Leftover Turkey & Leek Pie | Kitchen Daddy

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Hi there Food Tubers welcome to California I'm Hugh and I'm a stay at home dad and my channel is called Kitchen Daddy and it's all about family cooking today I'm gonna show you how to transform your leftover turkey into an incredible turkey and leek pie with a chestnut and sage pastry now it's gonna serve about 8 people so it's great if you've got guests coming over and it's dead easy to make so let's get into it now you're gonna need about 5 or 6 big large leeks like this now if they're a bit dirty just cut them in half and run them under some cold water let's chop the white bits into nice big chunks and the tougher green bits we're just gonna finely slice so once we've finished prepping we need about 2 kilos which is 4 pounds of finished leeks ok let's get a big pan on a nice high heat, I'm gonna roughly chop a few slices of smoked bacon now let's get those in I'm also gonna add half a bunch of thyme which I'm just gonna remove the leaves now add a splash of olive oil and we're gonna fry that for a couple of minutes let's add the leaks we also need a good pinch of salt and pepper now I'm gonna fry this for a couple of minutes and then let's move that round the pan let's make sure everything's really well coated ok let's pop a lid on this we're gonna turn the temperature right down and we're gonna cook the leeks really gently for about 30 minutes until they're lovely melting and tender so just give that a stir every 5 minutes or so now whilst that's cooking I've got 800 grams, so just shy of 2 pounds of cooked turkey and we're gonna cut that into nice big chunks if you've got any of this kind of jelly looking stuff left in your roasting tray, whatever you do do not throw that away because that is pure flavour this is the kind of stuff chefs go nuts for so whatever you do don't throw it out we're gonna put that in with the sauce ok the leeks have cooked down really beautifully so let's add in the turkey and that little bit of jelly I need two tablespoons of plain flour now let's mix that all together because we want to get that really well combined next I need 1 litre of chicken stock which is roughly 2 pints and we're also gonna add 2 tablespoons of creme fraiche now let's bring that up to the boil and we've just gonna simmer that for a minute ok I'm gonna pass all of this through a big colander because I need to drain off most of the liquid and this is a really important step because if you've got too much liquid in your pie filling it's just gonna boil over and it's gonna ruin your pie and then all of that in there is gonna become gravy when we come to serve you need a really large deep pie dish so at least 22 cm - 30cm now if you don't have one just split it across two pie tins ok let's get the pie filling into the dish make sure that you fill that up just below the lip because any lower and all you're gonna get is saggy soggy pastry for the pastry I'm using shop bought puff pastry now you could make your own if you wanted to but I really feel that these pre rolled puff pastry sheets are a really helpful product for home cooking brush that with a little bit of water and that's going to help everything stick I'm using pre cooked chestnuts which you can find in jars or vacuum packs and I need to crush about 12 of them and scatter them all over as well as the sage leaves let's add our top sheet of pastry and give that a gentle roll just to get everything to stick down wet your fingers and we're just going to squeeze round all the edges just to make sure we've got a really nice seal now use your rolling pin because that's gonna help you just pick up the pastry lay that over the pie dish and then we can move that into shape cut away any excess pastry give that a nice squeeze around the edges just to make sure we've got that good seal score across the top of the pastry and then we're gonna brush that with an egg get that in the oven 190 degrees Celsius that's 375 degrees Fahrenheit we're gonna bake that for about 35-40 minutes until the pastry's lovely golden and all puffed up now I'm actually a little bit worried about this bcause come and have a look it's 40 degrees celcius out here it is absolutely roasting and as we all know pastry doesn't really like these kind of temperatures so fingers crossed it's all going to work out but if you find after about 25 minutes that your pastry isn't rising just crank up the temperature to about 210 degrees celsius that's about 420 fahrenheit and that should give that a nice little nudge right at the end just to get your pastry puffing so anyway let's go and have a look yeah? Now let's reheat the cooking liquids from before I've cooked off some peas and it's time to plate up this dish is absolutely amazing you've got the lovely sweetness from the leeks and you've got that lovely cream sauce to go with it but the pastry is absolute knock-out you've got the chestnuts the sage and when you have that with the turkey it just all works together guys if you liked the video give us a thumbs up and leave a nice comment below i'd love to hear from you make sure you subscribe to the Food Tube channel and if you want to check out the Kitchen Daddy channel click that link over there thank you so much for watching and I'll see you again, bye bye!
Channel: Jamie Oliver
Views: 152,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamie, oliver, cooking, food, cook, recipe, tube, chef, foodtube, jamieoliver, kitchen, daddy, america, uk, english, pie, turkey, leek, leftovers, christmas, family, food waste
Id: xzjZpqzV3Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 6sec (366 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2015
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