inventory you know assuming that everything can fit on the truck you know you might have an extra hour or two and costs you know it shouldn't inflate your cost too much now if you overload the truck and they have to do two trips for a local move that can be pretty significant in terms of cost but more importantly I think where this can really balloon cost is on a longdistance move because on a long-distance move you're being charged on the weight or volume of your goods and so every added item whether it's 10 boxes or a couch or you know whatever it may be can be thousands depending on the disc and the rate that you're paying per pound or per Cube so it's really important to just keep as things as you pack as things change as you decide to donate or sell items or not you really should let your mover know ahead of time it's super helpful for them they need to allocate a certain amount of space on the truck for you and you could get a better sense of what the cost will be it's also much easier to negotiate beforehand versus on move day when uh you know everything's sort of set in motion so definitely important to just stay in touch with the Mover as your move inventory sort of evolves and develops that's a great way to avoid increas in a bill all right reason number four adding extra stops to the move this can be an extra stop on the pickup day or maybe an extra stop on delivery I think the more common scenario is when the movers deliver your goods maybe some of it's going into your house and some of it's going into nearby storage generally movers are going to depends on the type of move you're doing for a local move you probably just pay for the extra time that it takes to go and deliver items to a secondary location or pick them up at a secondary location for a longdistance move however you know depending on which side of the move you're doing the extra stop if it's you know your sister gives you a couch last minute or something on move day you know they're going to charge you to go get it from your sister's house around the corner and that'll be an additional charge and then you also have to pay for the extra weight or cubic footage being added to the shipment overall is an increase in moving inventory so that can be quite expensive for a longdistance move if it's just an extra staff at delivery there's typically a a one-time fee for that assuming that it's within 20 30 miles so definitely something you just want to be aware of if you feel like you're going to have extra stops you just get a quote ahead of time on what it will cost definitely let the Mover know all right reason number five is unexpected storage costs and you know this this is not really something that you can plan for but good example of this is you know a closing gets delayed and you're already but you need to be out of your original house and so there's sort of this Gap that definitely happens from time to time and the movers will just need to store the items it can be very costly to have that service done so you know what I would definitely recommend is talking to the Mover ahead of time about what it would cost if storage comes into play whether it's locally or long distance you definitely want to make sure they offer some sort of storage solution or have some way of dealing with that and get a quote ahead of time on what it would cost this one can definitely be very expensive though you know if you're moving locally it's basically a delivery into storage and then a whole another move out of storage the move out of storage should be less expensive because it's a little easier than moving out of a house it should go faster CU everything sort of neatly organized to put back in the truck but you know it still can be a hefty additional expense so certainly something to be aware of and you know the answer is just get an idea on what that would cost from the Mover you know prior to even if you don't think it'll come up it still just get that service quoted so you know just in case it arises all right so last but not least the infamous shuttle fee and I say that because uh this has generated a lot of uh Mal content over the years amongst customers and movers it's definitely a hefty fee this only applies to longdistance moves so if you're moving locally within 50 or so Miles thanks for watching go check out some other of our other videos check out our website in the comments below but if you're moving long distance this is a really important potential fee to be aware of and a shuttle mostly applies to you know when the fee comes into play is at delivery right so the moving company shows up to deliver the items and they can't get the big 18-wheeler truck into the delivery location there's low hanging power lines there's a really tight turn there's HOA issues you know whatever it may be you know unexpectedly the Mover has to use a smaller truck and in that scenario they're going to have to unload everything off the 18wheeler load it into the smaller truck and then unload it again into your house it's effectively an entire extra move which is why it's typically such a large additional fee if you do need a shuttle and so you know there's really no way to avoid it I would say the the number one thing to do is to get a quot ahead of time on what it could cost and that's definitely good to know just so it's not a total surprise i' also say it's a really good idea if you know where you're moving to your address when you book to definitely have the Mover check it out on Google Maps and see if they see you know any potential issues or need for a shuttle in that case they might be be able to coordinate things or it just make things easier cuz there could be delays with a shuttle you know you're still probably going to have to pay for it you know not every mover charges for a shuttle either there are some companies that have built systems around it I will say generally they tend to be just more expensive so everyone sort of pays for the shuttle because overall those companies tend to just charge more so it's a little bit M dependent but it's certainly something that if if it were me one I'd have the company looking at where they're delivering to on Google maps and just checking it out and then two I'd want to know exactly what the fee is going to be ahead of time so that I'm not caught by surprise or so that there's not some sort of driveway pricing going on on that fee so that's it hopefully you found this video helpful and uh to help you save some money on your move definitely check out our websites the rest of our videos and our Channel there's a ton of helpful stuff and uh yeah have a great move
Channel: moveBuddha
Views: 198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: moving costs, moving expenses, moving fees
Id: VYACs06iZ1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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