LeFevre Quartet "Come And See"
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Channel: GreatAmericanGospel
Views: 123,913
Rating: 4.8726115 out of 5
Keywords: Gospel Music, Christian Music, country gospel, bluegrass, southern gospel, worship, praise, religion, religious music, praise & worship, NQC, National Quartet Convention, Singing News, Jesus, Christ, God, Church music, hymns, old time gospel, gospel group, gospel artist, great American gospel, American gospel onstage, great American bluegrass, gospel television, gospel tv, Ed ONeal, Mike Lefevre, Reagan Riddle, Primitives, Primitive Quartet, Gaither music, bill gaither
Id: ds9LxFj27h4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 32sec (272 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2013
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