Lecture QA - Edward Fudge - The Fire That Consumes: A Biblical and Historical Study of Hell

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you've been dealing with this issue for over 30 years what Bible verse causes you the most problem with your view that what verse is it where you think yeah you know if there is one I don't think any of them but but the one that causes the most problem is revelation 20 verse 10 which speaks of the devil and the beast and the false prophet and he actually uses the phrase tormented for ever and ever Edward what would you tell someone who hasn't trusted in Christ and says they're fine not knowing Christ because all that's going to happen is they'll cease to exist well tell they were really thinking very short-sighted Lee there's a great deal more than just ceased to exist like poof you're going you're talking about people being raised from the dead to face God in judgment and Ken or the Living God be sentenced to eternal punishment go into a lake of fire and brimstone that doesn't sound like a comfortable way to go out to me Moses meant God in a burning bush that was not consumed by fire do you think the bush was miserable I've just read them I'll tell you this my granddaughter when she was about five came home with a picture of the burning bush and her mother said what's this God's talking to Moses What did he say she thought a minute said he said make a wish and blow it out would you please deal with the parable of Lazarus and the rich man in the first place it's a parable and then the punchline there's nothing to do with Hell in the second place if it were not a parable it's on a different subject anyway because the context is people who mocked Jesus teaching on covetousness and he says to them you better listen while you can the time is running out then we have a picture in this story of a man who doesn't listen when he could when he should time runs out he wishes he had done different tries to warn his brothers it's too late but even if all of that were not the case it still wouldn't say anything about Hell because it's talking about a picture of people before Jesus has risen from the dead since Moses and the prophets are the chief authorities at this point and furthermore if that were not the case it still wouldn't be anything about hell because it's a picture of what's called the intermediate state and to most and not final punishment I have a whole chapter on this in the book and the chapter begins by saying this has another passage has nothing to do with Hell but because everybody thinks it does we've got a whole chapter well what about the state of Satan and the Fallen Angels I don't know about fallen angels I'm concerned about people I mean do you have any view of what happens with Saint yes I think I think Satan and the Fallen Angels all finally are totally destroyed as well because there are pictures throughout Scripture of a new heavens and new earth in which righteousness dwells there's no sin there's no cosmic duality there's no controversy between right and wrong it's all God's praise and glory and that doesn't seem consistent with the presence of evil beings are you saying that God may punish the damned in hell until they have suffered as much as the suffering their evil is caused and then annihilate them I'm not measuring it specifically on that basis I'm saying that God let me said this way I'm saying that the destructive process in Hell has room for infinite variety and degrees of conscious punishment or suffering or torment based on perfect divine justice in each individual case does your view less than the urgency of missions not at all because it doesn't I'll give I'll give as an example of that one of the one of the most highly respected people in the world of Christian missions was John Stott who wrote the song covenant and called both those conferences one of the most well known and respected advocates of my view was John Stott who when he suggested this view was worthy of consideration was pounced upon by 17,000 fundamentalist preachers gnashing their teeth and he backed off and said I'm an agnostic from now on but he really did believe this and he was one of the greatest mission minded people we have ever knew is there a literal place that the wicked will be banished to is it can you explain what you think yeah let me ask it this way here's Adolf Hitler and he never accepts Jesus or here's the will not making a real person fake person who never accepted Jesus who was worse than Adolf Hitler worse than anything we can consider obviously hell material if there is any such thing as hell material here's that man he dies what happens next well in the resurrection he faces God in judgment he's banished to hell he suffers in some way that these are at these pictures we've seen in Scripture properly described it doesn't have to be literally this Billy Graham said he didn't believe in the literal fire of hell but there but it's something that when it happens we say well how's the best way to describe that and we say well fire was the best way to describe it but that doesn't mean what we call fire but it doesn't really matter whether it's literal fire or not it's something that fire describes when we say it based on our experience compare and contrast how this view is different or the same as Bishop Carlton Pearson's view it's my understanding that Carleton Pearson's view was what's called universalism which is that everybody who goes to hell finally graduates to heaven and that's not what I'm saying I'm saying that people who go to hell are firmly totally destroyed soul and body entirely and forever and never come back again thank you very much Edward we'll be signing books and talking over the reception you
Channel: fleetwd1
Views: 8,107
Rating: 4.647059 out of 5
Keywords: Edward Fudge, QA The Fire That Consumes, Doctrine of Final Punishment, fleetwd1, Mark Lanier, Lanier Theological Library, LTL, Lecture Series, hell
Id: _-Cl7oEOebU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2011
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