Lee Majors & Lindsay Wagner - The Bionic Duo Panel/Q&A - FanX 2019

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] please [Applause] maybe you might find a little Ranieri [Applause] this will be given out to one lucky winner got our next band X next year or sunny right now perfect thank you nobody can order sit right over there perfect once again guys give a huge round of applause for Lindsay and [Applause] well good afternoon everyone my name is rich Bonaduce I'm a film critic and entertainment reporter with Fox 13 and this is very exciting for me because you two have basically created a whole generation of people who answered their mother's call for dinner like going like this I know you I know you have done with them as well to this day I'll lean in to go so just to start off did you sink back in the day the early 70s when you sign the dotted lines that people would still be talking about the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman no not really we didn't have time to think about it you know it was such an ordeal making those shows that was in a time when we didn't have second units today so it took a lot longer just to do the simple things that we were doing we know I didn't think about it at all I was just thinking about getting the work done one hour yeah you mentioned how technical it was when the first shows of its kind that these those kinds of effects and all these kinds of things and of course there was a film a movie that kind of started all off in 1973 and it was such a popular thing that they had on another movie and another movie and then said let's just make a series six million dollar man and then they brought you on board and you were killed off actually but you were so popular that they broke you back in your own misery it's wonderful stuff how does it feel to be one of the first people cryogenically restored felt better in the daytime when we were doing in them when I went home without it so when I i'm a silly when you got that call that oh we want you to be in this very popular show you're like great we're gonna kill it wonderful and they've gotten a call that said we won't even have your own show what was that like well the first part of your sentence really wasn't how it happened I'm sorry I didn't even own a TV at the time and I had never seen the show I just got this script with reading somebody with jumping off of buildings and it's like whoa okay stacked by and I told my mother about it and she she said oh my gosh they want you to be the Bionic Woman and I I said yeah why and she said that's your because I have a sister that's a fourteen years younger than me so at the time she was like what 13 thing is and she and she said that's her favorite show and I went really so no I had to really know that like my mom and my sister [Music] so basically I did this show for my sister coz the start date of the show was her birthday sorry to talk about it being you know meant to be it's like so I said okay well do this having no clue what was coming or what it was and then I finally had to go watch the show at somebody's house and I was like oh okay jumpin ready and brought me back you know I share that that coveted spot with Charlton Heston they may be the only two people on television who have been resurrected a prime time but anyway just kind of had its own the liquid velocity volition after that it was and it's because of you our home that the Bionic Woman even came about because they weren't going to do a series out of it it was literally a medical exam and because you all loved him and then it was I yeah I did too in fact I have been doing this varies from season there so and I had been working with machinery and Andre the Giant and begin a Bigfoot weird places like empty factories and rundown water power facilities and stuff so it was very boring to me and I hadn't had a love interest and I told the producers I said you know I'm getting tired of looking at these hairy leg crew guys today could you just please get me a love interest and that's what happens I'm very appreciative of that [Music] of course it's died on the acts that were conveniently you've lost two legs and arm in here handy for the show what I have the eyes just one leg but then of course it was so popular that they brought you both back for extra movies and things and in the end Bionic wedding yeah we ended up doing three yeah three more movies after we did the series I don't know why they canceled vivid nothing could've got a couple more years and I don't know why it took them three three shows two movies to get to a point where they said well maybe this'll work as a series they're not too smart University sometimes that's for sure you know yeah Vic tried to do a bionic girl has two lenses and they catch this young lady and we were it was like the second or third one we did after the series movie yeah it was a two-hour building the younger ones I thought wake up she was really very good but and we heard that the network said they didn't think that she could carry a series on her own and of course Sandra Bullock also there you know and then finally we finally got married on the last movie I finally said okay what you're gonna do if they ask to do another one probably be from an old-age home somewhere we could run around in wheelchairs run away Bionic ride like three Bionic baby well if a child are ready to put it down on my show if you remember they say came and simply we have a bionic dog his name is Max and we want him under snow I said no no I don't put no dog on my shadow and I hiked certainly take you over to Lindsay's maybe she she loves I had a ball he totally did that sanitary show I loved it he was right I loved it we loved it kids love that yeah it's just that you know things that all staying in the business don't never work with animals or kids because they're not so terribly controllable but these dogs are amazing as you could see it's pretty good the only problem with it is that all these stunt dogs their dreams for their commands from their handler and they're not really socialized with people it's not that there's any bad thing it's just they're not really people oriented and so in order to get him to come over and kiss yes I've got a liver smeared on your face all kinds of crazy things too so that was my only downside that it was and they had to do your close-up talking to an Apple box because you do the scene with the dog and they put on one way so you can rest now you do all your scenes talking to the dog anyway humanoid robots or you - that's acting it also sounds like a pre-emptive no - mitotic maybe and Bionic beagle no kids no pets the sound would be able to be done whether you want to help Liffe I that these kind of things are what people want to hear about because anyone can read the Wikipedia page but this behind this seems stuff is what they want to hear and they want to hear from you it's the first thing that said to me or and I met him back there we want to hear what you have to say the question so in order to start the line up if you don't mind we'd like to start right away taking the questions thank you very much childhood heroes of mine appreciate the work you did I've got three teens or close to teens now and you know probably kids don't listen to their parents so I would ask you with your accomplishments of things that you've done in your life what is a piece of life advice that you could impart to young women and young men question is for both of you and I would appreciate that very much thank you I think Lindsay could be great kinetics see just like he did with the dog Wow she's more into to life and wellness and stuff and as we doing these tours about just that kind of stuff I thought maybe you might know more than me thank you like I guess I would say that and it's hard to just do it really quick short [Music] but something to contemplate is that your experience of any life circumstance is a function of your perception of it not the thing that's happening itself not what that person's doing saying not what's going on in the world it's your perception of it that causes you to suffer causes you the pain or certainly the amount of pain and so in exploring what it is and I'm thinking about that or holding about that and holding about like my thoughts about myself my worthiness my my strength what I think of myself we have all these false beliefs about ourselves and then we encounter hardship for difficult people or whatever and what you don't see what you see is what you don't have or the fear you have or whatever you don't see oh that person's suffering therefore they are acting like this it doesn't mean you have to let anybody you know that's with you or whatever it just means that you're gonna be way more upset where you are in way more pain if you let yourself believe what you're saying about yourself so here's a question that you can always ask yourself when you're hurting about anything just say what am I making this mean about me what am I making this about me and contemplate the answer to that and then you can change that and say hey you know what is that really true about me actually not really true about me at large so why am i believing it right now if you can let go of that thought you're gonna find yourself in a very different place and you'll respond differently to the same stimuli I'd like to add just another little thing to my perspective and that would be to for the kids out there to listen to their parents put down the social media stuff the fake book insta whatever and listen to your parents and you'll go a lot further than you ever thought you could and I know the parents who want to bring you up right and things that you find on social media is not good for you sometimes and that's think that's way we have a lot of disturbed kids out there today so it's up to the parents to be parents I remember though when I wish I it it was it was if I have done something wrong I got a spanking and of course that today is like oh that's child abuse let me tell you it works just the thought of getting this making words and it have to get spanked but just the thought of that was going to have to get spanked will make you think about what you're doing and what he did so parents know don't spare the rod sometimes just go easy but they'll understand you kids listen to your parents [Music] [Applause] [Music] by the woman that would be okay okay b-side yeah we need to read these case it's a very room just to make sure that they hear you make sure you get right in the mic for your question okay thank you both for coming I have waited 40 years for this one but my question is for Lee I love you Lyndsey but this one is fully on six million there was one particular episode that was filmed in in the Arab Utah and I was wondering if there is any memories that you have while filming on location in Kanab I think I think that there was a show about a lion I'm not lyin there's something that we had to track down in or something and of course they had the animal handlers come in with this this line that we had to deal with cougar might have been a code or something but anyway it kind of got out of its cage that much time for the crew is that real air much and everybody panicked and they're starting to run like that I remember you're talking very well no I enjoy also was here one other time Starling city may be over 20 years ago where the promised promised land Roma Downey jr. that show so that was my only a couple of times and I've been close to salt lake city but I want to tell you it's a beautiful city people still find this connection this is probably the nicest convention I've been to because we don't have the convention on Sunday where you have a chance to to check out the city while you're here and the more I'm around here the more it's like oh I had to come back exactly so I had a question for both of you two in sir since you were part of a series that had a lot of stunts and a lot of people that you worked with probably to execute a lot of that I was worried if you had any thoughts about why there isn't that kind of worry for some people and the Academy Awards it's kind of odd to me that's never been added to it because it takes a lot of talent and a lot of skill to do I wanted to be a stunt woman after watching fall guy for years so I just wanted to know if you have any thoughts about that I couldn't agree with you more and my kids are stunned and both boys and my daughter-in-law and their dad which is really frustrating especially today with all the amount of action stuff there is today all this wild stuff wire work obviously it's it's insane that they don't it really is they have their own you ever get to see the tourists Awards it must be accessible somehow stream that all the tourist Awards anyway look come on they do have their own they do have their own you know paying for stuff people but usually I think I did the tourist it works I think I got a guitar stores I didn't think it something lab but let me tell you a quick story as long as we are as long as I've been we've been working I've been working 56 years now going into this business and last year they gave me area I got a Life Achievement Award and I had to tell the story that like two weeks before then I went in on a casting call kind of thing I met with a casting agent young lady and I was sitting down at this and across this young lady and she said that what have you died like kind of took a deep breath and said you first [Applause] so my question is for both of you when you signed up to do the Bionic shows did Kenneth Johnson or anybody give you any idea how much running would be involved during this time in the show the show no no how much how much running you would have to do physically funny oh sorry how close am i today to kind of learn that come from yeah well Kansas Johnson didn't have anything to do is the original six million dollar man I think he came in and played a later date produced and created her show so no I I found out after the first movie how much running it was because I we filmed a scene down in an Arizona Yuma Arizona where they have these it looks like the desert I mean I'm talking about sand dunes as high as building around higher this building is not very high but running up and down those San Jose one day all day said I think I bit off a little bit more than I could chew and ever since then it's been running running running it's like fight wrestling Bigfoot and so but they kind of worry about my knees out so I had to just have both knees replaced about seven months ago so I'm back Bionic now again [Music] [Applause] I'm gonna slow motion the hell yeah well you know I had me of this advantage because the show was already established the fact that was mayor all the way I hadn't seen it but then I saw it in the script and watched a couple episodes and realized but I think I didn't think about it it was just like okay I'm gonna have to run but they didn't think I was gonna have to run in June in California you know the hair and literally and I'm probably a little TMI but you know well it's got its good science right but it also has this bad size because that's how your body cools itself and so a couple times I was just running and just who just passed right out and it was - cuz I got my body wasn't handling it so well so we tried to do as much with the stunt girls possible um Ken and the longshots but no there was I think it's awesome to me - and I just want to ask have you ever thought about because you were a big part of my life being and staying strong in school just tasting anything hard because of your shows we're very inspiring have you ever thought about making a remake of you guys be like and I'm not saying about your age because you guys both look awesome but do like Bionic grandma [Music] it isn't up to us you know the studio owns the franchise we don't be doing all kind of crazy things I suppose if we could well they are doing a reboot tons of movies it's going to be the six billion dollar man somehow we got shortchanged on that mark Mark Wahlberg will be starting in it Peter Berg early literacy they're gonna start it next year they're writing the script and it'll be done sometimes extra on one line under on on that page they don't have the whole cast listed they do have Marcus Lee Majors I've been looking for my name too I really want to see Jaime Sommers in that movie somewhere I think that'd be great I like to know when big valleys that one is Million Dollar Man in Bionic Woman will be on blu-ray as if we owned it we don't tell anything to do is reruns exactly talking Big Valley I don't know it's run everyday somewhere it's still today and back in those days we didn't have residuals so you don't get a penny from those so far as blu-ray I don't know maybe eventually does oh sorry can't help you with that there is some information out there about it there is some season 1 to 2 released on DVD etcetera I'm wondering if in the run-up to the six billion dollar man they might we relief that stuff too the interest going again I don't know it'd be quite a remaster though blu-ray that'd be interesting to see with the number of episodes are there other series that are on blu-ray for just movies a lot of series something okay I suppose it's not that big of a deal these days too now I'm just wondering how it would look be transferred I guess we'll see your kids are spoiled you know they go what story like when I was young I had to I had to walk through six feet of shag carpet to change the channel so you go change the channel son okay it's tough work what does they say that truest form of laziness is when you're too lazy to tell your tech kid together go change a channel friend okay the question for you lay you were my one my first crushes Thank You Lindsay you're my first inspiration and I really enjoyed multiple characters and enjoyed the crossovers that you have in the in the series maybe the question for you is I remember one of your first episodes you had torn a phone book in half can you tell us how that was done I'd have to kill you [Applause] we look closer there was a man's hand [Applause] it's a good thing they don't have these microphones backstage hey um thank you thanks for being here when I was a little girl I grew up in Oregon and I certainly would have grocery store and my mother grabbed me and she said do not he will not talk to her my question is now that I'm an adult and I can ask how did you feel about fans coming up and talking to you oh that that's its journey honestly a lot of people think would be fun to be famous and all of that once you lose your anonymity you really find a whole other part of yourself but you've never had to deal with before because in the case of something as popular as a show my show you know that kind of thing it is relentless and for a while it took me it took me awhile to figure out how to deal with that inside me because I was a really shy and quiet you know to myself person very private person but not out the most with that kind of thing and it's not a party person anymore and I would like to me having eight people over for dinner is like a big party so it was tough I would shop do my grocery shopping at 11 o'clock at night but eventually I realized this isn't going to change and per my comment earlier I had to find the place within myself so that I didn't always feel put upon because people don't think about it you know you go up to somebody and you think you know oh it's just it's just me yeah we did this 10 other people just thought it was me today too you know and I guess not a complaint and believe me it's not a complaint it's just it in here psychologically you really have to make an adjustment to to like that work in your life and so I had for me what I had to learn was that sometimes I had to say no but I didn't think I could do that I didn't want to hurt anybody's feelings so I was always giving up what was important to me every time that happened like if I was involved with my kids or my husband or whatever something special was going on and I really didn't want the introduction I didn't feel like I could say no and so I learned that it's okay I can be nice to me too and sometimes I just need to say not right now with my family they've done and you know what people were always playing with it but I was so afraid they'd be upset or heard or whatever so once I dealt with that and kind of dealt with my fear of confrontation because I was afraid of confrontation might happen man's only minute once or twice or was ever weird and sorry of course I'll take about you know whatever and I stopped being afraid of it and so I found myself doing it more and being happy to do it than I ever had in the past because I wasn't walking around with that perspective that's dead still in front of me that was kind of my personal journey with it I don't know it's like maybe but you know we all have to go through that it's like losing a leg you know seriously I mean it's there's a part of you that's just um it'll never be back in your life well I try walking into a bar and some drunk saying wanna arm wrestle maybe that's your really the Six Million Dollar Man and I don't know they're they're very hard things you have to greet than we did in life a lot of lot of person the people are very nice and it's but there are times - it's inconvenient but you go with their flow as far as the it's part of what we do so I know that overall your time is the bionic duo is a very small percentage of your life but in our world you two are for every couple and clean a couple can you tell us something you either really love or maybe like a true couple I wish she would never fill in the one to be truthful these days I love his wife he has a close wife in the world babe wherever you are as I said out to you we kind of we didn't see each other for a lot of years and when we I think it was when the Italian with or when they redid the European release of the DVDs was when we really kind of spent any time together again for the first time and that's one of my faith you know so we've got for me it's been so much Italy recently did the homework recently no no yeah I mean the first time we reconnected and when I met faith and we actually got to know each other because we were working so much so hard and it was so brawling you know people were grumpy and we just it said earlier you know getting the job done going home so when we start doing PR together years later with all the DVDs coming out and some autograph shows for me that was just such a blessing because we got to know each other as people and it was just it's been beautiful so that's my favorite thing very novel and we exciting for the time but I I have to say that growing up that part of the appeal was seeing this face that we'd seen for so many hours on the the big valley that we were familiar with what do you think of these older shows is it stuff that should be buried and forgotten with a heyday of the studio's producing all these westerns or or did you have fond memories so what do you think well there was a lot of fond memories of the Big Valley because that was my first working with barbara stanwyck who was really like a mentor to me either one thing from her in the business and that was beyond time know your lines that your mark and keep your mouth shut and you'll go a long way so we're into 56 years here and but the big valley game went with the way of all the westerns you know when they got into the high tech stuff questions kind of a lost art now you see a great movie every now and then but that's about it Oh pleased to meet you um my question is for Lindsay you were on warehouse 13 [Music] very funny and a lot of fun and working with Renee Ahmad and Saul Rubinek and some of those other actors do you have any fun antidotes that you would share about your work with them well first of all it was hard to keep a straight face talk about being professional they were single wild and goofy and the nature of the show was just so fun it was grueling but but I think what I remember the most is is that in the room they were just so good to work with as professionals and because this series was so whimsical we could kind of sometimes I have been embellish on things make things a little better and so that those are the fun things that I actually remember there wasn't any real specific anecdote that I can think of you know pops out it was more than nature of what it was like working there and there was freezing cold in Canada outside scenes were just awful not a very fun anecdote but but toured with thank you yeah I was very sorry to see that show go yeah anyone else Oh a Steve Austin action figure I told my friends to the body everyone with orange jumpsuit I think you can interchange it with a white one and I just need to do this I just need to do this because I don't think I could see the looking version it was awesome everyone lives in a very amazed at all the memorabilia or collectibles that they bring to our table to society and everything but you know we we see step that we've never seen before we never get a penny from any of that what they sold all that stuff so I think that it's anything less you know Universal it took everything there's my rib you have a question sir yes yes you know wear orange jumpsuits are now right would both of you please recently comment about the activities and entertainment you did while you were young and what attracted you to the acting profession I know at the first part well I'll start I grew up playing sports the one football coach and simply college football and then I got an injury and a couple of nineteen mates dared me to go out try out for this play it was a college play and so I went and did an audition and then I found out that I got the part and it scared me because I do it it's called the crucible good job showing a little late drama like on the end I'm down in the center stage on one day and there came to take my wife away I don't hurt her at the crosser or at the stake or any way and on the front row you're not supposed to look out that's deadline you know the imaginary line into the audience but I did happen to notice that all my teammates they were sitting in the front row there's big big guards and tackles and they had their girlfriends I'd look to saw the girlfriend said those tears coming down their eyes and I looked at the guys their eyes were glassy you know I thought to myself at that moment I said that I can do this so my question was what was here is his favorite celebrity encounter you ever had somebody like Chuck Norris who was working at the same time as you guys somebody just her star struck I can't believe you know who I am what I'm doing actually it wasn't anybody I worked with it was an Becca I met her because the Robert wises I did my first feature film with Robert Wise and he was then after our film doing the Hindenburg at Universal and I was still under contract at the time so anyway I went to how much of him and he said he had to go over to the settings and by crossing but oh my god she's like one of my favorite actresses so he said well come over and meet her and I was still pretty young at least it was 1978 must have been late 72 and maybe 73 and Robert introduced us and I had only ever done like what maybe 12 or 13 guest starring episodes at Universal and then this first feature film with Robert which wasn't even out yet and she laughed when they introduced us she said oh I saw you on Marcus Welby you a new had myasthenia gravis and I went oh no he's completely dry I didn't know what to say I was just blown away and talk about a compliment your heart no no I think that's my most starts to moment no comment on that actually he has to throw a time no actually we're out of Carolyn just just a circle back oh that's okay no we may be not able to write together so four euros assignment is to go directly to the tables same question for you that you might have to get involved with if for the six billion dollar man movie if someone wants to say create some kind of audience driven petition to have you guys in that movie how would you respond to that it works I could play [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] steve austin that they have Travis night now is the director of the dance of directors change he just directed bumblebee which did really well and hard Bennett's is writing in an infinity know him he actually worked on the original one and he basically created Star Trek to the Wrath of Khan after Star Trek one was iffy so he knows how to take something that a lot of people love and bring the really cool elements of it into the future so looking forward to seeing you on the big screen again thank you [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Ammaross Danan
Views: 683,807
Rating: 4.8568516 out of 5
Keywords: Fan Experience, Salt Lake Comic Con, comic con, AmmarossDanan, AmmarossDanan494, AmmarossDanan.com, panel, SLComicCon, FanX19, SLCC19, Lee Majors, Lindsay Wagner, The Bionic Woman, Six Million Dollar Man
Id: qMuZgb6C5RE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 39sec (2559 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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