Legend of Zelda • FULL Relaxing Music (Rain + Waves + Night)
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Channel: Tenpers Universe
Views: 1,872,640
Rating: 4.9688115 out of 5
Keywords: music, mix, relax, study, top 50, ocarina of time, twillight princess, wind waker, skyward sword, breath of the wild, work, gaming, train, workout, chill, beautiful, happy, good mood, laidback, sleep, calm, legend of zelda, loz, zelda, nintendo, video games, vgm, relaxing, peaceful, sleeping, studying, tranquil, anxiety, video game, tracks, ost, soundtrack, twilight princess, windwaker, ww, ss, oot, tp, zelda relax music, tenpers, hours, 1 hour, focus
Id: em3tTFx8oD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 48sec (11748 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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